Supporter To Trump In Georgia: I Don't Care What The Media Says We Support You



Entry #32,716


Avatar Pick3master3838 -
Uneducated simpleton MORON!
Avatar grwurston -
Smart people.
The only uneducated ones think Biden is doing a great job.
Weekly gas prices up 50 cents a gallon since Jan. Are you still loving that bidenomics?

You'll never see Biden buying anyone ice cream.
Avatar lakerben -
The blind leading the blind!
Avatar lakerben -
Lock him up!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Want to compare " doing a good job" huh G? The measure of a President is making sure the citizens of the country are not LIED to, and even in bad times, he or she levels with the people. Your Toddler did neither. He tried operating the Govt like the hotel business. That statement " Make America Great Again" didn't work for him when Covid hit, because the fool had never handled a disaster before- and as it turned out, his true colors came out.

* By the way, what steps did your guy take to get the economy back on track- all he wanted to do was " open things up" during the pandemic. Had he told the nation the truth and not hide it from the people, they may have cut him some slack, but instead he went golfing which is a dereliction of duty.

* We discussed the " gas prices" thingie, but it goes in one ear and out the other. You guys are under the impression that the " world does not change" that the United States will experience the same climate that it had when 45 was President- grow up. He knows he can manipulate you guys to think anything, why? because you worship the guy... suckers.
Avatar noise-gate -
* America has not forgotten that in acting TOUGH, the idiot came down with Covid and then ripped off his mask to show you minions that he could " handle it."  He just came off looking like the fool that he is, l guess you Maga folks also seem to forget that your god looked at the eclipse unprotected.Yikes!
Avatar grwurston -
Is this the best you can do? Bringing up covid again? What does that have to do with this topic? I thought you would be bragging about how Biden is so much better. Guess he isn't. Cuz you ain't saying nothing.
But if you want to discus it...

* The measure of a President is making sure the citizens of the country are not LIED to, and even in bad times, he or she levels with the people.

They lied their butts off about covid.  Here's your proof.
10 Times the Experts lied to us about covid.
You say Biden did a better job during covid?  Biden said he was going to stop the virus remember. Not so. He sure had a lot die under his watch.

Then Biden lied when he said, If you get vaccinated you won't get covid. But then guess what happened.
Biden tests positive for Covid again, will restart isolation despite no new
Jul 31, 2022 — The president tested positive on Saturday morning and will once again isolate, although his symptoms have not come back, the White House .. › news › politics › 2022/07/21
Jul 21, 2022 — President Joe Biden is sick with COVID-19, but isolated and working from the White House on Thursday. He's being treated with the antiviral ..
Jul 30, 2022 — U.S. President Joe Biden tested positive for COVID-19 again Saturday, slightly more than three days after he was cleared to exit coronavirus ...
So now what has Biden done in the last 3 years?  Bring the proof with links not some fake news bs.
We're listening...
Avatar noise-gate -
* Hold on there little fella, you have a “ comprehension “ problem G.  I guess you read tit bits or simple scan
over what l wrote, go back & read the whole thing.. l started with LIES from your leader.

* We were told by your leader that Covid would be “ gone in a very short time, people did not have to worry. Then we tells Woodward that he knew that the virus was deadly BUT did not want Americans to panic.

* He discouraged or should l say did not  impress the importance of wearing a mask, after all it, the virus was FAKE, and should not be taken seriously.

* He conducted rallies with folks standing shoulder to shoulder maskless talking on end, and his clowns followed his advice. Then he came down with it. Joe on the other hand wore a mask & yes, he did come down with it like millions of other people BUT he was not the one did carried on as though covid was the flu.

* Joe was not the one that was airlifted to the hospital, and yet after he was pumped full of drugs, he climbs the stairs & rips off his mask because he wanted to show his worshipper’s that he was immortal.

* You have no case.
Avatar noise-gate -
* You seem to forget that after he & his family got the vaccine, that he tried telling his audience at the rallies to get it & when he got Booed, backed off & said something like “ well think about it, it’s your choice.” That’s his motto- push something & if it does not work, at least l tried.
* By the way: Joe encouraged getting the vaccine because he cared, and he tried his best to get the country back on its feet. Check out Phil Valentine’s story. A COVID denier like yourself who ended up regretting his stance against not getting the jab.
* My thing is, if you didn’t want the vaccine, fine- just don’t try & encourage others not to, and that was the issue with the brain dead supporters of this fool. Millions died because of stupidity.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Did you ask what Biden has done in the last 3 years? Record jobs that’s what. Here’s something you seem to forget- 45 is once again talking about “ Tariffs” that was a job killer for American manufacturing & the rich don’t care, cause your fool is promising them Tax cuts.

* The other thing of note is this : Why is it none of the people who worked for him in the WH or cabinet are endorsing him, here are folks who saw him on a daily basis & are giving him a thumbs up? Even his own VP is saying Nope. Yet you supporters are all in… so who’s getting fooled here?
Avatar lakerben -
Lock him up!
Avatar noise-gate -
* The Maga base still doesn't get it, but seasoned politicians on both sides if the aisle do. What's that: That Trump is an entertainer FIRST. Those folks showing up rallies are there for a laugh, they fly in from far & wide to hear him denigrate people, it's one reason that when  he went after McCain, the Bae did not budge. He heckles blacks, handicap folks they turn a blind eye.

* Now the politicians see the usefulness of the guy, as long as they play nice with 45, they a shoo in for re election. Republican politicians would shove a piece of legislation in front of him with the words " it will go down well & get you ready elected." It's one reason he rushed to fill the seat of Ginsburg, thinking that his picks on the high court would rule in his favor.

* His hoping his words won't come back to haunt him after he said " l got Roe overturned " and seeing the results in recent elections for his party, is trying to cover himself by saying its up to the States  to say what goes, so his response would be " don't get upset with me" talk to the State officials, they made the ultimate decision. He is trying to wash his hands of the affair, and these fools will fall for it.

* Remember the Afghanistan pullout? Same F thing. He makes a deal with the Taliban, is out of office & then blames Joe for the deaths of US soldiers. Never wants to accept blame for anything. He never talks about the years under his administration who our economy catered the last few years of Covid, job loses that were unimaginable. All he talks about is " no inflation,  low gasoline prices. " Obe of the worst Potus the country has ever seen, yet he says he is Greater than Lincoln & his base believes him, and why not?
Avatar grwurston -
* He discouraged or should l say did not  impress the importance of wearing a mask
WRONG.  It was Fauci saying we don't need to wear a mask.
Dr. Fauci:
0:20 - "Right now in the US people SHOULD NOT BE WALKING AROUND WITH MASKS."
0:29 - "Right now people should not be we... There is NO REASON TO BE WALKING AROUND WITH THE MASK."
0:34 - "When you're in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people "feel" a little bit better, and it might even block a droplet but it's NOT PROVIDING THE PERFECT PROTECTION THAT PEOPLE THINK THAT IT IS. And often there are unintended consequences (because) people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face."
1:00 - "But when you think masks you should think of healthcare providers needing them and people who are ill."
Avatar noise-gate -
* You have a Fauci fetish G. I am surprised you don’t mention him in the Jean Carroll & other charges facing your leader. Fauci was doing his Job. He was up to that time the leading specialist in infectious diseases. Reagan even relied on him all the way through every President until he came up against a concrete wall called DJT.

* Covid was NEW to everyone including Fauci, going off his recommendations of safety first, he attempted to get the word across that Americans needed to proceed with caution. But there were those out there” Maga folks” who said the economy needs to remain open- no matter what. It got so bad that TX Lt gov said that “ even if the G parents die, the economy needs to remain open” or words to that effect. Heartless F, all of them.

* Then we guys blamed Fauci of course, cause his the guy that should have suggested that no masks & go about your business should have been the norm. Once again, you have said nothing negative about your leader & l am not counting on you to ever, his to precious to condemn.

* It’s typical behavior: When Trump lost, they cheated. That line is so old, it’s pathetic. Kinda reminds me of the old line when your gf or bf is resisting having sex & you come up with “ well if you love me, you’ll do it with me.” Never accept reality, even after all these years, you guys still think that there is an agency so mart that it was able to deny 45 a 2nd term.

* If told it was the voters: you guys will claim it was early mail in ballots or the machines, never his incompetence. Just the other day he compared his affliction with that of Jesus, then he said Nelson Mandela- who is he going to compare himself with next- Ghandi?
Avatar grwurston -
* Did you ask what Biden has done in the last 3 years? Record jobs that’s what.
That's it?? Fifteen paragraphs about Trump and all you can come up with about what Biden has done is one 4 word sentence?? ONE fake news talking point. As big a Biden kisser as you are that's all you got?? Are you kidding??  Are you finally admitting that he hasn't done jack schitt? Are you finally waking up to the truth? Say it ain't so... HAHAHA.
Avatar noise-gate -
*There's a reason why people do research, give it a try. You'll be surprised.Before asking me generic questions: Do research. Here's a free bee- Biden has created more jobs than Trump & W Bush combined.

* You like you bragging on Trump's accomplishments- and what are they? That economy he inherited was not hard work on his part, it was the Obama coattails, we discussed that already. He was so great a President that he needed to lie to the American people to show how Great he was, and when the voters had enough of him, he lashed out with attempting to overstay his welcome in the WH.

* The only Presidents that remain in power are dictators like Castro, Lil Kim & Putin, Trump wanted to join that league by claiming there was fraud in his defeat. You really ought to expand your thinking & go beyond your usual talking points G. What excuse do you think your leader will come up with when the voters reject him a 2nd time? Huh huh?
Avatar grwurston -
* Biden has created more jobs than Trump FALSE

Try again dimwit.
Avatar grwurston -
Do your own research.
Definition: Phrase commonly used by liberals and democrats when confronted by someone asking them to show proof of statements they have made. It is usually used when they cannot provide any proof because no proof exists to back up what they say. This phrase is often followed by an immediate attempt to change the subject.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Aah, No.

* Go look at the article by the Wahington Post .
Entitled Biden's economy is Trumps.

* Biden added 14 million jobs in leas than 3 years or roughly monthly avg of 400,000 positions.

*Trump added 176,000 a month in his first 3 years.

* So if you have an issue with that- take it up with the Washington post editor..sucker.
December 23  2023 by Abha Bhattaral.

* According to her, Biden added
Avatar noise-gate -
* l will say this about you , especially you. If l post something that l have read and claim it to he true, you will try your darnest to prove me wrong- thing is what really counts is when l say Biden defeated Trump.. your comeback is : there were election irregularities. WTF does that mean? Did he lose or not. Yet you can't bring yourself to admit the truth, which is- he lost.

* As far as you guys are concerned: Trump doesn't lie, never did, so the case is closed, and so is your brains.
Avatar grwurston -
This is what you're quoting from the WAPO??  Entitled Biden's economy is Trumps.
Well I googled it and got this...

Then I googled this. You said   Biden added 14 million jobs in leas than 3 years or roughly monthly avg of 400,000 positions.

I got this
and this
I don't have to try my darndest to prove you wrong. It's just a quick search. Easy as pie. And I am not going to take it up with the WAPO. I'm taking it up with you, because you believed their bs and reposted it without doing any research whatsoever to verify if it was true or not. You just believed what ever they said and went with that. They could have told you it snowed 6 feet in Miami last year on the 4th of July and you would have believed it. How can you be so gullible??
Avatar noise-gate -
* It's like l said, you read information l post and try and get opposing stuff to counter mine, you lose on ALL fronts, why you ask, because you start from a losing position, and it shows in everything you believe in politically.

* You readily believe any & everything that the Maga Bae including 45 says, no matter how outrageous. I picked the Wapo because if l picked CNN or MSN could, you wouldn't believe it,  so l tried another outfit- guess what, same results from you. If l quoted those numbers from Fox, you'd tell me l was lying.

* Here's facts you can't ignore no matter how hard you try: Your leader lost in 2020, not my claim, but the claim of  election professionals. Your leader Also " stole" classified documents & no matter how he spins it, he is still a thief. He has brain glitches & you guys ignore it. He says he is greater President than Lincoln,  and you buy it. Tomorrow he will be in court& have something to say about the system because he can't keep his mouth shut.

* What you guys fail to acknowledge is that the voters wanted to get rid of your leader so bad, that 7 million more people went to the polls to get the message through his thick skull that his services were no longer required.

* When him crowing about getting Roe overturned- he will feel the wrath of the women come November, then he can retire his ass for good & write his memoirs on how he " thought he was doing" good for the country,  but underestimated the female voters. Now his blaming the AZ Supreme Court for its over a century and a half ruling that he initiated, saying they got it wrong. Pointless passing the blame onto others, but then again..that's his way art of the deal.

* You heard it here first.

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