The 2020 SCOTUS ruling in the "McGirt vs. Oklahoma" case found that a large portion of eastern Oklah


But an Oklahoma Senate candidate pledges to disestablish reservations. It's no longer your Dad's Republican party.

Entry #269


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* Nothing new: Why, cause none of these guys have anything of substance to run on. Notice how none of the Republicans on the hill are saying what they going to do if they take back the house, it’s just, we take back then we will go about agreeing on this or that. They taking a page of their fallen leader’s run for a 2nd term- Nothing.

It was we “ all in for whatever Donald proposes.” Where do you guys come up with material like that, attacking American Indians who have been here for centuries! I see Trump has abandoned Perdue, thrown the guy under the bus because Kemp has a 60% lead over David. As you know, 45 hates backing a lame horse in a race. Personally- Trump should have resigned after the Jan 6th insurrection, but figured out that there are enough gullible people out there that want to see him back in the WH. I can name a few from here as well. All fools!
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Combined the two PA Senate candidates got less than 63% of the Republican votes so unless the eventual winner gains the 31% his opponent got plus the 37% the other candidates got, they have little chance of winning in November. In many other states the Republican candidates are as different as night and day and that doesn't translate into taking over the House or Senate.

This guy in Oklahoma reminds me of Mastriano in PA that has a bucket list of things he said he will change.
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Can't remember when a Presidential loser endorsed this many down ballot candidates in Republican Party primaries so it's difficult to determine what the overall effect will be. Regardless of who wins in PA, will Republicans come out in force to vote for the "other guy" or not vote at all in the general election?

And will Trump even endorse Brian Kemp after all the negative things he said about Kemp after he beats David Perdue?
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"I can name a few from here as well. All fools!"

Still haven't got an explanation from the weirdo that copied and pasted what I posted and then gave credit to someone else. When I called them on it, they said I "was slandering them". Don't have a clue who some of these people are trying to impress with their misinformation and doubt they know either.

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