Will the large number of the resent childish insults hurt LP's credibility?


I hope not.

Entry #275


Avatar noise-gate -
* Folks come here for lottery related news etc, not for insults, and that’s what we getting from this fool who wants to turn the forum into a pissing match over a State or someone’s sexual orientation. Instead of minding his own business, he pokes his head into any conversation & throws weird crap out there to disrupt the forum. Classic loser!
Avatar Stack47 -
And apparently never grew out the classic "spoiled brat syndrome". Those kids in school that disrupted class, the ones that their mother's signed up to play ball, the ones coaches had to constantly tell stop climbing the backstop; the "look at me acting silly, everybody" type of kids.

Most people will only tolerate that type of childish behavior for so long. And as you said, childish insults have no place in lottery related adult discussions.
Avatar KAL035 -
LOL, your sorrowful/plaintive self-serving comment was hilarious DemHack47! You and your cohorts, Noise-Fart and Pick3Retard, would of course, never resort to incessantly belittling/insulting supporters of the legitimate POTUS, The Mighty DJT! Noooo, you three are so "understaaaanding" and "incluuuusive". What a joke!
Avatar noise-gate -
* The losers are you fools cauliflower who still believe your Cult leader won. Even the Republicans on Capitol Hill don’t call on Trump for advice, they all know he lost, but out of fear for the lunatic base, they afraid to say what they know out loud.

* You guys are mentally ill & you guys don’t know it. Tell you what, Trump was the greatest liar to occupy the White House, from the “ crowd size “ inauguration to “ l won”- the BS never stopped.

* The latest is a Newsmax trying to get the Ukraine President to say that had Trump won a 2nd term they Russia would not have invaded his country, but the President didn’t fall for it. Your Cult leader held up sending the weapons they needed & that got him impeached. You had a celebrity President in the Oval Office & the voters finally said on election night “ We need to end this Game.”

* Know how pathetic you guys are viewed in the real world? You fallen leader is constantly complaining about his lose, the fool is 75 years old, never was a politician to begin with & should have been happy to have been elected in the 1st place, but the Thief doesn’t know when his services are no longer needed, now his on his payback- revenge crusade. How people can still support the fool is one of life’s mysteries.
Avatar KAL035 -
LOL, Noise-Fart, you're so dumb, you just played right into my comment. Sorry Dem-Hack47, Noise-Fart just negated your deep introspective and righteous/self-serving comment, LOL!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Know what- when you mention “ Dumb.” You need to take a look in the mirror, take your time. It’s going to be 2 years, that’s right- 2 years and you “ dumb” folks are still saying 45 won. How’s that for showing what geniuses you guy are.

* All those folk who say Trump lost, according to you folk are “ clueless.” Everyone else is a fool, Ex you guys. The courts, the investigators, the FBI, the National Security, homeland security.. everyone is blind to what happened & instead you going to go with your “ 2000 mules story” after all- it fits your narrative.

* It’s similar to your Dr tell you that you have inoperable cancer, you decide that you want a 2nd opinion, l agree. But when the 2nd Doctors looks at the scans & concludes that the first Dr was right- you decide that they BOTH wrong and Will looking for a Doctor that will tell you “ everything is fine.” That’s where you guys are..

* The networks, the Press & investigation all came up short for Trump, BUT you need to believe he won. Like your Cancer, it’s not possible, can’t bet. It’s at that very moment when you should accept reality, but living in that bubble is so comfortable.

*I will light a candle for you!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Hey Cauliflower, in your world 45, your President was “ treated badly “ & denied a 2nd term by someone or some powerful people who managed to pull it off? If it was true, wouldn’t that show that the country as a whole were all for getting your guy out of office?

* My point is : Why can’t these people be found? Is it possible that the folks who did not want Trump to remain in office are also protecting those guys who pulled the dirty on your boy?

* Who are these people that are so brave, so crafty as to throw a President under the bus in an election year?
You guys say Trump did “ Great things” for the country, right? Well according to these criminals that denied Trump a 2nd term- they have all the conservative judges in their pockets, no way Democrats could have had power over Trump appointed judges, even the Supreme Court, who denied a hearing?

* l think these powerful people were not Democrats- but Republicans who had enough of your boy. Your anger is misplaced- you guys need to find these “ Republicans “ that screwed Trump over.
Avatar Stack47 -
Instead of refuting the opinion that "eventually these very childish insults (especially in the Forums) will cost Lottery Post credibility in the lottery industry", KAL posts examples of exactly what we're calling something that could be a serious problem.

I doubt it, but someday maybe one or two MAGA supporters like KAL will figure out Trump lost because of people like them.

"supporters of the legitimate POTUS"

We can only guess on how "The Mighty DJT" would have handled inflation especially the high cost of gas but considering his Covid-19 track record, it should be obvious why the majority voted against him.
Avatar KAL035 -
Another blatant lie! The OVERWHELMING majority of LEGITIMATE voters did in fact cast their vote for the Mighty DJT. It was obvious that DJT had been re-elected by the close of Tuesday night (election day) 2020. But then the Dim-Dem Apparatchik Machine cheating plan went into effect during the long overnight hours as the 2000 mules went to work, and lo and behold (!), Dopey Joe had magically emerged as the "winner" by Wednesday morning! Easily over-overcoming President Trump's unprecedented historical victory! SUUUURRE he did!, LOL! Just because you and your ilk of devious/cheating/dishonest/conniving Dim-Dems keep repeating the same lie over and over, does not make it true. Everybody knows that DJT is the legitimate POTUS and Dopey Joe is a fraudulently installed impostor, duh!

PS- DemHack 47, the USA would not be dealing with rampant run-away inflation, border crisis, record high gas and energy prices with the Mighty DJT in charge. Your boy Dopey Joe (or his proxy controllers) did that all by themselves by reversing any and all Trump policies pertaining to these matters. But now you jump and down screaming "It was Puuuutin, It was Puuuutin, It was Puuuuutin"! LOL! Whereas the situation in Ukraine also never would have happened on the watch of legitimate POTUS, the Mighty DJT! You devious lot of low-IQ Dim-Dems reap what you sow. Now Dopey Joe and his controllers have put the the US economy in an recession, headed full speed ahead towards a depression. Total disaster on all fronts. Whatever the Dim-Dems touch immediately turns to (s)h1t! DJT said it himself! Thanks Dim-Dims for turning the most prosperous/thriving economy ever into a recession with Dopey Joe leading the charge towards a depression! YAAAAY Dim-Dems!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Yeah, If Donald was in charge we wouldn't be having this or that.
* Remember this- Back in October 2020.

* ln his first speech after his hospitalization for Covid-19, President Donald Trump stood on a White House balcony on October 10 and made a grand declaration about the coronavirus: “It’s going to disappear. It is disappearing.”

His words might have sounded more dramatic had he not been saying the same thing for eight months.

Trump has stuck to the refrain no matter what has been happening with the pandemic. Since February 2020, the President had declared at least 38 times that Covid-19 was either going to disappear or is currently disappearing.
His proclamations had been wildly inaccurate.

* Having told that lie- why would this nation want him back in the Oval Office? This nation does not give losers a 2nd term- that is done time and time again by Congressmen and Women who are duped by their supporters- not so on a nationwide basis. Your Cult leader lost, and lost badly. You do know that Canada's gas is $10.00 & you bitching about ours? If Trump told you that gas would be $2.00 a gal had he been President, you fools would believe it.

* Oh yeah, Trump was the Champion of the world, once again the " would never have happened BS" in all its glory. You elected a hotel owner as president who knew little of how the Govt worked- if he knew, he would never have gotten Impeached in the first place. Your cult leader wanted to get the US out of NATO- a PERFECT opportunity for Putin to invade. In a word- the country did him a favor by letting him go back to pre school.
Avatar KAL035 -
And, as usual, the current-day legitimate President Trump was right (as he was right about everything), Covfefe19 in fact did disappear; but Dim-Dems want to make it linger on forever as part of the popular culture. Even today, I still see dummies driving in their cars all masked up, LOL! It was never more severe than the common cold, unless you were obese or has other co-morbidities. Being already in good health, I never gave it much thought beyond washing my hands and taking daily does Vitamin C. Did not even need Ivermectin. Never wore a stupid/useless mask and was never vaccinated. Also, never been healthier and continued working ever day while you paranoid dim-dem freakazoids stayed home collecting gubmint checks. Be sure to mask up when you go beddy-bye tonight Noise-Fart!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Kkkalo... just shut the fuk up already, you are a total moron! And the reason we are justified in making fun of you, it's because you are a cult member. There is a big difference.

Now go inject yourself with some disinfectant dumbass!
Avatar KAL035 -
Oh, no, Pick3Retard just made more childish insults. Hope that doesn't hurt credibility of LP. DemHack47 is very concerned about that, LOL!
Avatar JeetKuneDoLotto -
Somebody help me with the
I dont get it. What kind of insult is that?
Is that what LGBTQIA+PB UltraMaga Homosexuals like to put up their butt or something?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Cauliflower is NOT an insult, because it's almost tasteless but one tolerates it fool. Much like me tolerating his & you guys nonsense.

* l mean just look at what he wrote " Covid, nothing more than a common cold, people wearing masks- to him they idiots." Hello- millions of people have died Worldwide from it. The " common cold statement " shows the height of stupidity amongst the cult members. Also seems to me that this thinking is almost exclusively in the US, amongst Trump worshipers.

* If it's not talking about " 2000 mules, its talking about missing ballots, electing alternate members to claim Trump won." You guys are mentally unstable, but don't take my word for it, just look around.

* Some folk are incapable of thinking clearly & that's you guys. It comes as no surprise, after all people followed: Jim Jones & David Koresh to their deaths. That same fervor is present in you guys, think Jan 6th. Funny how " some have only come to their senses" after being sentenced to jail for their actions at the Capitol.

* Maybe that's the solution- ship you guys off to North Korea or Russia, live under that dictatorship for a couple years until the kool aid leaves your systems, maybe that's the only way to save you fools. Prison, you got to love it.
Avatar noise-gate -
* l am serious when l say " Jail time" in you guys cases WILL change minds.Remember when Cult leader told his supporters to come to Washington on Jan 6th? Well guess what, people flew in from all over the country, heeding their master's voice. Your fallen leader worked the crowd into a frenzy culminating in them attacking the Capitol.. you remember that don't you jeet?

* Many of your brothers & sisters took pics of themselves roaming the halls of the Capitol, taking & smashing things- rings a bell? They were all cheerful, going on about their business shouting " this is our house etc etc." Their actions led to people losing their lives " Jim Jones style " - We ready to DIE for our leader * Thats you people.

* THEN, when they got picked out by law enforcement & were put in jail...suddenly they were saying " We were misled, suddely this is Trump's fault." The helmet horned fool claimed he was duped, as were others. Like l say- Jail time may clear the fog upstairs.
Avatar KAL035 -
@JeetKuneDoLotto, I was wondering the same thing! 1st time in my life I was ever called a cauliflower! I guess maybe it's part of perverted Dim-Dem lingo. Possibly Noise-Fart's mother made him eat his cauliflower as a child, but he puked it up later. But who knows with these Dim-Dem freakazoids (?) The record will also reflect that his mother also attempted to correct his smark-alecky rebellious remarks by washing his mouth out with soap, but to what avail? I feel sorry for his parents for constantly having to make excuses for the black sheep of the family.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Instead of going off topic- how about talking about your cult leader & your undying devotion to the creep? Like answering the question..

* Why did those brothers & sisters of yours that stormed the Capitol say they were simply " obeying Trump, the Cult leader?"

* Does that not prove my point that you guys are willing to put up with the lies, no matter what? After all- he is your Savior!

* Have you noticed that if a Republican on the hill does not follow the direction of the cult leader- he is branded a Rino, why is that?

* Do you know the date you were baptized into Trumphood?

* Has Trump told the cult followers that he will never die, that he is immortal?
Avatar Stack47 -
Weird, I was wondering if anyone else thought the large number of childish insults in the Forums could hurt Lottery Post's credibility in the lottery industry. Got one reply, "Folks come here for lottery related news etc, not for insults, and that’s what we getting from this fool who wants to turn the forum into a pissing match over a State or someone’s sexual orientation."

KAL remarked "your sorrowful/plaintive self-serving comment was hilarious" And then I read that comments with childish insults were "cleaned up" in the "Should you move to California to win the lottery?" thread. If there is no problem as KAL suggested, why was it necessary to have some comments "cleaned up"?

Not sure pointing out KAL's very poor reading comprehension qualifies as a "childish insult" especially when it's true. Hey, KAL Will the large number of the resent childish insults hurt LP's credibility?
Avatar Stack47 -
"Would of course, never resort to incessantly belittling/insulting supporters of the legitimate POTUS, The Mighty DJT!".

As Mr. T said many times "pity the fool".
Avatar KAL035 -
DemHack47, my reading skills are excellent. I also read and speak fluent Spanish, French and Brazilian Portuguese. However, I can't help but observe that your own basic reading comprehension skills are apparently on a par with your spelling skills. FYI, the word you're looking for is "recent", not "resent". To help you out a bit, I never suggested or intimated in any way "that there was no problem" (no idea how you arrived at that conclusion), but that you and your two misfit/drug-addict pals (Noise-Fart and Pick3Retard) are doing the very same thing that so deeply aggrieves you to the point that you worry about the credibility of LP. All anyone has to do is make a Pro-Trump comment and your merry band of childish insult hurlers is immediately triggered and starts hurling insults: "Eff you stupid moron", so on and so-forth. I don't think Pick3Retard (aka "Amberjack")ever made a single post on LP blog forum without calling someone a "moron". So, it is in fact hilarious! Not much different than the caged zoo monkeys hurling feces at the visiting spectators. (not so much you as the other two idiots). The point is this: If it were not for double-standards, democrats would have no standards at all. I don't make childish insults, I only state the facts. Sorry if it offends the delicate sensibilities of dainty dim-dem snowflakes!
Avatar Stack47 -
"my reading skills are excellent"

But your reading comprehension skills are nonexistent. I'm talking about the resent childish insults in the Forums not on blogs.

"Sorry if it offends the delicate sensibilities"

I don't care if your childish insults and name calling are in Spanish, French or Brazilian Portuguese. And if you don't think your pitifully stupid comments in the Forums will effect LP credibility I can't stop you. Afterall you are a mind altering Kool-Aid drinking tinfoil MAGA hat wearing Trump supporter.

Many of Trump's Jan 6 supporters are past and present convicted felons and some are in jails in prisons. Is that your goal?
Avatar noise-gate -
* So my post # 6 doesn't resonant with you. You don't see the plain explanation. How about # 10, or # 18?
* Cat got your tongue?
Avatar Stack47 -
KAL says he only understands Spanish, French and Brazilian Portuguese and he'll have to check with his cult leader before replying.
Avatar noise-gate -
* These are FACTS.

* Had Obama been President and experienced LOSING to John McCain in a Presidential election, l could not see Obama asking for recounts, ballot fraud or whatever is out there in order to remain in the WH.

* When Trump won against Hillary, he himself was surprised- thing is he saw himself moving forward as " Unbeatable & America's President." Thing is, the guy was given a chance by the voters and for the most part- he got a pass. When Covid hit, that's when the country saw his true colors.

* This from the INSIDER. John Haltiwanger Sep 22, 2020, 11:10 AM

In the course of roughly seven months, more than 200,000 Americans have died from the novel coronavirus. No other country in the world has more confirmed fatalities from COVID-19 than the US. The US also has the highest number of reported COVID-19 cases of any country: more than 6.8 million.

As the virus swept across the US, President Donald Trump downplayed the threat, deflected blame to others, and routinely visited his properties to play golf. From the time of the first known death from COVID-19 in the US (February 6) to the present day, Trump golfed at least 25 times, according to Trump Golf Count, which tracks the president's golf outings.

Meanwhile, thousands upon thousands of Americans died from a virus that Trump deliberately downplayed in an effort to avoid causing "panic."

All presidents take breaks from the job, but Trump spent years criticizing his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, for golfing while serving as commander-in-chief. "Can you believe that, with all of the problems and difficulties facing the U.S., President Obama spent the day playing golf. Worse than Carter," Trump tweeted in October 2014.

* Yet here he is, trying to crawl his way back into the Oval Office.
Avatar KAL035 -
Oh, no! Say it isn't so! Now DemHack47 is resorting to making childish insults because somebody doesn't agree with Dim-Dem rhetoric! So shocking!

And furthermore, DemHack47; no KAL, did not say he "only" understood Spanish, French and Brazilian Portuguese. You obviously don't even have a grasp on the English language. Apparently, same as the other two LP trolls, you just make up stuff as you go along. Once again you demonstrate your woefully inadequate reading comprehension skills. And for the final time, the word you are looking for is "RECENT", not "RESENT". You got that through you thick skull? How many more times will you post "RESENT" as opposed to "RECENT"? LOL! Did you even graduate from High School or just have a GED?

ULTRA-MAGA 2024 Baby Boy! And don't "resent" me for saying it and offending your delicate sensibilities. And no, convicted felons are not Trump supporters. You told another lie. President Trump was all about the rule of law and law enforcement. That's why he had the endorsement of all law enforcement agencies. The loathsome/despicable party of devious Dims-Dems would cease to exist without the support of convicted felons and criminals that love to loot, riot, burn cities and get free stuff upon being given the word to go into action by their beloved leaders. Dim-Dems hate America, and especially hate/"resent" the protectors of law and order to the point of trying to implement some crazy notion to "defund the police". You had me fooled at first, but now I'm guessing you're a crazed drug addict as well as the other two LP trolls.

As Chris Plante is fond of saying, if it were not for double standards, Democrats would have no standards at all! Well, duh!

Got any more dumb comments, DemHack47?
Avatar KAL035 -
Bug off Noise-Fart, everything you say is mind-mindbogglingly stupid and irrelevant. Based on your level of ignorance, you're not even worth engaging with. Please give a big kiss to your homo boy Obammy next time you see him at the Holiday Inn in Chicago. Larry Sinclair is now deceased from AIDS, so you need not worry about him interrupting your gay tryst with Obammy. Just be careful not to let Obammy's husband "Michael" see you smooching and making moves on his wife. Word has it that "Michael" with the broad shoulders and strong arms is very jealous when it comes down to her beloved wife Obammy!
Avatar KAL035 -
Noise-Fart, you wouldn't recognize a true fact if it snuck up and slapped you in the face. That was hilarious to read your presentation of the "facts", LOL! Did you get them from your sweet cigar-sucking boy "Lemon Head" Don at CNN? Be sure to mask up before you go beddy-bye tonight. Don't want to risk getting Covfefe-19 before sunrise!
Avatar Stack47 -
"Apparently, same as the other two LP trolls, you just make up stuff as you go along."

Only a first-class idiot would say anyone was trolling their own blog entry! Add that to the fact KAL not only thinks he is impressing someone by saying he's fluent in Spanish, French and Brazilian Portuguese, he still can't comprehend the differences between "in the Forums and on blogs".

KAL, you can say any pitifully stupid thing your 11-year-old mind can come up with on my Blog unless you too are a convicted felon ex-con. You're not one of them are you, KAL?
Avatar Stack47 -
"These are FACTS."

Habitual liars won't even try to understand the facts.

People are getting shot and many are dying everyday but the MAGA people like KAL get so flustered they want to pretend blog entries are spelling bees.
Avatar KAL035 -
Ummm, no, Demhack47, I am not a convicted felon, I 'm a retired Police Detective with 35 years experience in law enforcement. Something you would despise and spit on. I arrested and prosecuted freakazoid s***bags such as yourself during my entire career. And never once "got flustered" during courtroom proceedings. I just told the truth and presented the facts. Is it any wonder that I support 110% the legitimate POTUS that was universally recognized as the Law and Order President? I think it is not any wonder. Dim-Dems despise the concept of law and order and worship at the altar of anarchy. For Dim-Dems, the end always justifies the means. Rule of Law means nothing to Dim-Dems.
Avatar KAL035 -
Demhack47, if nothing else, at least from this point forward you will (hopefully) know and recognize the difference between the word "recent" and "resent". Don't resent me for educating you. Anyway, I'm listening to the Mark Levin Show live, I don't have time for you at the moment.
Avatar Stack47 -
KAL: " am not a convicted felon, I 'm a retired Police Detective with 35 years experience in law enforcement."


Did they call you detective Fife or more likely Mark Furman, the lying detective?

What do you think about someone that wakes up every day just to post on LP disappearing for seven years Detective Fife?

Avatar Stack47 -
A deranged 18-year-old that walked into a Texas gun store and bought two AR-15s with 1000 rounds of ammo and shot and killed 19 kids and KAL the ex-cop's solution is using childish insults to point out spelling and grammatical errors.

But hey, at least he isn't posting any of his childish in the Forums.
Avatar KAL035 -
DemHack47, no idea what you're babbling on about now. Wtf? Have you had your medication(s) this morning
Avatar Stack47 -
KAL claims to not only being an ex-cop, but a decorated detective, yet has "no idea" for a solution to prevent the growing gun violence that's killing our kids.
Avatar Stack47 -
Based on his grade school insults and pretending he was cop, bet KAL isn't old enough to buy lottery tickets.
Avatar KAL035 -
DemHack47 makes yet another brilliant comment! I am so impressed! The brainpower from DemHack47 is just too much to bear! LOL!
Avatar Stack47 -
Can't find any meaningful posts in the Discussion Forum, no predictions, and have a "standard membership. Are you on LP just to troll blog entries, KAL?
Avatar Stack47 -
Bet Inspector Gadget doesn't know there are Lottery Discussions Forum and why he clearly doesn't understand to topic.

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