One Beefed Up Combat Truck For The Army...Part2...


If the army/marines will only create a huge dump truck like the one shown on the picture but make the material like that of the gold part of the padlock (and concaved to so that it deflect bullets) and cover the entire truck with thick huge tires or the material tires are made off, like that inpenetrable to bullets and patrol the streets of Irak with it and in the back where the dirt goes goes soldiers with little slits that can be closed with a latch and this slits or holes is where the soldiers sit down and fire at an enemy from different angles and not only that but in the front it can have heat/xray/ultraviolet vision that can see people or shooters and the xray/heat vision can show and tell if is a civilian or a terrorrist...with air condition and everything...It will be good it if can withstand roadside bombs...But you will have to make the engine/motor heavily armored too...If it can only go 100 miles before refueling then so be it...This kind of stuff will make America a very Formidable country....How come research and funding has not gone into creating the 'ULTIMATE' 'RESILIENT' truck, not only that but you cover the entire truck with tires material, do you see those huge tires, well you sort of give the truck a huge caparazon of tires material, but i mean very tick because that tires material will slow down bullets and make the bullets not penetrate the gold part of the huge, thick padlock material that the entire truck is going to be made off and in the same shape too as the gold part of the padlock, oval..YOu know those tires only will slow down the speed of the bullets. But it will have to be very, very thick tires. and you cover every corner of the truck. And then at the end of combat you replace the piece/square of tire pelted by bullets for a new one. This will be only for city combat gunfire, everytime there is gunfire in a city like Mobidishu. Each soldier inside having a 48 inch window made of 5 layers of bulletproof glass so he can see and below it is the hole or slit where they can shoot at, and there are 2 soldier sitting on the side, 2 in the back, two in the front and 2 on the other side, all looking through their 5-20 layer bulletproof window to see anything out of the ordinary. Not to mention the different X-ray/heat vission the truck has in the front that soldiers can see the ouside inside. to give them a better view of the outsideworld. U.S you have to think of the future, you have to think of this stuff......Of course the huge trucks will be modified....If you make the caparazon (spanish word) if you make the shell thick but i mean very thick i am talking 48 inches of thickness of those gigantic tires material....Tell me what bullet is going to penetrate it beside the THICK covering of the gold part of a padlock...I've been told that no 45 gun bullet can penetrate the high huge gold part of the padlock that it deviates it...I am just giving you an idea donde tu te la puedes ingeniar (spanish again), what i am saying is i am giving you an idea where you can take it a step further and elaborate....
America you have to think ahead....This beefed up combat truck is no for war only for situation where there is combat fire with AK47, like how you saw in Mobidishu and Parts of Africa (if you seen the movie black hack down), again i am sick and tire of seen U.S troops pin down on the news because there is a sniper in some building...Well if they build this truck it will combat such scenarios....And you could even make the soldiers that are inside the truck where mask and bullet proof vest and have to sit down returning fire...How cool....I thik that's the future of gun fire combat warfare.....

just if in case the pictures don't open here is a picture of one of the trucks:

and you can make the part basically the belly of the truck be completely covered and have it outside where the part of the dump truck area will be...Remember the area where the dirt dumping is going to be is going to be wide, very huge...huger than the picture of the trucks i've shown you...America you have to be thinking of this stuff, this is the next kind of combat you are going to have...Those world war 2 scenarios are almost gone.....What does that truck do? in a fire combat zone like it was panama and Somalia those trucks pose what i call, "clearance" so that the marine/army infantry can come up and advance...YOU HEAR THAT, ADVANCE MAKE PROGRESS and not pin down in one area like how i see the army on CNN....
I think this is a great idea....
I know you are going to say, oh we got such a vehicle already...Well that vehicle that you got is crappy....I think America like to boast they they like to do everything big, ohh really....just a roadside bomb and it tilts your crappy vehicle....while a road side bomb on this huge truck and i don't think it will do the entire truck is covered with tire materials....and you can set it to the point where there is one driver and next to him is a guy well armored and well armed......



Entry #190


Avatar four4me -
Those are mining trucks not suited for combat cost close to 3 million dollars each.
How can you spot one terrorist from another. You could be sitting next to one in a restaurant or bar and wouldn't know it. Terrorist don't hang signs on them saying shoot me I'm a terrorist.
Avatar pumpi76 -
or it could be a bus, but a bus present lots of challenges, it will have to have some serious engine, like a dump truck engine...I don't know if a buss could make it but there is always the possibility....

for example the tires will have to be modified and be big, i swear it will have to have some serious engine such a bus...if it has to drive slow then so be it....
Avatar pumpi76 -
such a bus will have to have layer and layers, i mean layers and layers of bullet proof glass and the metal will have to be like that of the gold part of a thick, huge padlock...
Avatar pumpi76 -
and the buss will also be covered with tire material to slow the the speed of bullets....
Avatar pumpi76 -
at night you can see who has a weapon or not that's when Xray vision or infrarred or night vision comes to play....
Avatar JAP69 -
Driving vehicles in combat zones you do not have the option of terrain to drive on. Such a vehicle as you describe would require ultimate conditions just to move it around.
You go everywhere from muck to desert sand to drive on.
Avatar pumpi76 -
Is in the BEST INTEREST OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to build more of these trucks/busses...They are the future of combatfare/warfare....For U.N missions and war...And the U.S needs to get themselves several of them different types....Is in their best interest....But they got to change the tires and make them an all terrrain type...That's is the future or warfare....
Avatar pumpi76 -
but it needs to be covered with thick tire material so that the rubber will slow down the speed of incoming bullets...And so that the tire material serves as a sponge to impact bombs or missile......They could do this with helicopters and jetfighter planes, have some special ones for whenever they are droping bombs in a place it doesn't receive incoming bulletts....
I've seen some thick tires, i am talking the kind of tires dump trucks use to john deere use in its equipment....

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