MAGA Republicans Love America!


Entry #30,692


Avatar noise-gate -
* Of course they " love" America. We saw that " love" on Jan 6th, with the storming of the Capitol, the fighting with Police, the throwing of fire extinguishers at law enforcement, the breaking of windows and doors. That's the kind of " love" we told we should all rally around.
Avatar grwurston -
Did you forget about the 2020 riots already? That really showed us how much democrats care about America. Burn it down!! Is what they said. You didn't say nothing about that did you? Nope, not a peep. Figures.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Actually No. Those riots you mentioned had to do with blacks being shot by cops & in some cases no charges were brought.  You had George Floyd being killed when he said " he could not breathe." Those riots were a pushback against injustice.

* The insurrection at the Capitol had nothing to do with either: it was attempting to stop the certification of Biden as President. It was plain to see that the Militias came to stop Congress from performing it's duty.

*You are thoroughly confused.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Once again... trying to compare riots with idiots attempting to overthrow the government. It never gets old.
Avatar eddessaknight -
Life will send you whatever experience you need to stimulate the evolution of your consciousness.

—Eckhart Tolle
Avatar rdgrnr -
If burning down police stations and trying to burn down a federal courthouse and claiming parts of America autonomous zones and looting and burning and killing dozens of people all over the country doesn't rise to and far surpass the level of trespassing and the breaking of a few windows by unarmed citizens, I don't know what does. You guys are looney toons.
Avatar noise-gate -
* l know you not " playing dumb" you are dumb.

*Your post is similar to 45's attorney saying that the FBI searching for classified material at Mar a Lago is similar to going after a person for " an overdue library book."

* So your brothers are sisters were simply breaking a few windows & doors, trespassing huh? Why did they not " trespass " and break a few windows & doors at say,a correctional facility? Why Capitol Hill? 

* Check out post #1.

Check out my 1st post, it says much
Avatar noise-gate -
* A rally of lies & you guys are pretty excited?

* That would be like asking Charles Manson for his autograph. You guys are twisted.
Avatar rdgrnr -
There will be no indictment.
This will blow up in the liar's faces just like everything else they've tried.
What will they come up with next? That is the question.
And when will you stop being an election denier?
Trump won and you know it, everybody knows it.
Get over it and move on.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Listen Bhagwan, l couldn't care less, l just don't want him as President ever again. The guy breaks rules as though they meant to be broken & doesn't give a F about anyone but himself.

* So, let him go back to his hotel business because he sucked at being President. Oh, the " everyone knows he won" statement. You the only ones who believe that. In your fantasy world, 45 did no wrong ever, he cannot do wrong, which is why l say you guys worship him. How long do you pray to the guy anyways? A couple mins, half an hour, what?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Why did Trump move out of the WH if he won, as you keep saying?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Why did the justices he put on the Supreme Court not  " do 45 a favor" by overlooking his BS allegations and just say " Guys,  we owe him one" we going to knock down all the lower courts decisions and allow 45 to continue as President! After all William Rehnquist did it for W.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Hey Bhagwan,  did you count how many times your fallen leader said " it was rigged?"during the live stream.

* How about " Never ever seen anything like it before?" You don't have to be accurate- just give us ballpark numbers.

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