Fox News refuses to air January 6th committee hearings because they are implicated LOL


 Fox News is implicated in the January 6th hearings by making false claims of a stolen election. So they won't air the hearings committee. Feeling a little guilty?

Entry #81


Avatar rdgrnr -
Oh jeez, some big fat ignorant slob Democrat wearing a cowboy hat is supposed to convince anybody of anything? C'mon everybody knows what liars all Democrats are. That was lame. And I don't give a rat's ass about FOX News anymore since they sided with the crooks at the DNC to steal the election. They called AZ for Biden with about 3% of the vote in to discourage Trump voters from voting. Screw FOX, I haven't watched them since. I won't waste my time watching the dog and pony show hearings no matter who shows them anyway. Not the least bit interested. I saw enough of slimy weasels like Adam Schitt during the phony impeachment fiasco. It's just gonna be more of the same. BORING.
Avatar rdgrnr -
And oh yeah, I hope you appreciate me basing my opinion on your video evidence since you base your opinion on what other people say about my video evidence. I consider your evidence but you make up your mind while refusing to consider mine.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
But why do you always dismiss my point about your commander in chief broadcasting on national TV to go to the capital and fight? You are still more worried about some random guy who was supposedly Whispering in someone's ear, which was totally debunked. Even if he did whisper in someone's ear, you actually believe that would set off hundreds of people to march in the Capitol building? Now that's what I call a weak. You continually dismiss and don't address the fact that your president told everyone to go to the Capitol and fight, and I know that your next response won't address that because you want to distance yourself from it as far as possible. I get it.
Avatar noise-gate -
* It’s because the country is now going to get first hand knowledge of how Trump attempted to destroy American Democracy. All the information that has been gathered will
show the role this President played & it’s not going to be pretty. That’s why Fox wants nothing to do with it, but it’s his actions, his words.
* They can say that the Jan 6th committee was lopsided, but there is no running away from the evidence that the nation will see coming from the head of the snake.All the stuff we will see and hear has been vetted & it ought to be. Simply put- Trump violated his oath of office. Don’t take my word for it, the country will draw its own conclusions. However, at the end of the day, there will still be those supporters who will say he did nothing wrong. Clinton’s trial was wall to wall coverage & the Republicans reveled in it, there was sex, a BJ and they loved it- now that the shoe is on the other foot, some say they won’t watch the proceedings-ok, but history has already judged this disgraced President.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Right noise... I'm wondering if they called the Clinton sex scandal dog and pony show lol
Avatar JeetKuneDoLotto -
Speaking of Clinton...
Mark Middleton, infamous Clinton aide who signed Jeffrey Epstein into the white house. Well he can be added to the long list...#ClintonBodyCount
I dare you to search that on YT Pick dude.
Oh wait, the clintons would never harm a fly....
Poor guy committed suicide.
Hung himself to death, and then while dead shot himself in the chest with a shotgun.   No foul play there...I wonder if FOX will cover it, considering they are implicated in insurrections, and murder, and all that fun stuff.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Jeet... you are a certified moron! Fox News was forced to retract everything they said about the supposed election fraud you dumbass! It was either that or get fined heavily. You should also crawl back to your cave. I am so happy people like you don't have any power to legislate laws. The motherfukers everywhere.
Avatar rdgrnr -
You say it's been debunked but it wasn't debunked. It couldn't be debunked because it's all on video. Ray Epps shouting out orders to attack the Capitol and get inside the Capitol. But you won't watch the videos cuz someone told you there are no videos? I assure you there are videos showing him doing all of that. And he was never arrested, never investigated, nothing. The "whispering" I referred to was when Epps gave the order to the antifa guys with the MAGA hats on to tear down the barricades and they immediately did just that. That was a false flag operation and they tricked as many actual Trump supporters as they could to follow them. You'd have to be an imbecile not to see that after watching the videos. But you prefer your narrative and don't want anything to change it, like facts. Very disingenuous.
Avatar rdgrnr -
STFU Stupid. You don't know a Democracy from a Republic, moron. A real democracy is nothing more than mob rule and although that is appealing to you it's not what the Founders and Framers created. With true Democracy you would not have the Senate or the Electoral College or the Supreme Court. We would be ruled by the whims of the depraved weirdos on the coasts. They would be calling all the shots and the normal people would have no voice whatsoever. Put down the bong and read a book once in a while.
Avatar noise-gate -
* You don’t seem to be aware what Democracy means . Well according to Webster it’s: A government by the PEOPLE. Which means the people of a country DECIDES who them want to represent them. They decided on your guy in 2016, but threw him under the bus in 2020.

So yea, your fallen leader tried to usurp authority of “ The People” who did not want him anymore. In short, the people- not those snake oil Representatives of theirs attempted to go around the voters and keep 45 in power- it failed because truth prevailed. Your guy is in league with Satan, who himself is a loser.

* It’s gonna get hot tomorrow, because all the corrupt politicians are going to be called you by name & your guy is at the top of the list. Hypocrisy will be exposed to it’s very core.
Avatar noise-gate -
* If only you guys had accepted the results on election night, all this exposure could have been avoided- but no, Mr “ l can fix it “ had to open his mouth and start the “ All l need is 11,000 votes” so brazen was this man that historians decades from now will ask “ how on earth did True Americans ever elect such a corrupt politician?”
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Not once did you tell me what you thought about Donald Trump telling the masses on national TV to go to the Capitol and fight, you've never addressed it, you only go through what you want to say.
Avatar grwurston -
What's wrong with Trump saying to go the the Capitol and fight? Dems talk about fighting all the time. Want proof, here it is.
You dems sure do a lot of, Do as I say, not as I do.
Avatar JeetKuneDoLotto -
I am a moron? You wake up with a hard on for Donald Trump everyday!!   JoePedo is a Piece of Human excrement, but I dont wake up with a hard on for him everyday.
Do you even have a girlfriend? I doubt it. You are too obsessed with the UltraMagaKing.
You probably are a rainbow mafia warrior.
FOX is sh1t. At least I admit it. But you genuflect before MSNBC and CNN, like ED BUCK and Hunter Biden on a negro crack #@$%* bender. Your hard on for gettting Trump is so pathetic, that the only word I have to describe it is ... DEMONCRAT. Ala the Comet Ping Pong variety.
Avatar noise-gate -
" What's wrong with Trump saying to go the the Capitol and fight? " Are you insane? You seem to have forgotten, well the live show will awaken your senses my young apprentice.

* Right after your leader found out he had lost- Trumps WH put together a plan to send " Fake electors for Trump" in States the Orangutan LOST. Your boy saying " fight like hell" was his last resort. Even you guys must know that Trump's action on Jan 6 th were that of a mentally unstable person. Had the roles been reversed and Biden had said " Fight like hell"... every single one of you would have said " See, we told you Dems, Joe is Senile!" But because its 45 we talking about, lets find an excuse that works.

* Thing is- nothings work after that colossal FU.
Avatar grwurston -
Fox Business News will televise the hearings. If there are no Republicans there to provide counterpoints or a defense, then this entire hearing is a sham.

Obviously you didn't watch the video.
Young apprentice. LOLOL That's a good one grasshopper.
Avatar noise-gate -
* The cult members would rather attend one of Trump’s rallies than listen in on the proceedings. Exposing their god as being mean spirited & childish at times does hurt their feelings.

* You remember when Michael Jackson & Kobe died, people were saying “ No way “ even though we know no one lives forever- it was disbelief. These clowns are attempting to tell the American public that the viewing is just to make Trump “ look bad” because beneath it all- he really cares. Trying to change their minds is telling them to stop drinking the Kool aid.
Avatar lakerben -
Lock them up! A bunch of lunatics!   
Peaceful protest? Really !   Disgrace!

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