Secret recordings of how the GOP wanted to manipulate the 2020 election.



More and more evidence is coming out in the January 6th committee hearings, and this is not over by any stretch of the imagination. The right always want to blame the left for corruption, but the evidence shows the complete opposite with evidence. Evidence, Witnesses, Secret conversations behind the scenes will not be good for the GOP in both the midterms and the 2024 elections. In fact the latest polls have been showing the trend going towards blue. And you can thank the orange Clump and his traitors for this.

Entry #98


Avatar sully16 -
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Maybe to you Sully... but most definitely not to Americans who are real patriots. Even when evidence is presented in clear daylight, you shrug it off as meh. So sad!
Avatar rdgrnr -
A video put out by Fake News ABC and reported by some old fat slob Anti-American meathead with a cowboy hat from Colorado who calls himself "Texas Paul?" LOL, you gotta be kidding!

And all this blockbuster "evidence" that you say is gonna come out is the same bullsh!t you all were saying for ALL THE OTHER investigations and impeachments and witch hunts those bozos have conducted. Why do you keep believing them every time? Can you look at Adam Schitt and hear him speak and look in his eyes and not tell that he's a bullsh!t f'ing liar? Gimme a break. Where's all the
killer evidence he promised to divulge all the other times and never did?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
This is actual conversation between the two, are you saying this is fake? That's ridiculous. And you know it
Avatar rdgrnr -
Are you saying the mainstream media has never edited a taped recording?
And you didn't answer my question about all the other blockbuster evidence that all the other witch hunts promised and never produced. What about that? And why do you think this is going to be any different?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
You can't possibly be serious! The gop's filed an appeal for an injunction to stop this. It actually happened, hello! It's all over the internet. Just because right wing media does it show it to you, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Avatar Pick3master3838 -
You could all bury your heads in the sand, it doesn't change what happened. Oh don't worry, there will be Blockbuster news when this is all over. Just before Trump left, the doj and a lot of Staff jumped ship so they are short in staff right now. This is unlike all the other hearings where Witnesses and documents were not allowed, you'll see.
Avatar sully16 -
Avatar rdgrnr -
Democrats complaining about "election fraud?"
That has to be the joke of the century.
They just want to stop him from running because he will finish draining their swamp and chop down their money trees.
Are you going to pretend that that's not what this is about?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
The denial is strong here. We have actual evidence, audio evidence backed up by numerous news stories online, but you guys still want to play it down as fake. I'm guessing when Trump asked Georgia for $11,780 votes, and America heard it on national TV in audio form, that was fake too right? Absolute denial, and misinformation by the right-wing propagandists.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
The denial is strong here. We have actual evidence, audio evidence backed up by numerous news stories online, but you guys still want to play it down as fake. I'm guessing when Trump asked Georgia for $11,780 votes, and America heard it on national TV in audio form, that was fake too right? Absolute denial, and misinformation by the right-wing propagandists.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Trump told the backstabbing RINO Never-Trumper Crook to "find" him 12,000 votes out of the tens of thousands of known fraudulent votes. You just want to see and hear what you want tom see and hear. But that doesn't negate the truth. And in time that truth will come out and some of your heroes are gonna be behind bars where they belong.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
But what Trump did was totally illegal. You just secretively can't call Georgia and ask for votes. You have to legally go through the process of an investigation, not intimidation. They did the investigations, and most of the 60 chords didn't even want to look at the garbage information because I didn't have good standing. In law you have to have good standing before you can even start.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Asking the Sec of State to do his job is not illegal.
And NO Conservative is going to get a FAIR hearing from Democrats or RINO's.
Their corruption runs clean to the bone.
It's in their DNA.
They can't help it.
You know they're corrupt but you can't admit that here and I got no problem with that.
But you and I BOTH KNOW they're corrupt.
Let's not have any illusions about that.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
It's not legal to secretively call.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Every move a President makes is booked or recorded.
He probably could have done it covertly if he needed to but he knew what he was doing was legal.
He was asking him to correct enough fraudulent votes to have the correct person be the winner and not have a stolen election.
This is all gonna be rectified at some point, why waste your time fighting it or even worrying about it?
The truth is gonna prevail.
Avatar grwurston -
I guess all the sworn affidavits by poll watchers testifying to election irregularities the night of the election don't matter? Or the video of the Ga election workers pulling boxes of ballots out from under the table after the poll workers went home don't matter either? But one recorded phone is the be all end all.
Did you watch any of the original J6 hearings? The Dems had all kinds of edited videos of what Trump said, which looked ing at first glance. And then the Repubs showed the actual unedited, uncut versions of the videos and the Dems were toast. I wouldn't believe anything Pelosi's hand picked committee says.
Did you hear about Pelosi's husbands newest million dollar inside stock deal today? And you think everything she says is the truth. LOLOL
Avatar noise-gate -
* Un-American is what they are. All those politicians including these clueless, mindless, brainless supporters " Think" that their fallen leader is worthy to be lifted above the Constitution. They don't care about the rules that govern society, which is why their movement will die a slow death.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
The right wing movement is hopeless and destined to fail. You make every excuse in the world to defend this piece of s*** loser.
Avatar grwurston -
You hate Republicans, but yet we never hear you defend the brainless, clueless, corrupt, piece of sh1t loser we have in the white house right now. Why is that?

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