New Depopulation Policy Exposed: Health Care, NOT!


Under the new health plan to save $$$, if you have now or come to have in the future a health problem, or let's say your only crime is aging, would you be deemed "unfit to live"?

This is the revival of the Nazi Eugenics program. If you're unfamiliar with the term "Eugenics", see the documentary free on You Tube titled: ENDGAME


Here is the link to recent Doctor's panal discussion or hearing, not sure which. There is more info on the link under the screen.

It's a YouTube video, about 4 minutes.

Did I say OMG!!!!

Entry #86


Avatar truecritic -
Seems like he injected words of his choice. Such as Nazi. Such as revival of eugenics.
It does not appear to me that any health care plan that is approved will contain those words.

Have you actually seen ANYTHING that does not allow a person to pay for continued care out of their pocket or with private insurance? So nothing is stopping those that want to continue living in a vegetative state.

I am personally all in favor of assisted suicide and see nothing wrong in a physician doing the that part of the Hippocratic Oath can be scrapped.
Avatar konane -
Depopulation has been mentioned in too many NON lamestream media publications to totally ignore. Also references to nazi philosophy in the implementation of new world order are in several publications on the net and are found without too much effort.

As far as assisted suicide I'm a proponent of a person doing as they choose with their lives .... PROVIDED THAT the decision to terminate life is made by the person themselves and it is their will and intent to do so. The issue is being rightly debated and hope society comes to a reasonable decision concerning a terminal person's free will.
Avatar Rick G -
a) agree with assisted suicide

b) it's none of their business.

c) it's none of their business.
Avatar TigerAngel -
The distinction I believe is whether to have the freedom to choose vs. the gov setting policy of which persons are "unfit to live", not worth paying for care.
Eugenics is about which ppl are most deserving to receive treatment, i.e. the pale skined, the blue eyed and the blonde haired.
And no, they don't have to showcase the actual words, Nazi, Eugenics to revive those policies. We are living in the age of double think and double speak. And rule by stealth.

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