The GOP doesn't own patriotism, christianity, safety or America



Entry #227


Avatar Pick3master3838 -
The right wing maga should pack up and move to somewhere where dictators like their orange clump can dictate how you live, who you can date, what books you are allowed to read, what women can do with their bodies, and increase the voting age to ensure they win in an election, because too many younger people are voting against the evil regime.

The GOP doesn't own patrotism, christianity, or providence. The fake god you worship didn't appoint your hypocrite dear leader to anything. Stormy Daniels is just one example of a long laundry list of gaffes by your dear leader.

Don't preach to me, as if you hold higher standards, you are a piece of s**t losers who are profoundly ignorant and confused, like the rest of the cult you membera belong to.
Avatar jarasan -
Spikel proteins getting to you or did you spend all your thousands? HAHAHAHAHAHA tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock.

nosepicker that anger is eating you up.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
It's not anger, I'm simply pointing out the stupidity of Maga. Take your TickTock and stick it up your a**! The supplements are working in my favor, so your desire for my demise ( what a fake christian), will be diminished.

Just stick to your believing in that imaginary god of yours and pray to the ceiling you delusional, and brainwashed moron. All your credibilty goes right out the window with any subject after that.

Your indoctrination doesn't prove you have any sort of morality, or honesty in your stance. You voted for an ape who cheated on his wife and you call yourself a Christian? You are a Disgrace to the very foundation of the idea of morality. Your religion is beyond repair when most of the boy diddling comes from the church members, about once a week, not drag queens, and you think you have a monopoly on truth? Go eff yourself with your blatant hypocrisy.

Your dictator has absolutely 0% chance of coming anywhere close to stepping foot in the white house. He belongs in prison, and you know that, but the reason maga wants him back is because they don't give a flying f*** about all his failures, they want him back because the orange ogre gives them the green light to be racist, bigoted, intelectually dishonest, and retain their right to be misled and uninformed.

Yeah right, a party that wants less govt., what a joke! Impeding in people's rights is not less govt. This country was never great, it was only great for old "so called" christian white men who got away with being racists and bigots. Now that the country has finally woken up, and is standing up against the narrative that' s been the ruling for decades, is scaring the crap out of the maga and GOP.

That's why they want to ban tik tok, ban books, ban same sex marriage, ban interacial marriages, ban abortion, ban ban ban. Maga and the GOP wants to revert back to the stone age. Guess what, we won't allow the knuckle draggers to do that. Maga is a minority, the people voted your crummy excuse of a president out of office, and in 2024, we will do it again, but this time it will be with even more rigor, because in the past couple of years, the SANE people have seen the GOP's systematic destruction of the will of the majority. The TRUTH will always prevail! And there is nothing you, or any other cult member can do to stop us!
Avatar eddessaknight -
We Love Our Great God and Our  Great Country that it was successfully  Founded upon  :-) 

Ameican Currency "in God WE  Trust "
One Nation under God
Latin: e-plurus uno

All people of good will are welcomed to join in ouur American Revolution founded in `1776
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Bullcrap, This country was not founded on a judeo Christian foundation. The treaty of Tripoli guaranteed that. And Congress Unanimously ratified it. We also have separation of church and state. And all the churches need to be taxed, including the ones that Harbor pedophiles. Stop pushing your garbage crap on everybody else. If you haven't believed in that bulls**t book saturated with sanctioning slavery, killing the entire population on the planet and it's animals, the first born, which I don't believe happened but you do, anyways keep it to yourself.
Avatar Stack47 -
As usual the MAGA Kool-Aid drinkers make pitifully stupid comments without ever checking facts. They must be first class idiots not to understand, "thou shall have no other God's before me" and "Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise" mean the opposite.

Makes no sense that a group of Judea Christians would create a document giving the Right to believe in and worship any number of gods, graven images, or even the devil. Probably think Cotton Mathers was one of the founding fathers.

"believed in that bulls**t book saturated with sanctioning slavery"

The MAGA people want to go back to pre-January 1,1863 America.
Avatar eddessaknight -
We Love Our Great God Given Great Country (Sucess)

"In God WE Trust" currency

Latin: 'e-pluribus unum'
One Out of Many

And we invite  all to join the American Revolution Citizens '1776
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Repeating your garbage over and over doesn't make it true Eddie, get a grip on reality. Your magical sky daddy doesn't exist. Your nonsense is about to make me on the verge of upgrading so I can block you from spewing your ignorance in my blog.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Stack, it's confounding to me how in 2023, people still believe this country is a christian nation, when all the evidence proves otherwise. Indoctrinated people are lazy, or want to be willingfully ignorant on the subject, in order to wrongfully justify their belief.

Out of the 10 commandments, most aren't included in American laws. Don't murder and steal are the exceptions. The rest are not included. For example, don't covet thy neighbor isn't part of our laws. This country is based on competition by keeping up with the Jones'.

How about the first commandment, no man shall worship any other god than me, heck, anyone can worship any god they choose in the country. It's in the first amendment....hello!

No graven image, wrong again, anyone can make a graven image of any gods they choose.

This country is not based on the bible, but white christian nationlists want to make it one. Ain't gonna happen.
Avatar Stack47 -
Saw a You Tube video that gave which Christian denomination each President was a member of. And most of the founding fathers that were later elected President belonged to the Episcopalian Church. Adams and Jefferson were Unitarians though it's widely accepted that Jefferson was probably an atheist or a deist at best.

Currently around 70 million Americans are Catholic and 140 million belong to one of the thousands of Protestant denominations. And even though when the Constitution was created and because of all the Protestant Christian denomination, the founders voted against any denomination or sect in the United States. Having the Right to believe or not believe made much more sense in a document expounding freedom.
Avatar CDanaT -
"Ban abortion"...interesting... Why would you want to protect a human being that isn't out of the womb yet ? After all it's a fetus not a human being and has no right to life correct ??
Yet, Under California Penal Code 187 (PC), murder is defined as “the unlawful killing of a human being, or a fetus, with malice aforethought.” My source on this is from an Atty named Peter Liss who has been practicing law in CA for a few decades.. Fairly seasoned fellow in my estimation.
   Now, as far as a deity goes, religion has been around for many centuries and a person who wants to choose that aspect is on them and their ideals of life. Because there isn't a physical being that you can see or touch or isn't on TV means there isn't one ??? ..... Ehhhh, I wouldn't go down that road and condemn people as POSes. It's their choice, not yours. There is no coercion to force you to listen. It's your option. Having temper tantrums, name calling, getting in people's faces hasn't resolved a single thing... Civil discussions, passing laws and bills(NO Nancy !! We don't " have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy.")
Now as far as the 45th president is concerned, he is the only one I have seen, outwardly seen stand up for the working class folks, promote the USA first, since I started voting in over 4 decades. If the current President(46) is the lefts answer to opposition of 45, we might just be headed down a path of no return. Having runaway inflation, which nobody can argue there hasn't been, open borders, excessive deaths from fentanyl importation along with excessive governmental spending isn't what I would call "best options" for the citizens of the United States. I do have 1 simple question for you folks on the left. At what point do we stop abiding by the laws and get rid of integrity altogether? Defunding the Police works so well and bail reduction has a stellar record of ensuring human safety.
Here is a noble idea, how about for 1 weekend, not a full week, we have full compliance to all laws throughout each state along with the Fed law as well??? No murders, drunk driving, no pedophilia, no illegal imports of anything. Just good ole voluntary compliance and civility...While I know and you know that it won't happen, lets at least stop the warped ideology of claiming to be something that you are not, and can never be(Rachael Dolezal, Elizabeth Warren, Jessica Krug and Mark Stebbins of Stockton, CA)....Try being yourself and civil to other folks, while complying with the laws of your state and this country... Oh, please remember we can't go back to the 1860's nor do we have any desire to.. BTW, we should have picked our own  ed cotton !!
Avatar Stack47 -
"Stack, it's confounding to me how in 2023, people still believe this country is a christian nation"

Because James Bakker said it just before he was sent to prison for federal charges of mail and wire fraud and conspiring to defraud the public. But there are millions of uneducated Kool-Aid drinker lining up just waiting to make any pitifully stupid comment. And the habitual liars too.

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