Trump Was Righ tAbout Everything -trending



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I dont know if I can trust trump.

Numbnuts and Stinky already dont trust him.

He has to come out and APOLOGIZE for the "CLOT SHOT"

Then I may trust him.

I thought the Reiner Fullmich thing was legit. 

I made a mistake. I apologize.

Its like a "PRE-TEST"

Its if Republicans take control again.  Then the may "do justice"

Thats risky too.  The may want to kill the gays.  (We Need our BASED CONSERVATIVE) gays.

Q know?  No

I have read the Q posts, and how yes the plan is "in theory is coming" there is some pain.   But that means everyone must turn to JESUS and confess their sins.  Thats going to be tough for most people. 

Hillary should be in Jail for her #bodycount. 

But she is not.  If you go by the "Q" timeline, she will not be in jail until 2026. 

She will be eating babies for another four years.  (And I thought Veal was good)

Entry #15


Avatar Stack47 -
Just another example of why intelligent people say most of the stuff Jeet posts is pitifully stupid.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Just look at what the orange orangutan did to people's brains. He turned them into mush.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Even an infant must get to the point where it will crawl, fall, stand up, walk & eventually run. You and your pack are still in the infancy stage when it comes to accepting reason & growing into a mature adult.

* Take the 2020 election for instance: Montana people have come to realize that Trump lost, even conservative judges have said " We need to move on." But not you guys. If Trump says he was cheated, l guess he is right & others are wrong. The motto moving forward is " If a republican loses to a Democrat " there was fraud, in your bubble world, Republicans never lose.

* Like lsaid...infants.
Avatar noise-gate -
" Most people, including people from Montana " have come to realize that Trump lost.
Avatar KAL035 -
Is it any wonder? Everything President Trump ever said turned out to be true every time!. Despite all the mass hysteria from MSM outlets, CNN, MS-LSD, etc., so-on and so-forth. Fact is Donald Trump had the "Midas Touch". Everything Trump touched turned to gold! Everything Dopey Joe and the "woke" radical left Dim-Dems touch turns to scat in very short order. The Mighty DJT said so himself, albeit in more explicit terms, during a fairly recent (August/2021) rally in Culllman, Alabama. Resident dim-dem scatologists Dem-Hack 47, Noise-Fart and Pick3 Retard (aka "Amberjack) will of course pitch a hissy fit and soil their panties upon reading these words, LOL!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Kkkalo... you finally crawled out of your cave I see. I'm a retard? You're the moron that voted for that orange clown. What a dumb f*** you and that clown are, LOL, windmills cause cancer, yeah he's a genius! Crawl back to your cave you knuckle-dragging loser.
Avatar KAL035 -
Amberjack, I'll make it easy for you. All you need to remember, baby boy, is MAGA 2024! That's all! Then you might be able to afford to put gas in your old 1977 jalopy again. Got to be tough these days getting around to make your dope deals. See Don Quijote? I'm not totally without compassion for dim-dems and windmills
Avatar grwurston -
So who did you vote for P3M?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Kkkalo... I drive a 4-cylinder Toyota Yaris. But I don't sell drugs. But I'm pretty sure you're on them 24/7.
Avatar KAL035 -
Amberjack, you might not sell drugs, but you're always on the hustle to buy and use them as per your past posts about how great it is to get effed up with your best boyfriend. As for me, I spent a 35-year career as LEO locking up depraved drug addicts such as yourself. The only drug I take is aspirin on the rare occasion that I might not feel well. Never once wore a stupid mask (except for a few times as a kid at Halloween) and refuse to be vaccinated for the facetious dim-dem contrived fake Covfefe-19 virus. Be sure to mask up before you go beddy-bye tonight, Amberjack! Sweet dreams!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Fact is Donald Trump had the "Midas Touch". Everything Trump touched turned to gold! You must be visiting earth from another galaxy.

* Trump said he was going to " Get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something better.. the nation waited 4 years for the " better deal to arrive" it did not.

* Trump said he was " going to tear up the Iran Nuclear deal and get a better one" the Allies who were in on the original plan told Trump they " made a deal prior to him getting into the WH" they were not interested in re visiting the plan.

* Trump's tariffs war with China was a colossal failure. American did not gain any advantage over their trade partners.

* Oh, and this doozy before Trump became President...

*Donald Trump was featured on the June 2007 cover of the Sharper Image catalog hunched over a platter of meat to kick off his line of premium steaks that he dubbed the “world’s greatest.” The company has since been discontinued—maybe it had something to do with the Trump Steakhouse in Las Vegas being closed down in 2012 for 51 health code violations, including serving five-month old duck.

Avatar KAL035 -
Blah, blah, blah... more meaningless/stinky noise-farts from numbnuts. Open the window and air out the room. Everything in your above post was either an outright lie, misleading or otherwise irrelevant to anything, except in your shriveled up defective shrimp-sized brain. In case you missed the 2018 memo, Farticus, the Mighty DJT withdrew the USA from the ill-advised/insane Iran Nuclear deal put in place by your boy Obammy, and re-imposed harsh nuclear and economic sanctions on the Islamo-Fascist terrorist regime of Iran. President Trump did not (and does not) make empty promises. He does what he says he going to do. He does not ask permission from anybody, he just does it, that's all! Of course one of Dopey Joe's number one priorities was to immediately act to restore the Iranian sanctions waiver and resume the overnight air shipments of US currency stacked high on pallets as good faith measure in advance of buying Iranian oil since he destroyed/decimated US/North American energy independence. But you go boy! You think Dopey Joe is the best! You may be a total embarrassment to your parents, but you be so smarts! LOL!
Avatar KAL035 -
I put several packs of hamburger in freezer at the end of December. I think I'll wait another couple of months before thawing out and serving up with delicious Hamburger Helper Deluxe Beef Stroganoff, if only Noise-Fart doesn't call the Health Department on me for code violations, LOL!
Avatar JeetKuneDoLotto -
Thanks everybody for commenting!!!   
We will get through this.
Avatar noise-gate -
* One Word: Peter Navarro.

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