My beliefs about the Weight Problem...



I said i wasn't going to write this but i am doing it because i know that when people turn 37 years old or older is harder for them to lose weight....

I have some beliefs about the Weight problem and they are as follow:

First of all, i believe you should eat twice a day not 3 times a day, eat twice a day 2 full plates of food and the third meal been either some vegetables or fruits, or soup, or snacks, or liquid like oatmeal, or plantin cream or some kind of cream, or some sandwiches or cereal...

Second, i dont believe 2000 calories a day should be the standard calorie intake for all Americans it should be less...But i also believe that the FDA or whoever was in charge of setting this standard was pressure by food companies as usual and if not they were pressure by the government, after all you have to understand that if people consume more they are helping the economy so is in the best interest of the government for people to consume more....If you was to consume less food it will hurt the economy....That's government for you...I think the calorie standard should be like 1700 but again i am not a fitness expert....Also, 2000 calories intake is based on a male standard, like everything man does, is done with the assumption that males are as equal as females, and they are not...First of all females weight less, so this will mean that it will be either easier or harder for females to lose weight....Did they had two set of experiments one with males on it and one with females on it when they did this standards calorie intake of 2,000 per day...No they did not...If females are as equal as males why can't females run a 26 mile marathon or more...

All my life i've eaten twice a day and i am overweight, and i am not going to lie to you sometimes i sneak up and eat 3 times, well actually i do eat 3 times but one of the meals is something very light like a sandwich, many times i dont eat breakfast....

What's my strategy, my strategy is that the leaner you are it gives you more time to take a break from exercising to lose weight...

Also this is an experimental belief, i don't know if is correct but i am looking at how to strategically to battle the food problem...Also i really don't know because this has never been done before...Here it is: Is only an experimental theory:

They say [scientist, nutritionist] that breakfast should be your strongest meal and you should abstain from eat at night....My question is: Why do we have to eat panckakes and omelets and other lighter stuff for breakfast in the morning, for they are not your strongest food/meal, so why do we eat such a small meal in the morning...Is a tradition, has anyone ask who invented that tradition....You know what is the answer? Because of kids for they will not want to eat rice with chicken in the morning for breakfast and nobody wants to cook that in the morning and there is a bunch of breakfast food targeted at kids...But the meal that we eat in the morning are not going to full you up because they are not heavy meals...I was thinking why not eat for breakfast your heaviest meal let's say 9am and then at 3p you eat your second heaviest meal....Then at 7pm you eat yourself light food like: some vegetables or fruits, or soup, or snacks, or liquid like oatmeal, or plantin cream or some kind of cream, or some sandwiches or cereal...or at 8am you eat your heaviest meal of food with chicken or porkchops and then at 2pm you eat your second heaviest food which will leave you full all the way up to 5pm 6pm time at which you can eat your lighter meal which can be: vegetables or fruits, or soup, or snacks, or liquid like oatmeal, or plantin cream or some kind of cream, or some sandwiches or cereal.......The point is making your last meal the lightest and not making breakfast the lightest meal....That way at night when you go to bed your stomach will have to deal with light meal or and this way when you go to bed your stomach doesn't go very fulll with the heaviest meal.....

or you can eat at 10am breakfast your heaviest meal then at 3pm you eat your second heaviest food which you will be full all up to 7pm or 8pm to eat your lightest food like: some vegetables or fruits, or soup, or snacks, or liquid like oatmeal, or plantin cream or some kind of cream, or some sandwiches or cereal...But it has to be at the interval times i mentioned here, it can't be different...

you may laugh at this but remember in the old times of Rome and far back didn't they used to eat rice with chicken early in the morning...that idea of eating cereal in the morning is a modern thing but not to modern because i believe that perhaps people in the renaissance since they were too modern began eating less for breakfast but i could be wrong.....

Also, this is with a male view, a female view will be different or so i think...Since women get hungrier quicker than men or so i think for something tells me is because they are lighter they will have to eat small portions at small intervals during the i think but i could be wrong...I really don't know who gets hungrier quicker men or women, you should research this to find out...Again did the FDA research who gets hungrier quicker men or women when making up their calorie standard? nope did all this fitness program researched who gets hungrier quicker men or women.....Exactly....

Again my theory is an experimental theory....

at the current configuration they do the following: People eat the smallest meal during breakfast, then at 12pm they eat their heaviest meal...Then at 6pm or 7pm eat their heaviest meal....

again you are trying to lose weight....And this is for people who are 35 years or older....younger people can apply it also but is for older people...

when i say eating 2 meals a day and a snack i mean 2 heavy meals and some snack or something lighter, i don't mean eating 3 heavy meals in the day...

if you feel you have to eat 3 or 4 times a day, let it be the japanese diet....

also, women should have a different diet than men, they are different biologically, that's why they should have different diets....


IF YOU CAN WATCH "0" TV ALL WEEK AND TREAT YOURSELF TO WATCH ONLY 2 HOURS EVERY will have achieve so will make you sex crave, but you can only have so much sex in a week...leaving you the rest of the time to work out...

tHIS PROBABLY WILL MADE ME THE MOST HATED MAN IN THE USA BUT I WAS THINKING...What if you pay, this is for females mostly,  but what if there was some kind of system where you pay a monthly fee, let's say of 9 dollars a month and let's say there was a cable tv that will turn off your tv and allow you to watch so much hours a week of tv, perhaps 4 hours a week or whatever you want...the same WILL POWER you put into diets and trying to quit smoking the same WILL POWER can go into getting yourself this cable & internet system that will shut down your tv and internet...both cable and internet...think about it as trying to quit smoking, except that you are trying to get yourself into working out....I don't think this has ever been done before....And the cable that turns off your tv, you sign an agreement with them saying you can't sue them...But this is only to people that want to lose laugh at this, but remember, you work 8 hours or more a day...

And it doesn't have to be your cable tv's and internet, it could be your tv and computer that way you don't watch no rented movies or use the takes some will power i know...can you think of a better idea...

so tell me something, if you don't watch tv and internet, and you are getting paid to work out, what do you think will happen?

and you know what just to prove you how full of it they are...Why hasn't no fitness expert, or no fitness sect or or food expert or anyone told you this or started this....EXACTLY...

I've seen people attempt to eat vegetables only which to me is like way radicall, they even got people who are going green to the extreme talking about green weddings and yet they have followers, yet no one has attempted this....

also in your home, there the TV the only channel that turns on is the fitness channel...But what can i say, in the USA there is not a fitness channel that is 24/7 like CNN LIVE that talks about fitness and every now and then comes your personal fitness expert/nutritionist that comes on for 10 minutes on the TV every 5 hours and whom you can talk to on the TV, and he will tell you stuff like what have you eaten and what is good for you and what you should try and stop eating, etc, etc...Can you believe that i cut myself in my left nuckles accidentally while doing this, and the cut is in the exact spot where i punch a guy in his teeth, 18 years ago....Anyways, Again you pay a monthly fee to get this service...And what if they film Fitness centers live across the USA on TV the way they record/film soccer matches for the fitness/nutrition channel...

also try not to have a mirror in your house because is a killer...

you laugh at this but don't forget that you have kids...

Entry #299


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And you have to understand, stuff are not in your favor...I've been saying this...The ramen noodles which is like one of the most excellent food you can it, doesn't come in your favor...the ramen noodle which is a good food, has that condiment that is packed with sodium potential raising your bloodpressure...But what do they have in the corner and tell you to eat more because is "American" the hamburger....Plus you live in an area where is cold...See what i am saying...
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i totally forgot about it but reminded me when i was flipping channels and bump into a football channel...What if there was just like Pick4, or Pick5, there was something similar but for working out/exercising...What if there was something like that...You know how in people make the best, and sweat to see who comes up with the best system they even got people who sleep and dream lottery? What if there was something like that but for working out/exercising but to whoever shows examplary example in workingout/exercising....Along with a fitness/exercise channel just like CNN, that records gyms across America and it records/films them LIVE....What if there was such a thing...But again this require that gyms be in 12 story buildings and buildings complexes and each floor is a gym or different things related to that gym...
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but the thing is that you can't give out million, well you could but the point is to keep people working out/exercising in the gyms...If you give 4 million dollars the person might just quit working out, unless you stipulate that that person continues exercising/working out...But is better to start with less money.....Oh my gosh i just replace sports...
and what if there was a service that will lock your refrigerator and only open it on certain times or restart your stove...That way you could keep a track of everything you do, sort of like checking your carbon footprint, and then they record it monthly and give you a sort of monthly reading, of everything you used...And this monthly reading can go into applying to win the work out/exercise lottery or to apply for a job as your resume....i call it the exercise/work out lottery...LOL....
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call it the working out/exercise Trade EXchange.....
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this is to make the masses work out/exercise.....
is not that i am against sport, but what you don't see is that sport is a luxury compared to working out or exercising, specially for when people are older talking 35 years and up...
also you have noticed it yourself that athletes play sport but then when they turn 60 they stop and get fat and become like a flob [i should be careful what i say]....and that is what we are trying to prevent...
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but if you are going to create a exercise/working out Stock Exchange or Working out/Exercise Lottery you must not focus on how built a person is but dedication, your motto should be dedication along with effort...EFFORT AND DEDICATION should be your motto....
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and a tax on fast food pay for it....a 25 cents extra tax on every fast food...Isn't the lottery gambling yet it is done for a good purpose like go into education...Why not do the same with exercise/working out....
I am going to be sincere with you, if i didn't not got interested in the lottery i would have been working out/exercising....

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and a tax on fast food pay for it....a 25 cents extra tax on every fast food...Isn't the lottery gambling yet it is done for a good purpose like go into education...Why not do the same with exercise/working out....
I am going to be sincere with you, if i didn't not got interested in the lottery and i was wealthy i would have been working out/exercising and i know most americans would have been too....
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i forgot to mention if i was wealthy i would have probably been working out/exercising or reading books...
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but i don't like to stress that strongly because there seem to be something like quantum mechanics that works on you and that is that when you say something you end up not making it true...if you don't say it, it becomes a reality, it sounds silly but it does work...
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and what most americans would have been doing? Watching TV also....
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also most americans would have been attending the kids...and remember they live in a cold climate...
but i don't know why i do this, because there are people out there that whenever they see you working out they get so jealous, talking about tomorrow is not promised to anyone or you should see the number of crimes or since someone can get a copy of your keys is easy they will try and dump who knows in the mug of water of your refrigerator not only people that jealousy eats them but companies behind those attacks trying not to get you to work i am talking in doing this in masses not just 1 single individual....
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but i'll like a fitness expert to tell you all this...Exactly....
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but you need to figure out what mostly motivates women to work out what is that that drives them...Also let's look at the people that work out, have you ever notice that people that work out are a slightly cutter or taller than anyone else...have you notice that...which brings me to the subject of expectation is expected and have you notice that they a slightly better economically....
plus in today's world working out/exercising is not in your favor...I say this because i know there are americans who will like to work out for a long time if they had everything, and will like not to have kids but don't do it because there is no system that will charge you 9 dollars a month when you are young so that whenever you are old they can take care of you...So the odds are against you....
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but you need to listen to me...I know you have an advantage over me because you are yellow and i am not, but there is something i want to tell you...I am introvert, you are extrovert plus you are not true to yourself, which tells me that you face a bunch of load of problems...are you aware of it....are you calculating everything...because you are problably not...people that are extrovert gain weight more and more plus you live in a cold climate, plus should i say all the stuff that you got....This made me learn something...something else you should do or practice is practice to talk less....
And this goes to chinese and asians, you need to stop practicing kunfu and all of those stuff, and work on exercising and working out instead...
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and most importantly, very important abstain from a mirror...a mirror is a the mirror you fall inlove with yourself no matter how fat you are and you always say, or i am o.k i look good i don't need to work out and since guys are behind you you don't see it...A mirror is a killer, everyone should abstain from a mirror...
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this goes to women: you see yourself in the mirror and you see that you have long hair and that you are cute and you still see that you are overweight but you think, i am still cute i am still cuter than most people and you think that you don't need to work out....why because of a mirror....that's why i think they should take away mirrors from the psychological...
and this goes to young people: and to me this is the best tactic..tell me which one is better, to work 4 hours a day everyday for 2 years or to work out 30 minutes a day forever...That's why i was going to say, the point of working out/exercising is to MAKE YOU ADDICTED TO IT, EVEN WHEN YOU ARE OLDER....THAT'S THE POINT TO MAKE YOU TO ENJOY IT...
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also i got this idea from my stepmother and the guy that take cares of the house named polo he had left two plates of food outside, so i was thinking...What if a stationary bycycle had 2 plates not just one for pedaling but instead 2 plates with teeth to pedal where you had to pedal and at the same time have 2 tires in the back...wouldn't you lose weight quicker?
so tell me, if someone doesn't watches TV only sees a gym channel his refrigerator is regulated and he is getting paid to work out/exercise and he doesn't have a mirror...and suppose he had a bycycle with 2 plates with teeth to pedal with and the plates where bigger....what do you think would happen....
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i was talking about a stationary bycycle with 2 big plates with teeth....i still don't know how this bycycle will work, it will have to be a work of ingeneering...
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1 big plate on each side, one big plate on the left side and one big plate on the right side...but joined together...that way the pedal will go south and the opposite pedal will go north...
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Also remember that this doesn't favor the government it doesnt favor the government or economy for you to be selective about your food, again it doesn't favor the government...
Also i want a fitness expert to tell you all this...
and besides that the person is taking a pill that will help him lose weight quicker....
so the stationary bicycle with 2 large plates on each side, will be in the back not in the front...
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And what if the tires/rims in the back were heavy, wouldn't you burn more calories....You probably replace running...I say this because i think running burns more calories than a bycicle...
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So 5 minutes on this bycicle will be like 30 minutes running...LOL...
try not to eat red meat unless the meat is leaner than chicken or the same as chicken...well you can consume red meat but like 1 once a week....
and the other key is the liquid...If you could invent a liquid like a juice or a healthy soda that will have the baddest kick and sell it for like 20 cents the galon or "Litro"liter/Litre", if you can do that you will have strategically put an offensive against fatness...Remember people eat food with a liquid, if there is too much liquid and less food that will mean that people will consume food less....but the liquid has to be enjoyable, it has to be the most superbliquid, healthy and with the baddest chick and addictive so the battle is not over.....that liquid has not been invented and if it is it doesn't cost 20 cents the galon or litre/liter....
also something i meant to tell you coca cola and a lot of sodas don't have the same kick they used to have....
so the battle is not over....
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also i am been technical...Who you think feels more pain? a bodybuilder who lifts a lot of weights or someone who gains 300 or 400 pounds and then loses it over and over...If you think the body builder or the strongrest man in the world really don't feel a lot of pain because they have a large mass of muscle so more lean muscle means feeling less pain....And up to this day i haven't seen guys gain weight until they are 300 pounds and then losing it to 180 pounds and then gaining it again to lose it back...Human kind...And who gets the kisses? they guy that lift weights because he is all rip....talking about your carbon footprint or should i say your weight footprints...
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but again i want a fitness expert to tell you all this....
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but the liquid has to be something that has almost no sugar or no sugar added...but that at the same time it will have a kick and taste good...That's the key....
for instance what if gatorade cost 20 cents the liter/litre? that will be a bankruptcy for the government...
again been a work out or exercise soldier like in the movie Soldier with Kurt Russell is not in your favor...
and don't forget that as you turn older the older you get there is something in the brain or the immune systems that causes you to be less "animado".....translated i meant that the older you get there is something that makes you want to work out less, i am talking something that makes you less lively less full of spirit something to do with the brain or the nervous system or the immune system...Think of it as slowly shutting down or slowly turning the light happens in every human beign....something that pharmaceuticals don't work on...
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also, look i know that pets are going to get a big hit with this one, but have a pet if you are very skinny or fitness fit...Because if you are not, use that time that you are going to spend on a pet to work out/exercise....
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can you imagine pedaling a car tire....LOL...
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i am talking about pedaling a car tire with the rim....LOL....
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also this is a bomb...What if you could work out as you walk? Well remember the sand braces? what if you get the correct sand braces with regulated sand but that it will not make noise and you get a slight brace in your wrist and a slight braces in both of your legs and you walk every day with it without, quiting a day and you will stay perhaps fit without exercising....and you will mantain your weight...
the problem with sand is that it makes too much noise but i was talking about some kind of material that will not make too much noise and they walk everywhere they go with it...but it doesn't have to be heavy it could be slightly...just a little bit of will provide resistance as you walk...again is just a theory....but the problem is that sand makes too much noise as you walk...again is an ingeneering problem...I am talking about perhaps the grain of sand been tightly together like with a glue or something or heated up so that it will not make noise as you put one in your wrist but against regulated in both your wrist and one in both your legs...
again i want a fitness expert to tell you this....
again is a theory..
and when you least think about it you will be losing weight or working out/exercising...that way you can go to work with it...
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so what will happen if you have that bycycle with 2 tires in the back and 2 plates with teeth pedaling...and you don't watch tv, and you take a pill to help you lose weight, and your refrigerator is regulated and the only thing you watch is a exercise/workout channel with every 5 hours for 10 minutes or for 8 hours your trainer comes on the tv for 10 minutes and talks to you, and you eat red meat 4 times a month but eat chiken 5 days a week, plus you wear that sand bracelet/strap everyday...Now tell me what will happen? and you eat 2 times a day with the third meal been something light...and there is gyms like 12 story buildings plus you remove the tell me what will happen...
now i want an exercise trainer or fitness trainer to tell you that....
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about the sand braces they show this in the movie "Face off" with nicolas cages and john travolta when they are trying to walk in a prison...
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what if you give the sand strap to kids from when they are young and instruct kids to wear it and you get the kid a stationary bycicle, specially those fat kids...i don't know if this will work for kids it could as well as it could not....but i am thinking of something...if you give a kids one of those sand braces regulated of course with the right amount for that kid, and you give a bycycle to those fat kids as a gift, specially a bycycle with a larger plate not a stationary bycycle but a bycycle that you can ride, and you regulate how much the kid each, i wonder what will happen to the kid...
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you know tackle obesity from the source...
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and what if you give kids that powder that is a magnet that sticks to the grease and makes you dump it in your stool, plus you give him the braces plus you give him a bycycle with biger plate as a gift and take him to a bycycle park that we he can ride with other kids....
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but you still need to make adults eat 2 times a day with the third meal been something very light...
i wonder how many food do they feed kids a day...i think kids will have to eat several small portions a day instead of a big portion 3 times a day, specially the kids that are overweight...
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remember there are 2 kinds of obesity, kids that are from small fat and kids that are skinny but when they reach adulthood they turn fat...
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also the ramen noodles which is cheaper cost like 15 cents in the USA, well when you buy those people look down on you on the counter, i've seen it and it is considered Unamerican...i am telling you the truth that happens in the USA...
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specially black people they look down on buying ramen noodles..however they don't say crap about that gravy...
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I am talking about a ramen noodle with nutrients thrown on it..
and if you look at it a plate of food has 800 calories, yet a noodle has like 100 calories...So 2 pakckets of noodles with nutrients thrown on it, with chicken or sardine or whatever...
and the retarded ideas that Americans they got about other countries...
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all the ideas that i got i could have never thought them in the USA...
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something else that is looked down in the USA is watching your hands with soap, i tell you because i've seen it...
Also you would have to start putting on the religion and race boxes to fill out, you will have to start putting: "fitness/nutrition"....for people that religiously work out/exercise...but again you can't tell the USA nothing because they know everything...
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this just proves among hundreds of things that racism is not nobody with swatchstikas...
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i am talking about the boxes that you got to mark on the resume when you are applying for a job...they should have an extra one for: fitness/nutrition....I always felt this way but i never said it from the time i was 22 years old...
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not only nutrition/fitness but along with the box will read: fitness/nutrition/constientious....
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another box for the race or religion should be the: "substantial millionaire"....The TV reminded me of this idea that i've had since i was 24 years old...
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another race/religion box they should put is: scientist and nother box for: "Services to humanity"....
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you think i am saying this because i have something against certain people, the thing is i am trying to help you because at the way you are going with the constant pelting from all side you will need this...but don't listen to me...
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can you believe i hit my hand thumb right where my thumb fingerprint is almost cut myself before i wrote this....
anyways i think they should have a box for race or religion with: "house with no mirrors"....
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Also about women, look there are women who are more maleish than others and by that i mean that they hang around more males than females and they think like males and everything...Well those females you need not to worry too much you should worry but you should worry more about females that have female friends and hang with females...they have a female world...There are females that have male world and there are females that have a female world...
one needs more help than the other in the fitness/nutrition battle.....just be aware of it...
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think of it as the termometer, see how maleish or femaleish a women is, along with whether they were raised with both parents or 1 parent or none...
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one is stronger than the other mentally....
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Also what men don't know, most women prefer rip muscular guys and they go for them, the thing is that you men are good skinny the way you are, but because women prefer them muscular and since women are the ones calling the shots you men go for it and you try all sort of things to be muscular and gain a lot of weight and what you don't know is that muscle when not exercised turns into fat or suggar can't remember...What you don't know is that you are fine the way you are and those guys with lots of muscle turn into flabby flesh because the stop working out/exercising....
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and what they don't know is that yeah 1 guy can be muscular, but 2 skinny guys on a threesome can do the job of 1 muscular you are not paying attention to the endowment package...
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you have to understand, the majority of women prefer guys musculars and bulky and with muscle or fat or whatever you want to call it, yet few are the men that prefer women fatter, most men prefer them skinny....and you have to see that sex is not mutual, one is satisfying the other 95% of the time...
Also what is needed is a pill that you drink and jumpstart your metabolism...
again i want a fitness expert to tell you all this...
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and you have to see, one of the sexes loses weight quicker than the other...
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also in school from when you are small they should teach you how many calories each eatable thing in the world has...something they don't teach you from small so you learn them, instead of teaching you a bunch of stuff, like sowing...This should be a class in either 5th grade or in 8th grade...
see that stuff are not in your advantage...And it doesn't favor the goverment to do this because it probably lose money...There should be a table or calculator that they teach you to learn with the calories of each food that way you don't have to learn them when you are make you constientious about it...
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and even if they can't teach this in school where is the channel to teach you all this...Exactly...And there have been people who have made millions of dollars that are fitness experts or people in the medical field...
i am trying to teach you something here also..who you think works harder, the guy that is number 1 champion on a event or the number 2 or 3 who are dying to be number 1...Exactly...Who lifts more weight or exercises more someone who is skinny and don't need to work out or someone who is slight overweight or overweight...Always the number 2, 3, or 4 or 5 not the number 1...
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like how i said things are not in your favor...Look at the chicken salad, the are a lot of differen chicken salad...But how much does a salad with ham sprinkled on it on subway cost? 5 dollars, the same price of a subway or a macdonald hamburger...When a salad that is mainly lettuce should cost 1 dollar or 1.50...Again things are not in your favor...
all those things that are trying to make you lose weight are a bunch of trash...Why nobody tackles the fact that exercise trainers are too expensive...
You know i HATE going to gyms, i totally hate it, can't stand it...First of all the gyms are small as hell, second people go to gyms to show off their money or bmw's or bodies and something tells me that what goes on in gyms is sex...That's why i can't stand going to gyms....
again this is where white supremacist should be talking about and they are ask me why i believe the things i believe....
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the salad with chicken part is for guys older than 37 years old...
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you are going to tell me that lettuce abuebao, lettice which can as well be leafs of any tree and have no nutritional value cost 5 dollars...Por favor..
Only God knows what i believe...
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why don't they grow lettuce abroad, where the land and labor is cheap and import them to the USA...Exactly....
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I forgot to mention..The oiL, the salad dressing oiL has too much calories, up to this day a salad dressing oiL has not been invented that will have very few calories...
and let me tell you something...To those people that work on trying to find the cure to obesity or the eternal fountain of youth, you don't have your premises secured, there are ninjas that can break into your house...There are also ninjas as i call them that can change the label of foods to favor themselves just the same way with the bible, they can change what the bible says and they don't care...what makes me laugh about this ninjas is that in the long run they go for good and not bad...LOL...just a thought...
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I also got this idea from watching a truck chase in the state of Georgia with the owner in the back...What if there was like a bycycle pedaling with several, several tires, kind of like an 18 wheeler without the load in the back...What if there was 2 plates but with several tires instead of 2 tires in the back, that way when you pedal you surely going to burn a lot of calories and 5 minutes on it will equal to 1 hour running...But with the small plates that the tires got in the back going connected to other tires, that way when you pedal you are pedaling several tires, tires that got heavy rims....
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also have you check the ab rocket? it is very good machine, it looks good, yet have you checked how much does that machine cost? 149 dollars...Exactly, when it should cost 40 are going to tell me that the metal of the ab rocket is what stainless steel or titanium? and what will it cost to pirated to make it cheaper...
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it was an 18 wheeler chase by police with the owner in the back where the tires were....
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what if people pedal the bycicle with some sand strap on them, not only do they walk and work with it but they have their own personal stationary bicycle with some sand strap and they pedal with some sand strap on them...
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This is what i meant to say:
what if people pedal the bycicle with some sand strap on them, not only do they walk and work with it but they have their own personal stationary bicycle with some sand strap and they pedal with some sand strap on their legs....

i meant to say have sand strap on their ankles/feet...
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also again things are not in your favor because gyms are for people that live in the city, not for people that live in the country far away from the city...i think is 90% of people live in the countryside...
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but the key is the trainer, in the USA they charge too much because after all is a job...If only you could find a way to create trainer that will cator to a lot of people, trainers that will come out on tv to people that subscribe to the service...some kind of system...
A trainer here which is a regular job may charge you like 300 or 400 dollars a month...In N.Y that's not the case...So if you could find a trainer that charges you 300 dollars a month or 400 dollars a month and make him cator to people in the USA but again the problem is the language and the phone connection...but if we could find it it will be great...again the key is the fitness trainer...
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And i could be wrong, again i could be wrong i forgot to mention this years ago, but i believe they have like a pill or something that they make people drink, and the pill makes the cells of the body like stick together or something, like a glue, that will cause people overwheighted to have trouble losing weight...They do this for their propaganda....
they could sell this as whatever...
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Can you believe there was a subtle attempt towards me, most people will not pick it up but i did.....
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Also just to prove you that things are not in your favor...Why don't they sell the calculator [like any regular calculator] where you punch in, the particular food or vegetable or fruit or whatever and it gives you back the reading of how much calories does the particular food has...Why don't they sell it...Exactly....
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Also just to prove you that things are not in your favor and it doesn't favors the government, i am going to get a little bit medical here, but they sell something in the USA name: "PLACKERS": HIGH PERFORMANCE FLOSSERS...Why don't they sell that everywhere else in Europe or Asia, or the Middle East or in Latin America? Because it doesn't favors the government...
Also i might get a little technical and is only a theory...Even though i said that working out/exercise is good for you let me give you an example: if 2 people were to start working out everyday and the other play soccer in a big soccer stadium everyday for the rest of their lives, maybe there is a chance that the person that plays soccer will live a little bit longer than the person that work out, and the reason is because when you get older for instance soccer challenges the mind and keeps it active as oppose to working out/exercising because you are doing the same routine and you are not exciting/challenging the mind...So again there is a posibility...So to me the best option will be to work out/exercise and when you turn 50 start either playing soccer [active sport] or take some time to play sports like soccer....
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This leads me to believe that the lottery is 50% thrash, and 50% valuable...Why because the lottery can be addictive but at the same time is valuable, because what we need is a Exercise/working out lottery, not just a regular lottery but a working out/exercise lottery...Either that or a Working out/Exercise STOCK EXCHANGE...The reason we need the lottery is because we need funds for scientist and others to use it to propel/push this world forward, plus if you charge 2 dollars it can get enough money for it to go into Energy and make the USA oiL free...But at the same time the lottery is "Thrash" and i am wondering about the online gaming that it will become to addictive that it will cause teenagers not want to work out/exercise, so i am in a new dilema here....If you can only create a working out/exercise Stock Exchange....
also this taught me that the purpose in live is not only advance but help others....The purpose of life is not to eat but to advanced and help others...
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for the mean time, online gaming/gambling is or should be placed on hold...
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you know not everything is money, plus the work out/exercise lottery/EXchange is so behind, they don't even have gym buildings....
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What am i saying? That there is not enough gym buildings to house the entire nation....
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also remember that 90% of the population of the world live in the country side NOT in the city....Just remember that...
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and remember which is an extra weight on you, you are extrovert which is an extra weight...and most of you are not true to yourself...

And this brings me to the following thing...That free lottos must require the winner to work out/exercise extensively, and ask the participants as well as the winner to wear the sand or metal strap that it will be heavy....
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Also just to prove you how INTELLIGENT, Americans are...Look i don't care about the gay/lesbian issue but more energy goes into the gay marriage than obesity, yet as the years passes i think is like 80% of people are overweight and yet you don't die if you are lesbian or gay well you could but more people will suffer of something due to overweight related problems than people die of lesbianism....Again is none of my   problem, but i am just showing you something....
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Just to prove you that is in the government favors for you to be fat...
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Not only is the trainer the key but there is a key even more important than the trainer and that is the "LIQUID", it hasn't been invented yet...You probably didn't know this, but my favorite food is chicken eggs, i could eat eggs everyday but what eggs got cholesterol...Also something that you perhaps are not aware...Unlike 98% of people when i eat ever spoonful i put to my mouth after i finish chewing them before i swallow it i drink a liquid to swallow it which will make me full quicker....You don't eat that way so be aware of it, you eat the food and at the end you drink the liquid....
going back to the liquid...The liquid is the key...It hasn't been invented yet...I am talking about 2 kinds of liquid 1 like coca cola that most people drink that will have a high kick and that it will be heavy when it drops in your stomach, and a liquid that will be abundand, so far liquids are not abundant and are not cheap...Look at beer, most people are addicted to beer but beer makes you gain weight and it doesn't taste right...What i am basin is that if more people drink liquid they will get fuller and eat food less...And as we know a plate of food has 800 calories...Again it doesn't favor the government for you to eat less....All those gimmicks about eating something that will make you full could be replace if you drank a liquid that will make you get full all the time...if you have to pee constantly then so be it....Again the liquid is the biggest hasn't been invented yet...
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Again all this things doesn't favor the government, because if you eat less or you consume less that means that you are spending less money and less food bought less the economy will get...
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Also burger king or McDonalds is doing something wonderful and that is the Fish Sandwich...Is a wonderful idea but they need to take it a step further and offer it thicker, but eliminate the bread bun if they can offer a bun like a slice bread and give it with pickles, lettuce, etc and sell is for 1.50 or 2 dollars it will be so wonderful...Or if they can give the fish bread with the Krystal bun but i don't know if the Krystal [white castle] bread will be taste, ....The only problem is the soda and french fries...That's the problem, if they can replace the soda and offer a more healthy drink, it will be so wonderful....I see the day when fish sandwiches replace the burger...And right now the fish sandwich does not taste good because of the bun that it got the bun is too big....
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and the fish sandwich if you look at the fish, the fish is not thick enough....And something else that McDonalds could do is seel hotdogs but with chicken sassauge, with sassauge made out of chicken...Even thouhg i have to admit i don't know what chicken sassauge is made of....
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also it may sound funny, but for years and years ago i notice a pattern between who is fatter than who correlated with how big their head is and by that i mean the distance between 1 temple and the other, is weird but i've noticed it, i've also notice a pattern in the butt glutteus, the less a person has the less skinny he tends to be not always but is a pattern....laugh all you want i've seen it...same thing with shorter, the shorter you tend to be the less fatter you tend to be...Is like some anomalies, i can't explain them....
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So the key is the trainer and the liquid...Those are the 2 keys...
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Look the sand/metal strap may cause back problem if you wear it in your ankles it might it might not and that is if you use a heavy one but if you take the weight out of it and don't use it to heavy, there chance it could help you...And at the way things are going, YOU WILL NEED TO WEAR IT...i don't understand cigarettes are still sold, yet the sand/metal strap is not....Again YOU WILL NEED TO USE IT BOTH IN YOU ANKLES AND IN BOTH OF YOUR WRIST...but it will have to be calibrated and you will have to wear it several times to see which one works best for you...
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Also things are not in your favor because there is no "Fitness" Religion founded...There is that crap about scientology, yet fitness religion doesn't exist...And again you got to win MegaMillion to start a religion like this.....A religion with its members and bases all over and where people go to who know on sunday worship why watching sports or who knows what or have a big picnic together after una ardua semana of working out, or where they get paid on sunday for working out, etc...And where members look out for each other, Exactly....
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do you see why you must make Powerball easy....But again is you PRIDE that is killing everyone including your race...
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And in this fitness/nutrition religion they gather who knows every wednesday and saturdays and hear the sermon of the fitness pastor where he talks about food, scientific discoveries related to food and the body, calories, exercises/work outs, etc, etc...With some housing for the less needed of the religion, etc...
But again Humans abuebao, but guess what is big? nudism beaches...
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Also, here in Panama they sell a white cheese no is not your sliced white cheese, it comes like a bar but is very wide, that cheese with some toasted sliced white bread butter, yellow cheese and muster, nothing beats it, can you imagine that white cheese with mustard and fish again is not your sliced white cheese is different the cheese in the bar is very fragile, it cost 1.68....MY question, why don't they tell that cheese in the USA...Again cow is cow whether you raise it in moscow or in bankock so why don't they sell the cheese in the USA? That sandwich taste better than any sandwich in the USA including the ones that got bacon on them...Why don't they sell it? Exactly....Because that white cheese will make a good sandwich to replace regular sandwich in the USA....Place some tomatoes and lettuce on it....They call it queso blanco prensado sin or con sal....They sell it in the groceries stores...Why don't they sell it? because the government eat one of those sandwiches with white cheese it makes you want to each a second one....Sandwiches that some days can replace the first plate of food...not just 1 sandwich talking like 8 or 6 with a good liquid....
also they haven't been to clear on something, when something says it has 100 calories does that mean that a spoonful of it has 100 calories or the whole package...nobody has ever asked this question.....
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but the lottery is not all thrash is only 50% thrash, another very valuable thing is that if you can crack Powerball and not necessarily Powerball but Pick3 if you can do it you can make the movie "The MINORITY REPORT" a reality....Which makes the lottery a very valuable thing....but is in its infancy....
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my bad, made a mistake, i think the amount of daily calories should be 1,500 a day....Remember 2 plates of food have 700 or 800 doesn't favor the government to tell you this because the government wants to keep you consuming food to help the economy....
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my bad, made a mistake, i think the amount of daily calories should be 1,500 a day....Remember 2 plates of food have 700 or 800 doesn't favor the government to tell you this because the government wants to keep you consuming food to help the economy...
This reminds me of the weight most people carry when they have too many kids...Most people will try and have less kids as possible others just want to have 1 or 2, but the government don't allow you to have a visectomy or histerectomy so you stop having kids or don't have kids at all, they want you to have a vasectomy or histerectomy when you have 3 or 4 kids...Why is that? Because it doesn't favor the government for the population to shrink because it will mean that the government will make less money...Same thing with food....Something to think about....
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Also i was looking at stationary bicycles prices and they all look like thrash...Can you believe that stationary bicycles in the USA range the same price as a threadmill when clearly a threadmill is more expensive to manufacture, you are going to tell me there is no conspiracy, you know threadmills come with free weights sometimes so you burn more calories, do stationary bicycles come with ankle weights to make you burn more calories....And i don't understand because a regular bicycicle "montanera" can cost you like 50 dollars up to 100 dollars and a stationary bicycle cost you you are looking at 800 up to 2,500 dollars....WHY IS THAT....and if you look at the designs of this stationary bicycles they all look like thrash, NONE of them not even the most expensive comes with the most well cushioned seat....the pedal it doesn't come with that stuff that will hold your feet tight....and the designs are horrible...Why is that....want to know something they invented i think it was in D.C they invented a solar bibycle that YOU DON'T HAVE TO PEDAL and it cost around 3,000 and it can go like 30 miles before refueling yet there are stationary bicycles that cost that much...see what i am saying....and all the stationary bicycles they look like they were design for women to hold the weight of women not men....And why no one has invented a STATIONARY BICYCLE THAT COMES WITH A SCREEN THAT YOU CAN LOOK AT OR BE ANIMATED....All the stationary bicycles look retarded...Look i know that is not the bike but the heart and that you can easily get yourself some ankle weights and pedal a regular stationary bicycle...and i am going to beging by saying that stationary bicyles need to change the seat make it as comfortable to ride and wider.....
Also why no fitness expert or fitness website on the internet has mentioned to you how many calories you got to burn to lose 1 pound...No one has ever mentioned that...Why is that....
also when a person is riding a bicycle that person is MOVING HIS/HER OWN WEIGHT AROUND, something a stationary bicycle can't simulate....when a person is running, that person is MOVING HIS/HER OWN WEIGHT AROUND, something a stationary bicycle can't do so far....
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if a stationary bicycle cost 900 dollars or 1,500 dollars you know a person before he/she buys it he is going to think about his lawnmower that he can put money to buy which can cost aroun 3,000 or he is going to think of a large screen tv plasma or HD or whatever they call it all that is going to come first before a stationary bicycle with a price of 900 dollars...
also technically if a person begins to run how far will that person get and how fast will he be going provide that when you are running you are moving your weight around...the answer is not very far...and how long will he last? not very long, yet running burns more calories than a stationary bycicle....The answer if you can make a person in a stationary bicycle pedal not very far but pedal a heavy weight at the pace that a runner does, the person in the stationary bicycle will have burn more calories than running....pedaling on a stationary bicycle on the lowest level is almost the same thing as walking except that in walking a person is moving his weight around, while on easy level of pedal on a stationary bicycle the person is not moving his weight around...just been for stationary bicycles to burn the same calorie as running or walking they have to sort of drag the person's body stationary bicycles should not give you a resistance reading but a weight reading....I am just been what am i saying? That you don't have to pedal very far as long as you drag a weight that will make you go like someone running who is dragging his body....
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also walking is very similar to pedaling a bicycle very slow with the exception that you don't have your back tan horobada.....pedaling a bicycle is like walking horobado, that's why stationary bicycles among some of the things it needs to do it needs to bring el timon, bring the staring wheel or wherever you rest your hands or hold at needs to bring it more to you more towards your chest so that cycling resemble walking or running...but for bycicle to resemble running beside dragging the weight it needs to have the pedal feet very long and have a big plate with teeth, a very big plate....And they still need to work on that seat with cushion....
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Also most stationary bicycles are not suited for tall people...I want you to look at a stationary bicycle for example, look at this one:
notice the rod going to the seat, very very slender now tell me can that rod host a very tall person? NOpe.....Notice the rod that host the drink, why is so thick? Pifia....The road that host the seat should have like 4 rods going from the ground to the seat to offer support....
I saw a stationary bicycle that looks good and is the decent of them all on the internet is called: Body-Solid B2U Upright Bike - cost 725 dollars...
but it still needs 3 rods from the back to support the seat, the seat still needs to be super extra cusshioned, the area where you rest your hands neeeds to come closer to your chest and the plate with the teeth needs to be a very very large one with long legs with pedals...And you need to check out the resistance...and it needs to come with sand ankle weights....
you can find it here:,Reebok-Studio-Cycle/Detail
what i call plate you call crankset...I am talking a plate with like 95 teeth or bigger, a plate ALMOST 2 feet in radius with long legs....

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also peopel i've noticed tend to be skinnier than normal are bowlegged people...i don't know is weird maybe is some how the way the femur or entire leg walks....

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