Jamie Raskin and top prosecutor Glenn kirschner have evidence for June 9th hearings




Finally the DOJ is doing their job. New evidence that the orange cited an insurrection.

Entry #79


Avatar sully16 -
No they don't, Trump went on an hour late, the bernie bros started the wall climbing before 45 even started speaking. Kinda messes up the he told them to. This is just another story to mislead the people.
It's called flooding the zone, every dishonest news source will all print the same crap.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Sully...nice lady... but you're misinformed and brainwashed. Just wait for the June 9th committee, and the evidence we'll come out, we only know about 20% of the evidence publicly. You know for a fact that the orange orangutan sided Violence by telling his cult members to go to the Capitol and fight. You know it, I know it, and everybody else knows it, except for the fact that some people are in denial. Actually millions of brainwashed individuals are in denial.

If it was Biden calling out to go fight at the Capitol, you'd be all over this blog telling everybody how evil he is. Stop being a hypocrite. The orange Clump suggested injecting disinfectant to battle the covid. Stop with your playing dumb. That orange piece of s*** has ruined this country, and he, his cohorts, and his family will eventually pay in the long run for their role.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Thursday can't come soon enough. I'll have my popcorn out watching it live, because it will be shown publicly.
Avatar sully16 -
Think about this, what kind of insurrection happens and no Army guys or Police round everyone up that day? This was allowed to happen , it was planned by Nancy Pants and friends, she's the one who ordered the doors be opened to the public.
If this was so such a dangerous day, why did no one send help to the Capitol ????? because it was a poorly planned chit show that's why. Nan was drinking heavy that week.
Avatar sully16 -
ps, got my sassy look on.lol
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Honey, your orange Clump was in charge, he waited over an hour to do something until he got text messages and phone calls from his cohorts telling him to put an end to this. Why don't you blame him? I mean seriously, have you people lost your mind?

You are definitely out of your mind if you going to blame this on Pelosi. Just listen to yourself for a second. The orange blob has definitely hurt your brain, and many others.
Avatar sully16 -
If there was so much danger, why weren't the police called, or the National Guard? No calls for help from anybody, seems a little suspicious to me.
That was not a siege or an insurrection, it's a political tool.
and yes I love 45
Avatar sully16 -
I bet grandma with her flag scared everybody. LOL
The bernie bros caused all the problems outside, they were probably paid, those young guys don't seem to be the Trump supporting type.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Your orange blops stood there watching the TV set and didn't do anything, didn't call the police or the National Guard. You always blame Biden because you say he's in charge, yet you dismiss trumps inadequacy in fixing that mess. Stop blaming others and hold this a****** in charge accountable.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Trout mouth is not the only one who loves 45. That woman who left her 6 children alone & headed to the Capitol on Jan 6th will probably tell you that she loves 45 as well. Had she returned home to serious injury or death to her children, " no big deal, l saw 45." These folk are sick.

* According to these cult worshippers- the Dems caused the problems at the Capitol. Did not Trump in his debate with Biden say " Proud Boys, stand back & standby!" Yet they showed up at the Capitol because " Nancy told them to." Now their leader & others are being charged with sedition.

*Oh yeah, that's Nancy's fault. Trump had nothing to do with it.Oath Keepers? Don't you know they were there on Nancy's request.

* They worship the Orangutan but will never admit it.
Avatar sully16 -
I love 45 and Weasel loves the pervert, lol lol lol lol you need help.
Avatar sully16 -
I thought we were just having an adult conversation Joker, but Weasel jumped in and ruined it .
and the capitol Police at the doors let the people in? why would they do that?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Thry let them in because of being outnumbered. You not serious suggesting that law enforcement was was storming the Capitol are you?
* How about the Proud boy ruling & that woman who left her child's alone to go see her god? What are your thoughts on that trout mouth?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Sully... think about it for a moment, you have hundreds of Mad Men pushing the gates clamoring to get inside with only a dozen or so police trying to hold them back, what do you think's going to happen?
There is plenty of video evidence on YouTube for you to see with your own eyes...I was watching it live in Florida. It's indisputable. Something like 40 people were charged for the crimes they committed, and their only excuse to the judge was, I only was doing what Trump told me to do. Not one of them were from the left or antifa according to the records.

Avatar rdgrnr -
Check out Ray Epps, a government operative urging people to enter the Capitol and whispering in the ears of his Maga-hat false-flaggers when to take down the barricades and attack. He's a well known Democrat Operative who was never arrested or charged with anything despite being in videos all over doing his dirty work.
Everything ain't as simple and cut and dried as the leftist media insists it is.
It probably won't be straightened out until after the midterms but the traitors pushing this hoax need to go to prison for a long, long, long time if not executed for treason.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Each time l hear the excuses of “ you should check this out “- hello, there are thousands if not millions of people that have “ checked out THIS” before you cult followers come here and throw red meat in a different direction.Stop 58nking that only you guys have a certain info that will turn the tide in 45’s favor.

* All, all , all those avenues were exhausted long before you can think of it Bhagwan, the folks in the WH went into 2nd gear when none of the other $#@*#& worked, so letting P3 in on some “ secret stuff “ is BS at its core. Whispering in someone ear only comes out after the fact, so we supposed to believe that despite Joe winning, Biden was all for having his supporters storming the Capitol?

* Psst, know the feeling when you look at your losing MM or PB ticket minutes after the draw, reality sets in, right? Why did you guy not experience that same feeling when all the votes were counted and simply said “ We lost!” Instead you guys resorted to violence. Just stop with the excuses, it’s already old.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Ridge... the real problem or issue here is that you have no qualms about Trump on national TV telling his supporters to go to the Capitol and fight. Instead you bring up some guy as an example. Why do you give Trump so many passes? In you are mind, he has no nothing wrong ever. That is definitely not objective thinking. Making excuses for him is not being intellectually honest with yourself or anybody else. Hating Democrats is no excuse to just Overlook what the long list of very bad trump Behavior has done to this country.

They already arrested Peter Navarro for his crimes, I'm guessing you are not going to like that either right? Republicans just can't do anything wrong right? This is just simply insane!
Avatar JeetKuneDoLotto -
NSFW---Jaime Raskin can take the rainbow doldo he has shoved up his rectum, put it idown his throat and choke on it...all while calling it broccoli. Calling it broccolli dont mean he aint a flaming....LGBTQ+   pedophile grooming weirdo weirdo

Brandon,,,,,,Q+ something,...!!!
Avatar rdgrnr -
Yes, they put Navarro in leg shackles while letting Ray Epps who is on all the videos you won't watch telling people to storm the Capitol. It's all in plain view, why won't you acknowledge that?
This is all political theatre and you guys seem to eat up every lying word of it.
Did you watch 2000 Mules or hide your head in the sand like Numbnutz?
It's free on Bitchute.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Shut up Numbnutz, I won't debate anybody who doesn't know half of what's going on.
You choose to be ignorant so just stay that way.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
I looked up Ray Epps, and that story has been debunked a long time ago, absolutely no evidence of what you say. The article states that he was whispering in someone's ear to calm down not to go inside. Even if that story was true, that in no way compares to Trump the president on National TV telling thousands of people to go to the capital and fight. Come on man there's no comparison.

You are willing to believe these silly conspiracy theories, but you won't address the fact that on national TV Trump told thousands of people to go to the capital and fight. And that's exactly what they did plus some.

We'll just have to wait till Thursday, supposedly there's a lot of new evidence with phone calls, texts, and a whole host of evidence that will come to life. He's not president anymore, so his Fix-It lawyers can't help on this one.
Avatar rdgrnr -
I see you ignored my question about 2000 Mules but did you watch the videos of Ray Epps telling everyone that they have to get INSIDE the Capitol? There's a bunch of them showing him trying to gety people to attack. That's NOT hearsay, it's on video with him screaming what to do!
And please don't use the old Hillary answer to everything -- that "it's all been debunked a million times." That's bullsh!t and I think you know it is.
Avatar JeetKuneDoLotto -
Its true Ridge. Its been debunked.
He did not want to be at the riot. He was whispering in his boyfriend ear, "hey you want to get some pizza and then rape some kids in comet pong ping?"
I wonder how alan fuer gonna debunk those Ukrainian Nazi instigators at the capitol on Jan 6?
As for Pick 38...Do not ever mess with the Q-Shaman. He will come for you in your dreams!!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
I didn't see 2000 mules but I've heard other people say it has accurate information. I'd rather believe independent sources that say it was debunked, than conspiracy theories.

Anything that comes out of Dinesh d'souza's mouth is complete b*******. He's also a religious nut. I've watched debates with him and prominent atheists, and the atheists wipe the floor with him. So no thanx.. I will however watch the January 6th, committee this Thursday.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
I didn't see 2000 mules but I've heard other people say it has accurate information. I'd rather believe independent sources that say it was debunked, than conspiracy theories.

Anything that comes out of Dinesh d'souza's mouth is complete b*******. He's also a religious nut. I've watched debates with him and prominent atheists, and the atheists wipe the floor with him. So no thanx.. I will however watch the January 6th, committee this Thursday.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Inaccurate I meant
Avatar noise-gate -
* For over 200 years this country has functioned as a Democracy. One party wins, the other licks it's wounds, regroups & tries in 4 years to win the WH back. That is how things work " in these United States" not some 3rd world country controlled by a dictator.

* But what would you know, it took a newbie politician to turn that method of governance of this great nation on it's head & attempt to install a dictatorship rule in this country over the expressed will of the American people. Since when does a President of the US decide when he wins or loses? We, who send election observers to other part of the world to monitor fair elections decided to throw that handbook out the window " because a 6ft plus imbecile "thought it best to have a continuation of power & we the voters had better suck it up & get used to it.

* Look, had Trump won re election, those that voted for Joe would have been disappointed- but life would have gone on, after allz- in 4 years Trump would have vacated the WH, end of story. But, t's the F attempt to subvert the rule of law which is totally against yhe Constitution is what bothers millions on both sides.

* These cult members seem to think that America as a whole won't not mind Trump claiming another term despite losing at the polls. It's that part which these Kool aid drinkers seem to think, we should all accept.

* Let Trump move to Vegas, then these cult followers can attend his rallies.

Avatar noise-gate -
* l see DeSantis is running pretty good amongst conservatives- let him have a shot at the Republican Nomination- . The nation experimented with the Orangutan's leadership & he got the boot.

* l wonder when 45 will start attacking DeSantis, l want this fool to.. Hopefully if he does- that could show the rest of the party that he is only in it for himself. If someone had never heard of Trump and asked " with all the fervor over this guy, how old is he, 40's, 50's, 60? Yeah..
Avatar jarasan -
amberjack and numbnutz circle jerking idiots, don't engage with these f'ing America hating trolls, they're are not quality people, they are scum and takers. They contribute nothing to society, they are leeches, insignificant, and inconsequential.
Avatar noise-gate -
* don't engage with these f America hating." Hey jar jar, l think you mistaken. Did you know that in Michigan Republicans presented 20,000 FAKE signatures & when it came time to check them out- they pulled those back. I would say your party is the American hating party.

* l have noticed that NO Republican on the Hill or in the forum uses the word Democracy. Why is that, us it because to use it is to say your rotund ex leader was attempting to destroy it.. huh huh?

*Your posts are so pathetic, that you would never have been allowed into our debates classes. You have no logic to begin with. Take a course in understanding the basics of debating you fool.

Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Says the knuckle-dragging cave dweller jaracrap... stick to cleaning toilets, that's the best you can do. You are nothing but an orange moron enabler, and when he and his family goes down, you should go with him.
Avatar grwurston -
So who are these "independent sources" that say it was debunked? CNN, MSNBC, WAPO, NYT, NPR, USA network, Yahoo News ABC, NBC, CBS, Politico, Huffington Post? Did I miss any?

Raskin's an asshat!! During the Jan 6 hearings in Congress he was about as believable as Adam Schiff. Everything he said was BS, and Trump's lawyers proved it with evidence. These hearings this week are just a sh1t show being put on by the dems/rinos on the committee to try to prevent Trump from running in 2024. Maybe they should focus on running the country and fixing the economy instead, just sayin'.

As far as Trump inciting violence on Jan 6 during his speech. Never happened. Maybe y'all should watch this video of DEMS/Libs talking about wanting to assassininate President Trump. Then tell me just who is calling for violence.

Here's a video of Dems talking about fighting.

Now tell me what's wrong with Trump saying, We have to fight back...
Avatar noise-gate -
* Hey G Lets stop the running around. Pull a chair and tune into the " Live Proceedings of what happened on Jan 6th this coming Thursday."

* Its gonna be a wild ride, but you can run- but you * Trump, won't be able to hide.
Avatar rdgrnr -
No Numnbnutz, I think I'm gonna do what you guys do and say independent sources said it has no substance and it's been debunked a million times.

I'll just refuse to hear anything I don't like or don't want to believe. And I'll just let other people tell me what to read and what to watch and what to think and what to believe like you guys do. The lazy man's way to enlightenment, right?
Avatar rdgrnr -
Oh, and by the way, that stuff they're going to say about Trump at the Hearing?
It's all been debunked a million times.
It has no substance.
Somebody told me that so it must be true, right?
Right, so I'm not gonna watch it.
I don't like thinking for myself either.
I wanna be like you guys.
World's Leading Authorities on Everything without ever checking out ANYTHING for yourselves.
Avatar grwurston -
Ridge, Want to bet they didn't watch the videos? Second thought maybe they did and they don't want to comment on them because the videos showed what HUGE hypocrites the dems are.
It's kind of hard to debunk video proof. Especially when it's the media they watch that's doing it.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Roger that, GR.
You and I saw what the Democrat Operative Ray Epps said and did with our own eyes on those videos.
But they deny it ever happened without even watching the videos.
And they admit it.
No credibility, only a seething hatred for President Trump.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Usually I work on Thursdays doing Uber Eats deliveries, but I think I will take that day off and buy me some extra popcorn. I want to see the new evidence that will be presented. That orange buffoon, his family, and his cohorts cannot get away with what they did to this beautiful country.

They all must be held accountable for their crimes against humanity. By the way, I suggest you don't inject disinfectant into your body, consult a doctor first.
Avatar rdgrnr -
I wish you had told me sooner.
I just finished injecting Drano into my pancreas.

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