Ginni Thomas and Mark Meadows texted about overturning 2020 election


"Virginia Thomas, a conservative activist married to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, repeatedly pressed White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election in urgent text exchanges in the critical weeks following the vote". A portion of the messages are here.

Most people think the My Pillow crack head is not the sharpest tool, but there had to be reasons why he was so positive his claims would make it to the Supreme Court. Maybe Lindell wanted to use all of those judges that he believed Trump "carries around in his pocket, like so many nickels and dimes". It's a fact that the court did not stand in the way of the release of thousands of documents from the Trump White House despite the former President suing to keep them secret under executive privilege. The vote on the matter was 8-1 against Trump, with only Thomas dissenting.

Entry #242


Avatar noise-gate -
* For the good of the nation- Thomas should retire. He’s wife is a national embarrassment & for him to be sitting up there as a justice of the SC, is a farce. The woman is clearly a Anon disciple and has Ben out to lunch for years.

* Of course you won’t hear a thing from the self righteous rightwing nuts out there, they pretty silent, but just you get folks on the other side doing some “ stuff” and they all over it. Ever wonder what happened to Benghazi? Turns out that inquisition died because the right finally realized that the SOS is “ not the head of the Dept of defense” and that’s after many hearings and smearing Clinton. They tried the same thing with Nancy Pelosi- saying she should have known that there could have been trouble at the Capitol on Jan 6th, and it was her was responsibility to insure that there was enough Police at the Capitol, after all- “ it was her job “ the police thing.

* Talking about a seat on the Supreme Court, l read that Mitch will not vote to confirm Jackson to the seat that is vacating, apparently- Moscow thinks Jackson is all for” lacking the court.” Why does he care, after all Mitch was the one that made it clear that he’s legacy is going to be “ packing the courts with conservatives for generations.” In Mitch’s bubble world- the scotus should have 9 conservative judges on the bench, the H with the fact that the Republicans have not won the majority in the Presidential election for awhile now. That’s what dreams are made of….
Avatar noise-gate -
* Remember when Trump said he going to fill the vacant seat of Ginsburg? He rushed to get her up there and Mitch didn’t seem to mind one bit. This rodent kept the seat of the deceased Scalia vacant for over a year, and wouldn’t let Obama nominate anyone until the new President was in office, yet he can go before the cameras and say he will not “ Vote for Jackson.”Does this guy even know he is a hypocrite?

*l recall reading where Trump had made a list of possible Supreme Court nominee’s for he’s 2nd term & guess who was on there? Mr Cancun Cruz & Tom Cotton🥸. Cruz- who brought up baby pictures to the Jackson hearing to talk about racism, a future Supreme Court nominee? Say it ain’t so….

Avatar JAP69 -
There are two sides to a fence.
The grass does not look greener on the other side from the side I am on.
Avatar noise-gate -
* So in your opinion, trying to overturn democracy is the way to keep your grass green? Since more people voted opposite to the conservatives party- the powers that be should simply ignore the voters & stay in power regardless? That’s what Mitch & others want.

*Like l said, Ginny is a F disgrace, it’s one thing to support a party without trying to get into the headlines, but this woman makes no bones about her feelings & desires which is not what the American voters wanted.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
All I hear is grasshoppers chirping everywhere. So typical, if it doesn't fit their agenda, they want nothing to do with it.

Everything we've been saying to date has come true, total disrespect for democracy, and willingly being ignorant just because they don't want to admit they are wrong.
Avatar Stack47 -
It looks like reading that the wife of a Supreme Court Justice pursued the White House chief of staff to overturn the 2020 presidential election means absolutely nothing to some as long as it was helping their candidate.

"The grass does not look greener on the other side from the side I am on."

The Supreme Court including the three Trump appointees voted 8-1 against Trump, with only Thomas dissenting. The ruling meant the WH Chief of Staff had to turn over all text massages including those from Mrs. Thomas. See no greener grass when instead of recusing himself, he dissents.
Avatar Stack47 -
"Like l said, Ginny is a F disgrace,"

In a couple text she was quoting QAnon conspiracy theories. It wouldn't be about her husband had he recused himself from the executive privilege decision. He knew his wife sent the text and did what he could to try and prevent them being released.

Saw the names of prominent American on Putin's sanction list; guess whose name isn't on it?
Avatar noise-gate -
* On a side note: l liked how Kavanagh took the other justices to task for saying that servicemen and women could challenge the Commands of their Senior officers. Kavanagh said that the POTUS is the Commander in Chief of the Armed forces and if Biden said that the troops needed to be vaccinated- that rule should stand. You cant have one individual jeopardizing an entire crew with the virus simply because it went against his or her religious beliefs.

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