Ted Cruz wanted to avoid provoking Vladimir Putin


So he did nothing to help free a U.S. Marine held in Russia.

Entry #264


Avatar JeetKuneDoLotto -
Well at least we still have Joe "Sniffer" Biden to provoke Putin into a global thermonuclear annihilation.
Thanks Joe Biden!! I hope there is still a 10% for the big guy when the world ends!!!
Avatar Stack47 -
If you could read or comprehend what you read, you'd know the article is about a father that tried to get is son out of Russia for three years. We get it, in your brainwashed mind you think we worship Biden the same way you worship Trump. The fact is people voted for Biden and against Trump because of people like you.

Is it possible that anyone can be less educated, more dimwitted or as pitifully stupid than Jeet?

Avatar noise-gate -
* Some politician’s are just flat out-shameful, and Ted is one of them, Cotton is another. But getting back to Ted, there he was blaming his daughter for going to Cancun while Texas froze during their energy crisis last year & yet his constituents will continue to send this guy back to Washington.

* Getting back to Jeet, the guy does not play with a full deck, what do you expect from cult members? In their world, Donald did nothing wrong, ever. The defense of the guy is mind boggling, the impeachment was a raid, the election as well. How about 45 saying America should bomb Mexico? Can you imagine someone telling him “ Mr President, we don’t do that sort of thing, and him coming back with “ Well if we bomb them, that will stop those illegal’s breaching my wall, l can’t have a wall built & those brownies climbing it or digging under, l won’t stand for it, l am after all the POTUS, dammit!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Stack...jeet just another moron right-wing orange lover. He or she is just another retarded individual, total loser who can't think for themselves. How do these people ever survive in life this long without killing themselves for being such idiot?
Avatar Stack47 -
The article I posted isn't even about Trump yet one of resident tinfoil MAGA hat wearing Kool-Aid drinkers was so paranoid they thought it was. They will never understand the fact people voted for Biden because Trump was incompetent during his four years.

Will these people ever learn it's not about Trump?

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