I knew it, grifter will always be grifters


Someone were saying that the only reason the orange clown said he was going to get arrested ahead of time, was because he wanted sympathy from his maga cult members, and that they were gonna send money to him.


Entry #236


Avatar Stack47 -
The only question now is who will indict Trump first. And which one or many of his legal team will eventually testify against him.

And when Trump is arrested, Lindsey Graham believes a group of the MAGA Kool-Aid drinkers will "blow up the country". Guess he didn't get the memo about the 420 people that were convicted for their criminal activities on Jan. 6 and the 220 of them incarcerated. Maybe he was talking about the six really old MAGA supporters that were waiting for their messiah to be arrested in front of Trump Tower.
Avatar sully16 -
Wow joker you must be sick, there you were blogging and spreading the word, nice of you to help him out.
Avatar sully16 -
Spreading the word and helping Trump,  hehehehehehehehehehe
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Sully, you need help. He is obviously taking people's money for no good reason, and you are still in denial. I feel bad for you. Please seek some help.

Maybe a trump anonymous program can help. Group therapy, something....please
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Maga bitching about Biden and how the prices are so high, yet they can open their wallets and send money to a well known criminal grifter, who hasn't been arrested...🤣🤣🤣


Maybe I should make believe I'm a trump fan and do something bad to end up in jail, and ask the brain dead maga to send me money. I'm definitely in the wrong business...🫣
Avatar sully16 -
ruhahahahahahaha, you are still trump's little helper, LOL
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Nope! I'm exposing his demise as a fraudster. Most people seeing this post know I'm right, the maga crowd are a minority.

You sure trying hard as a shill. How much money did you donate? 🤣
Avatar CDanaT -
Forget it Sully, you will never be able to fix the gormless philistines of this country. C'mon...Anyone that would vote a houseplant that can't walk up a flight of stairs or give a speech or say things before ending an interview by telling a black radio host that if he can’t decide whether to vote for Biden or Trump, then he “ain’t black.” <- Source CNBC...  Then turn around and elect a Senator who's now checked into a hospital for depression after 6 weeks on the job.... That doesn't make 5 cents let alone common sense.  I can't believe anyone would vote for such a person who has "white privilege", "toxic masculinity" and "racist" comments... Then again, it's okay to do those above actions as long as there is a "D" that they are listed under, on the ballot. Just curious though, where are the D's on Title 9 for womens sports ?? Oh yes, now I remember.... from USA Today back in 2021, " On his first day in office last month, President Joe Biden signed an executive order which threatened to pull federal funding from schools unless they allow transgender women to compete on girls’ sports teams.".....Can't win em all ladies and you never will, now.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
CdanaT is a clueless knuckle dragger, and a hump on the orange dictator's back. Go kiss his boots, bootlicker. Maybe you should move to north korea, you'd be very happy over there dumbass!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Name calling are we? How about a master bankruptcy guy that ascends to the Presidency & when he loses- he encourages a coup?

* l see G has a thread up showing Trump won over 400 electoral votes & Joe below 200, only thing is those results were shown in Macau or was it Mongolia?

* The best part was showing 45 winning NY & CA.🤪
Avatar noise-gate -
* To show you the absurdity of Trump winning California, there has not been a Republican winning California since Clinton became President. Yet G is staking his life on his thread that 45 carried this State.
Avatar grwurston -
NY is a lot more red than you think. 

How about a guy (Biden) that blames everyone else for his failed policies?
Avatar Coin Toss -

You're the one who belongs in Noth Korea.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Biden is not the one blaming " them" for stealing the election from him.

*Biden is not staying up half the night going after DeSantis & others who may or may not be running. Neither is Joe writing in all CAPS to bring his point across.

* Finally: Trump lost to Joe, not the other way round, and no- 45 did not get 400 electoral votes, that's stuff dreams are made of, silly dreams but dreams nonetheless.
Avatar CDanaT -
What tickles me the most about you liberal Democrats, I truly believe you are upset with the fact that Donald Trump WAS a Democrat for many years.
Now as Far as President houseplant, you know, the big guy that gets 10%..... What kind of man blames Putin for all his problems ?? Joe never takes any responsibility for anything. I have yet to see that man claim he or his policies have caused one single problem. You LLF's have got to admit that inflation and the border and the drugs coming in aren't under any kind of control.
But all you do is Trump Trump Trump... The guy that created more jobs for minorities than Barry or Bill.
Trump Changed Obama’s Rules of engagement fighting ISIS & Defeated Obama’s ISIS caliphate that Obama created withdrawing from Iraq against the advice of his Generals. Took out the #1 #2 terrorists Soleimani & Baghdadi. Removed us from the disastrous JCPOA. China trade deal (Obama didn’t even try). USMCA with Mexico & Canada (again Obama didn’t even try). Recognition of Israel's capital, opening the American Embassy in Jerusalem, and recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. 4 Mid-East peace deals! Stay in Mexico policy, Asylum agreements w/ Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador + Wall = 84% reduction in border apprehensions. NK fired long range missiles & conducted nuclear tests every 24 days on avg. under Obama, none in over 700+ days. NATO took advantage of US taxpayers under Obama, Trump got NATO to contribute over $100 billion. Rebuilt our military after Obama gutted it with sequestration.. Established the first new branch of the United States Military since 1947 - the Space Force. Trumps foreign policy & national security accomplishments go on like that forever, while Basement Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy & national security issue for over 40 years, Gates says even a broken clock has a better track record.
Obama promised “5 million green jobs” that never happened now Biden is promising “10 million green jobs” that will NEVER happen. Its DevaJu!  7-8-2013 THE GUARDIAN - “Why Obama ditched green jobs from his climate change rhetoric” 2-13-2012 - BLOOMBERG - “The 5 Million Green Jobs That Weren't” 4-20-2012 INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY - “The Obama Green Jobs Initiative Has Been A Failure”  4-13-2012 REUTERS - “Analysis: Obama's "green jobs" have been slow to sprout” 2-4-2012 FORBES - “During his 2008 campaign, President Obama promised to "create 5 million 'green' jobs." 9-6-2011 - FORBES - “President Obama's Green Jobs Pretense Is An Unmitigated Fiasco” 8-31-2011 ABC NEWS - “Solar Energy Company Touted By Obama Goes Bankrupt” 8-18 -2011 - NEW YORK TIMES -“Number of Green Jobs Fails to Live Up to Promises” 9-4-2011 - WASHINGTON POST - “ Obama green-tech program that backed Solyndra struggles to create jobs” 10-2011 - US NEWS & WORLD REPORT - “Green Energy Jobs? Not From Obama's Big Government Meddling” 4-10-2011 - ABC NEWS “Work Scarce for Obama's Green Job Training Grads
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Coin loss, stop projecting. Your dictator acts more like a dictator idiot, you are a certified moron!
Avatar noise-gate -
* More "Cut & paste" BS from rightwing propaganda.

* The Toddler was a freaking Newbie to politics, a learn on the job student for the most demanding position in the world: And leader of the free world. To hear you guys tell it, Trump was BORN to be President of the United States.

* Mr only l can fix it couldn't handle his loss & went on a tirade, as if that wasn't enough, he continues to claim the election was rigged against him.So " great" was your guy that he had so much spare time taking to Twitter & watching the news to challenge anything negatively said against him. Everything he touched turned to gold- yep. The guy hated intelligence briefings & only wanted brief details on matters of security. If you think being a moron is the definition of genius- then you have my sympathy.
Avatar CDanaT -
Noise...Are you truly happy that inflation is where it is now ??  Is the southern border more secure now with Joe Biden as president ?  How much money has Joe Biden saved you as the elected President in the last 2 years ?? My bills haven't gone down at all, especially utility bills, gas & electric bills and food bills.
Guess all the above items, I have listed, have gone down in CA. but skyrocketed in every other state. You can hate Trump for his ego and his tough stance against NATO, NK but you have to admit his policies kept inflation at a minimal gain during his 4 years along with other idiot nations thinking twice about screwing with the USA.....gas prices weren't anywhere close to what they are right now. My 401K has dropped 20% under Joe Biden.....And as far as digging into a wallet, my spending starts with going to the voting both and casting a vote,not purchasing air time on the boob tube.
Joe Biden has been in politics for almost half a century. Senate 1973-2009, VP 2009-2017, POTUS 2021-present Please feel free to name the top 10 achievements he has accomplished.
I appreciate the 1994 Violence against Women Act . He and Orin Hatch did well on that one.
The 2008 Protect Our Children Act was another good one, that he supported.
While I like the 1994 Crime Bill that he was a part of and used to call the Biden Crime Bill, that is now considered a big boo boo and a controversy.....
My research hasn't found much that Joe Biden sponsored/co-sponsored as a U.S Senator for 36 years, that produced something to benefit the majority of the voters.....
Life long politicians have limited get up and go, unless its being re-elected. The good ole boys and girls club turns into a quagmire most of the time. They ALL definitely need to be put on the SS program as opposed to the retirement system they have now.
Avatar Stack47 -
"More "Cut & paste" BS from rightwing propaganda"

And some of it comes right out of Fox Entertainment and the MAGA "deflect, distract, and deny playbook. Seriously, outside of anonymous social media, do people in "real life" even know how their neighbors vote or they have a political ideology?

Trump said "I love the poorly educated" so why are they pretending they are not?

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