How much money did you give to the scam?


Dear MAGA, we have some bad news. No, not that he lost. Not that your little coup attempt failed and its planners and the attackers are going to jail. No. The really bad news is why Trump told you he lost. Why he set it up way before the 2020 election. It wasn’t voter fraud but it was fraud.

Trump told you the election was stolen ripped you off, to sucker you, to take your hard-earned money and shovel it into his pockets. He spent it on himself not to take back the White House.

It was the biggest scam in political history. Every dollar you sent him paid to keep his shady business empire and lavish lifestyle going. It was a sucker game all along. And you know who the sucker is? You.

Entry #343


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* Dont expect an answer, why? For the simple fact that they still sending in donations for any cause 45 thinks up. It's amazing the power thus guy has over people's wallets.

* It's as CJ once asked " Why would you send money to a billionaire?" Boy that got the hornet nest in a frenzy. I can understand people giving money to their churches, honest churches feed the hungry, there is bills to be paid, not the bills for the jet parked out back or $1,000 suits these preachers wear. Bills to keep the lights on etc etc. This fallen leader made off with over $200 million he got from his " election defense fund" and it keeps pouring in.

* You know they think they getting a return on their investment by going to his rallies & hearing him whine about his loss or how the FBI had " no right" to search his residence. They simply picked him because its a " witch hunt." They fear him because his tall & wears a red tie.
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* Hey Bhagwan instead of creating your own thread off Stack’s- why don’t you drag your weary ass in here and “ defend yourself.” Is the thread getting under your skin? Why do you care, since whatever is put out there is not going to make any difference- you hellbound to continue your desire to enrich the rotund one while you get poorer.

* How about defending the fallen one on how you “ Think he had every right to confiscate Classified documents.” Start that thread & we would love to read what answers you fools come up with.

* By the way, you & Trout mouth we’re defending Bannon with your “ the Maga folks are gonna be pissed off with that action.” You were actual saying that you guys are “ For money laundering etc, throw in stealing Secret documents “ in that mix. What a bunch of unthinking Morons.
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* I know you read this because you have nothing better to do but whine about how bad we are & how good you have become. It’s self evident that you guys have character & personality issues. Constantly pointing out the flaws in Biden or anyone they does not adhere to the Maga mantra: We right, they wrong.

* It’s the reason we have you fools talking about : We need to take our country back, back from what to where? We have seen how you fools act when you don’t get your way: Putting in new voting rules, attempting to stop a blank woman from becoming a Supreme court justice, or storming the Capitol.

* Then we look at who comes to your aids, nut jobs like Jar jar & others. Taking the justice dept to task for doing their jobs. You guys are sexual depraved individuals, talk about trannies amongst other things, l seriously doubt you get get laid, hence the constant talk about things you have yet to enjoy. l will light a candle for you.

* By the way: We have Biden for 2 more years, l will suggest you quit your whining, cause he may run again & then be in there an extra 4 years. The nation can stomach an adult in the WH, they showed up at the polls to show they had it with the toddler. That must break your hearts on a daily basis- you poor things.
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* BTW: This is how a brain is supposed to work, it puts stuff out there as apposed to your mundane & repetitive crap. If l had a blog like yours, l would fold up my tent and crawl back into my cave, why? Cause l would know l suck!

* You heard it here first.
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"I know you (Bhagwan) read this because you have nothing better to do but whine about how bad we are & how good you have become."

Of course he clicks on my topics, how else would he know which Trump scam the Lincoln Project was talking about? Have no idea how ex-cons reply when another criminal was charged "with a scheme to fraudulently funnel and obscure salary payments to the CEO of a non-profit fundraising effort to build a wall on the U.S. border with Mexico" nor am I interested in finding out.

"Hey Bhagwan instead of creating your own thread off Stack’s- why don’t you drag your weary ass in here and “defend yourself.”

Not sure if the childish name calling is a MAGA thing, a prison thing, or both but it adds nothing especially conversations with the poorly uneducated. I'm not interested in swapping childish nonsense with a bully probably copying the actions of someone he was bullied by in the prison yard.
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I was hoping one of the MAGA people would ask "which scam" the Lincoln Project mentioned because there are many.

Steve Bannon was arrested yesterday for a money laundering scheme when donations were asked for building a wall. And as we speak a Federal Grand Jury is investigating the "stop the steal" super pac.

Don't get me started on the Trump appointed judge in Florida.
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* Hey G, hope you paying attention. I ANSWER threads on other people blogs for good reason, they have a section where you can post comments- l guess that’s a new feature to you!

* If l had a blog, l can count on you idiots visiting & filling it with “ silly unrelated talk “ & going off topic at every chance you guy get. Besides, the name calling becomes monotonous.” who needs that? I would eat my own words by closing my own blog down.

* l have it on good authority that it is how you guys operate.
* For instance l have repeatedly asked you guys directly: Who is the “ They” 45 keeps mentioning at rallies & to anyone willing to listen to him, that Stole the election from him. He has not supplied the answer, so l turn to you guys and instead “ the name calling starts.”

* In fact l have noticed that in order for the MAGA fools to take a candidate seriously, he must mock his opponent. Take DeSantis, highly educated guy- yet he finds amusement in telling his audience “ what’s with Biden looking at the teleprompter & squinting “ all to laughter. Trump makes that a point whenever he runs out of thoughts. At least Reagan would say “ there you go again” and make a counterpoint, nowadays it just for laughs and zero substance. You all guilty of doing the same thing- it’s “ follow the leader” in behavior or worse.
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* Well darn Bhagwan- l had no idea that Stack has blocked or banned you from having your 2 cents put out there on his blog,  l think l need to apologize to you since this confession of yours is coming out of left field. However on further review, l think l can agree with Stack-after all you are a disruptive influence. Remember when we were having a meaningful discussion in the news section and you " Bhagwan" decided to throw in SF & some other crap into the mix, totally unrelated to the topic, you ended up offended another forum member, resulting in Todd having to intervene and clean up the posts.. remember that, sure you do.

* You caught me off guard with your " proves him wrong".. really? Proves him wrong about what exactly? l think you getting a little confused there . You see, when Trump was running his mouth off before he won the Presidency and during his tenure in the WH- you were not around, at least not in the forum. You reemerged from you know where and by that time-  Trump had already been booted from office. You came to the game pretty late Bhagwan.

* Let me enlighten you. You assumed and still do that 45 won, thing is- That belief right there puts you at a disadvantage when it comes to trying to convince SANE people that they are wrong, but you are right. l will not get into the why's and wherefores' because we have travelled down that road before and reached a dead end. Hey, l want to believe that we had a fraud free election in 2020, l was convinced that we did, you and millions however do not. Thing is, you in the minority. l would wager that the majority of Republicans on the hill are convinced that your boy lost as well. Notice how you can hear a pin drop when a reporter catches many of them off guard and are asked " Is Biden the President?" They will say " Well he was sworn in but we think there were many irregularities" that need to be cleared up- but Never " Well 45 won!"

*If Trump won, why would there be a " need for alternate State Electors?" I think you selling 45 short Bhagwan, after all Trump was not some Local State official- he was the Potus. Who in their right mind could come up with the Cajones to rob a sitting President of a 2nd term- who? You have yet to name a single person and that is worrisome. l mean l want to believe but absent proof, you on your own.

* History lesson Bhagwan: In March 1783, Continental Army officers plotted mutiny against the Confederation Congress until George Washington convinced the officers to remain loyal. In 1861, pro-slavery insurrectionists assembled at the U.S. Capitol to stop the counting of electoral votes for Abraham Lincoln. Sounds familiar?

* Donald J Trump tried to do the same- and failed. Thing is, l can read stuff like that on Stack's blog, but you'd never put that up, why? Because the truth hurts.
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"l had no idea that Stack has blocked or banned you"

Couldn't decide which was worse, the spreading of lies or the childish name calling so I decided to block the worst offenders from commenting on my blog entries. Even though Coin Toss blocked me from making comments on his entries before he started spreading lies about my military service, I never blocked him from commenting here.

"when Trump was running his mouth off before he won the Presidency and during his tenure in the WH- you were not around, at least not in the forum."

Aw the "missing seven years". One of these days I'll post a link to the thread where "all of his BFFs" speculated on his absence. It was weird because it's logical that one or more of his forum BFFs should have known exactly why he abruptly stopped posting on LP. Guess they really weren't his BFFs and probably didn't know him as well as they thought. Or maybe a couple knew he was moving into the "grey bar hotel".

I still have an email from someone that exchanged childish insults with him on another message board saying he had a massive stroke and died while posting. IMO, it was either he died or was in prison and it sure looks like he is not dead.

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