The stable orange genius word salad loser


How any person on planet Earth can still support this blithering idiot, astounds me.

Entry #268


Avatar noise-gate -
* Rex Tillerson his 1st Sec of State said that 45 has a short attention span. Needed pie charts to navigate foreign affairs in his head. Needed only 2-3 topics to concentrate on or he going into a spiral… then they want to complain about Biden’s “ gaffe’s.”

* That was the leader of the free world for 4 freaking years, can you believe it?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
He's worse than a simpleton. A 6 year old would have given a much more coherent answer. He's a certified loser..🤡
Avatar noise-gate -
* l am reminded of a saying of Reagan- “ Never talk ill of a fellow Republican “ or something to that effect. Then along came Trump, and he started attacking members of his own party, but the fool didn’t stop there, he went after the US intelligence community, the Dems & Doctors, Generals & just about everyone in between.

* it’s one thing if you regarded as a brilliant person, cause people will have a tendency to “ cut you some slack “ Elon Musk comes to find given that he is the Chief Engineer of SpaceX. When asked if he had a degree in engineering he said “ No, but l asked a lot of questions from other engineers & l read lots of books.” That cannot be said of the Orangutan.

* The constant lies & leading these lemmings down the wrong path is a history lesson- after all Jim Jones had his followers as well and look how that ended? I think MikePillow has thrown away over $20 million of his own money fighting a losing battle for the Orange Unit. It’s sad!
Avatar Stack47 -
Have you noticed nobody here is defending Marjorie Taylor-Greene's mostly pitifully stupid comments and she is "one of them"?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Stack, that's because the folks here are as stupid as her, and realized their stupidity, and too embarrassed to admit it.
Avatar Stack47 -
They say they want "America to be great" yet are silent when one of their own defends someone that disclosed classified information.

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