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999 Testing LP Convert Words to Phrases for Pick 34
So, I've decided to do a test on LP Conversion software as compared with my usual dream number software to see how it stacks up. The reason for the test is that Method #5 from LP actually produced a solid winner in the pick 3 the other day from my Image2Number collection. Posting this is a good way for me to record how its doing since I have not used LP for my Image 2 Numbers predictions much before.
From LP
Convert Words and Phrases to Lottery Numbers page:
Game: North Carolina Pick 4
Method 1: 9-8-2-0
Method 2: 5-8-6-2
Method 3: 1-3-5-0
Method 4: 0-4-1-9
Method 5: 2-6-4-8
Method 6: 8-0-5-5
Game: North Carolina Pick 3
Method 1: 6-3-2
Method 2: 0-5-7
Method 3: 8-5-1
Method 4: 9-3-4
Method 5: 3-8-9
Method 6: 2-8-5
Game: Multi-State Lucky for Life
Method 1: 06-17-25-27-47, Lucky Ball: 17
Method 2: 06-20-23-29-39, Lucky Ball: 08
Method 3: 01-15-31-33-34, Lucky Ball: 01
Method 4: 11-23-25-40-47, Lucky Ball: 01
Method 5: 03-07-14-28-40, Lucky Ball: 07
Method 6: 07-14-16-31-44, Lucky Ball: 01
My Traditional Dream Number Conversion Software:
However, so that its six against six in this Pick 34 competition, below are my "side buddies" to the above combination:
Let the Pick 3 Cash 4 Games begin!
Below is a sampling of wins from my past image/dream software, so I have some inkling that my stuff works. If you want to get daily updates on new dreams/images, visit this youtube channel: Please note that all Lucky for Life predictions wins belong to LP software since I do not have an alternate way to predict the big games.
SBIP$999 | New York | Numbers Evening | 6-Way Box | 8-3-0 | 3-0-8 | $40 |
SBIP$999 | New York | Numbers Evening | 6-Way Box | 8-3-0 | 3-0-8 | $40 |
SBIP$999 | Ohio | Pick 3 Evening | Straight + 6-Way Box | 1-9-7 | 1-9-7 | $290 |
SBIP$999 | Ontario | Pick 4 Evening | 12-Way Box | 1-3-7-7 | 7-7-3-1 | $200 |
SBIP$999 | Puerto Rico | Pega 3 Día | 6-Way Box | 8-3-5 | 3-5-8 | $40 |
SBIP$999 | South Carolina | Pick 3 Midday | 6-Way Box | 9-6-1 | 9-1-6 | $40 |
SBIP$999 | South Carolina | Pick 4 Midday | Straight + 24-Way Box | 3-9-6-0 | 3-9-6-0 | $2,600 |
SBIP$999 | Tennessee | Cash 3 Midday | Straight + 6-Way Box | 3-6-7 | 3-6-7 | $290 |
SBIP$999 | Virginia | Pick 3 Day | Straight + 6-Way Box | 1-9-7 | 1-9-7 | $290 |
SBIP$999 | Washington, D.C. | DC-3 Midday | 3-Way Box | 3-4-4 | 4-4-3 | $80 |
SBIP$999 | Washington, D.C. | DC-3 Midday | 3-Way Box | 4-3-4 | 4-4-3 | $80 |
SBIP$999 | Western Canada | Pick 4 | 24-Way Box | 3-2-7-9 | 9-3-2-7 | $100 |
--------------------------Day Before
SBIP$999 | Indiana | Daily 3 Midday | 6-Way Box | 8-3-0 | 3-8-0 | $40 |
SBIP$999 | Iowa | Pick 3 Midday | 6-Way Box | 8-3-0 | 3-8-0 | $40 |
SBIP$999 | Multi-State | Lucky for Life | 2 Numbers | 01-16-20-29-34, Lucky Ball: 15 | 02-12-16-29-40, Lucky Ball: 13 | $3 |
SBIP$999 | Multi-State | Lucky for Life | 2 Numbers | 11-12-14-16-17, Lucky Ball: 6 | 02-12-16-29-40, Lucky Ball: 13 | $3 |
SBIP$999 | Multi-State | Lucky for Life | Lucky Ball only | 07-28-35-37-42, Lucky Ball: 13 | 02-12-16-29-40, Lucky Ball: 13 | $4 |
SBIP$999 | Oregon | Pick 4 1pm | 24-Way Box | 3-6-2-4 | 3-4-2-6 | $100 |
SBIP$999 | Puerto Rico | Pega 4 Día | Straight + 24-Way Box | 0-6-7-3 | 0-6-7-3 | $2,600 |
SBIP$999 | South Carolina | Pick 3 Midday | Straight + 6-Way Box | 8-3-0 | 8-3-0 | $290 |
SBIP$999 | Tennessee | Cash 4 Evening | 24-Way Box | 2-4-3-8 | 4-3-2-8 | $100 |
SBIP$999 | Texas | Pick 3 Morning | 6-Way Box | 7-6-1 | 1-6-7 | $40 |
SBIP$999 | Virginia | Pick 3 Day | Straight + 6-Way Box | 8-3-0 | 8-3-0 | $290 |
SBIP$999 | Wisconsin | Pick 4 Midday | 24-Way Box | 8-3-4-0 | 0-3-8-4 | $100 |
---------------------------------------------------Day Before That
SBIP$999 | Indiana | Daily 3 Midday | 6-Way Box | 8-3-0 | 3-8-0 | $40 |
SBIP$999 | Iowa | Pick 3 Midday | 6-Way Box | 8-3-0 | 3-8-0 | $40 |
SBIP$999 | Multi-State | Lucky for Life | 2 Numbers | 01-16-20-29-34, Lucky Ball: 15 | 02-12-16-29-40, Lucky Ball: 13 | $3 |
SBIP$999 | Multi-State | Lucky for Life | 2 Numbers | 11-12-14-16-17, Lucky Ball: 6 | 02-12-16-29-40, Lucky Ball: 13 | $3 |
SBIP$999 | Multi-State | Lucky for Life | Lucky Ball only | 07-28-35-37-42, Lucky Ball: 13 | 02-12-16-29-40, Lucky Ball: 13 | $4 |
SBIP$999 | Oregon | Pick 4 1pm | 24-Way Box | 3-6-2-4 | 3-4-2-6 | $100 |
SBIP$999 | Puerto Rico | Pega 4 Día | Straight + 24-Way Box | 0-6-7-3 | 0-6-7-3 | $2,600 |
SBIP$999 | South Carolina | Pick 3 Midday | Straight + 6-Way Box | 8-3-0 | 8-3-0 | $290 |
SBIP$999 | Tennessee | Cash 4 Evening | 24-Way Box | 2-4-3-8 | 4-3-2-8 | $100 |
SBIP$999 | Texas | Pick 3 Morning | 6-Way Box | 7-6-1 | 1-6-7 | $40 |
SBIP$999 | Virginia | Pick 3 Day | Straight + 6-Way Box | 8-3-0 | 8-3-0 | $290 |
SBIP$999 | Wisconsin | Pick 4 Midday | 24-Way Box | 8-3-4-0 | 0-3-8-4 | $100 |
Shockadelic | Multi-State | Cash4Life | Match 2 + Cash Ball | 13-21-28-44-54, Cash Ball: 2 | 09-21-34-44-48, Cash Ball: 2 | $10 |
*All hits $200 or more are highlighted.
Also note that I will be testing LP against my other dream software for the next few dreams or images, but after that you will want to visit the new youtube channel for your predictions.
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