Honest explanation?


Watched a Youtube video from someone saying they're a Republican giving their opinion on why Trump lost the election. He didn't go into the "whys" in key states, but his comments were about Trump's Covid-19 responses. According to them, it was because of when Trump told Bob Woodward how contagious and dangerous the virus was, but the next day down played it to the point it was no big deal.

Their opinion was the interview had more effect on independent and undecided voters and some of the 2016 Trump voters stayed home. Said the campaign people knew that was a huge problem so the big lie was created. Probably lots of honest opinions out there based on facts. And lots of opinions based on conspiracy theories too.

Entry #237


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* The fact of the matter is that Trump is probably what people will call a " born liar." Remember how he managed to harness the hatred for brown people crossing the southern border? Remember the talk of: They bad people, they going to rape your daughters, they bringing in drugs etc. etc. Then he went after McCain- to think that these weak minded conservatives backed him when he criticized John. Had Trump ever been in a combat zone, seems they didn't care to know. What they wanted was a comedian in the WH.

* To show the extent of his incompetency, he lied his way into people hearts and minds, and continues to do so. When Covid hit, this guy could have gone before the nation in a Prime Time address to the nation and " tell it like it i." Americans would have rallied behind the guy for his honesty, but because he is anything but that- he kept the truth to himself and continued to lie his way through months after months of going before the cameras and lying through his teeth. Then he wondered why his poll numbers never rose, there was no poll out there to the best of my knowledge leading up to the election where " Trump led Biden"- l looked and cannot find it- yet they wonder how 45 lost. He lost because of not being the Man for the Job. In a way, l don't blame him, after all, any American born on this soil can run for President. l blame the idiots that decided he would be a better choice, after all Trump was " Going to Make America Great Again"- we were " according to him" going to rise from the ashes because now, not before- we have a strong leader. l recall Jeb saying to Trump " Being President is a TOUGH JOB" & Trump mockingly responding " Yeah, you tough Jeb, so tough." Then when Trump got in, took to Twitter and started making all kinds of silly suggestions and comments, like injecting oneself with....

* The kool-aid drinkers were stunned that Trump lost, frankly l don't know why, after all his handing of the pandemic was disastrous- He was ill equipped for the job and one just has to look at his behavior since been dumped out of office. Still lamenting his loss & claiming all kinds of shenanigan's based on lies. The guy pissed off our Allies in Europe, wanted to get the US out of NATO and one wonders what he would have done had we pulled out of there and the crisis had erupted. Would he as " Leader of the Free World " said " Not our problem, we out of Nato." What a national & historical embarrassment this guy has become.
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IMO, Twitter did Trump a favor by disabling his account. Before the pandemic, people said it was just "Trump being Trump" regardless of what he tweeted. But during the heights of the pandemic, his tweets were used against him. His speculations on varies snake-oil treatments and down-playing the coronavirus added to his lack of credibility.

The honest opinion I watched focused mostly on the virus misinformation but adding that to some of his other confusing remarks didn't translate into an easy second term. Especially considering he lost the popular vote in 2016 and didn't win the Electoral vote by what he called a "landslide".

Many of the Kool-Aid drinkers thought the "wall" was a real thing that would prevent "bad hombres" as Trump called people including children from entering the U.S. Others thought it was symbolic and couldn't prevent anything. The good news is the fool didn't pull a Putin and attack Mexico.

NATO is meant as a deterrent regardless of what Trump thought and regardless if we are part of it. Article Five doesn't specifically mean American troops will be involved but could be inevitable depending how long it last. When W sent our troops into Iraq, probably 85% of Americans agreed so it wasn't political. Have no idea if the MAGA people will agree but based on the track record of spreading BS, they probably will be against any thing that is done to help.
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* I often wonder if Trump had a choice to have " advisors " at his side cause the actions he took over the 4 years showed America what a foolish President he turned out to be.

* I would like to know which advisor or advisors told 45 to piss off our Allies in Europe. To come up with the idea that the US could possibly pull out of NATO? That " throwing toilet paper " to Puerto Ricans was a great photo shot. That making friends with Putin & lil Kim was in America's best interest. That throwing our own intelligence under the bus & taking Putin's word our our people was a wonderful thing.

* The Maga folks as a whole would do just fine if they lived in North Korea- they seem to love tyrants. I saw this woman on the news telling a reporter that she misses 45, and get this " she has a scrapbook of every quote Trump has made since before getting office till he left." Sounds like a cult followers to me.
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Honest explanations should be logical with evidence to back it up. It's a fact Trump had no track record in 2016 so people were not voting against him then like they did in 2020.

Based on all the false and misleading election claims and the dangerous coronavirus claims, the MAGA people will believe anything Trump says and anything anyone says that Trump agrees with. The MAGA cult is similar to North Korea that has no Free Speech. They believe any criticism of Trump should be illegal.

Let's hope it doesn't evolve into a religion because some MAGA doctrine even contradicts other MAGA doctrine.

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* The Maga folks are some of the worst weak minded individuals l have encountered here in the forum. They still parroting the lies that came from Trump’s mouth- they look at him as Angelic, can do no wrong, is the manna from heaven & regardless of whether he was impeached, was instrumental in getting the cult members to go to the Capitol- he can do no wrong. I don’t think they would even blink if Trump came out with a “ Trump Bible.”
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It's been a religion since June 16, 2015. What else can it be when MAGA people compare sending aid to Ukraine with building a border wall that could never stop people from entering the U.S.?

Let's call it a religion of lies similar to Putin's doctrine. Russia has no "Freedom of the Press" and Trump thought he could eliminate ours by calling it "fake news".

Our former President called Putin smart and a genus for terrorizing and killing civilians and our present President called him a war criminal.

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