Donald Trumps New 'Voodoo Economics'


Entry #33,200


Avatar JAP69 -
Does he have a voodoo cauldron and wear a pointed hat?
Avatar lakerben -
What's new guge tax breaks for the rich.
Avatar lakerben -
Huge tax breaks but what about the middle class?
Avatar noise-gate -
* Always looking back. How many bankruptcies has he presided over in his own businesses? It’s always thinking of himself & his business alone. His supporters keep talking about low gas prices etc & thinking those times will return because he would make it so. Only he can accomplish great things, no one else. Please..
Avatar noise-gate -
* It’s always the idea that any other administration is not good enough, that only intelligent people work in his & morons in others. If he was so good at what he did, why is he getting almost zero support from people who worked in his administration? I wish his supporters would wake up from their slumber.

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