Trans women are into more than just women's sports!


A judge sentenced trans woman "Oath Keeper Jessica Watkins to 8-and-a-half years in prison on Friday".

Entry #429


Avatar noise-gate -
* Leave no stone unturned is the motto- Trans or not.

* On a more interesting topic- TX AG got impeached Saturday for " violating his oath of office." His accusations run the gamut: Obstruction of Justice, dereliction of duty, pay for play, having taxpayers pay to settle whistleblowers complaints against his office. Having renovations done on his home to get donations. Here is a guy that is closely aligned with 45 and not a word from the Commander in Thief, so far. Would probably say " l don't know the guy, met him once or twice etc etc."
Avatar noise-gate -
* O O- since l don't follow the Orangutan, was just reminded through an article that 45 called the " process unfair." I guess that goes for Jean Carroll thingie, his own impeachment, Jack Smith investigation & Georgia looking into his meddling in business he had no right to as well: All unfair.

* l forgot, Paxton was front & center in adding TX to the other States in attempting to address their grievances over the 2020 election where Trump lost  & the Supreme Court shot back that TX was won by 45, so TX was not harmed in any way by the outcome of the election. I see 45 called the guy leading the charge to get Paxton permanently out as AG,a RINO- despite being a Republican.
* If you don't follow 45 or his set of rules- you a Rino. A newbie to politics is suddenly the true definition of a Republican. Oh the horror.
Avatar Stack47 -
Right now Trump's biggest problem is keeping his month shut. Whether or not he believes he can declassify documents by "thinking of doing it", publicly saying so can only incriminate himself. The only punishment from Carroll case is monitory unless he ignores the warnings from the judge and again he sounds like a madman saying the same things that caused him to lose.

The good news is Ron DeSantis says stuff Trump can only wish he thought of. Doing his best Joseph McCarthy imitation, DeSantis says he "will destroy leftism in America". The MAGA people will say "first they came after my books and I didn't speak because I can't read". Is Texas and Florida having a contest to see which state can ban the most books?

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