"How to Create a Vision for Your Life


Article says .... "To mold your new life vision, close your eyes and imagine that a genie has just appeared before you. This genie has offered to grant your every wish, provided you have the courage to envision it, believe it will happen and pursue it. In order to create this vision, you need to temporarily suspend any self-defeating thoughts that you will only have in your life what you have always had."

My note ... please remember there is a slight time delay between when you begin envisioning your your desires and when they begin manifesting or taking place.  Also during that time other things you've envisioned previously either consciously or unconsciously are still in process of manifesting.  If those negative things are still happening they're just your previous creations manifesting and will diminish as you remain focused on positive outcomes for yourself.

Article says ..... "See your vision as an already accomplished reality in the present, not merely as something you want or hope to have happen. If you construct your vision as something you hope to have, the wanting, desiring and not having of it will manifest instead of the realization of the vision itself."

My note ... never frame, see or envision something in future time, always see it in past time as if it has already manifested into concrete reality.  If you can envision your desired outcome "behind" you in past time all the better.  Took me awhile to learn this on my own ... found by framing it in the future was like holding a carrot out in front of the donkey, donkey pursuing carrot but never getting a reward.  No way it could, because the reward was created in future-time and remains frozen there out of reach.


"How to Create a Vision for Your Life

By Joe Rubino November 15th, 2008
Souce Dream Manifesto

"Take an 8-ounce glass filled with coffee. This represents your low self-esteem. It is murky, dark and does not transmit light. Now take a large pitcher of crystal clear water. This represents your new empowering vision. Pour the water from the pitcher into the glass. The water from the pitcher flows into the glass, causing the glass to overflow. The first few ounces have little obvious effect on the color of the liquid in the glass. However, as you add more pure water, the content of the glass gets lighter and lighter.

By the time you have poured the entire pitcher out into the glass, you will notice all discolored liquid is gone and only pure, translucent water remains. The same holds true with regard to your mind. As you replace cynical, self-defeating thoughts that crush your self-esteem with a positive, empowering vision that feeds your magnificence, the power of the new thoughts eventually replace the old. This elevates your esteem and dilutes the thoughts that previously consumed your attention. The power in realizing this transformation comes from the magnitude of new positive energy that far surpasses the old negative force.

To mold your new life vision, close your eyes and imagine that a genie has just appeared before you. This genie has offered to grant your every wish, provided you have the courage to envision it, believe it will happen and pursue it. In order to create this vision, you need to temporarily suspend any self-defeating thoughts that you will only have in your life what you have always had.

The past does not need to be a harbinger of the future. Keep in mind that we will be developing a specific plan of action to address the question, "What exactly will it take to manifest this vision?" So, create your dream vision with the expectation that we will be designing a plan to bring each aspect of it into reality.

Let's start by revisiting what values your vision will honor. These will form the fabric that will weave throughout your vision. Next, review the qualities you previously recorded that you will enhance and further develop. These qualities will speak to who you are being as you construct your dream life. And lastly, make a list of your passions. These are those things you love to do and would gladly look forward to doing every day for the next 50 years. Your passions make life worthwhile.

Think of this vision as a movie script you will watch play out before you on the silver screen as you take your seat in the theater featuring your life story. Write your vision in first person and present tense as if you are describing a scene from the movie as it happens. Create a vivid mental image with as much detail as possible to bring your vision to life.

Utilize all your senses in describing it - sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. See your vision as an already accomplished reality in the present, not merely as something you want or hope to have happen. If you construct your vision as something you hope to have, the wanting, desiring and not having of it will manifest instead of the realization of the vision itself.

Include within your vision the answers to the following questions:

    * Who will you be? What qualities and values will you embody? How will you look and come across to others? What will your self-image be?
    * What will you do with your life when you possess these qualities and values? How will you spend a typical day at play and a typical day at work?
    * What will you have as a result of being these qualities and doing the actions consistent with them?
    * Where will you live? In what type of home and with whom? With what physical possessions will you surround yourself?
    * What other things such as great friends, abundance, personal freedom, peace of mind, etc. will you have? What goals will you accomplish?
    * Who will you assist or support with these accomplishments? Are there any special people, organizations or causes that will be an important part of your life?
    * What will your relationships be like? Picture yourself interacting with friends, family, co-workers and all you meet in a way that reflects your high self-esteem and rich friendships.

You can't do this exercise wrong, so have fun creating your vision as a magnificent person worthy of the best that life has to offer.

Visions supply the creative energy that speeds the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly. They nourish our ambitions, help clarify our intentions and elevate our self-esteem to the extent that we have the courage to create them, speak them so as to inspire others and believe in their ultimate realization. They serve as the blueprint for the magnificent castle we will build with the granite blocks of our actions and the mortar of our interpretations.

It's now your turn to create your very own empowering vision. Please do not pass up this opportunity to take advantage of the magic that it can unleash in transforming your life and self-image.

The ultimate value of a vision is that it serves as a motivating place to come from, rather than a place to get to. Visions are also dynamic. As you achieve certain aspects of your vision, it will evolve to include new and previously unforeseen elements. Some aspects of your current vision will also change in time to no longer be part of your evolving vision. For these reasons, visions are always in need of periodic review and reevaluation. They serve to inspire and motivate you and others, not to restrict your options and vitality.

Once you have created your written vision, commit to reading it twice daily without fail, in the morning upon rising and in the evening right before bedtime. As the vision becomes an intention and expectation, your belief in its ultimate realization will support its manifestation into the world.

Write out your personal empowering vision in first person and present tense. Describe in detail what every aspect of your life will be like. Read your vision at least twice each day."


Abraham-Hicks Daily Quote

"  Be easy about it. Don't rush into things. Savor them more. Make more plans and be more deliberate and specific about the plans you are making, and in all you do, let your dominant intent be to find that which pleasures you as you imagine it. Let your desire for pleasure and your desire for feeling good be your only guiding light. As you seek those thoughts that feel good, you will always be in vibrational harmony with the Energy that is your Source. And under those conditions, only good can come to you -- and only good can come from you."

"  It should only be talked about if the talking will make you feel better. It is of no value, ever, to activate and talk about something that doesn't feel good, because it reactivates it in your vibration; it makes it another point of your point of attraction-so you're less clear.

In other words, when you focus upon the problems of others, you diminish your ability to help them. People believe that you've got to focus upon the problem in order to find a solution. And we say, no solution ever comes forth-it's never inspired; you never recognize it, and you are never able to facilitate or achieve it-from your place of focusing on the problem. They are two entirely different vibrations. If you have someone who has many things going wrong and one thing going right, beat the drum of what's going right, and let that be your point of attraction. If you focus upon their problems, you achieve vibrational harmony with something other than the Source that gives you solution."

"  When you ask, it is given, every single time, no exceptions. You are beloved, blessed Beings who deserve good things-but it takes a self-convincing before you will allow good things."

Entry #1,019


Avatar emilyg -
Thank you. Happy, healthy '09.
Avatar konane -
Thank you Em, same to you and Stef!!!!!

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