Denver to house illegal migrants in elementary school


Entry #33,193


Avatar grwurston -
"In April, Democrat mayor Mike Johnston announced that funding to the city’s police department would be slashed by $8 million in order to take care of illegals".

And they can't figure out how or why Venezuelan gangs with guns are taking over apartment buildings in the city. Seems kind of obvious.
Avatar Stack47 -
Is there a "boogieman" under your bed, grwurston?

Read where part of project 2025 playbook was to create Karens to talk negatively about other states and cities. And the poorly educated MAGA Kool-Aid drinkers that believe anything their convicted felon messiah says and tells them to do.

Between your fear of what's happening everywhere but where you live, the boogieman, illegals and cat women, you're a candidate for a nervous breakdown. Check under your bed and grab another blanket to crawl under. Hugging your teddy bear is optional.
Avatar grwurston -
That's the funniest thing I've read all week. LMAO!!
Which chapter of the 2025 playbook was that in, I want to read it for myself.
Avatar jarasan -
says stackles that had his candidate chosen from them.
Avatar Stack47 -
Jar Jar must be one of those childish poorly educated MAGA Kool-Aid drinkers. When you went to the MAGA church of Trump how much did you leave in the collection box?

Did you wear fake gold Trump sneakers?
Avatar Stack47 -
Wow didn't expect anyone to actually prove how poorly educated they are. I said, "Read where part of project 2025 playbook". Never said I read the playbook.

Is there a logical reason why someone that says they live in Maryland is terrified over what is happening in Denver, Colorado?
Avatar Stack47 -
grwurston said, they can't figure out how or why Venezuelan gangs with guns are taking over apartment buildings in the city.

Trump, who has long lied about the connection between immigrants and crime, claiming that foreigners are "poisoning the blood of the country," told supporters that asylum-seekers are taking over the country.

Trump added, "In Colorado, they're so crazy they're taking over sections of the state," he falsely claimed, citing a bogus viral story about Venezuelan gangs taking over an apartment complex in Aurora, a claim denied by police, the city's Republican mayor and residents, who say the claim was spread by a slumlord to deflect blame for poor conditions at their property.

Even the Republican mayor said it was lie spread by slumlords. What does repeating a "bogus viral story" and lies do to your credibility, Gr?
Avatar grwurston -
I said, "Read where part of project 2025 playbook". Never said I read the playbook.

Now the truth comes out. So you are just repeating what someone else said was in the playbook. But you have no idea if what that person said was true or not. And you have no idea if they actually read it or if they are just using the same line of  "Read where part of project 2025 playbook" says blah, blah, blah, that you did.
Fact is, you have no idea what is in the playbook because you haven't read it yourself and so you have no idea whether any thing you are saying about it is factual or not. Seems like a perfect example of someone proving they are poorly educated by trying to talk about a subject they know nothing about. 
The msm loves people like you because they know you will believe and repeat anything they say, and never do any research to verify if what they are saying is true or not.
Avatar grwurston -
Where did I ever say I was "terrified" of gangs in Colorado?  Show me.

So this is a bogus story?
I'm sure gangs walking into apt buildings armed with rifles and pistols have NOT taken over the buildings. That's just perfectly normal because, well everybody walks through the apt hallways carrying guns.  Nothing to see here right.
I wonder why the residents would say it's not true. Hmm. Maybe they don't want to be killed by the gangs that don't exist that are in this video.

Seems like the mayor can't decide if there are gangs there or not.
Avatar Stack47 -
1) "So you are just repeating what someone else said was in the playbook"
What else would "I read where" mean?

2) "Fact is, you have no idea what is in the playbook"
It has 900 pages that includes opposing abortion, reproductive rights, and reversing the FDA’s approval of mifepristone, the playbook is in fact creating Karens to talk negatively about other states and cities supporting abortion and reproductive rights.

3) "So you are just repeating what someone else said was in the playbook"
It was easy for me to do a google search of project 2025 when I first heard about it. Makes more sense to do that than read the school yard bully rants of an angry, bitter, and delusional convicted felon. Was Trump referring to his hair when he said he was doing the "weave"?

4) "Where did I ever say I was "terrified" of gangs in Colorado?  Show me."
It was easier explaining things to the 3rd graders when I coached baseball. Why else are you talking about something that allegedly happened in a city almost 1700 miles from where you live? 

5) "I wonder why the residents would say it's not true. Hmm. Maybe they don't want to be killed by the gangs that don't exist that are in this video."

I wonder why there are thousands of YouTube videos showing some childish poorly educated MAGA Kool-Aid sounding like 3rd graders repeating the rantings of their convicted felon messiah.
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I numbered and highlighted some of your comments so I could point out the logical fallacies (if you don't know what a logical fallacy is look it up).

!) Is a false dilemma fallacy, an appeal to ignorance and/or a strawman.

2) Is another false dilemma and a bald face lie trying to deceive readers into believing you know for a fact I "have no idea what is in the playbook". Anyone can search project 2025 and get a summary of what's in it. FYI, abortion is mentioned 199 times throughout Project 2025.

3) Yep, I'm repeating what's in a summery by people that read it. And making your comment, "what someone else said was in the playbook" another strawman and/or a red herring fallacy.

4) Aw, an example of the little use circular argument IE, it must be true because Trump said it.

5) At best the bogus viral story about Venezuelan gangs Trump repeated is nothing more than childish poorly educated MAGA Kool-Aid drinkers believing everything a known liar (30,573 false or misleading claims made while president) says.
Avatar grwurston -
I couldn't help but notice you could not show me where I said I was terrified of gangs in Co. nor could you dispute my video of the gangs in the building or the mayor flip flopping on the the gangs presense. And you still haven't read Project 2025. So which fake news left wing dem/lib site did you get the summary from? Of course you believe if the fake news said it, it must be true  because they would never lie to you. The economy is great, there is no inflation, get the shot you won't get covid, Biden is sharp as a tack, the border is secure etc. LOL LOL
Like Brian Williams once said. "Our job isn't to report the news, our job is to tell people what to think".  You've been indoctrinated quite well to their propaganda. You get a red star.
As I said earlier, The msm loves people like you because they know you will believe and repeat anything they say, and never do any research to verify if what they are saying is true or not.  And you prove it with every post you make. Prove it again tomorrow.
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According to NPR

And "Aurora police chief says there's no evidence that Venezuelan gang took over apartment"
Avatar Stack47 -
You are terrified that a Venezuelan gang will show up in Maryland. And which part of "Aurora police chief says there's no evidence that Venezuelan gang took over apartment" is fogging up your brain?

You sound as weird and deranged as the convicted felon Trump babbling incoherently about Joe Biden. And speaking of weird, JD Vance went swimming wearing a tee shirt to prove he's not weird.
Avatar grwurston -
The police chief is lying. The mayor says they do have a problem.
Avatar Stack47 -
In the NPR link I gave it says, "Aurora's mayor, Republican Mike Coffman, says he is concerned about crime at the apartments but denies there's a gang takeover. And he calls the owners out-of-state slum lords".

However, a childish poorly educated MAGA Kool-Aid drinker quotes from video "they saw on the web". I showed another MAGA weirdo interviews from Trump rallies. They said the people wearing MAGA Trump stuff were actors pretending to be stupid.

Don't have to ask why you believe Trump's "bogus viral story", but you never answered why you're so concerned about an imaginary Venezuelan gang in a city almost 1700 miles from Maryland. Are you terrified they might show up in your neighborhood?
Avatar grwurston -
I post a video of the mayor saying in a news station interview there is a gang problem that you call a video they saw "on the web".

But the chronically stupid dumbocrat turns around and posts an npr link that they "found on the web" which is supposed to make his source of information more accurate. LMOA

...but you never answered why you're so concerned about an imaginary Venezuelan gang in a city almost 1700 miles from Maryland.
Let me explain it in simple terms that even a chronically stupid dumbocrat from your neck of the woods would understand.
There are stories/news articles that get posted on websites all over the world thousands of times a day. People post comments/replies to these stories/news articles. Imagine that!!

I posted a 2 sentence comment on this particular news article, but suddenly out of nowhere you seem to be strangely obsessed with my comment and then proceed to launch into a rant about my imagined (on your part) terror of Venezuelan gangs and then Project 2025 which was never even mentioned in the article.
The question is, why? Are you going through some kind of mental health crisis that we should know about? If so maybe you should discuss it with a trained professional instead of a random person that posted a comment to a story, "they saw on the web". And while you are there you should also bring up the topic of Trump Derangement Syndrome. There might be a RX for that.
Avatar Stack47 -
Is it true that most of the bottom 17% IQs are Trump supporters?

And Trump just mentioned the bogus Venezuelan and Haitians gangs in the debate speaking the bottom 17% IQs.
Avatar grwurston -
Who are these guys?

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