Best System ever for the Lottery: Needs to be completed



Best System ever for the Lottery...Needs to be completed/Perfected...


-2 +1 + 0
+0 + 1 - 2
-1 +1 + 0
  Use  these for your previous drawing Mid/ eve . It is fun !! good luck
Ps. most of the time one number from the previous draw always show up. This is why the 0 is very important in this formular. 
That was what Bigato1010 said:
comment from tesha2378:
Can you use Georgia mid /eve draw as an example?
 Ga mid: 918 gives 728  926  828
Ga eve: 117 gives 927  125  027
It this correct?
very good you can try switching the formular around if you like it will look something like this 918 { +0 +1-2}=926     918{ +1-2+0} = 798   918{ +0 -2+1} 899
new numbers you can add is 926 798 899 do get confused no multiplication invovle. Let see what tomorrow brings. 
+ and -  the way to go !!  just for fun LOL
MY COMMENT: "The way to go? Bigato1010 doesn't have anyidea what he has just discovered:
Very good idea bigato1010....Very interesting...I think this system is astounding...Genius...
I never thought about it...That's why it pays visiting LP...
you are talking each column right...
Thanks a lot...
Looking at it closely, BIGATO1010, you don't have ANY idea of genius this system is....This is the best system for Pick3 ever...This is the closest thing to LDF [Lotto Digits Footprints]...However is not 100% perfected...
Bigato1010, you have GOT to be a billionaire...
All you need now is a semi-supercomputer...With this system you can CRACK a FloridaLotto by deducing if you look at my blogs, but you will still need a supercomputer with algorithms...This is a great discovery...This discovery is SO MASSIVE....
You know what this discovery means? it means that the lottery is closer to us...Think of it as if you could make the moon get closer to the earth by will...
so what if you look at the numbers from left to right smallest to biggest horizontally and then look at them vertically by each column....
With this system you can win any BILLION DOLLAR LOTTO OR THE GLOBAL 500 MILLION dollar lottery...But you will still need a supercomputer, and what's so good about this system is that you can play multiple +/- combinations...
You can use this system on Pick4 but it will not work that well as much as it will work on Pick3, even though will like to site that for pick4 you can use some constraints along with 1 or 2 key number wheels for Pick3...I wish i was the one that discovered it...
you know what's creepy? That with this system you can crack encryptions...The good about this system is that it goes for "STRAIGHT" NOT BOXED..
Very good job bigato1010...
MY COMMENT: The problem is that if only it could go for boxes, it will have been more lethal...Talking about juicing out the state....
if you haven't understood it yet here are examples to better clarify....
   830         [previous drawing]
   210         [present drawing]
  +2 +2 0  [treat 0 as 10]
another example:
    834     [previous drawing]
    668     [present drawing]
   +2 -3 -4
another example:
    442    [previous drawing]
    526    [present drawing]
 -1 +2 -4
so you look at Pick6 as 2 pick3 joint together based on the ending use this system and once you get all 2 pick3's straight you then deduce...This is what i meant by deducing....
If you forgot what i meant by deducing here it is a reminder...:
Suppose the winning numbers for Texas were (15-20-37-38-39-43)....Now suppose you do get someone that submitts the numbers 5-0-7 and someone that submitts the numbers 8-9-3 the ending digits... 
and you pair them up and you get 5-0-7-8-9-3 the ending digits of Texas winning numbers....All you have to do is deduce (it will be nice if you had a custom made software for this) but again all you have to do is deduce....
so let's take 5-0-7-8-9-3 deducing the numbers you can possibly get are (remember you treat 10 as "zero" (0):
5-10-17-38-39-43    3/6 = 5 dollars
5-10-27-38-39-43    3/6 = 5 dollars
5-20-37-38-39-43   5/6 = 2,800 dollars - 5,000 dollars
5-20-37-38-39-53   4/6 = 57 dollars - 70 dollars
5-20-27-38-39-53    3/6 = 5 dollars
the following round:But before you continue you should know that combinations that beging with 14 + are very rare combinations they rarely play so you can eliminate them from your repertau....
15-20-37-38-49-53  4/6 = 57 dollars to 70 dollars
15-20-37-38-39-43  (BINGO = JACKPOT)
15-20-37-38-39-53  5/6 = 2,800 dollars to 5,000 dollars
15-30-37-38-39-43   5/6 = 2,800 dollars - 5,000 dollars
15-30-37-38-39-53    4/6 = 57 dollars to 70 dollars
15-30-37-38-49-53     3/6 = 5 dollars
Not only that but the numbers you deduce you can put constraints on them...Constraints by SUMS (Sum totals), Even over odds (E/O), is up to you....This particular combination happens to start with 15...
For the deducing it will be better if you get yourself a custom-made software to do it for you....
This is better than going BLINDLY at the 26 million combinations a pick6/49 has or at the 175 million combinations MegaMillions and Powerball have...
This is a step closer in winning Powerball, MegaMIllions & PIck6...Is also a step closer in winning Pick5....
I just realize something...This is the closest thing you will have in hitting Pick5....Pick5 is one of the hardest games...NOTHING at the present moment comes close to hitting Pick5 like this system/pattern...So if you want to win pick5 you will have to do some tracking..YOu will have to view Pick5 as a Pick3/0-9 + Pick2/0-9
And for the games that are Pick4 + bonus balls, you will have to view them as Pick3/0-9 + pick1/0-9 + bonus/mega number by their ending digits and then you will have to deduce...This is the closest thing to hitting pick5....It will be perfect for tracking prediction games...Because if you go with wheels you are going to collide youself with the wall...When you are tracking pick5 remember 1 combo plays 1 time and many a times it doesn't repeat on the following drawing, it may repeat 3, 4 or 5 days later...That makes it 6 combos you have to choose from and not 7...And remember on pick5 the deducing will come out to be like LESS THAN 15 combinations and not less than 25 like Pick6...Remember the hardest part is getting the ending digits straight and not boxed...And remember on the less than 15 combinations for Pick5 you can always add restraints/constraints, constraints like odd/even, sums...For example if you select the most common ratio of EVEN/ODDS of the previous drawings for those 15 or less deduced combinations it will come out to a total of 3 or 4 combinations maybe less giving you a chance to play more combinations from the Pick3, 6, 5, or 4 wheels ending digits....And that's just the even/odd ratio, imagine now the sums and other patterns you may want to add...Remember they are first ending digits, and then after you deduce them they become combinations....Remember is 15 deduced combinations or less for Pick5, it could be 10, who knows...
And i've realized that the latest way to win the lottery, specially pick5, pick6, Powerball, Megamillions, CaSuper Lotto Plus, Pick3 is not through wheels but instead through algorithms, search algorithms based on certain patterns/systems (the ones i've mentioned and innovative patterns/systems) and custom made softwares and specially more if you had it implemented on a supercomputer or semi-supercomputer....Unless of course you had an illegal wheel that we all don't know about...
So what am i saying, that better to win the lottery is through prediction websites using this technologies than through wheels...
Want to know something, these same 7 combos can and must be used with the Sum total patterns for Pick3 to hit pick3, but once you are sure a number is coming for the following day you must bet 10 or 20 dollars, this way you will come out ahead and perhaps is the only way to beat pick3...But that will be another blog...For pick4 you must tackled it differently....
Remember deducing for Powerball and Megamillions & CaSuper Lotto Plus it will come out to something like less than 18 combinations if you eliminate the combinations that start with 15+ by that i mean combinations whose first number start with 14, or 15 and above....
FOR THE RECORD: wish it was the hurricanes or tornadoes we were talking about; here...
MY COMMENT: If you or someone ever perfects this system it should be matter of national security...

I already seen some patterns on it...

MY COMMENT: i can see "E/O, High/Low patterns...Treat "0" as even and as low...I can also see that: +, + And third is -, same thing viceversa [ -, - and third is + ]...

what i meant to say is if you let your combinations have 2 ratios the most common ratios E/O,  High/Low it will be wonderful...

I also meant to say that I can also see that: +, + And third is -, same thing viceversa [ -, - and third is + ]...IN EACH COLUMN...

This system is good for Pick6 if you look at Pick6 as 2 pick3's, it can also be used on Pick5 if you look at Pick5 as a Pick3/0-9 + Pick2/0-9...and then deduce if you have been reading my blogs....It can work on Pick4 some but it will not work as wonderful as it will work on Pick3...HOWEVER, is not the system that will win PIck3 straight every day which is what i've been looking for so that you or I or anyone can be the richest man on earth and be a trillionaire [don't worry about this one, i am crazy]...

Another draw back, this system i don't think you can make a wheel out of it..If you did, oh my Gosh what a thing...But that wheel will have to be made each day [daily]....However is a good system if it can be perfected...I think this is the best system in the world...But only for pick6...

You may make a profit out of pick3 with this system if is perfected...However is not what i was looking for, i was looking for a system that will make you win EVERYDAY, or at least 1 drawing yes the other one no...

Another good thing about this system is that it greatly reduces cost,  it greatly reduces cost to get the numbers "Straight" and not boxed...If only you could make a daily wheel out of it...

However will like to point out that that's what i see, who knows this system may have some hidden secrets..

I wander if you can add some hot/cold as constraints...However you will not win EVERYDAY though, which is what i wanted...If you only had a supercomputer it will easy up a lot of stuff for you...

what's good about this system also is that it PROVES that a supercomputer can win the lottery if it wanted to...Something i've been saying for years...

MY COMMENT: another pattern i am able to see in the - + is that horizontally you most of the time do not see 3 + or 3 -, you usually see 2+ and 1- or 2- and 1+...

COMMENT MADE BY SHAWN67: Have you actually had any hits using this system? All i'm getting are a lot of 1 and 2 digit matches on the Pick-3.
MY COMMENT: you can play them 6-way box the 1 & 2 digits...
COMMENT MADE BY SHAWN67: Not sure I'm understanding what you're saying....if you are saying to play front and back pairs with the 1 or 2 digits that hit, most states that have this option only give you the "exact" as an option. If you are saying to play "boxed" on the 3-digit combo's, how is that going to help if you are only hitting 1 or 2 digits correctly?
MY COMMENT: i don't mean play them front and back pairs, i mean with the 1 and 2 digits, you can plug it in on a 6 way 3 numbers wheel which comes out to 6 then plug the combinations on the + - digits and play them straight...You don't want to believe me that this system is the best system for the lottery...if is only 1 and 2 digits them look for the most common 3 digits whether they are + or - and then box them on a 6-way box wheel and and them plug it on the result...the wheel comes out to 6 combinations but actually it may come out to 6x 3 or more...But remember as a constraint the most common pattern is that there is 2 + and 1 - or 2- and 1+ [horizontally]...Or that looking at column two + signs give you - sign and two - signs give you + sign... you can use that as a constraint...YOu can also use other constraints like hot/cold digits, etc...Unfortunately it doesn't come out to 1 ticket it might come out to 18 tickets but you can always apply filters....What's so perfect about this system is that you can win the billion dollar lottery or the Global 500 million lottery with easy and with few combinations as possible if you deduce...YOu can literally win any 200 million + lottery....You know i came accross this system now that i remember 8 years ago but didn't pay much attention to it...
COMMENTS MADE BY SHAWN: Okay, I see what you mean on the 6-digit wheel now. I had to re-work it out before it made sense to me. I'll try the 6-digit wheel for the next couple of night's and see how well it works. Thanks.
COMMENT MADE BY SHAWN: One other question, what about doubles???
MY COMMENT: actually is not a 6-digit wheel but a 3 digit full wheel, actually is the 6 way a 3 digit non repeating digit combination can play...It comes out to 6 dollars or 6 can use the 4 digit wheel or the 5-digit wheel..If you use the 3 digit wheel it wil come out to be like 18 dollars...I came across this system 8 years ago but i totally forgot it not that i didn't pay it much attention...You can also use a 6 digit wheel and apply filters and use the most 6 + - digits...
What i meant to say is that with this system you can crack any 400 million + combinations and then deduce...up to 3 billion + combination game + etc...
about doubles i don't know...I think about doubles you will have to a more bigger digit wheel and then use 1 digit and repeat it, like for example the 3 digit wheel you can use the 6 digit wheel and repeat 3 of the numbers...about triples i don't know i guess it it will be easier...Again if this system is perfected it will BE MATTER OF NATIONAL SECURITY...I say this because i think the websites of important agencies have encryption that prompts passwords randomly just like numbers through an RNG and those RNG has 1 billion combinations and up whether is a permutation or combination lottery game...You could even crack many banks encryptions accounts...
unfortunately you can't win the cash 3 with 1 ticket, but using this system you will win STRAIGHT and not boxed...But if you had a supercomputer you could win it with 1 ticket...This system also works for pick4 but not as perfect as it works with pick3...
But if you apply filters you could also win it with 1 ticket if you are smart and have a keen eye for this things...
For pick4 or pick3 i wonder if you could use this system with 2 and 1 keynumber wheels and the keynumbers beign the 2 or 1 digit that repeat from the previous drawing using it as a constraint...
MY COMMENT: do you mean the doubles combination drawings or the +- doubles? i was refering to the +- doubles not the drawing doubles...which one you are referring to?
COMMENT MADE BY SHAWN: It's okay, I was talking about the +/- doubles. We're on the same page.
COMMENT MADE BY SHAWN: Don't suppose we could talk you into an example of exactly how to come up with the numbers for the wheel could we. I think I understand, but I'm not sure I'm on the same page.
MY COMMENT: looking at previous drawings is what i meant...
MY COMMENT: More Test and experiments are needed...
MY COMMENT: You can also add the sums of the results....
NOTE: This sytem took TNTea's spot and it is now on the number 1 spot as the best system ever...TNTea's system comes in second place....
Entry #238


Avatar pumpi76 -
One of the substraction was actually this one....

   830        [previous drawing]
   610        [present drawing]
+2 +2 0 [treat 0 as 10]
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I wonder if you can add a key number wheel to it or how a key number wheel will fit on it, or how a key number wheel working along with it would work...
Avatar pumpi76 -
something else you could do is check the string of the + 's and - 's.....Just like TNtea's OEEOOE combo types, well you could check the same way with the ++- -++ combos...And see which one the lottery chooses...You could do it with Pick5 and with Pick6...LOL...

If you look at previous drawings you will see that just like OHOOH types do not repeat for a very long while, the same thing with +- - - + combos....This is a good step forward but we still need the numbers, we still need to know which numbers they are going to be despite that we have the Even/Odd, High/Low, etc as constraints...

and something else that is on our side and is also another step forward is that despite that, we can look at REPETITIONS...REPETITIONS OF THE SAME NUMBERS IN THE +- -+ ++ combo....Still however we need the numbers or position...

example: how many times does the number 2 or 1 repeat in the - + +- + combos types....

looking at it through the bright side you can say that is better than using wheels...

i got the repetition numbers part idea by looking at bigato -1 +1....
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and something else you could do is designate to the - a number and to the + another number like 1 and 0 for the sums...You could designate the - a 0 and the + a 1...So that not only will you check the sums of bigato difference numbers but you will also check the sum of the - + + - + - combos...And remember that most of the time all the numbers are going to be less than 5 between 0 to 5...Once you get the "RIGHT" numbers on the right "POSITION" you can then begin to "DEDUCE" and apply filters if you like...

When i say a "Step forward" I mean a "Step closer"....That's what i mean...
Looking at it throuh the bright side, if they had a supercomputer they will have cracked it....
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I realize that if you combine it with TNTea's EOEEOO combos and perhaps TNTea's 2-2-1 combos you might be making progress...By looking at TNTea's EOEEEO combos and looking at previous drawings and eliminating the ones that have played and playing the ones that haven't played, or playing 2 types of combos and just waiting for when they show up you might be making some progress...But all this is in jackpot games...And by EOOEOE i mean looking at the difference/results numbers as EOOEOE and not the regular numbers....
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Also i thought of something, why not order the difference numbers [the OOEEOE combos] into ASCENDING ORDER AND THEN look at previous drawings and eliminating the ones that have played and playing the one that haven't played, or playing 2 types of EOOEOE combos and just waiting for when they show up....
and then you can take it a step further...Once you get the right EOEEOE combo you can then deduce which numbers they are going to be for if you look at the ascending order numbers ordered you might notice that the largest number many times does not exceed a certain limit....This just proves that it can the game can be won this way with a supercomputer...Remember to treat "0" [zero] as "EVEN"...And remember that i am talking about a Pick6/42...
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i notice that in my sample the largest number does not exceed 6 or 7 and there are 6 numbers and most of the time 1 number repeats twice or three times...Remember that you are looking at those difference numbers boxed and not straight...Once you get them box then you can plug them in and find which one it corresponds to...The only thing is thaw it will not come out to 1 or 2 tickets but because is box it will come out to be like 7 to 10 tickets, which still is good..
Well i am shocked because this system i just PROVED that it can be won with a supercomputer and this system which i used to think that it couldnt work...It might be able to win it by hand without the help of a supercomputer but i am still figuring out to see...
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i forgot to mention something....
Remember when i was talking about the largest number does not exceed 6 or 7 most of the time and that there are 6 numbers, well those six numbers are from 1 to 6 or 0 to 6 if you take into account "0" [zero]....Sometimes the largest number is 5...
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And the numbers that repeat most of the times are between 0-4....
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sometimes the numbers that repeat are between 0 to 3...
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Even sometimes the repeats are from 1 to 3...
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Thought of something...You can add the Even/Odd ratio to it and check it out that way...Whether it has 3 even/3odds or 2even/4odds see you don't have to win it EVERY drawing, all it takes is 1 win...
But one problem arises...Once you get the correct numbers box that will play in the following drawing what are you going to do about the + - signs?...My guess is that you will have to look at the +/- ratio and just pick the most popular +/- ratio...Again another obstacle that we have to overcome...
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my bad, i thought it was going to come out to less than 10 tickets but apparently not, unless i get the 6 numbers Straight and not box..And right now i am working with box...
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But i found a way that you could perhaps overcome the +- issue...If you order the + & - signs in order, in the order that they appear and assign an "A" for addition and a "S" for subtraction and a "0" for zero and write like an SA combo just like TNTea's EOEOEE combos...and beging to write the history of it who knows you may get somewhere..but you still have to pin point the particular SA combo that is going to play the next day...That way if you have: -++-+0 you will have then "SAASA0" combo...
I wonder what will happen if you work on this one alone...
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This may complicat things a little but it just PROVES that the lottery can be won using this system and the help of a semi-supercomputer and algorithms...
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I found a way to narrow down and get straight the position of the +- signs...If you first list them as SAAOSA combo and then next to it assign to the "A" letter a 1 and to the "S" a 0 and then divide them in two the first 3 letter and the last 3 letters then all you have to guess is whether the first 3 group of letter give you 1 or 2 [because they are mostly mixed], and whether the last 3 group of letters give you 1 or 2 and then deduce the order that comes out to 2 or 1 on the first group of 3 and the same thing goes for the last group of 3 letters...The only problem is a little problem [pequeno problemita] is that i don't know what to assign "0" because if i assign it the number 3 then it will get on the way and complicate things...So basically "0" gets on the way...that's the only problemita...Is the only tiny little problem that i don't know what to assign "0" [zero]....
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if i can overcome the "0" [zero] problem i will have overcome the + - sign....But there is another problem that the total amount of combinations does not come out to less than 10 tickets...Got to work on that....
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But even if we do solve it remember, all this is manually, by hand you will have to do everything by hand, not with computer software...But computer software could be use, just wonder if they will be able to correctly materialize everything....

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