What was so wrong about America in 2016...


... that many people believed then and still do believe only a con artist/innkeeper can fix and "make great again"?

The Chinese stock market crashed in 2016 having an effect on the American economy, but that effect wasn't nearly as bad as when the S&P 500 fell more than 9% in December 2018. Followed by the economic impact of the pandemic a year later. It's obvious the snake-oil salesman didn't make the economy "great again".

Was America great when flim flam man suggested ingesting disinfectant and barred from posting on Twitter for posting false information? How about on January 6?

Considering more people voted against the Trickbetrüger in 2016, the majority didn't believe America needed fixing. I'm sure one or two of the Kool-Aid drinkers will explain why America wasn't great in 2016?

Entry #261


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The goof was in Nebraska holding a rally for a MAGA governor candidate Charles Herbster over the weekend. Will endorsing someone accused of groping eight women "Make America Great Again".

Or is it the ideology of someone that believes his IQ is similar to a good golf score; the lower the better?
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* What the Maga folk fail to understand is that any politician prior to Trump could not, would not run on the crap Trump thought was a winning ticket. Had any other politician made statements like…

*Mexicans are drug dealers, that they were going to rape your daughters, that McCain was no hero, that we needed to build a wall- that ship would have sunk in the harbor. But Trump ran on it, why? Because he had nothing to lose. Deep down, Trump’s Presidency exposed the underbelly of these folks who were arrested, these losers in the forum that think 45 was the Greatest President this nation has ever seen, that those Politicians who swore to uphold the Constitution we’re lying from the get go. Where is Mike Lee’s excuse for acting as he did? How about Jim Jordan’s actions, throw in Mo brooks, Marjorie Greene & a host of other Conservatives who thought that by planning a coup, they were doing the “right thing”

How do these folks look at themselves in the mirror knowing full well that they are living a lie. By these standards- Nixon should have been “ fined” for Watergate, and remained in power. If any conservative on the hill did not support Trump & spoke out about him- he was then targeted & from that moment on, was called a Rino. If anyone is a true Rino, it’s those who refused to certify Joe as the winner, that includes Ted & the 137 other Republican politicians that signed that declaration saying they did not accept the Will of the American people, that while hundreds of thousands of Americans died, Trump went golfing, in affect, washing his hands like Pilot who thought he was free from guilt.
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The flimflammer was in Ohio and got confused over which MAGA candidate for the Senate he was endorsing. So instead of saying J.D. Vance or Josh Mandel, the bunco artist endorsed J.D. Mandel. If Vance wins the primary, the people in Ohio will be seeing ads with his "never-trumper" remarks.

The "talking heads" are discussing a draft of the McConnell Supreme Court ruling on Roe v Wade. Wonder how many women will vote for the MAGA candidates that give them no choice of their own bodies.
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* My thinking is: He has been moaning about his election loss for a year and a half. If he keeps this up till Joe reaches the conclusion of his first term- that will signify 4 years of crying over spilt milk.

* For fantasy argument sake, let’s say 45 ran and won, will that 4 years be about “ How my win is a retribution, meaning l never lost in 2020, how l fixed the corrupt system, how no one would believe me that l was robbed, how ONLY after l had States put in the measures l proposed, did we get the results “ the people could accept.”

*’How is it that none of the world leaders who met Trump during his brief reign have called 45 up to let him know they miss him? After all, Trump did say that “ some” leaders were calling him up after the 2020 election and asking him “ Donald, this is unbelievable what just happened, we know you were leading on election night, looks like some criminal behavior has denied you the Presidency, you ought to do something about it.”

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If a world leader did actually called Trump after the results were known, it was to say "na na na hey hey" and "kiss him goodbye".

He was right about "some criminal behavior", why else would McCarthy tell the GOP House members he was going to suggest that the orange skinned man wearing a diaper to resign?

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