Trump is crushing his GOP competition in cash and the polls


Entry #32,096


Avatar Pick3master3838 -
The only thing the orange idiot is crushing, are the chairs he sits on. That obese fat f***!
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Oh, you must mean the diarrhea brain you stooges idolize.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Him and his disciples are hoping that the American voters are " stupid enough" to send an indicted individual back to the WH. Everyday that he goes off on his rants and complains about being unfairly treated etc etc-  just sees him digging himself into a deeper hole. Its a pipedream to think that he will be President again- l mean how outrageous would it be to see him raise his right hand and repeat the following....

" "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

* We all know he failed to do that, so it would be a joke to both us in America and to folks watching around the world.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Are you lame? they're not watching Trump, they're laughing at biden.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Sure they watching Trump. How can they not- the fool is facing multiple federal charges. In Georgia alone, he is classified as the head of a " Racketeering enterprise." They laughing at this pompous P*** who always says " he did nothing wrong."

* His the first Ex President l think who faces charges as " The United States Vs Donald J Trump. Your faith in your disgraced leader is misplaced.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Since l have your attention: Would you really take 45 at his word if he ever got a chance to be sworn in as Potus again when he takes the Oath of office or will you be giggling as the rest of humanity will, knowing he would be lying through his teeth?
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Maddog, you mean like tRump when he said, Republicans eat their young, you f***ing moron? Can't even read a teleprompter correctly. Crawl back to your filthy hole loser!
Avatar noise-gate -
* l am reminded of a line in one of my favorite movies: Shawshank Redemption.

Andy writes " Hope is a good thing,and no good thing ever dies."

* lt gets me thinking of the Maga minions across the country- they " hope" that Trump will return to power to continue his mess. All the corrupt things he has done during his stay in office & after is what they find attractive about him. It's no different from folks who are addicted to love or horror movies,they just can't get enough of it. One can throw in anything that gets one's attention,  whether it be a new iPhone or whatever- they obsess over it.

* Then we have Trump- they NEVER comment on his stir crazy rants on his platform, or that he is in his late 70's. When he confuses Biden with Obama as President, we know the screws are falling off, but they don't comment, instead they talk about Joe & something unrelated to the conversation on Trump. When he suggested disinfectant being used to ... they said it was taken out of context.

* Then Trump pours more of his Kool-Aid down their throats by telling his disciples that he is getting " indicted for them." It's a " huh" moment but knowing there is little gray matter in those heads of theirs, they run with the idea. He talks about " election interference " as though all these charges he faces should be addressed after his attempt at re taking the WH.

* Kinda like a serial killer being captured & him or her telling Law enforcement " l just got married a week ago & have my honeymoon all set, we flying out to Cancun " and when l return l will face the music. Think that's gonna work? I thought so.

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