Thousands Believe That COVID Vaccine Harmed Them


Entry #32,797


Avatar noise-gate -
* Nothing in life is guaranteed, except Death & taxes. How many surviving family members can say that before their loved ones passed away, they felt good about their decision to NOT get vaccinated?
Avatar sully16 -
This is not a vaccine, a vaccine stops you from getting the disease, spreading the disease , the poison poke does not do that.
Avatar noise-gate -
* The question remains: How many surviving family members can say… What is lost in all of this is the FACT that the world was faced with a crisis it had never witnessed before- which is the reason that the vaccines were brought to market to curb the spread- but suddenly conspiracies took root, and because of misinformation- hundreds of thousands of people died.

* Ever heard the term “ Any port in a storm?” It means if  you are at sea & in danger of losing your life & others- but the nearest port belongs to your sworn enemy, do you head to that port for safety or perish because you to proud to ask for help?

*Now take the vaccines & put it up against ignorance. Funny how folks will roll up their sleeves to get the flu shot but the covid vaccine.. bah!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Phil Valentine, a right wing podcaster perished after contacting Covid & yet he used the airwaves to rant again at the vaccine. A Husband & wife Pastor couple perished, leaving children behind from TX because they wanted to spread the word to other to “ not get the jab.” Enough said.
Avatar sully16 -
weasel, everybody reacts different to medicine, I am not anti vaxx for measels, mumps Etc.
But I know it takes more then 3 months.  naw something hinky about covid vax.
Avatar lakerben -
I don't think it's the vaccine it's the covid.  I've had vaccines all my life but that covid got me very sick.  Big difference .
Avatar grwurston -
This contradicts the msm narrative that the shots are safe. Lots of folks probably wish they had known this ahead of time. 
Click on the link below to get the reported number of adverse reaction reports, deaths, disabilities, life threatening illnesses, hospitalizations, for each covid vaccine lot/batch number for all covid shots given in the US. Click the title above each column to get most to least.

More info.
Avatar noise-gate -
* The idea of taking the vaccine was simply- get the jab was to help STOP the spread of the virus. What is lost in translation for lack of a better word Troutmouth,  is that the vaccines did NOT promise eternal life.

*Get a grip will you. We all going to die at some point so just stop with this mealy mouth thinking that if you got the vaccines it's clear sailing. When people go under the knife for surgery, in most cases- they sign a waiver,  just stop pretending that survival of anything in life is a guarantee.

* Gee, if you went deep sea fishing & the boat capsized & half the crew perished, who are the surviving families going to sue- " the ocean?" Stop with the silliness.
Avatar grwurston -
You do know that it did NOT stop the spread don't you? If it stopped the spread then why did people that were already vaxxed get covid? Cause it didn't work and you fell for the lie. How many shots did you get? 3,4,5,6...

If you gonna call me Troutmouth, I'm gonna call you Dumbass. Deal?
Avatar sully16 -
hehehehe, Weasel, please go get more vaccines.
Avatar jarasan -
IDK if anyone here read articles like this:

and most disturbing:
Avatar lakerben -
I've taken a hots for years and no side effects. It takes the trump mentality to make bogus claims.  I have a friend who has never taken the covid shot but just had a back surgery and got blood clots!   Hmm, I say hmmm!
Avatar grwurston -
People post story after story about the shots or what happened to them after they took them and you call it "bogus claims" because it didn't happen to you.
By your way of thinking all these things may be bogus because you never went through it.
A house fire, driving your car in the winter on a frozen lake, fishing and catching an 8 foot shark, plane crashes, having your car totaled in an accident, getting KO'ed by Mike Tyson, shall I continue? Maybe your friends story is a bogus claim.
Avatar jarasan -
lakerdummy is a bs artist.

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