88-Big Business Leaders Endorse Kamala Harris


Entry #33,194


Avatar jarasan -
Avatar MADDOG10 -
yeah, and the cow jumped over the moon today.
Avatar grwurston -
No surprises on the 9 listed.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Why the hostility? The idea that it's the 78 year old or nothing is BS. People make choices all the time. You go to a restaurant, eat a new dish, don't like it,  you simply don't order it again. 
*That's 45, and Carter, and Bush Snr, what l am saying is get back to reality. If Harris fails, the voters will change her out.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Trump was asked how he was going to tackle " childcare " issues and ended up talking about increasing tariffs on countries doing business with the US. Huh? That sounds like a guy in cognitive decline.
Avatar Think -
Hmm , I seem to remember a letter that a bunch of intelligence operatives signed about four years ago.  What happened when the truth was revealed about that letter? 
Now we got a letter signed by several multinational corruptions claiming they support Harris because the big corruptions are looking after the little guy?
Since when have big multinational corruptions ever cared about the little guy?
Doesn't make much sense does it?
Avatar noise-gate -
* American Voters go to the polls to elect a President, not a King. Voters know their selection has 8 years max in office- other's don't think that way, which is a pity. By the way, as of June 2024, no fortune 500 company has backed 45, why is that? What do they see that other's don't when it comes to seeing America thrive? Define a corrupt business? Is it a company who's product gave you stomach flu or what?
Avatar Think -
Not sure what you mean by "backed 45", backed 45 what?
Anyway I'm very surprised that the democrat party is in the bag for big business cause they have been adamant about how greedy the corporations are and how bad and evil big companies are (go back and look at Obama's and other democrats Rhetoric).  So why all of a sudden are the democrats against the little guy and pro "greedy corporations"?
Avatar noise-gate -
* You ill informed. Who gave the rich corporations massive tax cuts in his 1st & only term in office? Who told those same wealthy folks when they visited him in FL that he would make them richer if they backed him? Who wants to raise corporate taxes,bTrump?  Like l said, you ill informed. Do research before shooting from the hip.
Avatar noise-gate -
* Presidents come and go, it's the reason this country still exists for over 2 hundred years- we don't have Vampire Presidents who supporters think will be in office forever,  cause that's the thinking when supporters are willing to be killed or serve time in prison for that person. It's sheer madness just thinking about it.
Avatar Think -
Are you feeling okay?  "Vampire Presidents"?
You know vampires are just in the movies don't you?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Out of everything I mentioned,  you singled out Vampire President's. That tells me all l need to know about your thinking process.  I guess everything else went over your head, okay- have a great life.

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