The plan for incorporating follower data into the current system.


There are many steps, so may as well make myself a checklist...

1. Update ALL of the draw files, from pick 2 mid to pick 5 eve

2. Rewrite the main section of a copy of the python program (cheapest revision control ever) to input the "last draw" as all zeroes, through all 9's. This is the way to see all follower data all at once. With a proper loop, this can be done in one big run. Output reduced to distribution list, with the top being the most frequent. This will require updating CSV files for all games, as well as adding the pick 2. Long step!

3. Modify the spreadsheets where I track the zero counts of each possible lookup table. Currently there are 10 that can be applied to day or night. This mod would add 1 follower table for day and one follower table for night.

4. Re run the zero count tests incorporating the follower data. If a follower group outperforms the other groups on a particular column in a particular game, then it becomes the new lookup for that column. Zero count is the goal, so if they are not the highest, they get rejected and the work was for nothing but coding practice.

To date there have been exactly zero wins, but I have stuck with it so far. Starting for this week tonight.

Yesterday was the last for the most recent match 6 ticket, so playing a new one tonight also (for 26 draws).

Any big jackpot games will be a la carte, as they will be infrequent in terms of the year.

The current system maps the digits 0 through 9 based on the last draw. I am currently cycling through 10 combinations to dial in the zero count, with 2 more planned. For that map, there are actually 10 Billion combos! What I should do is write code that can capture the data I am catching manually and run a full fledged zero count on all 10 billion possible values for that side of the lookup table... not sure how to approach that one YET, but it is definitely on the back burner!

How do I get 10 billion? Just like the odds for the pick 3... 3 numbers that can be from 0 to 9 (10 digits). So the possible combos equal the odds. 10x10x10 =1,000 (10 to the third power)

For 10 positions each having 10 possible values, that becomes 10 to the 10th power = 10,000,000,000.

Granted some will be impractical, like 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 or similar ones that eliminate too many numbers, but that would reflect in the zero count.

I am thinking that a loop which increments each position in a list, performs a substitution and counts the zeros, placing the list with the current high zero count into a variable.

The running output of the program could be the number of the loop iterator, using a "overwrite to the same line" trick in Python to get an accurate running count without running into screen buffer overflow issues would do the trick, with a final output of the list(s) that scored highest. After that, take the top 10 and plug them into the existing system and run the manual tests as before.

No idea is ever done, there are always tweaks, improvements, and what-ifs to keep one occupied. My concepts of modular coding and even with the spreadsheets being flexible enough to model basic machine learning algorithms will keep me busy for some time... until the next "big idea". Except for wins, I got what I wanted in a lottery system

1. Easy estimation function

2. Implementation of an error function

3. Use of the data in the error function to alter the estimation function with a goal to column zeroes instead of past wins.

4. Super easy to play on the go. No need to pull out the laptop before every draw (a limiting factor in the original follower script).

For years I have tried and scrapped many system ideas, some were just bad and some failed to be fully realized because I did not really know how to write programs (or decent macros). No more! The modular (reusable) code base grows with each new experiment. By the time I finish my last three classes, I should be able to do rapid prototyping of new ideas because I will get TIME back.

20 years later and still searching...

Happy Coding!

Entry #267


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