Trump wanted to "quietly" bomb Mexico.



Not quite as silly as suggesting a fleet of nuclear subs patrolling the water off Russians Eastern border but almost. Like to see the faces on the Joint Chiefs of Staff when Trump asked if we had any silencers and create "beautiful noiseless bombs" we could quietly launch at Mexico and blame another country. Doesn't say which country Trump wanted to make the scapegoat; probably the Duchy of Grand Fenwick. 

Entry #263


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* It's as though the weird wing of the republican party knew long before 45 decided to run that, that he was nuts, but if people loved him and were willing to go along with his BS, the party as a whole were fine with it. Can you imagine if Joe, or Obama or Clinton had made such a suggestion during their time in office- we would hear " The President has to GO!"
* Every day we get a new revelation about this fool, and there is nothing good to tell. The guy is an embarrassment to the nation. Remember how he threw his weight around when he met with leader from the European Union? Shoving a President out of the way so that the camera's could get a shot of him with his long red tie.
* l caught this piece of him on CBN going off on how " he saved Christianity" and that no one did more for Christians than himself. if this guy could write his own funeral note to be read when he passes- you bet he would. Probably would go on telling those in attendance that he was " called by God" to lead America, and he wouldn't pass on the opportunity by telling folks that he was robbed of a 2nd term.
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In 2016 it started as exaggerations like building 1954-mile-long wall on the Mexican border and continued right after his inauguration when he exaggerated and bragged about the size of the crowd. From there it became gross exaggerations and then bald-faced lies. His corona virus responses and lies about the danger should be right at the top of reasons why he lost the election. And that was a long time before his "big steal" lies.

His words and actions are a classic example of lying, self-deception, types of classification from pseudologia fantastica to habitual lying. In other words, Trump is a pathological liar.

Crowd sizes and walls are no big deal until they are combined with the dangers of the pandemic and many of the weird things his inner circle is now saying he did. If sending 250,000 Troops isn't an act of war, quietly bombing Mexico sure is. Did I mention he thought our subs patrolling the Russian East Coast would prevent Putin from attacking Ukraine?

Do people like Paula White have enough followers to give them any credibility?

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* Even worse is the idea that the United States was in such disrepair, that we needed a Man to set things straight, and that Man turned out to be a Hotel Owner. It does not fail one to read from time to time " What has Biden accomplished? As if to say- Trump C.R.E.A.T.E.D everything good for America in his 4 years in office. They will have Americans believe that " No sooner that Trump entered the WH, that economic growth followed him into the Oval Office... but did it?

* Its as Goolsbee, who was economic advisor early in the Obama administration, challenged the idea that things suddenly improved following Trump's election.

"I don't see how you come into the game with 10 minutes left in the fourth quarter, your team is already ahead, and you're like, 'I won this game." That wall Trump loves to talk about can be bypassed. Those coyote's will drive around with generators that can be hooked up to acetylene torches to cut through metal- in particular* Trump's wall metal. l have no idea what Paula White is now doing, but she is probably making money somewhere..

Paula White repeatedly promotes a key doctrine of the heretical prosperity gospel: the idea that Christians give in order to gain material compensation from God. in an Easter Sunday service in 2016, White said salvation would come to a TV viewer if they donated a “resurrection seed” to her ministry:

There’s someone that God is speaking to, to click on that donation button by minimizing the screen. And when you do to sow $1,144. It’s not often I ask very specifically but God has instructed me and I want you to hear. This isn’t for everyone but this is for someone.... she said!

* If Trump can still get people to come to his rallies, Paula can get a hearing ear, somewhere out there.
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Last week Trump didn't know the name of the guy he was endorsing for Senator of Ohio and this week thought Dr. Oz was running for Governor of PA. But hey, he said he "aced a cognitive test" so it must be true.

And speaking of J.D. Mandel, Vance or whomever Trump's "cognitive brain" came up with, J.D. Vance got 33% of the Republican vote. Maybe before the November election, Trump will go back to Ohio and endorse Dr. Oz.
Lots of the Republicans running for the Senate and some in the House too are hiding from the weirdo Trump.

Back in the day before his prison term, Jim Bakker offered a first-class ticket to Heaven for $99.99. Apparently, Paula is keeping up with inflation.

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