Donald Trump receives 4th Noble Peace Prize nomination


Entry #32,484


Avatar jarasan -
People miss a peaceful world, President Trump deserves credit for having done such a great job his four years as President.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Nobel prize? He has never done anything Nobel, except for himself, that greedy piece of sh!t orange freakazoid. He needs to go to prison and croak. Stick that Nobel prize up your azz.
Avatar noise-gate -
* So Trump is a Peace maker huh? One look at Jan 6th and the attack of on our Capitol should dispense of that notion. Who said to his citizens at home "  you have to fight like hell or you not going to have a country anymore?"
Avatar sully16 -
hehehehehehe, libtards got their panties in a twist, lmao.
Avatar noise-gate -
* One can always count on brain dead supporters of the Orange one to say something goofy & pretend it makes sense.

* Your Supreme leader confuses Nikki with Pelosi, talks ad nauseum about acing a cognitive test when we can all see the guy is in major mental decline. America does not need an Dictator wannabe on power.

* The fool thought that moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem was approved from the powers above. It's no wonder the Evangelicals assume he is the answer to their political prayers. Those idiots will get their day & it won't be pretty.

* The only one thinking of panties is that Orange nut who prefers women not wear them so he can grab them by the p*****. Run along & play demented one.
Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Sully, your same old  libtards panties shtick is getting old. Just like Republicans, nothing new to offer. Just whine and complain....
Avatar noise-gate -
* The F-r doesn't sleep, which is why he posts sh** on his social platform at 2 am & his supporters love him for it.
*He needs to crawl into bed & get la** on a regular basis to clear his head, and perhaps say something meaningful. Guess that's to
much to ask.
* His comatose support expect the rest of the nation to
Avatar noise-gate -
....join them on electing a felon & a thief to high office.
* Why not move to North Korea for 6 months & return with your expertise of how life was there & prepare America for what could be..
Avatar noise-gate -
* What the F happened to the Republican party? There used to be sane competent folks in the party until a narcissist took over the party because his rabid uneducated supporters encouraged him to radicalize it to the point one can't recognize it anymore.
* Since when is attempting to overturn Democracy a good thing? How about bringing forth " fake electors" & deny legitimate votes to be cast aside because you feel you earned a 2nd term?
* They keep talking about how " good" the economy was under 45. Hello- Biden economy has created more jobs than 45's.  Inflation is coming down, so what's left for Trump to run on? Oh yeah- the border.
* Did you know that Trump suggested having..
* Crocodile moats at the border- let them eat the folks crossing into the US.
* Electrocuting the fence at the border & shooting the migrants in their legs.

* That's the insane F-r they want in the White House. Hey peckerhead, who's going to pick the fruit and vegetables,l don't see we whites, blacks, Chinese or American Indians out in the fields..
Avatar grwurston -
Since Biden took office, Russia invaded Ukraine, China flew a surveillance balloon across the US and Biden waited till it got over the Atlantic ocean before shooting it down. Since 2022 North Korea has conducted more than 100 missile tests, Biden has said he will not recognize Taiwan's independence from China, (will China invade Taiwan?) our ships are being attacked in the Red Sea, Iranian-backed groups have launched hundreds of missiles at U.S. forces in Iraq and Syria since the Hamas attack, and who knows how many terrorists have crossed into the US over the southern border who are just waiting for the GO signal to start blowing stuff up.

Our military has become weak, China has over 2 million soldiers to our 1.3 million, Russia and NK are even with the US in numbers, and nobody wants to sign up due to the current wokeness.
We are this close to being involved in another war in the Middle east or even possibly World War III.  And if WWIII does start tell your kids, grand kids, and nephews that they're gonna be drafted because we will be attacked here this time around. The ONLY thing that might prevent an invasion here is because we have the 2nd Amendment and 42% of households have a gun owner.

And you all think Biden knows what he is doing? He's as weak as a wet noodle and the world knows it. And that is not good for the country.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Russua invading Ukraine had nothing to do with Trump not being in office. Trump was cozy with Vlad & Putin waited for 45 to be gone. You don't screw up a relationship with you buddy. Your Leader took Putin's word over US intelligence in their 1st meeting- you forgot that? Putin had a puppet in Trump.

* The balloon thingie happened on 45's watch as well- do research. Lil kim played 45 like a violin, he got nothing out of his relationships with kimmy- except love letters.

* Our military is called " losers" NY your leader,  don't even go there. Trump hated to see wounded American soldiers. Called the fallen ones in France suckers- as l said, don't go there. Hw denigrated McCain as well, tour point is weak.

* Ww are not this close to www3, stop talking crap. Your foolish leader wanted to  pull the US out of Nato, that would have hastened Russia invading European countries.

* An invasion here? You talking through your  A** le. Any country expecting to invade will have to do it with missiles from thousands of miles away.

* How the F are they going to invade?through
Mexico or Canada? You fools put your trust on a rapist & cognitive declining fool to think his presence alone keeps peace on the world.

* The idiot was in the WH basement when protesters surrounding the WH, he had to call on the guards to protect his a** when he crossed the lawn with Bible in hand accompanied by Millet, chairman of the joint chief of staff.

* Biden is a Statemen, not a con man who has his sycophants drinking his polluted kool-aid crap into thinking he is the answer to America's prayer. Thw idiot is 77 years old- a foot in the mental grave so to speak & an indicted imbecile. Is that enough information for you to chew on G?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Any other points you wish to discuss or debate G- cause l have your lunch ready!
Avatar noise-gate -
*Btw: Trump slithered into the WH with the help of Comey. It's the reason he should have finally come to his senses when the voters witnessed his behavior over a span of 4 years & rejected him at the ballot box.

* He lost the Senate, Congress & WH in 4 years. Republicans with him in charge lost every midterm since he occupied the Oval Office. Go check, they continued that losing streak with his choices for the Senate: Oz, Walker, etc.

* The fool actually said that the Lincoln could have made " a deal to stop the Civil War" that's how incompetent he is- and if we know ot, what makes you think folks abroad don't? They view hom as an idiot on the world stage for crying out loud.
Avatar sully16 -
bruhahahahaha  you screwballs are off the rails again, hehehehehehe
Avatar noise-gate -
* Right, Eric Trump told this tall tale of him & his wife eating out at a restaurant where a argument broke out amongst guests who wanted to pay for their meal because they were upset about how the country was treating his Dad.

*Eric went so far as to say people were willing
to crawl over broken glass for his father...he must have been talking about you & your ilk Sully.
Avatar noise-gate -
* l still can't get over the fact that Trump thinks that had he been an adult & alive during Lincoln's term in office- that he " DJT"  would have taught Abraham how to negotiate a deal on stopping the civil war before it happened.
Avatar noise-gate -
* l think l  seriously heard " Oohs & Aahs" from his comatose supporters at that rally when he brought up his d" Civil War deal making" remarks.
* That's the great thing about his supporters: They believe everything he says. He says you have to grab them by the p****** & his supporters will say that the press is taking it out of context. We talking about Americans, not Mongolian sheepherders who may never have seen a computer in their lives.
Avatar jarasan -
*sparkle-farts* the lover of the throat vah jayjay, you are a broken record pitiful TDS patient betting to try and win back the rent. Aren't you tired of gas lighting and repeating the same sh1t up over and over again? *sparkle-farts* you are the TDS chicken little of Truesee's blog. Congrats.
Avatar grwurston -
You are so frigging clueless.

* Russua invading Ukraine had nothing to do with Trump not being in office. Trump was cozy with Vlad & Putin waited for 45 to be gone.

So you think Trump being "cozy" with Putin was a bad thing? I think the 500,000 or so casualties on both sides would strongly disagree with you on that.
Avatar noise-gate -
* It appears that information overload is you guys weakness. You ignore the parts of my posts  & zero in on stuff you think you can pushback on. It's no wonder your Supreme leader knows you uneducated.
* Your leader went after China with his tariffs war & got nothing out of it. He plays like a strong man but he was exposed for being a paper tiger. Him cozying up despite US intelligence telling him what our POV was, went over his head.
* Btw: 53% of Republicans & independents say they will not vote for Jim if he charged with a crime, and he has 91 charges. He may zig zag through some, but no matter what- he will be charged.
Avatar grwurston -
Just following your lead. The only one uneducated is you, cause you watch the fake news.

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