A Message to North America & Europe...



Listen North America & Europe...I've been watching news and that's all i watch, i also watch some movies that come out to get news, the latest, etc...Listen YOU DON'T HAVE TIME TO BE DISCRIMINATING...DISCRIMINATION IS A LUXURY...Every person is like a soldier as well as a machine...Because you discriminate you are little by little, minutely by minutely losing a footing in the battle against evil...And why is this? Because you DISCRIMINATE...Please listen to me...YOu don't have TIME to discriminate...Every living person can be a soldier against the fight against evil or a producting member of a company and when i say company i don't mean the bussiness company...but company of productivity...It doesn't pay to discriminate...Every person is important...Look you are underfunded so you need more eyes and muscle...That's why you need the help of people...

Also Europe & North America you need to create a "Global News Channel" a News Channel that operates 24 hours a day not that crap you call CNN...A Global News Channel that shows news & events about every single country in the world this way you will open your eyes and see how evil is advancing and you can see many things and become knowlegeable...You can't do that with the current CNN....And when i mean mentioning every single country i really mean mentioning every single country and it will have it in English....

Also you need to create a website like "Blogger.com" but that it asks people to mention their ideas on how to better the world that website will be solely for that where people mention ideas and ideas and more ideas...You need to create it...A site that will publish people's blog posts on the internet...But i am talking about a "GLOBAL BLOGGER.COM" similar to blogger.com but a little different and easy to use....This of this blog website as: "horse power" engine that you are going to open because you are going to need it...Open to the entire world in English and different languages and by this i mean in different languages but if someone wants it translated he just clicks a button and it is translated to English....You need to create this....

Again Europe & North America you need to do this....

I was thinking of people getting paid for their ideas as stupid as their ideas might be, kind of like an IdeasATM....maybe 20 to 40 dollars for every idea they get...This is the closest thing creating an Invention Army....It doesn't have to be ideas that can be created into products it could be any idea...I am kind of happy because the mathematics army didn't work 100% completely but this one looks like it can work...And if you think about it inventions/ideas come first while the mathematics army comes second...Get 15 million people each contributes $15 per paycheck for 2 years it will be 10.5 billion dollars....Placed in the bank at 7% is: 700 million dollars coming towards you every year which you can take and create a Global blogger.com or Twitter that pays people for whatever idea or silly idea they might have...Some ideas will pay higher...As silly as the idea sound...And the website operates Globally...Like an Ideas ATM or 2Cents ATM....

and this way you create a library of ideas...Like how they say: Is better to not need it and have it than to need it and not have it....Is better to have the idea in the ideas library for future generations than not to have it and need it....Also people should pay you for your ideas...as silly as they might sound...And this way the world will be operating on 1 or 2 pistons as oppose to just a handful of individuals...

Actually first comes The Sun Light Bulb [mechanical electrical ingeneer and energy ingeneer] or the stargate, second comes The Eternal Fountain of Youth [including geniuses], third comes Invention, fourth comes Chemistry, and fifth comes mathematics/physics, sixth comes NASA/ASTRONOMY, seventh comes genetics i think eight comes water, i think 9th comes the plants/animals/dirt, 10th comes the dollar/currency...And this should be your FLAG, THIS SHOULD BE YOUR USA, this should be your Europe, this should be your China, this should be your Africa, this should be your LATINO, this should be your "Tennesse", this should be your i am proud to be a mexican...this should be your ROCK & ROLL, THIS SHOULD BE YOUR SEX, this should be your "SKIN/HAIR", this should be your rifle...

I know you are saying that robots can help and believe me they sure can help, they can help a lot but you know what's the problem with robots? They don't have fear and they don't make mistakes...Not making mistakes is a double edge sword...You are going to make robots think for themselves which is good but at the same time that quality will cause robots to one day "draw conclusions"....And is not so much making robots draw conclusion as it is: "having fear"....remember not having fear is what leads to a state similar to "hell" where there is no law...Notice this in humans women tend to have more fear than men and they behave better, men don't have fear and tell me which gender is responsible for 99.8% of the deaths in this world....animals don't have fear and look how they live, if they could they'll kill each other totally eliminate themselves....fear is the constraint...And tell me which one do you rather exist...a universe full of robots all of them behaving as in hell or no movement/life in the universe....That's the question you should be asking....You see you should have some kind of constraints if you don't make mistakes...Fear and compasion....So if you are going to go the route of robots those 2 qualities are the ones you should be concern....I am not going to lie to you a robot should be full of boldness but he should have fear and compasion....Also you can teach a robot not to do evil but he will still draw conclusion which over long periods of time "may/might" cause him to change its core beliefs/programming sort of like Satan and God and supposedly satan was made perfect, again does Satan have fear? If he did he would not go against God...

And tell me what's the purpose of having life if you constantly kill and you live like hell...Also not having fear is what leads to suicide mission and killing yourself...So if you are going to kill yourself [talking about a robot here], why not take the entire galaxy with you...Same thing Satan did...And i know that to see the future as in ESP perception you have to be human but if robots specially the opposition or evil leader gets that you can have the biggest army, game over for you and remember robots don't make mistakes and they can draw a straight line unlike humans....I know you are saying it can't happen in robots...Want to know something? I read a book named: "Neptune's Crossing though it was a book, in there a robot with some many calculations and algorithms could see predict/ the future, you ought to read it"the robot could tell that an asteroids was going to collide with Earth and the robot was in one of Neptune/Uranus moons somehow it had a vast amount of algorithms.....You need algorithms to see what's coming and to simulate many things but algorithms is a double edge sword specifically in mathematics and chemistry....and i know this is science fiction but if robots find how how to dissappear and appear anywhere they want, forget your vast army....Also if you had the fastest plane going 10 times the speed of light, forget about your vast army of good robots...Also if robots can their source from a planet all you had to do is push a planet towards that planet...talking science fiction wise here....

Also i have to say i saw a BMW comercial and i realized that "Mathematics" comes in 1st place as well as in fifth place....I forgot that mathematics is a language.....Why does it come in 1st place? because thanks to mathematics we can build the Sun Light Bulb...Mathematics can give us the language to create/build/invent the Sun Light bulb...But something that comes even in first place before mathematics is "MAKING MATHEMATICS EASIER AND MAKING MATHEMATICS A RELIGION, SO UNDERSTANDLE, SO EASY A BABY COULD UNDERSTAND IT...When this happens we can create the Blogger.com or Twitter.com of mathematics ideas...Kind of like the blogger.com/twitter.com of ideas but on this one people write in mathematics and they chip in their 2 cents mathematical sentence....So there will be 2 bloggers.com/twitter.com one of regular ideas where you write in your particular language about anything you like and get paid for it and one about mathematicals 2cents ideas where a person writes in mathematical language their mathamatical 2cents and get paid for it, both in Mathematics as well as in Energy, however this one will take centuries or milenias before they begin making progress...This way you will have the whole world thinking mathematically as oppose to just a few companies....But again it requires that we change mathematics, make it easier....

This way the world will be working on a couple of pistons more not all its pistons because the entire world is not going to major/graduate in mathematics/energy it will not be running on all its pistons this will be like polling....However i am sorry to say this but despite that mathematics comes first and fifth place is not like imminent danger you should never rest or try not to but we need to focus more on "CHEMISTRY", why chemistry? Because Chemistry can buy us some time...Specifically in the area of Terraforming and how to simulate ecosystems and bring about an atmosphere....Also if i was you i'll keep classified the entire lifespan of the sun mention a shorter time...For example if the sun is going to last 7 billion years, mention that it will last 3 billion years....To buy people's time and have people ready...Remember people make mistakes and they are sort of like a retarded person is...We all are....So we need to focus on Chemistry for the mean time....All of chemistry....Focus on Terraforming as well as how to change the "climate" of a planet.....If we do this this will buy us like some 4 billion years and this is without creating the Sun Light Bulb....If jupiter was a solid planet you could say we would have had it made...I am talking about using the planet internal heat as well as water and electricity as our sun....But we still have like 3 or 4 planets...Each planet is 3 to 4 billion years additional.....Also another area of chemistry you should focus on is how to make plants survive in the cold or genetically modified them to survive in the cold....Also i am telling you something from now living in the cold will require an awful lot of energy...How much i will have loved for Jupiter or Saturn to be a solid planet....And i am telling you something from now, all those people that die every year and women is all a waste of human brain power...Every human is precious including the ones that have not been born yet or the ones that will not be born...This planet bleeds everyday everytime a human is killed....Also i am not trying to brag and i am not saying anything but we all have known that a Pick6/53 lotto game can be cracked without using this system:


Well that system can crack a Pick12/159 which if you look at it it has like 600 billion combinations...Again i am not trying to brag but had i not come and you had a Pick12/159 centuries, milenias will have pass millions of years will have passed and you will have never cracked that game....Also remember how i told you that you can cracked a Pick6/53 using ending digits and then deducing???Well using that same technology you could crack a Pick9/300 or a Pick12/300 which again has like 10 trillion combinations...Again had i not come or never showed up on this website and you had a Pick9/300 millions of years will have passed and you will have never even scratch it, and again the smartest mind in the planet will have come and not even scratch it and it was i who suggested a supercomputer...Not only that but using my techniques and using a supercomputer you could crack a Pick12/600 which again has like 100 TRILLION with a "T" combinations, not trying to brag again but had i not come rember the permutation game how they can be viewed as a combination game, well had you had a Pick8/0-9 permutation game and had i not come it will had devoured the entire planet's population it will had been "El terror de las calles" And remember omiting my view how to see a permutation game like a combination game, a Pick8/0-9 is HARDER than matching a Pick20/80 or Pick20/120 and how many combination does a Pick20/120 combination game have? i'll leave it to you...And want to know something? i was never the smartest in school...I did terrible in school....They used to call me: Satan because i behaved so terribly....Satan was my nickname, pumpi was my second not so often nickname since a kid my father didn't raise me....Just to show you that every human is valuable and unique and that you bleed everytime a human is killed male or female....

And i am thinking something...I am making the comparison of a Planet climate with a Pick9/300...You see a planet's climate like jupiter and you say No way we can change the atmosphere/climate of jupiter which if you had a Pick9/300 after you realize that it has 10 trillion combination you will have said, there is no way we can win that game, you probably worship the thing....Then came I an ordinary guy, not a math genius and whala....Same thing can happen with Jupiter's atmosphere/climate or with any planet's atmosphere...All we need is the right person to come along and the right person can be ANYONE BORN OR UNBORN, MEN OR WOMEN....Again everytime a human dies this planet bleeds....

Entry #401


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Something else you will have to do, is you will have to do 2 things...Books, people learn a lot from books but YOU WILL HAVE TO CHANGE the way they are written...Most magazines and books are written in what i call: "High English" to complex, they need to be written is easy english in English anybody can understand in low english...You are paying a price for writing books in high english...You know how disconcentrating and fustrating it is to look up a word in the dictionary which means that you will not automatically learn it, isn't enough that the book is 300 pages and you will have to find a way to encourage reading lots of books and a quiz for those particular books....Have you gone to a library...Want to know something? I wanted to read ALL THE BOOKS of the library, all of them, but i could not...You also have to create a game like the lottery that promotes "Memory" like the Memory game cards a game like that...And you need to make the world speak 2 languages....This will make kids smarter...Same thing with newspapers, newspapers need to be written in the easiest language...Believe me is better and it makes you smarter....and you need to create a system that encourages people to read, kind of like surveys people get money for reading even if is 1 dollar a day whatever it is....Also you need to find a nomenclature system that reduces names, listen names are not that important in any subject so if you found a way to reduce names you save the owner some time and make him remember it better...Have you seen a guy that loves to read, how he sounds different than someone that doesn't like to read...And the next step but this will be in the future, is to replace books with movies/films....People remember films more than books and it takes them less time....A 300 pages book may take 4 days to read, while if it was on a film it will take 2 hours to read it all....So the book industry will move to film industry....Can you imagine instead of going to a bookstore instead of finding books you find cds....But the cds need to change because they get scratch easily....So the goal eventually perhaps centuries from now is to turn books into films...
i owe this idea to a cnn show i was watching by terrell towel i think it was...
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This will make kids smarter way smarter....but again you need to change the DVD not CD the DVD because DVD get scratch easily....And i was thinking of something maybe books could be written as Animation films like Japanese animations which is cheaper....All you need to do is find or build a machine that can draw perfectly here is where the computer comes in handy...
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have you seen the animation name: "Final Fantasy"...something like that but of books...Final fantasy cost less than a movie way, way less...something like that....Have you seen the Video Games some video games look so real well they could replace books and is cheaper to make....
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you know the amount of wood that are cut to make books? Those trees could be used for other important things like biofuels or plant them in the dessert/artic or to help construct houses thus lowering the price of houses, which you can impose a tax on houses since they are going to be cheaper impose a small tax and use that money for something important, like construction of roads and the biofuel made from trees can be taxed something like 3 dollars and be used for construction of "MORE ROADS or wherever the government sees fit...
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also these trees biofuels can be used as big cargo ships fuels which they can use to promote trade or trade more, bring more stuff from different countries which can also be food which will mean that there will be more food for people be able to feed the masses and house the rising population at least be able to feed them....
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and if more goods are brought through cargo ships, things will be cheaper leaving you with more money in your pocket...
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Also not trying to brag but i was the first one even though it doesn't show it but i was the first one to suggest the idea of key number wheels for Pick3, so do you KNOW what that MEANS? that with that you could crack a Pick20/800....YOu heard correctly....Not only that but if i add this:
to it it means that you theoretically will be able to crack a Pick40/1600 and you could take it a step futher and make it a Pick40/2,200....Again you heard correctly which has like how many combinations? 400 quadrillion perhaps...Again which adds another 300 million years of humanity that will have passed and no one to crack it....I am not going to lie to you is not going to be with 1 ticket....How long it will have taken you? 300 million years, 900 million years....All from someone who used to be called: "Satan"....You know how many chemistry/mathematics/physics algorithms i can write in 900 million years?????You know how many water channels we can construct in 900 million years? A Pick40/2,200 doesn't have 400 quadrillion combinations....Just think about it...And where will you be? like a caveman worshiping that Pick40/2,200....Again there is Jupiter & Mars and Neptune and you are looking at them and basically worshiping them...Be lucky we have those planets....If it wasn't for Jupiter many comets will have landed on Earth several times in the old times eliminating life not giving us enough time to recover and modernize....We will not even make it to the modern age....Things are there for a reason....
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Also i am glad this hit me in the head....To make you smarter or the global population smarter you create a religion a religion that teaches people not to take no for an answer & be superoptimistic, from the time they are small to inject that in the kids...At the same time this religion teaches people psychology, and at the same time it can teaches people nutrition, fitness and health and maybe to exercise daily and to "LISTEN" they take classes and courses and practice to "listen" to someone, after someone talks for a long time they are quiz....All in one....
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Not taking No for an answer is what makes taller people smarter than shorter people...But shorter people have a defense mechanism which is they tend to be introvert when face with taller people....Also if you "LISTEN" it gives you an edge....Taller people have a stacked up take no for an answer plus they pride in their size which gives extra boost confidence....Think of been taller as having an extra buster...
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Again i am not trying to brag but i want to show you something going back to the Pick40/2,200...think of this as research....I am not a wealthy company i am not an oil company using billions at its disposal for research, i don't know anything about algorithms, i don't know anything about programming, i dont have a PHD in mathematics, worse i dont know anything about combinatorics, i am not a country using its resources against this lottery research, i have a thick accent yet if you had used all of this it will have taken you 900 million years, i don't have a supercomputer at my disposal, i dont have a library of algorithms at my disposal, i was never an honor student....Again just to show you what the right person comes along...Same thing with research to find cures to something or invention or anything...Please take that chip of your shoulder thinking that if a country is doing research in a subject that it is more important than a single individual doing research...Again please do me the favor and gather all the honor students of a country of all its schools and put them to tackle a Pick10/200....See what happens....Same thing can be said about the research about the fountain of youth or any research....
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my computer is like from 1989...
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want to hear another incident because maybe you will not believe me...Remember the 2 guys that broke the casinos with the roullette...REMEMBER THAT...I CAN'T HEAR YOU, REMEMBER THAT....Again if you was to take the entire world to form line to try and figure out that they will all say is impossible, I WILL SAY IS IMPOSSIBLE...THERE IS NO WAY THEY COULD HAVE DONE THAT...Again you take an entire "COUNTRY" and make it study the roulette and it would have taken them like 200 million years...Again, just 2 guys, they didn't have a supercomputer with them, they weren't the oil companies with billions of dollars at their disposal, i think they dropped out of college, they weren't top of their classes....They didn't have PHD in mathematics or physics do that round up all the countries top honor students and give them that task....DUDE JUST 2...AGAIN JUST 2 GUYS....AGAIN JUST 2....You don't want to believe me that everytime someone dies in the world this planet bleeds...DUDE...JUST 2...Same thing is with research....AGAIN JUST 2...
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And tell me how many literature have been written about the roullette, dude look it up on the internet..Experts with suits guys with PHD, wealthy guys...And they are all looking at the same thing, the same thing is staring them in the faces day after day, minute after minute just like the microscope, the microscope is staring you in the face day after day...
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Again you MIGHT not believe that one again, here is another example...Remember how i said that if you look at Pick9/100 as 3 Pick3's joined together that you must match and then deduce...Remember LP predictors and their systems and work outs how they win Pick3's with like 10 combinations of several states "AT ONCE" and there are several of them...
Well if you view Pick9/100 as 3 united "pick3's" i believe they can win Pick9/100 not with 1 ticket but they will be able to do it every 2 years after trying...They might do it in 1 year if they are given enough combinations....They might push it to Pick9/200....Again round up the top honor students of a country and give them a new task, tell them to try and win Pick9/100 better yet Pick9/200...See what happens....Again this are single individuals...Just to show you about research...This people are not actual countries they are not a billion dollar company, they didn't graduate with honors, they don't have PHD in numbers/mathematics, they weren't top of their classes...Again how long with it take your army of top honor students of the entire country....5 million years? 700,000 years....Again, just 1, not 3,000 just 1 individual...JUST 1....Again there is a lot of stigma in research and the fountain of youth research....Do this guys have supercomputers....Nope....DUDE JUST 1....And if you dont believe me, check it out for yourself check out their previous post....
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I sure will like to know how many combinations does a Pick9/100 has...And how many combinations does a Pick9/200 has...It sure will be interesting...
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Again just like in the movie "Swordfish" all that is needed to win the Lotto or Powerball is 1 time...Just 1 time...not 10, 20, just 1 time...
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going back to books made into films or animations or video games drawings...HAVE YOU SEEN THE GAME: "HELO", have you seen the graphics of the game i am talking the propaganda, creepy ain't it...What if you use those same graphics and make books...you know the book films don't have to last 2 hours they could last more...All you need is a computer or robot to draw the designs just like in halo....
Also isn't it true that a novel cost 6 dollars...And movies cost 7.50 [well it used to]....
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all that is needed is for the stuff the machinery film produces use, to cost less or become cheaper....
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Also all that is needed is something very thing, very, very thing either a computer monitor that can be carry in your luggage or with you where you plug in the special DVD and you watch the book, as suppose to reading it...I am talking about a screen very thing and portable the size of a notebook or folder where you insert the chip or special DVD and you watch the book...Remember, which stuff we remember more?books or movies...all that we remember from a book is a picture...
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Also all what is needed is something very thin, very, very thin either a computer monitor that can be carry in your luggage or with you where you plug in the special DVD and you watch the book, as suppose to reading it...I am talking about a screen very thing and portable the size of a notebook or folder where you insert the chip or special DVD and you watch the book...Remember, which stuff we remember more?books or movies...all that we remember from a book is a picture...
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Also all what is needed is something very thin, very, very thin either a computer monitor that can be carry in your luggage or with you where you plug in the special DVD and you watch the book, as suppose to reading it...I am talking about a screen very thin and portable the size of a notebook or folder where you insert the chip or special DVD and you watch the book...Remember, which stuff we remember more?books or movies...all that we remember from a book is 1 or 2 pictures...
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that way when people read the newspaper it will be watching 2 anchors on a DVD or chip with news...
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also since books in the distant future will become films is good for you from now to create a library or center where people submitt their photos of themselves and their entire bodies and you keep it in a library and you go through it all everytime you want to hire them to make you a film book...because the process of the person showing up to your door and giving you his picture and you saying oh i got next is outdated...better they mail you their photo and you keep them in a library and everytime you want to make a book you go through that library and review who you think will be perfect....
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you can do this and see at least 200,000 bookfilms be watch out of the 1 million that come to stack up in the library every year or you can watch how 1 million books make it to the library each year and only 500 of them are read the slower boring way...
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Also i am not trying to put down reading but when a small kid begins to read a book, every word "IS A SYMBOL" and how many words does a book have? 1 million perhaps...So that's 1 million symbols you are trying to cram up a kids mind no wonder they don't remember any of it...While a picture is an action is visual is graphic they record it better.....Pray that small children dont see every letter of a word as a symbol...because then it will be 1 million x 4 = 4 million symbols that are getting cram up a a little kids mind....
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but i am happy because this blog:
is more important than cracking the Pick40/2,200...
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also ask yourself: in 1 country how many people goes to science or mathematics? 1 out of 100 people will go into science...And 1 out of 2,000 people will go into mathematics...So is a good way to equalize the field...
Also i am showing you something here to make you smarter...Imagine people been as robots of a company like in the movie "I robot" well robots can send instructions to each one to do a task and a robot with years/centuries of experience can wire the instructions to another robot or to all robots and those robots learn and follow instructions...But is not the case with humans...humans will listen through 1 ear and come out another ear....Believe it or not even though you might not progress in a company when you are doing a work by group if you LISTEN you might be a more productive member of that company you are a valuable member...Believe it little by little it adds up...And if you listen and retain you will get to know all the members of your team, the more you retain by listening from a person the smarter you get...You know listening to a person is like reading a book....but this becomes a little bit more difficult because unlike robots when people are paying attention and listen whoever makes the biggest impression on them is the one they listened the most...A reason why we must united/mixed the world...And because of that small flaw we lose a lot of knowledge/money...knowledge is money....
what does this mean? That we need more people to study science & mathematics...
and i owe this idea of listening i owe it to a brother of the church name kinch if he didn't tell me this i'll have never know this and totally missed it, he is an educator he had to do a thesis on how people listen and i had to help him....
Also you need to make knowledge be more accessible to the masses...the internet is a library but even so the internet is limited very filtered not too much knowledge available...you need to have something like having the internet on TV something like having a video internet...that's the next step....You know not everyone likes to sit down and turn on the computer and start typing...I am talking about an internet TV that will listen to your voice comand and that you can tell it take me anywhere or with the press of a Remote it takes you anywhere...Everyone has TV in the world, not everyone has computer and less internet...I am picturing you walking home and a big screen tv staring you right in the face and you turn it on and in there there is a channel that is the internet...But at the same time you talk to the TV and a spider or mini-supercomputer takes you anywhere....Or if you can LISTEN to the internet through your tv...Have a supercomputer talk to you or read you whatever you are looking for...Remember people onboard spaceships how a supercomputer greets them and they easily access the supercomputer database? Same thing here...Thats the next evolution...And i am not putting the tv down but we don't learn anything from the tv...can you imagine listening to books on your tv and listening to them as oppose to reading them on a book...I am talking accessing the library or elibrary through your tv...it will make people smarter...A human spends like 5 hours watching tv and doesn't learn anything...Can you imagine reading your email through the tv while relaxing on the bed and listening to them and all you do is talk or move your finger like a wand...That's what you need...
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also what if you could Watch the internet on TV from your cauch...for this you need a tv the size of 4 doors put together...and make it cheaper...A large computer TV with disk space and everything...and the disk space can be change anything...
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or what if you have a large computer tv where you go on the internet but instead of reading the files or documents you have something like CNN read it to you and you watch as they read it to you...Again what if you could watch the internet instead of reading it...You know how long a person takes to read 1 page? but if you could watch it you could watch a lot of stuff..You know search engines have like 20 million sites in 1 search and remember the internet is a library of knowledge...so at the spead at which a person reads it will take him a lot of light years to read all the sites of 1 search but if he watches them on TV, then it might be able to get farther...
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also what if people could call you from their cell phone and you turn on the tv and watch them as their are giving you the message/call, instead of picking up the phone...you know many times people are lazy to pick up the phone...
remember the Internet-computer TV in your house? What if you had a wireless microphone instead of a remote control and you could talk to the microphone and the microphone sends the message to the TVInternet and a spider does the job...
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again i am not trying to brag but it was me who first suggested that you change the binoculars of a microscope and make a big tubular screen very wide to see better and have a better picture and this way you don't get tire at looking at the microscope it was i who first suggested that you take the binoculars of a microscope and link it to a computer screen or a tv screen that that way you could see better this way you could be spoting it all day AND SEE CLEARLY EVERY MINUSCULE DETAIL....Again what do i know...bUT YOU know what mankind is doing because i know him, he is trying so hard to make computers recognize tv images so that they can be looking at a microscope...and i am not saying we should not but let it run it course this will take time...But again that's mankind for you...I am not going to lie to you this way you could view everything of a microscope and reduce cost making research cost cheaper, but again that's they for you....And if you are not doing this you need to do it...
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not trying to brag and i don't know how true this statement might be but for all i know you would have spend centuries trying to figure it out...It was i who first suggested that super rich people who had several dozens of millions or hundreds of millions could take 10 million dollars placed it in the bank at: 5% and earn $500,000 a year and spend $50,000 to $75,000 per month on Pick6/56...And they will not have to move a finger nor they will lose any money, they could also create a "MiniLotterypost" of people researching the lotto all day all night from other countries where the cost of living is low more than LP members because LP members only do their work outs when they have time and they go to work...it could also be with wheels creation....talking about outsourcing...You would have spent centuries trying to figure it out and a rich person will have won it a long time ago...You know donald Trump? or someone with a 700 million networth, what will it hurt him to tak 30 million dollars and place it in the bank for a couple of years....It will have not hurt him/her nothing...And unlike you they will have won "PICK6/56 JACKPOT AFTER JACKPOT" AGAIN LET ME REPEAT, JACKPOT AFTER JACKPOT and you would have spent a whole life and generations trying to figure it out...And remember jackpots are only getting bigger....

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