Bombshell: Leaked Draft Documents To Reverse Roe vs Wade From SCOTUS



Entry #30,308


Avatar jarasan -
Someone is in trouble. The leftists have serious mental issues and hate is their defining charcter trait.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Brainwashed religious losers want to take over the country despite what our founding fathers put in place regarding religion and government.

All you're going to end up with is more abortions in Alleyways and other places just like Texas...Great job! Congratulations!, you accomplished nothing! Bunch of f***ing dumbasses who don't know what the hell they're doing.
Avatar rdgrnr -
This isn't about religion, it's about slaughtering baby human beings.
The Founding Fathers you reference didn't put anything in the Constitution about killing innocent little babies and they would have been Pro-Life if there was any debate about it.
And we can't stop murderers killing their babies in back alleys as you say, but we can make it illegal and put them in jail for murder afterwards if we catch them which is where they belong.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Oh give me a break ridgerunner, you know better than that, it's the white men who are religious in America who have the power to legislate laws, they may not admit to it, but it's all surrounding their belief systems. I've said it over and over again, the Christian religious right in this country are trying to regulate laws based on their belief systems. And you can't deny that.

Just a few years ago I saw pictures of right wing females protesters with signs that said, no vaccine for me, my body my choice. How ironic right? Now before you say it's not the mother, it's the baby, that's where religion comes in. A Fetus is not a baby.

It's hilarious when religious people believe in science only when it benefits them, they use science all day and night long to make their lives easier and more comfortable, but when it comes to religion, they throw science out into the garbage can when it doesn't fit their narrative.

Avatar Think -
Really? Everyone is going to comment before the investigation even starts?
Avatar jarasan -
amberjack is proof that drug abuse destroys the ability to reason, have empathy, and care for anyone else.

That fetus argument is moronic, that fetus is a human being, not a fish, not a turtle, not a monkey, not a thing. It is a human being.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Jaracrap... that interpretation of what is a baby and is not debatable. But you on the other hand, because you are a brainwashed religious moron, thinks that it is the absolute truth. Go f*** yourself with your dumbass retarded comments.

If you think a fetus is a baby, then why on Earth do the right wing idiots always make a point about the third trimester abortion, and whether it's moral or not.? It's a life at any stage right? Your hypocrisy it's full of s**t. It's between the mother and her doctor to make a choice, not the right-wing morons like you. Especially the hypocritical ones. It's the overall Health concern of the mother, it's not your god right to make a choice for her you f***ing insufferable moron!
Avatar jarasan -
amberjack, hit that bong again, settle down. Yes, you are correct, it is a baby human being, not a baby shark, not a baby turtle, not a baby monkey, not a baby thingamabob.

You on the other hand you may have been born a baby human being (thanks to your mother) and you unfortunately wasted your life by doing drugs and becoming a knuckle dragging racist sub human cretin that condones the murder of innocent baby human beings. Do you sometimes wish your mother had aborted you??? Do you hate your mother and father? Do you have any redeeming qualities left? Or is your psyche damaged beyond repair. Go to a nearby church, stand before an altar and do some soul searching.

Sky daddy is watching. All lives matter... born and unborn.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Projecting much? A knuckle Dragging cave dweller calling me on knuckle-dragger...too much...

Your Sky Daddy doesn't exist dumbass. Your magical Sky daddy supposedly killed all the firstborn in the Old Testament oh, how many children was that? Of course I wont get a reply cuz there is no good reply you imbecile.

You're nothing but a fake hypocritical ignorant moron! Try to use your brain instead of listening to bronze aged garbage.
Avatar jarasan -
amberjack you don't own that saying... an (oh so very) appropriate description of you, you have never originated anything.

Your knowledge of history is zero. The Bronze age was 3300 BC to 1200BC, that means it was 3300 years before Christ our savior, you idiot. Not a whole lot of any religion going on then. You must be high as a Georgia pine.

And back to subject, you are glad your mother didn't abort you, right?? You were born a human being, weren't you?? Now be a real human and admit you weren't an Iguana in your mommie's tummy.

The drugs have really messed you up, what a waste of a life.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
What an idiot you are. The Old Testament began in the Bronze Age and ended near the Iron Age genius. And I didn't mention Jesus, I mentioned your sky Daddy that's when all the bulls**t started in the writings. Ignorant old desert dwellers probably on hallucinogens. There is absolutely no evidence of your God or any other gods, get your head out of your ass before it's too late.

Having to read your garbage and you're brainwashed writings, I wish my mother would have aborted me so I wouldn't have to read this crap.
Avatar rdgrnr -
I most certainly do believe in science and unlike you, I can prove it.
Let's see if you do:
Go to this picture and tell us if science says this ugly Democrat person is a man or a woman.
Avatar rdgrnr -
P3 ?
We seem to have been cut off.
Look at the picture and give me your answer please.

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