The 25's System Patterns for Pick4 and Powerball...



This system pattern is the most i could find...I'll try to make this simple...
0-25 = 1
26-50 = 2
51-75 = 3
76-99 = 4
you should treat 00 as 100 and give it a 4...0 is zero, 00 is 100....
It is based on using the first 2 numbers of any pick4 drawing and assigning them 1, 2, 3, or 4....The last two numbers of the same pick4 drawing you assign them 1, 2, 3, or 4....Here is a sample of Georgia's Pick4 from 2007...The point is not that the sample is old, but instead the tricks i use....
drawings=25's = MD COORDINATES
1.  6077 = 34  = 10-2
2.  8280 = 44  = 7-5
3.  2076 = 14 =  20-1
4.  6592 = 34 = 15-17
5.  1685 = 14 = 16-10
6.  4498 = 24 = 19-23
7.  9322 = 41 = 18-22
8.  0921 = 11 = 9-21
9.  6336 = 32 = 13-11
10.  4016 = 21 = 15-16
11.  7987 = 44 = 4-12
12.  8721 = 41 = 12-21
13.  8326 = 42 = 8-1
14.  9631 = 42 = 21-6
15.  1764 = 13 = 17-14
16.  2414 = 11 = 24-14
17.  0096 = 44 = 25-21
18.  6800 = 34 = 18-25
19.  2314 = 11 = 23-14
20.  6021 = 31 = 10-21
21.  5005 = 21 = 0-5
22.  9548 = 42 = 20-23
23.  4939 = 22 = 24-14
24.  3159 = 23 = 6-9
25.  2485 = 14 = 24-10
26.  0536 = 12 = 5-11
27.  5337 = 32 = 3-12
28.  8939 = 42 = 14-14
29.  3468 = 23 = 9-18
30.  5409 = 31 = 4-9
31.  9317 = 41 = 18-17
32.  9614 = 41 = 21-14
33.  6343 = 32 = 13-18
34.  8784 = 44 = 12-9
35.  8485 = 44 = 9-10
36.  5831 = 32 = 8-6
37.  1702 = 11 = 17-2
38.  2686 = 24 = 1-11
39.  4056 = 23 = 15-6
40.  1386 = 14 = 13-11
41.  4479 = 24 = 19-4
42.  0842 = 12 = 8-17
43.  7784 = 44 = 2-9
44.  6101 = 31 = 11-1
45.  3278 = 24 = 7-3
46.  3684 = 24 = 11-9
47.  8319 = 41 = 8-19
48.  4547 = 22 = 20-22
49.  9931 = 42 = 24-6
50.  2065 = 13= 20-15
51.  9175 = 44 = 16-00
52.  3368 = 23 = 8-18
53.  1997 = 14 = 19-22
54.  2511 = 11 = 25-11
55.  9174 = 43 = 16-24
56.  2484 = 14 = 24-9
57.  4253 = 23 = 17-3
58.  9342 = 42 = 18-17
59.  5921 = 31 = 9-21
60.  3369 = 23 = 8-19
61.  8372 = 43 = 8-22
62.  4312 = 21 = 18-12
63.  8884 = 44 = 13-9
You could take this a step further...You can add by using the first digit of the Pick4 drawing and match it with the 3rd digit and the 2nd digit with the 4th digit....You can also add by using the 1st digit with the 4th digit and the second digit with the 3rd digit...Add them all up and you got a pattern....What if you add the sum patterns with the rest of patterns i added in my blog and use them for better pick4 prediction....YOu really don't have to do it in 25's, you can do it in 20's or in 10's...Again, i am just giving you an idea where you can elaborate and take it a step further...
You can also call them MD Coordinates...The first Margin Difference Coordinates digit is the difference between the first 2 digits of the drawing and the border of the previous 25's same thing goes with the second Margin Difference Coordinates digit which will be the difference between the first 2 digits of the drawing and the border of the previous 25's....Remember 0, 25, 50, 75 & 00 are the borders of the 25's...
For example if you have 87 it will be 87 minus 75 if is 65 it will be 65 minus 50 if is 39 it will be 39 minus 25 if is 13 it will be 13 minus 0...this is the format: 76-99 will be minus 75 [actually it will be 76-00 because we are treating 00 as 100]; 51-75 will be minus 50; 26-50 will be minus 25; 0-25 will be minus "0"....Remember to treat 00 as 100....
The most important thing is getting the Margin Difference Coordinates correct.....And it doesn't matter if you get the 25's backwards [e.g you get 14 instead of 41 or 32 instead of 23], that's fine that guarantees a box payout that you only have to switch 2 times to get it straight/correct and not 24 ways like in Pick4....The good thing about this system pattern is that it goes for the straight payout which can be good in Powerball....
The "L" next to the numbers means less/lower it means that the second digit of the "Margin Difference Coordinates" is less/lower than the first digit...
The "H" next to the numbers means "higher", it means that the second digit of the "Margin Difference Coordinates" is higher than the first digit...
Why is "Higher" or "Less" important? Because if you know for sure that the next drawing to play that the  second digit is going to be lower than the first "Margin Difference Coordinates" digit then you are in good look and all you have to do is play the numbers that are less than the first digit and all you will have to do is guess the first "Margin Difference Coordinates"
For example if you have the "Margin Difference Coordinates" first digit of 7 and you know that the second digit is going to be less than the first digit, then all you have to do is combine 7 with 1, 7 with 2, 7 with 3, 7 with 4, etc...Until you get to 7 with 6....And all you will have to do is predict the first digit of the Margin Difference Coordinates"....
Not only that but you can look at previous "Margin Difference Coordinates" that play on previous drawings going BACK 100 drawings or more and eliminate them from your future predictions and choose the "MD Coordinates" that haven't play regardless of the 25's....
Why is this important? Because if you had a semi-supercomputer or a regular computer with powerful algorithms to look for previous drawings and eliminate them and choose the ones that haven't play you CAN win the lottery....This just proves that each game has its unique way of approaching and its unique system to beat it...
Also there are moments when the first MD Coordinate digit is close to the second digit or viceversa...I am going to highlight it in green for you to see it...All you have to do for Pick4 is wait for this closeness to appear in your particular pick4 game, what you do next is you play the combinations until it shows up...If it doesn't appear in 2 or 3 day or 4 day you can beging to double your bet [provided is not more than 7 dollars] and it should automatically appear soon....But remember you have to predict/pinpoint the first "MD Coordinate" digit for it all to happen...All you will be doing is playing until the scenario happens....
What's good about this system pattern is that it goes for the numbers "Straight" and not boxed.....
If this closeness between the first and second digits of the MD Coordinates appears in Powerball, Florida MegaMoney, MegaMillion, WildCard2, etc looking at the ending digits alone and looking at Powerball as a "Pick4/0-9 + Pick1/0-9 + Bonus ball and the rest accordingly by looking at the ending digits, well say hellow to millions of dollars coming your way....The good thing about this system pattern is that it goes for the numbers "Straight" and not boxed...All you have to do is predict/pinpoint....You don't even have to predict the 25's, all you have to predict is the "MD Coordinates", you do that and the 25's will fall into place....
Again if we had search algorithms is will be stupendous, marvelous, grandiose and you can say "Almost Game over"....You do this for Powerball, or MegaMillions or California SuperLotto Plus, or whatever pick5 + bonus ball and all you have to do is played against all 10 numbers of the PIck1/0-9 and play it against half of the bonus balls and once you have that you deduce like how i said on my previous blogs....And you can always apply constraints once you DEDUCE....
This is what i meant by deduce...

If you forgot what i meant by deducing here it is a reminder...:

Suppose the winning numbers for Texas were (15-20-37-38-39-43)....Now suppose you do get someone that submitts the numbers 5-0-7 and someone that submitts the numbers 8-9-3 the ending digits... 
and you pair them up and you get 5-0-7-8-9-3 the ending digits of Texas winning numbers....All you have to do is deduce (it will be nice if you had a custom made software for this) but again all you have to do is deduce....
so let's take 5-0-7-8-9-3 deducing the numbers you can possibly get are (remember you treat 10 as "zero" (0):
5-10-17-38-39-43    3/6 = 5 dollars
5-10-27-38-39-43    3/6 = 5 dollars
5-20-37-38-39-43   5/6 = 2,800 dollars - 5,000 dollars
5-20-37-38-39-53   4/6 = 57 dollars - 70 dollars
5-20-27-38-39-53    3/6 = 5 dollars
the following round:But before you continue you should know that combinations that beging with 14 + are very rare combinations they rarely play so you can eliminate them from your repertau....
15-20-37-38-49-53  4/6 = 57 dollars to 70 dollars
15-20-37-38-39-43  (BINGO = JACKPOT)
15-20-37-38-39-53  5/6 = 2,800 dollars to 5,000 dollars
15-30-37-38-39-43   5/6 = 2,800 dollars - 5,000 dollars
15-30-37-38-39-53    4/6 = 57 dollars to 70 dollars
15-30-37-38-49-53     3/6 = 5 dollars
Not only that but the numbers you deduce you can put constraints on them...Constraints by SUMS (Sum totals), Even over odds (E/O), is up to you....This particular combination happens to start with 15...
For the deducing it will be better if you get yourself a custom-made software to do it for you....
This is better than going BLINDLY at the 26 million combinations a pick6/49 has or at the 175 million combinations MegaMillions and Powerball have...
This is a step closer in winning Powerball, MegaMIllions & PIck6...Is also a step closer in winning Pick5....
I just realize something...This is the closest thing you will have in hitting Pick5....Pick5 is one of the hardest games...NOTHING at the present moment comes close to hitting Pick5 like this system/pattern...So if you want to win pick5 you will have to do some tracking..YOu will have to view Pick5 as a Pick3/0-9 + Pick2/0-9
And for the games that are Pick4 + bonus balls, you will have to view them as Pick3/0-9 + pick1/0-9 + bonus/mega number by their ending digits and then you will have to deduce...This is the closest thing to hitting pick5....It will be perfect for tracking prediction games...Because if you go with wheels you are going to collide youself with the wall...When you are tracking pick5 remember 1 combo plays 1 time and many a times it doesn't repeat on the following drawing, it may repeat 3, 4 or 5 days later...That makes it 6 combos you have to choose from and not 7...And remember on pick5 the deducing will come out to be like LESS THAN 15 combinations and not less than 25 like Pick6...Remember the hardest part is getting the ending digits straight and not boxed...And remember on the less than 15 combinations for Pick5 you can always add restraints/constraints, constraints like odd/even, sums...For example if you select the most common ratio of EVEN/ODDS of the previous drawings for those 15 or less deduced combinations it will come out to a total of 3 or 4 combinations maybe less giving you a chance to play more combinations from the Pick3, 6, 5, or 4 wheels ending digits....And that's just the even/odd ratio, imagine now the sums and other patterns you may want to add...Remember they are first ending digits, and then after you deduce them they become combinations....Remember is 15 deduced combinations or less for Pick5, it could be 10, who knows...
And i've realized that the latest way to win the lottery, specially pick5, pick6, Powerball, Megamillions, CaSuper Lotto Plus, Pick3 is not through wheels but instead through algorithms, search algorithms based on certain patterns/systems (the ones i've mentioned and innovative patterns/systems) and custom made softwares and specially more if you had it implemented on a supercomputer or semi-supercomputer....Unless of course you had an illegal wheel that we all don't know about...
So what am i saying, that better to win the lottery is through prediction websites using this technologies than through wheels...
Want to know something, these same 7 combos can and must be used with the Sum total patterns for Pick3 to hit pick3, but once you are sure a number is coming for the following day you must bet 10 or 20 dollars, this way you will come out ahead and perhaps is the only way to beat pick3...But that will be another blog...For pick4 you must tackled it differently....
Remember deducing for Powerball and Megamillions & CaSuper Lotto Plus it will come out to something like less than 18 combinations if you eliminate the combinations that start with 15+ by that i mean combinations whose first number start with 14, or 15 and above....
Entry #222


Avatar pumpi76 -
and the 25's numbers you can look at previous history from months back and begin to look for drawings that haven't play...For example if you have 13 as the 25's you can look at the last time 13 played and know that it is not going to show up for some time...

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