Use a 646 Workout to your advantage.



“Meditation is allowing what is” 
– Victor Davich

Often, we find ourselves wanting something to be, instead of just accepting it for what it is. It's how our mind's work. We find ways to transform things, instead of just paying attention to what's in front of us.

In this lesson, we are going to learn what a 646 workout is and how to accept what is in front of us to find our next lottery picks. But first, we have to understand how to create the workout, so let's jump right in.

A 646 Workout is where you take the current drawn number, and write it down on a piece of paper. Then you add 6 to the first column, 4 to the second column, and 6 to the third column - until you get back to your originally drawn number. Let me give you an example. We are going to use the Delaware day draw for Wednesday, August 9th.

6 4 6
0 3 1
6 7 7
2 1 3
8 9 9
4 5 5
0 3 1

The number drawn for Delaware on August 9th for day was 031. That number is in green in this table. Now, let me explain how we create this table. You take the "0", and then add "6" to it, and you get a 6. Then 6 + 6 = 12. We just drop the 1 and use the 2 - so 12 becomes 2. 6 + 2 is 8, 6 + 8 = 14 (drop the 1) so 4, and then 6 + 4 = 10. Again, drop the 1 so back to 0 again. Now, we do the same for the second column, and then the third column.

Your next number to be drawn, is in this workout. There's some simple rules to follow when you use these workouts. Below is a list of those rules:

  1.  You must create workouts from draw to draw to successfully trace upcoming draws.
  2.  You must connect all three digits in some connecting way.
  3.  Use your "drifters" as a starting point in the workout.
  4.  Use your open spots in previous workouts to look for your next draw numbers.

When you do these workouts, it's highly recommended that you get yourself a sheet of paper, (graph paper is best) and a highlighter. As you create new workouts, you are going to back-track through your workouts and highlight numbers drawn to help narrow things down. I know it sounds confusing, but follow along, I will do my best to explain this.

This is still using Delaware's draws for the past few draws. The chart below is a series of 646 workouts for those draws.

6 4 6
3 9 9
9 3 5
5 7 1
1 1 7
7 5 3
3 9 9


6 4 6
3 2 2
9 6 8
5 0 4
1 4 0
7 8 6
3 2 2


6 4 6
4 0 8
0 4 4
6 8 0
2 2 6
8 6 2
4 0 8


6 4 6
0 3 1
6 7 7
2 1 3
8 9 9
4 5 5
0 3 1


6 4 6
0 0 0
6 4 6
2 8 2
8 2 8
4 6 4
0 0 0


If we look at the last 646 Workout on the right, the night draw for August 9th, for Delaware was 000. But how could we figure out that number? Well, if we look at our previous workout, and remember where I said to use your "drifter" as your starting point? We knew the number for August 9th in the evening was going to include one of the following: 0/5, 3/8 or a 1/6, based on the day draw results - which was 031.

Now, if we look at the middle workout, the one where 408 was drawn, what we have done is filled in all the connecting spots where 031 touch, and we would do the same with the number 000 in that workout as well. Just so happens in the 408 workout, there isn't a way to connect 000 or any version of that together, which is fine. Just go to the previous workout and mark your boxes. Basically, you take the current draw, and mark it in previous workouts until the workout is completely covered. Think of it like "cover-all" in Bingo.

As you begin to back-track, covering up the current draw numbers, you will see like in the 1st and 2nd workout, there are only just 1 spot or a couple spots to be filled. THOSE are what you are looking for to help you find your next hit. Consider your current number, the drifter(s), and what needs to be covered up and you will begin to notice the next numbers that will be drawn. Don't force it - look at it for what it is. If you see a 3 digit combination that needs to be covered, try to follow that combination through your workouts to the current one and see if it's connecting in 3 boxes that touch each other.

Now, in the case of the 000 workout, if you look, barring a "reset number" being played, tomorrow's number is going to include a 0 or a 5 - for sure. But in the workout, the 0/5 is only shown at the top and the bottom. So that means it's going to have to use either a 4/9, 6/1 or another 0/5 because those are the only numbers available that touch the 0's. So you know for sure (again, barring a reset number) a 0 or 5 is going to be played.

You are looking for numbers that make sense to close up your previous workouts. Watch your drifters, pay attention to mirror numbers and accept what you are looking at. It will guide you to your next hit. 

Keep track of these workouts, highlight the hits, color code the drifters. My prediction for Delaware's day draw for August 10th is a 406 type of combination. Remember, that can be played many different ways, like 915, 406, 965, etc.

There's more to come, and you will soon discover just how easy it is to spot these numbers. But for now, you've began to understand the basics, and some tools you need to help you track. But I promise you, I will be dropping something that will really help you rake in the cash.

Entry #4


Avatar lakerben -
What's a drifter?
Avatar winpick3 -
A drifter is a number that moves from one draw to another draw. For example, let's say the number came out as: 113. Then the next draw is 065. The "drifter" would be the "6" in 065, because 6 is the mirror number to 1`, which was in the previous draw.
Avatar Wentworth -
Where are you getting the nine in the second column affine 4 to 1 is
5 not 9
Avatar Lia284 -
How many days do you recommend going back for the previous draws?
Avatar winpick3 -
Once a workout is completely covered, it won't be used. But you need to go back as far as a workout that has an open, unplayed number. Sometimes that could be 10 or 15 draws back or even further. But it still needs to be covered. That's why it's best to keep doing these workouts consistently, from draw to draw. It's going to help you see what's potentially going to be played, as well as help train your brain. If you do something repetitively for 21 days, it becomes a pattern.

You can pick any starting point you want, but do each workout forward, and then back trace using the technique described in the article.
Avatar Lia284 -
Thank You for the clarification!😊

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