It appears some of the people commenting on Blogs missed the memo


" Blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly-accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, Blogs often reflect the personality of the author (the "Blogger")." 

Many Bloggers offer links to articles by others without agreeing or disagreeing to the opinions. A few people comment on the opinions and not the Blogger or why they presented that opinion. But there is a few that for whatever really believe it's necessary comment on outside opinions adding personal attacks with childish insults at the Blogger or someone replying.

Commenting on Blog entry is different than commenting on a message board thread where "attack the message and not the messenger" is the norm on most message boards. And unlike with most message boards, Bloggers can block someone from commenting on their entries for any reason. 

I'm sure someone with too much time on their hands will criticize these opinions and prove my point with personal attacks and childish name calling because it reflects their personality.

Entry #310


Avatar sully16 -
" It puts the lotion in the Basket"
Avatar noise-gate -
* The problem we have is that we " assume " that everyone who visits the forum is playing with a full deck. We also assume that common sense rules the day.
* l will admit that l use words like : fool, imbecile idiots & an occasional F in reference to the insane comments " because " l can stand jokes & comedy- but not with serious topics that affect people's lives. Which is the reason l cannot stand incompetent people running a company or being President of the United States. If Biden displayed a fraction of incompetence & made goofy remarks on serious subjects- l would want him gone.l refuse to cling to stupidity.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Btw: What name would you call Troy Faulkner other than his own for showing up at the Capitol, seen breaking a window while wearing his company jacket with it's name & phone number on the back?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Ah, so you read my post huh Bhagwan? You one of the folks l think who isn't the brightest crayon around, never was,, talk a good game,, but you empty inside.

* When you can't win an argument or persuade persons other than your fellow comrades who will agree with you on just about anything- you switch gears to the " killing of innocent babies" talking points. Guess what genius: As much as you claim for portray yourself as someone who cares about human life, especially babies- l don't see you giving a rat's A** about guns that kill children.

* Any so called amendment to curtailed people from having certain weapons in their possession is met with resistance. Where was your voice when those children in Texas were gunned down? Instead you went on a tear about he was " a Democrat or some other Sh**" not a freaking word about the GUNS, and you wonder why l call you an imbecile or a fraud. While parents were moaning the loss of their children, the Gov of TX was at a fundraiser spouting BS. Oh yes, the party that cares.

Avatar noise-gate -
Btw: What's with all this control- no one seems to care how many guns people possess, but they sure are concerned about women making decisions about their unborn babies. We all will have to answer to a higher power, do you think lawmakers are acting on behalf of God? Are you that naive? Even soldiers in battle will have to answer for their actions as well - unless you " think" they to can claim " l was simply following order!"

* As l said: You not the brightest crayon in the box.

Avatar KAL035 -
Hey, noise-fart, guess what? Guns don't kill children! How, pray tell, did you ever get such a stupid idea? I never once saw or heard of a gun magically approaching a child and pulling the trigger of it's own accord and volition. But maybe that's why police keep their guns secured in their holsters so the guns don't just jump out and kill the nearest child. Just when I thought you couldn't possibly post anything more stupid than your previous post, you prove me wrong every time. Sorry to confuse you with the facts, I know it must be so shocking! But hey, killing babies is fine by your standards, no problem with that whatsoever!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Ah the resident joker finally shows up & injects the line " guns don't kill children" How cute, how stupid.

* What would you say if someone responded to your silly argument post by saying : Women who have abortions DON'T kill or murder their babies, it's the methods that they use.

*Can you see how idiotic your thinking is? By the way, l don't support abortion, the same way l don't supports the idea that we need our nuclear submarines patrolling the Russian coast line.

* Is that clear enough for you?
Avatar Stack47 -
Some people start by making nonsensical then weird and evolve into pitifully stupid remarks. Like that weird nonsensical Buffalo Bill comment on this Blog entry.

Must be one of those MAGA serial killer references.
Avatar noise-gate -
* I think Kal is challenging Bhagwan for the title of who's the " dumbest between the both of us!" Both are on the extreme fringes of the right wing. Anything that sounds "good & makes 45 look good" is to be believed.

* When Powell claimed that she was going to release the Kraken & that she had evidence of " biblical proportions " these Magats in the forum were literally peeing on themselves with excitement. Yet when standing in a court of law, Powell said that she didn't " expect people to have taken her seriously" yet NONE of these fools have ever said " Powell played us for suckers!" They dead silent on the topic.

* One would think that these folks worked in the White House & were hoping to return to their jobs, but these are regular losers who are in major denial. Kinda like when there is a breakup in a relationship, one party is ready to move on, while the refuses to accept the reality. Even months or years later, the person on denial will still " hope for a 2nd chance" with these folks, they looking for a 2nd chance at the WH, thing is- the Jan 6th Committee has exposed 45 as a fraud which he is.
Avatar Stack47 -
"By the way, l don't support abortion"

While calling abortion "killing babies" seems to be the best way to explain it to the uneducated and very gullible MAGA supporters, it's unbiblical. It's a fact there are many examples of babies being killed in the Bible. And some of those mass killings including pregnant women maybe the day before they were due to give birth.

Start with Genesis 6:7. How many pregnant women and babies were killed in the flood?

The Genesis 19:14 tells what was going to happen and 19:28-29 tells what did happen. How many pregnant women and babies were killed when Sodom and Gomorrah "went up as the smoke of a furnace"?

And what else but killing some babies could Exodus 12:12 mean,
"and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast"?

I don't support abortion either but no government should take away a person's right to choose how their body is used. Is there really a difference between telling women and young girls they must remain pregnant than making them give up a kidney or another body part someone else needs?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Hey Bhagwan, yeah you idiot. I said l don't support our nuclear submarines patrolling the Russian coastline because " Trump said that ." Dobt you keep up with the news?

* When Russia invaded the Ukraine, your Senile ex leader said " We should send our subs there. " He said that while " out of office " can you imagine the BS he will say if he ever got back in, and you hoping he does- Please get a grip of yourself, the guy had lost it, even you must see that.

* l know you read my posts despite you saying rather you don't but Gee, stop making a fool of yourself.
Avatar noise-gate -
* If a pastor said " Given the abortion ruling from the Scotus, l thought today we will look back on God's actions of wiping out families, including babies etc from the Old Testament. " l think some churchgoers would not return for a follow up message. Probably going after the pastor for being too insensitive.
Avatar KAL035 -
* What would you say if someone responded to your silly argument post by saying : Women who have abortions DON'T kill or murder their babies, it's the methods that they use.

No, Noise-Fart, wrong again as usual. You clearly have no critical thinking skills. The above statement you made is mind-boggling stupid. Let me try to help you out. It's not about the methods that may or may not be used. It about the fact that those women seeking abortions for the sake of convenience/expediency think that they have the "right" to murder their own babies prior to birth. A coat-hanger will work just as well as the latest scientific clinically-approved methods of eliminating "the problem" because somebody failed to practice birth control procedures but still wanted to get drunk and have fun in the sack. And you and your ilk are perfectly fine with that. Because it's their "right" to terminate the unwanted life of a baby that interrupts their lifestyle. No problem with that whatsoever according to you and your like-minded crowd of deviant freakazoids! To expound on your foolish analogy, if a psychologically disturbed child wanted to kill another child in school, he/she could just as easily use a pair of scissors or a baseball bat instead of one of those evil inanimate "guns that kill children". Do you also want to ban scissors or baseball bats? But never-mind, Noise-Fart; spare me the babbling response as I'm talking way over your level of understanding. You just keep on virtue-signaling like a good little Dim-Dem soldier! You make your parents so proud!
Avatar noise-gate -
* i know you." Think" you smart or witty, when clearly you not. I can understand persons who have zero political experience like Dr Oz, lake from AZ who will cling to the big lie because it will get them votes whereby they end up in Congress doing nothing- but picking up a paycheck.

* You on the other hand have no vested interest in believing the lie, but because the truth is to painful to accept like your fallen leader, you rather go down with the ship than be rescued.

* Now you the one that came up with your silly idea that guns don't kill people, that they magically appear & triggers are pulled, in your screwed up world, that would probably get you a laugh or two- but l turned the tables on you and going by you " silly example" pointed out that woman could also " claim that it's the coat hanger or other device" that took the life of the baby. That of course went completely over your head because you failed to catch my drift.

* l don't need to throw your parents into a conversation when you clearly are outsmarted. No one, and l mean no one in their right mind accepts that Donald won, not with all the evidence from the election that showed the Biden won.

* You & others still have not been able to tell the world who " They are, the folks" that supposedly rigged the election in Joe's favor.

* First: Stop drinking the Kool-aid, 2nd: Get professional help for your mental health condition, it's getting worse!
Avatar KAL035 -
Noise-Fart, I asked you to spare me the nonsensical/meaningless/babbling response. You did it anyway and further embarrassed yourself on LP public forum. You think your purpose in life is just to agitate regular everyday level-headed people while sowing seeds of hate, discontent and division. Aren't you special? And a good little Dim-Dem soldier that does as he is told to do!

Oh! By the way, you misspelled it, but I do admit to having a "metal" health condition. Right now it's "condition critical" because today I neglected to satisfy my need for a daily Quiet Riot/Megadeth/Metallica/Motorhead fix. As for your "mental" disorder, that's another subject altogether; it's called "Liberalism". Renowned author, Dr. Michael Savage wrote the defining best selling book on the subject entitled "Liberalism Is A Mental Disorder". PM me your name and address. You don't have to give your real name, Noise-Fart will suffice. Out of the goodness of my heart, I will send you a postage paid free copy in care of NF to help you recognize the error of your valiant but misguided attempts to blindly navigate your way through the current day cesspool of the political zoo where the bottom-feeding/loony-tunes Dim-Dem swamp creatures dwell ever so contentedly. You are clearly a naive child in need of a basic education. I'm willing to step up to the plate to help you reverse course in your miserable existence on Planet Earth to become a productive and self-sustaining member of society. Or will you choose to keep hanging out with the "progressively" dumb and dumber crowd that promotes self-defeating attitudes and behavior to keep you in perpetual bondage to your puppet masters?
Avatar noise-gate -
* See a shrink, get your medication changed out for Pete's sake. Your current pills are useless Kal035.
Avatar Stack47 -
It's all about control, Noise. People like KAL really believe they have a right to control other people especially women. Think about it, KAL said he is a retired cop and is spending his retirement commenting on blog entries on a lottery-based website.

And what's worse, what if he really was a cop?
Avatar KAL035 -
I know right, DemHack47? Women should have the absolute" right" to abort babies for the sake of convenience or expediency so as not to interrupt their chosen lifestyle. As for Noise-Fart, still waiting to receive your PM so I can send you your free copy of "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" by Dr. Michael Savage. In regard to my medications that you seem so interested in, I take Vitamin C every day before heading out to work in the morning. It seems very effective. Never had covfefe-19, never "took the jab" and never wore a stupid/useless face diaper. NF, How many times you had Covfefe-19 after seven booster shots and triple-masking to go outside to check the mail to see if any more free "gubmint" checks had arrived for staying home and doing nothing, besides posting an incessant stream of leftist drivel on LP? I did have case of the sniffles last October, but doubled up on vitamin C dosage and didn't miss any time at work. Do you require any further information?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Your vitamins are not working D head. It's not Your body" it's your head thats F up Kal. You treating the wrong area you A* hole.

* Change your shrink if you have to, whatever you on is not working, take it from me.
Avatar Stack47 -
Hey KAL, why do you care what some woman you don't even know does with her body?

Nobody here cares whether or not you're vaccinated. It's nothing but control and ticks you off because you can't even control the conversation.

Only a total piece of garbage would demand the right to refuse an inoculation and then tell women what they can and can't do. Go play with the parolee and the rest of the trash.
Avatar Stack47 -
I'm moderate and from what I've read so is noise and very few Democrats are anywhere near the liberalism of Jesus Christ. Because he hates the liberal ideologists, it's obvious KAL must be anti-Christian.
Avatar KAL035 -
Hey DemHack47, guess what? The issue is not what a woman does with her body. Where did you get that goofy idea? You heard that on CNN? The issue is does the woman have the "right" to terminate the life of her unborn baby for the sake of convenience or expediency? Why do I care? Ummm, for starters, how about murder is against the law and is expressly prohibited by the Word of God in the Holy Scriptures. But you and your ilk, being the spawn of Satan and given over to a reprobate mind and licentiousness could care less; you have no problem with it whatsoever, let her her flush it down the toilet after birth if she wants to you say. "So what" you say, "big deal"! It is her "right" to commit murder and dispose of the remains in any manner that she chooses or desires. You are a despicable sick deviant Dim-Dem freakazoid! Okay, now come back and lecture me on the "Magical Sky Daddy" being an imaginary character in a work of fiction from ancient Jewish history. I'm waiting..... Not quite following your convoluted logic on the correlation between refusing a dangerous inoculation and saying that killing babies is okay if that's what the mother wants to do. Care to further expound on that you deviant amoral freakazoid?
Avatar KAL035 -
You're a moderate what? A moderate Freakazoid? I beg to differ, I'd say you, Noise Fart and Pick3Retard are more like full-blow deviant Dim-Dem freakazoids that would scoff and roll your eyes back at the idea of reading the Bible to determine what the Word of God has to say about the subject of murder. You go to the Church of Satan?
Avatar Stack47 -
KAL just admit you want to control women and don't want them to have the same rights as you. These nonsensical pitifully stupid remarks, childish name calling and rants just prove you're one of the uneducated Trump supporters.

Bet KAL is trying to prove he belongs in the basket of deplorables, "the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it."

"murder is against the law and is expressly prohibited by the Word of God in the Holy Scriptures."

I gave three specific book, chapter, and verses from the Bible that clearly shows that thousands and maybe millions of innocent people were murdered. Are you reading the comic book version of the Bible, KAL?'

"Not quite following"

And you never will because you're a bonafide idiot, KAL.
Avatar Stack47 -
"I'm sure someone with too much time on their hands will criticize these opinions and prove my point with personal attacks and childish name calling because it reflects their personality."

Why isn't predicting lottery numbers as easy as predicting how the MAGA Kool-Aid will react?
Avatar Stack47 -
"It puts the lotion in the Basket"

And I replied, some people start by making nonsensical then weird and evolve into pitifully stupid remarks. Like that weird nonsensical Buffalo Bill comment on this Blog entry.

Maybe because a judge issued a warrant to search Trump's Florida home, but it looks like I should add paranoid along with pitifully stupid side effects from the uneducated drinking the Trump Kool-Aid.

Does "must be one of those MAGA serial killer references" look like a veiled threat to anyone but the paranoid MAGA Kool-Aid drinking Trump lovers?

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