To Caucasian People of the Northern Hemisphere & the Entire World.



you need to create a fitness lottery, different kinds of lotteries but of fitness...Please remember that you are human and you SUCUMB when is time to eat, like all of us....You need to create several different types of lotteries...For instance you need to create one type of lottery that will pay you 1,000 a week for life only for fitness/nutrition people that like to work out/exercise, and then the lottery requires the person to continue working out/exercising for life....

Also this is my idea but i don't know how you will want to create it i am just saying it will be better if you do it this way....You need to create a FORT just like fort sam Houston or fort benning but of women working out/exercising....A large place where women are paid to work out...It can be done...You need to remember 1 thing, you know how Powerball raises sometimes 300 million dollars 2 or 3 times a year? and is only like 25 states, well remember LOTTERY HAS ITS PEOPLE....FITNESS got its people, politics got its people, religion got its people, etc, etc....Well same thing, fitness people across the USA can raise 300 million dollars every 2 months....and people join this FORT BY A LOTTERY...The fort not only could be a fort but a religion also....

but you can start by creating this HUGE FORT...You know up to this day i have not seen a gym the area of a huge military fort... A HUGE AREA MILITARY FORT BUT OF WORKING OUT, with a couple of tall gym buildings...where the only thing they dedicate themselves to do in that fort is to work out/exercise...

Again like usual do you see why you must make POWERBALL EASY and have a panel with the powerball key, to create stuff like that...Because where else will they get the could be a fort it could be a huge compound of a fitness religion, etc....

For instance, you collect a fee [this will be the price of a lottery ticket] of X amount of dollars and you raise 300 million every 2 month and each month you buy a fort/compound on a different state....A place where you got basketball courts, soccer fields, football fields, swimming pools and where people can stay, like they stay in tall buildings and then they go to work out in fields...Tall buildings will save money over regular housing....And little by little you beging creating a work out fort city....You know all those gyms that they got, they are sorry, create a place where people are paid to work out forever...I don't know how much a fort cost, but you can start somewhere....Can you imagine a work out/exercise fort place that has schools and hospitals and where people's sole job is to work out everyday...LOL...Could you imagine if your sole job was to work out and you was getting paid 1,000 or 2,000 a week for life and working out/exercising was your sole job...Caucasian people you all are fallando...

Well Caucasian people you need to start this and create this....You need to do it....

And advertisers could chip in like Nike, Addidas, Reeboks, etc...And other healthy food products could chip in...

Remember in the military soldiers are selected almost randomly there are many who don't make it to be marines or navy seals or whatever, same thing with this work out/exercise fort...And you should create one for integrated and one only for women....

is just like the military fort except that your job is to work out forever, instead of having to go and kill someone...I am not saying there is something wrong with the military, what i am saying is that there should be another option....

if i was you i will create 2 things a work out fort and a fitness religion compound...And just like in a military fort and in the military there could be ranks of pay and work out/exercise levels or officers with ranks...Tell all the navy seals of the USA that I SAY how come they couldn't come up with this idea..Let's prove who the hell is who...LET'S DO THIS, LET GO ME, I SAY LET GO ME, HE CAN'T TAKE ME, COME ON LET'S DO THIS, LET'S DO THIS, I SAY LET'S DO THIS, LET'S CREATE THIS THING...

but fitness is not everything fitness is half the job, what you eat is the other half so you should be spotted when you eat or your food should be regulated, like you could eat in a cafeteria and the institution keeps your receipt of what you ate for the week/days, etc....

Look i know there is the threat of terrorrism but also there is the threat of food and health which kills more people than all the world wars combined...

And the guys of this fort they could once or twice a week serve as recruiting services guys where they go to the community and try to talk to people in neighboorhoods or community and try to recruit them or talk to them into eating right...or make them aportar/contribute....

And there could be big prizes lotto to the community besides the one that pay the guys to work out....There could be a 20 million dollars up to 100 million dollars lotto to the community to whoever works out the most or randomly, every month, biweekly, etc...

And want to know something? This work out/exercise FORT will be more intense and better than the army, marines, navy seals, will be better...because the navy seals only train certain times, while this is everyday 6 days a week and to some 7 days a week...Not only that but they teach you in this fort/compound that whenever you get mad you must work out....uuaaahhhhhh, mad scientist...

Que demencia compa...



Momy spinach tastes awful...from movie "Gottaca"

ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: if only the fort could be made of 10 million people because then i was going to say that the 10 million people each getting 1,000 dollars a week for life 20 dollars will be taken from them each month and then 100,000 people will get paid 2,000 a month and they could work as the fort construction workers like building tall buildings or houses or complexes, etc...i really don't know how much a person in construction gets paid...But can you imagine having 100,000 people to work on a construction project like a fort is too many people...And this is only from taking 20 dollars from the 4,000 a month the fitness people are going to be making....

and if the people don't want to work they are put in jail with no pay...just like in the military...

could you imagine if a women went to a job interview and in her resume was that she served on this fort or is part of the fitness religion.... whao what an impressive resume...LOL...because in that resume you are telling people that you are part of something greater than the

and what if in this fort people drink wine for breakfast, lunch and dinner....LOL...

South America are you listening....

Entry #305


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red sweet wine that is....
i say let's do this, i say let's do this, let go me, i say let go me, LET'S DO THIS, only this will reveal the truth, let's do this, IT ENDS TODAY...
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come on let's do this, LET'S DO THIS I SAY, because this will tell who is democrat and who is republican, this will tell who is more conservative than who, this will tell who is more liberal than who...I say LET'S DO THIS....
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This will prove who is argentinian and who is not...It will also prove whether the correct way to say is: "pocho" or "pollo"....
also this fort just like the military wears a uniform with "boina" and everything and there are "rangos" in the uniforms...with decorations and everything...
I say let's do this....LET'S DO THIS I SAY....
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and when you are walking with your uniform and your boina and there are different boinas the boinas represent the rank, and when you tell people, i belong to the 24th batallion, people will be like "what the *(*&#^#@ which represents that you love pain and if you tell people that you are an rear admiral or a leutenant general in this fort that means that you get aroused by pain...which again people will be like "What the **&^%%....And when you tell people that you got shot several times in the legs which will translate to that you torn ligaments lifting weights...LOL...
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And this fort has malls and everything and they run in group just like the marines in the movie "Full Metal Jacket" chanting stuff who knows how many miles they run and guess what where they stay they don't watch tv [even though this might be pushing it], but what if the only TV's in the fort is in the Gyms of this fort, kind of like a religion thing...There is not TV at home...Jee se acabo el mundo...
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and what if is required of everyone that if they are in the premise of this fort which is huge they walk with a calibrated ankle/wrist metal/sand weight bracelet or what if is required of them everywhere they go...that if they care caught in civilian with out the ankle/wrist weight they can be put in jail...ayala bestia...talking about a human torch...LOL..
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this reminds me of a guy i saw in the city, who everyone says he was crazy and was very fit in very good shape, he was of native indian origin, well he was barefeet in the streets of the city of republic of Panama and he was doing all sorts of movements and he kept screaming: "Tell Jean-Caude Vam " that i am waiting on could see each muscles of this guy with a "V" shape back, you could tell the guys wasn't completely right, well he kept shouting: "Tell Jean Claude Vamn   that i am waiting on him....
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but before they start this they need to teach people to run a lot and they need to invent the perfect "drink" a drink like coca cola or something some kind of drink that people will want to drink it more than eat food...because honestly in this fort you need to serve people 2 times a day with 1 snack, or soup or sandwich on the other meal...And i don't know how that is going to work out...unless people train extra hard like for 6 or 8 hours a day...but i am happy because as long as they wear the calibrated ankle and wrist sand/metal weight/bracelet all the time is O.K....
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and for what it looks it looks like it will have to be: "ONE FORT ONLY FOR MEN" AND ONE FORT ONLY FOR WOMEN, NOT INTEGRATED...but i could be wrong...
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look i know not having integrated doesn't favor women but i just want to prove you something, THERE IS A LOT OF WOMEN THAT TALK CRAP...So let's do this..And please don't think this is until you turn 59 this is FOREVER...Again this separates the republicans from the democrats, it tells whether the correct pronunciation is: "pocho" or "pollo" tells who is argentinian and who is not...and please don't think that because you have a well awesome hot body that you are O.K because it doesn't end there you still have to do this even after you are 59...
and women please stop thinking that guys that look hot do so because they work out, that's a bunch of lie mostly they are so because they are blessed by genetics and a lot of them take pills to make them look rip....
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and this is not the army, this is not the army so no es apto para cardiacos this is a step above the army/marines....
want to know a secret women, how many men lift weights and take their sweet time when they are doing it to feel the my entire life i've only seen one guy like that and for his body type he looks like arnold schawzzanegger....
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you know when i say that guy on the streets of the city of the republic of Panama i was laughing inside, not because the guy was crazy, in fact he wasn't crazy but because Jean-Claude Vam Dam wasn't there, like how they say, missing in action....
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and just to prove to you that this doesn't favors the USA government...Read this news:
2 trillion from the private sector over 10 years for HEALTH CARE???...They could surely create 400 go bases/forts in the USA...You know how many people can have this lottery that pays them 1,000 dollars a week to work out and they work out their entire life and prevent who knows how many diseases with 2 know if they pledge 2 trillion over 10 years to health care, i am sure they can pledge 2 trillion dollars over the NEXT 10 years for the fitness fort/bases....Just to prove to you...They have caucasian people in the northern hemisphere as "ginea pigs"....just so you know...You know how many diseases they i'll prevent...
No le conviene al govierno nor the private sector....But where the hell is GQ magazine where are the natzies...And just the same way the private sector pledge 2 trillion they could easily pledge 2 trillion on the next 10 years for several army forts/bases...the government or the private sector wants to see you dead/sick...
but again where the hell is the KKK when you need them....What if they use those 2 trillion JUST for women so that women can become fitness marines....This is just like the army, the army is there but not everyone joins...Same thing with the Fitness Army it will be there except that not everyone will join...And while those 2 trillions are at it, why not go for a Fitness religion, start a fitness religion...
where the hell is Italy and France that like to talk so much crap....Russia, Sweeden, Finland, Norway & Russia where is really cold...Those countries should have this more than anyone....I am not a statistician but how much you willing to bet that the majority of heart diseases cases occurs in Norway, Finland, Sweeden & Russia because is so   cold....How much you are willing to bet....Look if Norway, Finland, Sweeden and Russia spoke english i will have direct most of my attention towards them and i will have posted this on a Russian website...
but want to know something? 2 trillion every 10 years could be used to bribe governments into speaking 1 language or English...Again where are the Natzies...
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lots of people may be against this saying that such people might be masoquistas or whatever, but my reply to that is: at the way it is and at the current situation the way things occur in the world that they are extremely obose and all kinds of disease they get, my answer to that is: "Shoot me" may as well shoot me" may as well shoot someone from the beginning execution style...Tell me you think is right for you to eat anything you want don't claim to your government be as fat as hell don't work out and then expect help from others...but if people tell you don't eat this you don't listen crap you just go ahead and eat it and say, we have to die someday, and then when the other person works out and look sharp you are jealous as hell....just be aware of it world...
Let me guess instead of creating a sweat/work out army you must create a volunteer army then the person volunteers helps you get fat as hell and die before you do and remember people have kids and is cold in the northern hemisphere....
What i think should happen is that the Same ecuator where is hot should have its own SWEAT/FITNESS ARMY as part of each person's commitment he/she must be stationed in another country in the equator and at the same time volunteer for whatever reason...Like been part of someone that works out for life, part of their assignment like when they are stationed in a country in the equator their assignment is to volunteer and talk to other people into fitness/exercise and eat right...
and i am not going to lie to you people of the equator, you are "malaccostumbrado" you got bad habits...If people tell you you need to stop drinking beer you will not are too lazy and weak...People of the northern hemisphere should try and stay fit to prevent diseases and all kinds of illness....
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and what about women in the northern hemisphere, do you give a crap about them, they have a slower you care...again unless the fitness ARMY people in the northern hemisphere talk to WOMEN on their deployment in the equator....
let's be fair and technical....
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Do you see something here? Do you see how "FRAIL" THE MIND IS...THIS JUST PROVES THAT THE MIND IS VERY FRAIL YOU ARE CONSTANTLY GETTING ATTACKS FROM ALL SIDES YOU GOT TO WORRY ABOUT SO MANY THINGS AND THE HEAVY STONE THAT OLDER AGE PRESENTS...What does this prove? That a fitness religion is needed, it is needed...That's all it proves that a fitness religion is needed...Because te vas a descuidar and you will end up going crazy...THIS PROVES THAT A FITNESS RELIGION AND A FITNESS ARMY IS NEEDED and this is men only not counting women....You know even people who are 85 years old still cling to life when they are almost dying...So they will have to work out FOR LIFE...About the army whether they volunteer or they don't IT IS STILL NEEDED...Pero no me hagas caso continue weighing 300 or 400 pound while your wife cheats on you on the side and your penis doesn't fit anymore in her vagina and while you carry the weight of kids, dont forget that high blood pressure is rampant, and worry about many other things...And i am starting to think that you will have to merge the FITNESS ARMY WITH SPORTS, but i am not see i am the only one doing this and getting this far...And it also proves that you will have to cling to christianity also...Remember the mind is like a tank of gas....
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if you are a very religious person why you think the oceans is there why you think that we can move quickly in the ocean and the ocean water is salty just to be there, maybe so we sweat in it...again this is only if you are very religious, plus didn't we come from the fish so if you move in water it means that is telling you that you was design to work out a lot, to sweat...this might not be anything...
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and isnt' the water clear like a mirror so you can see yourself in God's imagine, and remember water is essential...but again this might not be anything it might not be nothing...again this is only if you are very religious...
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what about salt and sugar and cocaine they are all white and they are all bad for you, what about anthrax, anthrax is a white powder...but again this might not be anything....this is only if you are very religious...
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and what about when you cross the Stars, how about women when THEY cross the stars...Again do you know the kind of humans that you will have to be when you cross the stars? you will have to be in a fit frame of mind so you will need to work out/exercise...Let me guess they are going to put you to sleep and who is going to pick up your feces waste...And are you looking at the time when robots are invented? when robots are invented you will be a cauch potatoe getting fat as hell and are you aware that at the way things are going in 700 years everyone will be fat...are you paying attention to that....I've been paying attention to the world and almost everyone seens to be fat and what about slower metabolism isn't that genetic? you need to find out...because not only someone is born fat but their metabolism is slowling downs as time passes...You think you will be like that when you cross the stars? you will have to be a work out craze when you cross the think that the marines work out hard, again when you beging to cross the stars...again you want to cross the stars you better be ingeniusly smart as well as inginiusly fit or sweat a lot...isn't there something called water retention? i am not going to lie to you when you cross the stars you will have to learn to be a builder as well as an agriculture, but if you think about it working out/exercising is like having a job, is like having a job where you sweat except that working out/exercising is more intense...If you work out/exercise for 5 hours is like working on home construction for 14 hours if you pay attention to the job you do when working out/exercising you will see....This also tells me that you will need to wear the calibrated ankle/wrist metal/sand weight/bracelet....also there is another option very radical and that is that robots freeze you and take control of the ship and then wake you up when you get there
and that is if you find the eternal fountain of youth....
also going back to salt/sugar and cocaine...what do you think arousal/sex is isn't that like cocaine that keeps you arouse all the time....again just be aware of all this...And the world is getting yellower meaning skin wise and with it comes more sex and i think that the pill that will make the male penis large will get cheaper so how will this make women...again be calculating everything you should have a supercomputer calculating everything...
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also, when you cross the stars remember that with age meaning older age comes wiseness and knowledge something that is very hard to teach to small kids....and geniuses that comes onces every 300 years you just can't replace them by just anyone...and remember what i said about the human torch, when the cosmos is cold, just remember that...also this teaches me that you will have to make the world speak 2 or 3 languages only and eventually speak 1...
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also what about women are you planning to power them, because women are the engine of this world and they are 67% man power...So are you going to let women shut down...i saw a lot of women fat...This also proves to me that Africa needs to make strides, it needs to continue moving forward, some steps that it makes it needs to continue making those steps, steps forward, i know Africa is hurt but it needs to continue FOREVER whether it cures it hurtsness or not of course if it cure it hurtness this world will be a fuller engine/trasmission...
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and if you power women this world will be running on all its horsepower....about the language it been 1 universal language i am not sure but it is good with 2 or 3 universal languages...
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and what a better way to power women than to create a fitness fort/base army just for women...what a better way...
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also, when you cross the stars remember that with age meaning older age comes wiseness and knowledge something that is very hard to teach to small kids....and geniuses that comes onces every 300 years you just can't replace them by just anyone...and remember what i said about the human torch, when the cosmos is cold, just remember that...also this teaches me that you will have to make the world speak 2 or 3 languages only and eventually speak 1...
also what about women are you planning to power them, because women are the engine of this world and they are 67% man power...So are you going to let women shut down...i saw a lot of women fat...This also proves to me that Africa needs to make strides, it needs to continue moving forward, some steps that it makes it needs to continue making those steps, steps forward, i know Africa is hurt but it needs to continue FOREVER whether it cures it hurtsness or not of course if it cure it hurtness this world will be a fuller engine/trasmission...
and if you power women this world will be running on all its horsepower....about the language it been 1 universal language i am not sure but it is good with 2 or 3 universal languages...
and what a better way to power women than to create a fitness fort/base army just for women...what a better way...
But going back to the navy seals you could have been in all the wars with decorations and everything, HOW COME YOU DIDN'T THINK OF THIS, HOW COME YOU DIDN'T THINK OF THIS, because all your tours as fascinating as they might have been were worthless if you could not come up with this idea...Because i am telling you, i just did 10 tours of Irak by thinking of this....And you just got your ass kick by a med student a med student who is not all that into lifting weights and didn't have the lifting weights training and worse of all has a slower metabolism...And again THIS FORT IS NOT THE ARMY...but whatever you have to say, remember 1 thing, 50% is fitness the other 50% is food what you eat or how much you eat...AND JUST BECAUSE OF THE FACT THAT 50% IS HOW MUCH YOU EAT AND YOUR METABOLISM SLOWS DOWN WHEN YOU ARE 37% you will need this fitness fort army...Women listen up you need this also...and want to know something, women something tells me they get hungrier more than males but again no study has been done about this...
and i said this before and i'll say it again so please listen because you don't like to listen....NOT EVERYTHING IS FITNESS, FOOD IS THE OTHER BATTLE...BECAUSE IF YOU WORK OUT hard and then eat super much you will suffer...
and not only that but because you are human you need to be spotted when eating...There got guys that got self-discipline for working out but don't got self discipline for eating...And is not fitness that kills people a lot but food, if you could only be disciplined enough or have other people spot you for food....i don't know but i don't think there is a human disciplined enough to watch out or abstain from what he eats i could be wrong...And what does this prove? That the Fitness Fort is another step above the army...
also this is not everything, REMEMBER THE MOVIE "RED PLANET" YOU HAVE TO LIVE IT...Why? because there are people with potential out there who might do better than you but are not trained or don't have the resources....There are people out there with stronger "WILL" THAN YOU"....Remember that because this is a battle not a game...This is above the Army...
This reminds me of the Army/marines because in the fitness army not the fittest guy survives what they do? they work in teams to provide the strongest survival..Same thing with the Fitness fort not the fittest guy means is the fittest and they will have to spot each other when they eat...The fittest guy may not be really and technically the fittest and by this i mean that everyone in the Fitness Fort is fit but you will see some guys with bodies more rip than others because they have worked harder, but it doesnt guarantees been technically the fittest...The only problem with this is the kids of the fitness people working how will they take care of them...And is not so much as to what you eat even though you should have constraints but is how much you eat, just proving you that is a battle not a game...
And you need to create also a nursery or place that will take care of fitness people working in this fort who don't want to have kids....Also you must leave a clause that you allow people who work in the fitness fort to join the military if they so like but it will defeat the purpose because why get fit if you are going to be killed in an instant....What do i learn from this? That it needs to be a Fitness Army Fort as well as a Fitness religion....
and a step above the Fitness Religion this will be the highest level will be if you combine the movie Red Planet with the fitness fort, with some Christianity...This will be the highest level and also added to that is: "not have kids" or only have kids when you want and not by accident...This will be the "HIGHEST LEVEL" ABOVE THE FITNESS FORT ARMY along with scientist/inventors....THIS WILL BE THE HIGHEST LEVEL...Look anyone can shoot someobody is easy, few people can do this...
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And you need to create also a nursery or place that will take care of fitness people working in this fort who don't want to have kids....Also you must leave a clause that you allow people who work in the fitness fort to join the military if they so like but it will defeat the purpose because why get fit if you are going to be killed in an instant....What do i learn from this? That it needs to be a Fitness Army Fort as well as a Fitness religion....
and a step above the Fitness Religion this will be the highest level will be if you combine the movie Red Planet with the fitness fort, with some Christianity...This will be the highest level and also added to that is: "not have kids" or only have kids when you want and not by accident...This will be the "HIGHEST LEVEL" ABOVE THE FITNESS FORT ARMY along with scientist/inventors....THIS WILL BE THE HIGHEST LEVEL...Look anyone can shoot someobody is easy, few people can do this...Also added to that is astronomy, and working on your weakest side....That's why you need to start a fitness religion and let the highest level be a variation or a strain of the fitness religion, just like there are strains of Catholics the biggest Christian religion....
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this is a step above the army, marines, navy seals anything you've got....
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also i want to let you all know that i couldn't do this without Laura Simpson who i want to bang so much because i wanted to prove to her that there are better things than a marine or soldier...
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actually this is the highest level achievable by a human and that is a human that gets aroused by working out/exercising and wants to push this world forward, that's the maximum level...Unfortunately such a human has not been born....not just 1 human but an army of them....
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not an army but a religion..
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this could be another strain/variation of the fitness religion/fort....
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look i know they got robots and robots are helpful but there is something about the mind that it needs to be kept alert you see if you get aroused by working out/exercising you will be preparing for when people cross the cosmos because this cosmos is going to take the s**t out of you...Want to know something, humans are very lazy, very lazy i know we got to be smart, i know but tell me something, what about when you get to another planet with hurricanes the size of the earth...You think all planets are going to be warmed and fuzzy like this will need robots but you will need to get aroused by working out/exercising...You know the cold makes you sleeping and what about the air when is hard to breath at high altitudes...Again you will have to be incredibly smart as well as incredibly you are not going to face no huge ant but you should always be prepared...not only that but when humans populate the stars the weapons are going to be more destructive capable of destroying entire planets...and like how i said if you was listening, when someone gets older exercise/working out is what keeps them alert and you can't replace wizeness and intelligence and eyes for of older age is hard to instill in kids intelligence and knowledge and to do what you say, kids by nature don't behave good they don't like to sit still, just be a ware of it...again suppose you land in a planet the size of Jupiter and it all looks like africa that's when working out comes in handy, because such terrain is going to break your back...this is what i see now maybe in the future they invent robots just like humans to work the fields...but still remember that humans are the brains of robots that's why you will need to be in very good shape working out all the time...You know humans will try to find the quickets solution to anything and that's good but is not the mentallity you are going to need for when you cross the stars...and not only that but if you was listening you will notice that humans get constant pelting from all side so much pelting that you will need to be fit...A lot of astronomers think that intelligence is dictated by the eyes but is not the case...
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also robots are good but the problem/flaw with robots is that they are prepare for what you prepare them to do, but what about the unexpected will they know what to do...THAT'S THE FLAW WITH ROBOTS, i don't care how smart they are...
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also robots can't invent they can invent but for instance they can't see colors and see other things that will be important in inventions....what i mean is that they can't EXPERIENCE colors that's just 1 example there are hundreds of other examples that robots can't do...
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look robots can invent they might invent more than humans if they think like a combination but there are minor details everytime you change the combination and analyze it that robots would not be able to do...
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also what happens when robots take over in space? Remember robots don't make mistakes..and are you paying attention that your mind potentially will be read in the future so tell me don't you have to be fit to fight robots let me guess you are going to fight them with your lazy ass and remember there is no margin for errors in space and robots don't make mistakes...and what about the fact of the saying" if you can't beat them Join them" which i know humans will do and remember humans have a chip of malice as well as good....
want to know something lots of people give up when they think about the fountain of youth they say oh we got to die when we got to die...
so again wouldn't you have to be fit for all this...remember terminator...just imagine that in space where there is no you see that you are very fragile...and remember terrorrism exist...
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Black people of the United States, Indian people from India in the United States you need to push for this fitness fort, so that black women and indian women from india in the USA can take advantage of this...Mr. Farrakan since you like to talk so much crap you need to push for this....
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Anyways going back to the fitness fort, and in the fitness fort remember pay attention/listen, there are lots of levels/ranks some work out more than others there are a lot of levels, some don't work out that much...
and can you imagine in the fitness fort if there was a level where people stapled their stomach...Ayala bestia, de nuevo se acabo el how i was saying to hablas mas quecadas....
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Also caucasian people there is another factor i wasn't paying attention and that is the "friends" factors and the TV and the beer & the coldness & the work, please caucasian people you need to create the "Fitness Fort", and women, you need to create the "Fitness Fort of Women"....again whether is integrated or not you need to creat need to create it and then bring it to the Ecuator but first start with the Northern Hemisphere...God knows i want to blow the hell out of the KKK and how come no fitness expert ever came up with this idea again just to prove you...
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you know you probably didn't think of this maybe this is nothing but do you know what "Diet" stands for? it stand for "Die "T" which is the torso, what to know what "metabolism" stands for "meta" embolism" want to know what "SWAT" valley in Afganistan stands for? "It stands for "Sweat" Valley"....
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not only you teach them about the movie "Red Planet" but about the movie "Lost in Space"....i normally forget the movie lost in space because the movie Red Planet is my favorite one....
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there is something that is a platform where you stand and it begins to shake, don't know if it works but if it works [i couldn't remember the name of it], it will be a major breakthrough, but they need to take a step further, PERFECT IT, or work on the technology to perfect it, but still you will need some sessions of lifting weights, with this machine you will not need to work out so hard but you will still need to work out, and you are looking when someone is younger i am looking when someone is older.....if only that machine will leave you with breath after working out....i've not tried the machine so i can say but for what it looks like....And please don't think that this is it, because remember because women have their genitalia internally and men externally, women will need different work out, that only a women will know....i am glad that platform that vibrates exist because it buys time on the fitness fort/religion time that can be used to teach recruiters other things important in becoming soldiers...and probably achieve the highest level....but only if the platform that vibrates works....
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and what if that platform that vibrates what if you could sleep with getting vibrated while you sleep...i owed this idea to marvis from about it as sleeping on a plane with turbulance...
but more important than this platform is FOOD...battling that great warrior named "FOOD"....also you may not notice this but even if we could replace a gym we still need to teach people to feel pain muscularly wise it alerts the mind...And remember there are people as well as older people that take medicine and it slows them down....Also if we can use sport at the very end after the work out in the fitness fort, it will be amazing....
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i wonder if the sauna twin works...look obesity/fatness/food is not an easy foe is a very formidable opponent....
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what i meant to say:
And please don't think that this is it, because remember because women have their genitalia internally and men externally, women will need different work out, that only a women will know...Is a different heat source than men...a different heat source influences how you think and how you perform...
i always wonder how you get the "V"shape when working out...because is better not to have a "V" shape back when you are young and then when you are old still be fit and working out/excercising than to have a "V" shape when you are young and when you are older be fat as hell...
i also meant to say: Obesity/Fatness/Food/Fitness [jee the 3 F's]....
Also most importantly is the Food, the other is the "DRINK" and the other is continue to working out after you are older...Those are the big challenges...
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enough with the men, now is the women's turn...any idea women?
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the movie red planet is about individuals people "individuales" individually, movie "Lost in Space" is about families...
a good start for women is if you can make the platform that vibrates if women could only sleep with it...also i forgot that women beging to lose bone mass when they are i think is 30 or 35 years old...
For women the "drink" is important i am talking all this in the fitness fort...
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movie lost is space is the same as the movie red planet but the movie lost in space is about families and not about individuals individually....
and i think women will have to eat small portions several times throughout the day than men...
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you know i hope that when people talk about fencing or playing with a sword that they are talking about selectively and methodically chosing which food to eat....
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which this made me realize how weak you are caucasian women who live in the northern hemisphere...You got a slower metabolism, you live in the cold, 90% of you live in the country side far from the city away from a gym, jee, so you will need this fitness fort/religion.....I am afraid that this fitness fort/fitness compound of a religion will have to be situated in the country side most of them in the country side not in the city or close to the city...
also in the fitness fort people will work out 1 day their lower body and the next day their upper the smartest way...
also, i don't know i could be wrong on this but sometimes it gives me the impression that taller women lose weight quicker than shorter women or have the potential to do so...same thing with men....
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which this made me realize how weak you are caucasian women who live in the northern hemisphere...You got a slower metabolism, you live in the cold, 90% of you live in the country side far from the city away from a gym, and you face a constant pelting of problems jee, so you will need this fitness fort/religion...women in the colder regions you are more fragile than women on the ecuator....
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but whatever you got to say agaisnt me or to me or whatever, just create the FITNESS FORT AND FITNESS COMPOUND OF A FITNESS RELIGION, I SAY GOD   CREATE IT...YOU NEED TO CREATE IT...
and want to know something creepy that many fitness experts don't know? that the cold makes you hungrier...Are you listening women? so you better create this crap...
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Also at the rate at which you eat women you need to give the ankle/wrist metal/sand weights to girls when they are young...that and the "platform" that vibrates to them from when they are smaller...
and where the hell are you "American Black men" since some of you look "all riped with 6 packs" where the hell are you....
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but since women can't stay long periods without eating women will have to eat the "Japanese Diet"...
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This had me thinking, what if just like there is a "Fitness religion or a Fitness Fort" through a lottery, what if there is a "TEACHING" through a lottery and we create a A fitness FORT with universities...Honestly schools in the USA are too expensive...What if you create UNIVERSITIES AND UNITE IT WITH THE FITNESS FORT/RELIGION....So that they can teach you stuff about how to become a scientist, astronomy, and only those courses and you learn for work out and you go to school....lots of people will say why? to prepare future generations to be prepared for when they need to cross the stars...So not only do you work out but you go to school...And they only teach mathematics & science & astronomy and you also gather on making up ideas on how to push this world forward, you get the latest news on everything....At a WAY cheaper price than college....You know college is too   expensive.....All this through a lottery......Teachers get paid to teach....
Look lots of people say oh we don't need the fitness religion is optional, you forget that what ? i think is 45% of the human race lives in the northern hemisphere? and the cold makes you hungry and you are only having a male mentallity what about women....And want to know something? Fatness makes you lazy it makes you not work at your full potential....along with the fact that 3% of the world is pushing the planet forward....And people have kids, drink, watch TV, what tell me if such a person working at its full potential, and you will need to learn to sweat when you cross the stars...And you get weekends off.....This will be cheaper that going to college...You know how many people want to go to college but can' know how many women will like to go to college but can't...I am still figuring out how this will work...Been a scientist is like been a president you think a president can go in fat...There are exceptions, but still they need to be fit...But unlike the army on this fitness fort you go to school all your life...LOL...You are thought different things, like nutrition, health, mathematics, science, and again you go to school ALL YOUR LIFE, but nutrition is thought mostly also....YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS TO GO ALL YOUR LIFE TO SCHOOL? YOU GET VACATIONS, 30-40 days out of the year....This is to prepare you for when you begin to cross the stars...This is not to prepare you for the next 5 years, this is to prepare humanity for when it cross the stars....You know what all this proves? that you EARTH need to be preparing yourself from now, instead of believing in your own superiority that you are going to make it 1 million years from now...but don't listen to me continue listening to the Natsys because i know you do, you say you hate them in words but you visit their websites pero te salvas that i've seen babies and you should see the way they look....Anyways, i am still figuring out how this will work.....need more ideas...
just the same way fitness people create a lottery and raise 100 million dollars, education people which are more than fitness people raise money through a lottery to teach in this fort...even though don't know how is going to work because i don't know if the education people will want to train in the fort...Just to teach you about people, all the education people from the USA should raise through a lottery they should raise like 300 million dollars in 2 month...LOL..Same thing with med students...they all contribute and raise this much money through a lottery....and slowly the fort becomes a city, but i don't know if they will want to do it, but you could say that the fort will get a piece of the pie...Just to show you the potential....Not just 1 fort city but several, perhaps hundreds of fort cities in the USA....
lots of people may be against me, but compa education is not a priviledge is a right...

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