Sensitive about these pick 3's!


That 235 last night.

I was thinking about my co-worker from Chrysler, and how he was a part of me playing lottery.

R.I.P.  Mr. Walter Tabb.


235 was our number.  One day, he called me and asked me, "what to play"?  I said, "I keep getting, 235 for a quick pick, he said, "that's my number, play it for me, straight, and str/box,   I said, "o.k. and I'm going to play it for me too.

It hit that evening, we won, $950.00 each.

We met up , so I could give him his tickets, and that's when he told me, he had surgery for brain cancer!

I was devastated!  But, glad to see him, he looked good.  Didn't look like he was surviving brain cancer surgery.

He would always call me and ask me what to play.  One day, I called him, he didn't answer, I kept calling.

No answer!

Then, one day I was on "Facebook" on the Chrysler lost but not forgotten page, and saw that he had passed away.


I am sensitive about that set of numbers  235! And, I had him on my mind earlier in the week.

Mr. Walter Tabb and my mother are the reason I play lottery.

He would show me tickets all the time, from Illinois and Missouri, lol, I wouldn't play nothing, lmaooooooooooo, he just kept showing me, lol  winners.

I was in school at the time, I didn't have time to play lottery, lmaoooooooooooo.  I told him, when I graduate, I'm going to study and help you and my mom win, lmaoooooooooooooooo.

Because, I didn't like loosing, even a dollar, lmaoooooooooooooooo, so, I wasn't interested in the lottery unless I knew something about it.

Anyway, I helped him win a lot of money and him and his wife would go to the Casino and play slots, off pick 3 wins, lmaooooooooooooooo.

Rest in Heaven my friend.



So, Friday, I mentioned to my FedX co-worker that her brother birthday numbers are due, 523, I told her I was playing it because, she said, "I wish I knew to play that 619"!  My other co-worker hit that straight, several times,  her birthday number!

I hope she played it last night, because, it sure came in as 235!

I had text my oldest son to play it, and explained that sum 10 was due and the 23x was running, so I picked 532 for sum 10.

I have not been feeling too good all week, I kept going to sleep yesterday, I had all intentions on playing the 532, because, it's in one of my "deflate tool" reductions.  Well, I went to sleep and woke up after the draw.

What came in?  235!

I was devastated when I text my son and he didn't text me back, that meant he didn't play it.

I haven't text my co-worker yet, to see if she played her brother birthday.

Now, I am feeling some type of way and it's hard to concentrate after I fumble the bag.

Everything repeats, and go in cycles, maybe I will catch it the next time around.

Best of Luck.

Entry #7,103


Avatar MzDuffleBaglady -
I catch feelings off these numbers.
I can't call it straight all the time, so, he know what else I say, run it box 5 or 10 times.
$500 or $1,000 is much wanted and needed,   lol
Avatar MzDuffleBaglady -
I decided to play $1.00 box, several times, because, I got mad, big bad, winning number $50 when you have all 3 numbers.
That's my theory and I am sticking to it.
Avatar eddessaknight -
THANK you MZ FOR THE WONDERFUL Wonderful Prayers THANK YOU mz, f or Marvin's insightful prayers!

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