A master class in cult mind control


Mentioned Jim Jones giving his followers grape Kool-Aid many times because the common sense mind altering effect reminds me of remarks made by some of some of the comically deranged Trump supporters here. Finding out there are many more people reaching the same conclusion.

And their actions are similar to mine and some others here. "Many Americans, to be sure, are ignoring Trump's rallies. Most of those who are paying attention, it appears, are mostly doing so in order to mock Trump and his followers as ignorant or stupid."

And I thought I coined the phrase "pitifully stupid".

Entry #260


Avatar JeetKuneDoLotto -
Yes, we are in cult because we believe woman have d1cks.
Yes, we are in cult because we believe men bleed out their vaginas.
Jim Jones gave them grape kool aid, becaus he loves to kill Ni66ers.
Joe biden loves to cultivate grape juice.
Avatar noise-gate -
* It's very hard for people to accept the fact that they in a cult- well more like being in love with a cult of personality. Think about it, as lottery players, we may witness live drawings, we look at those numbers on the screen, look at our losing tickets & with no hesitation, we tear up our tickets, why? Cause we are convinced that we LOST. Now that's the reality we live in, but...

* If you a diehard Trump supporter, you witnessed his defeat to Joe, but you remained unconvinced that he lost, why, because in your reality- it's impossible. Diehard supporters were even willing to heed his call to show up in Washington to hear him drone on about his loss. Soon after- many attacked the Capitol. We Americans, the world doesn't expect that sort of behavior from us. Heck,you had people following the orders of a man with only 4 years of political experience under his belt, some getting killed in the process- who does that? In short, cult followers . We saw this in folk following Jim Jones from the States to Guyana, and the ending was not good, history should have taught millions a lesson, but apparently not.

* I fear that these supporters of Trump who cannot & could not accept reality are living pathetically sad lives, after all- believing the JFK Jnr will be 45's running mate is insanity of the highest order.

* Jeet likes the attention he craves, because it's only here that he can spew nonsense.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
And if the orange buffoon actually offered them real purple juice to drink, his cult members wouldn't think about it twice.
Avatar Stack47 -
Thanks Jeet, knew I could count on you to show why people "mock Trump and his followers as ignorant and/or stupid".
Avatar Stack47 -
Trump and his cult leaders are trying to convince their MAGA followers to fear a tiny percentage of Americans unsure of their gender. That weirdo DeSanto is so frightened by the LGBT community, he banned any usage of the word "gay". And people like Jeet are why the MAGA people fear what they call teaching "CRT".

It's exactly why Trump "loves the uneducated". The followers here lie about the election outcome even though they know it because of them that Trump lost.
Avatar JeetKuneDoLotto -
If you dont vote for Biden, "then you dont like Grape juice chicken wings or watermelon!"
Avatar noise-gate -
* DeSantis is well educated, but for the likes of me, his actions have exposed him to be a guy that will say or do anything to win votes. You had Abbot from Texas dropping off undocumented immigrants in Washington, stopping trucks at the border for days saying he was carrying out an inspection until the business sector told him to " get his head out of his A**" Both acts backfired.

* Ronnie ( in an election year) like Abbott, figured out that taking on Disney will make him look like a macho leader, well the fool suddenly finds himself & his Republican legislators having to come to terms with the fact that they will have to cough up a BILLION dollars in order
to exercise their power over Disney hold on Reedy Creek. This shoot from the hip BS was carried out to appease the voters, and gecwants to be President? Trying to walk in Trump's shoes comes with a price.

* The idiots forgot that Disney has a contract with the State going back Decades over their rights to the counties surrounding their Theme park. See you in court DeSantis!
Avatar Stack47 -
Abbott and DeSantis are creating reasons to convince MAGA people to vote for them. They both use things like the critical race theory as their new "bogeyman" because they know their uneducated constituents won't even check what it is or if in fact it's being taught in their schools.
Avatar KAL035 -
ooooh yes, Dem-Hack47 is so smarts! CRT is such a good thing, but them unedumucated Trump supporters don't know what it beez about. Call Dr. Michael Savage and explain it to you shmuck!
Avatar Stack47 -
Thanks again, KAL for giving yet another example of pitifully stupid remarks made by the uneducated Trump's racists liar supporters.

It's obvious KAL can't either read or can't comprehend; I never commented pro or con on CRT.

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