Trump's Response To January 6 Renders Him Unworthy For 2024 Re-election


Entry #30,570


Avatar noise-gate -
* This is what every President of the United States says when being sworn in..

" "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

* Now ask yourself, given the lies, the arm twisting of political members of your own party, the claims of election stealing, the non evidence presented to courts- how does this guy even " begin to think" that he is worthy of running for President of this country ever again? He disqualified himself by his actions since he lost almost 2 years ago.
Avatar sully16 -
Just can't wait for Biden to turn us into a 3rd world sh*thole aye Weasel?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Renders him unworthy to be a janitor's assistant.
Avatar sully16 -
Riding along in your uber-mobile, eating somebodies else's meal.
I don't think delivery boy is qualified to make that assessment.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Oh Please Trout-mouth. You have been drinking that Kool-Aid for far to long. You delusional to even think that America was never Great " Until" the Hotel owner stepped into the Oval Office. The guy was & is ill prepared and certainly not up for the task of running any Govt- let alone this Govt.

* You lot constantly say 45 accomplished much- really? His biggest accomplishment: Exposing the GOP for what it really is, nothing but a front for multi-national corporations and the super rich. Remember that tax cut for the rich, him and others on the hill touted it as a " job creation adventure" thing is NONE of the Republican's on the hill will even talk about it, why?

Biggest failure: Making the USA the laughingstock of the entire world. There isn't a single leader out there except for maybe Putin & lil Kim that misses him, why? Cause they know he was a fool to begin with.
* Finally: The orange clown never had a chance at winning re-election on a single day of his failed presidency. Even he knew this. Democrats wouldn’t have wasted time rigging an election they knew they’d win. And if they could have rigged the election, they wouldn’t have given themselves a bigger majority in the Senate.
* Btw: America had a 3rd World leader in the form of Donald J Trump.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Hey trout, get a load of this since one cannot avoid hearing the BS that we becoming a 3rd world country.

* These are facts: Despite the pandemic actually worsening in Biden’s first year, we saw record job creation, record new business startups, the largest one year drop in unemployment, record high consumer spending, record corporate profits, the best GDP growth in forty years, and the Dow set a record for setting records. And Biden cut the deficit by a record amount for a President’s first year, and this year is cutting it by the most in history.

* Obviously the people out of touch with reality ( you and others) are the ones who think the economy was better when the one term orange moron was setting records for deficits, job losses, stock market drops, and corruption.
* You heard it here first fish mouth.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Hey trout, get a load of this since one cannot avoid hearing the BS that we becoming a 3rd world country.

* These are facts: Despite the pandemic actually worsening in Biden’s first year, we saw record job creation, record new business startups, the largest one year drop in unemployment, record high consumer spending, record corporate profits, the best GDP growth in forty years, and the Dow set a record for setting records. And Biden cut the deficit by a record amount for a President’s first year, and this year is cutting it by the most in history.

* Obviously the people out of touch with reality ( you and others) are the ones who think the economy was better when the one term orange moron was setting records for deficits, job losses, stock market drops, and corruption.
* You heard it here first fish mouth.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Psst- what l am saying is get educated, but ditch the Kool-aid FIRST!
Avatar JAP69 -
Do I remember someone who lost an election in 2016 saying viva the resistance.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Yes, that was Hillary- but you obviously do not know what she meant, do you?

From Hillary Clinton officially launches ‘resistance’ outside group
Dan Merica
By Dan Merica, CNN
Updated 11:04 PM EDT, Mon May 15, 2017

* In an email to supporters and donors, Clinton said Monday that those groups include Swing Left, a grassroots network supporting Democratic House candidates in swing districts; Emerge America, a group urging Democratic women to run for office; Color of Change, a criminal justice reform focused organization; Indivisible, the effort that has spearheaded the protests at congressional town halls across the country; and Run for Something, a group formed by former Clinton campaigns staffers that looks to urge young people to run for local office.

* It has NOTHING to do with some thinking it meant " resisting the Donald" after all, he was President and he had beaten her fair and square.
Avatar JAP69 -
Viva the resistance was used by Democrats in alphabet agencies to resist Trump,s Presidency.
I have not forgotten what happen.
Can not rewrite history.
Avatar sully16 -
Good Lord Wesael, I'm not reading all that, you need help, you really do.
Avatar noise-gate -
* You have a short attention span. Remember this?

N.J.: What’s the job?
McConnell: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

* The voters in this country saw through your guy for 4 years and sent him packing. That was NOT the Democrats, that was the voters. They saw his handling of the Covid pandemic, his constant running to Twitter, acting like a Dictator and they wanted of thar for another 4 years, can you blame them?
Avatar noise-gate -
" and they wanted of thar for another 4 years, can you blame them?" Should have read...

" and they wanted nothing of that for another 4 years."
Avatar sully16 -
You seem a little manic weasel, to much coffee???
Avatar JAP69 -
The voters sent him packing! Brrrruuuuuhahahahahahaha
It was the big steal.
Avatar rdgrnr -
You took the words right out of my mouth Sully.
But I don't think it was coffee.
I think he put down the bong and picked up the pipe.
Avatar rdgrnr -
Numbnutz is balls deep into the class warfare push.
Hook line and sinker.
Watch out Numbnutz, those rich guys are out to get ya! LOL
Avatar sully16 -
I don't even read what he writes anymore, same old broken record, orange man bad, mean tweets scare me. pedo peter good.
Avatar rdgrnr -
I just briefly skim over his diatribe too cuz it never changes, it's always the same boring speech.
He only posts when he's high as a kite and thinking he's making sense.
Avatar KAL035 -
Noise-Fart got all giddy and excited when Pedo Peter showed up at the gay bar in his fuchsia hot pink EV to pick a peck of pickled peppers and then proceeded to brazenly break the the ice by wagging his his little pious pecker at him under the table while engaging in discourse over the looming climate change crisis.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Those comments are straight out from the peanut gallery & the reason your guy is out of office. Incoherent nonsense. Did any of you guys finish high school, cause you can never stay on topic.

*The thread is about 45 being unfit to hold high office ever again- not coffee or bongs. The world is hoping they don't have to deal with an insurrectionist in chief ever again.

* He should go deep sea fishing off the coast of Florida & here's hoping a Marlin pulls him overboard. He says he weighs 230 lbs so he can swim back to shore.. l mean back to the boat.
Avatar KAL035 -
I know right, NF? Orange Man baaaad! Dim-Dems guuuud! NF right on topic as always with those "critical thinking skills" and brilliant in-depth assessment and analysis. LOL!
Avatar noise-gate -
* You mentioned earlier gay bar in your last comment- which begs the qyestion" How many gay bars have you visited, seeing that you make it a point to see who dresses in hot pink Kal?"

* Are you trying to tell us that that is your lifestyle- so we ought to go " soft on you?" Do you tilt your head to the left or right with one hand on your hip huh Kal? Gee, l don't know whether to thank you for coming out in a most unorthodox way, but hey, it's your lifestyle & none of my business.

* Psst, your lipstick fell out of your handbag.
Avatar grwurston -
NG's been hitting that msm kool-aid big time today!! Biden did NOT create record job growth. I'll explain.

You work for a big company. The gov't says you're not essential and have to close down due to covid. Your boss informs the employees of this and tells them they can file for unemployment. Your boss also tells them, when the gov't says we can open back up we'll let you know.

Ten months later, the gov't says the company can open back up. Your boss notifies the employees, we're opening back up the first of the month. Anyone that wants to come back, can. Everyone comes back to work to do their old job. This happened to thousands of businesses all over the country.

Here's where the propaganda starts. Mika and all the other msm talking heads tell you that Biden created millions of jobs and we now have record employment because of him. This is all BS.

FACTS. Before the pandemic, uneployment was 3.5%, during the pandemic it went up to 15-18%. BECAUSE THE GOV'T locked everything down and said, YOU cannot go to work. Later on THE GOV'T says, YOU can go back to work. You go back to work and do the same exact job you always had.

Your company and Biden, did not create new jobs. Everyone went back to the same job they had before. Unemployment went back down to what it was before the pandemic. Biden didn't do a   thing and deserves no credit for that. But the msm bullsh1tted you by saying he created jobs and you drank their kool-aid and believed what they told you. Just like you do with everything else.
Avatar KAL035 -
Plagiarize much NF? No original ideas of your own? But as to your question NF, being former LEO, I visited some back in the day on official business after being dispatched to quell late night/early morning disturbance calls between flaming drag queens. All in a day's work. It is what it is. But never mind that NF. All you need to remember is ULTRA-MAGA 2024! Pedo Pete, Goofy Joe and his boy Bathhouse Barry just don't cut the mustard in terms of national security. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it Baby Boy! Does that make your heart flutter, NF? Amberjack will be be so jealous!
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Sully... I'm not running for president genius! LOL
Avatar sully16 -
Welp Joker to be honest I think you would do better then the idiot in there now.
Avatar noise-gate -
* First off, let’s establish a few facts.
One: You guys are insane!
Two: You are my groupies!

* l was told when l visited Bhagwan’s blog to hightail it out of there because l was “ trolling.” Ok, l listened & left that mess behind.
* Now that l am spending my valuable time in Trusesee’s blog & minding my own business, lo and behold you fools show up here to challenge me. It’s not as though you guys have anything worthwhile going after- but you miss me, l live rent free inside those heads of yours. Nah you say… well if that were true why not stop in your blogs, the kiddie pool of blogs & share your common nonsense amongst yourselves instead of looking & searching for me?

* You my groupies: You say no way. Then why when l post a gif in the news section showing folks who are happy & translate that to winning the jackpot, you fools collectively “ down grade “ my post? Who doesn’t like be happy? Obviously you guys.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Btw Kal, l posted where l got my information from, not plagiarizing you child. Perhaps you & your ilk need more exposure to the real world instead of following me around like some pup.
* Ever wondered why 45 could say “ l love the uneducated?” The guy is no fool, he can read a crowd & knows how to play you guys. After all, he invited your brothers & sisters to Washington & instructed the weak minded to invade the Capitol.
* You guys took instructions from your god. I say he is your god because like Buddha you follow his sayings religiously, except your guy lives violence.
Avatar jarasan -
noise fart, pacattack, stinky, is driven by fear of the very possible future and reality of President Trump V2.0 and an America First America coming like a freight train in a few short months🚆
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
The orange jumpsuit loser has about as much as being president as I do have being a jet pilot. Jaracrap talking out of his ass again.
Avatar grwurston -
What was the Democrat response to the 2020 riots? Did they condemn any of it? No.
Did the Democrats condemn the assasination attempt on Kavanaugh? No.
Why don't they? There hasn't been a peep.
But they talk non stop about J6. Do as I say, not as I do.
Avatar rdgrnr -
MSDNC said they were peaceful riots, lol.
And they never told our trolls about the assassination attempt on Kavanaugh.
They decided they shouldn't know about that.
Avatar grwurston -
That's why it's known as FAKE news!! It's like any communist country, they only tell you what they want you to know and what they want you to think.

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