A Drug that will not make you horny Research...Or Vasectomy Incentives..



Look at pharmaceuticals...They invented a drug/pill for neutralizing heart burn, heart burn abuebao, how many people suffer from heart burn IN THE WORLD....Out of 1 million people perhaps 1,000 will suffer heart burn i will say....Yet there is no drug/pill to neutralize getting horny...

Notice for pain relief there is like 1,000 of different class, yet to neutralize getting horny there is none...And i am thinking more of something like a supplement that will neutralized hornyness as oppose to a drug/pill...

So many problems in the world can be avoided if hornyness is prevented...You know how a soda refreshes you and take out your thirst...Same thing here...Example, it could prevent teenagers pregnancy, prevent sexually transmitted diseases, child pornography, slow down women sex traffiquing, rape cases, unwanted kids, etc...Or give incentives to men to get the vasectomy done...But it will not be to everybody only to some...

This is a job for small islands countries...Gather 6 million people among yourselves...Each contributes, $20 per paycheck for 12 years...It will be a total of 34 BILLION DOLLARS...Placed in the bank at: 7% it will be: 2 billion 400 million dollars...

Out of those 1 billion will be towards: researching on how to create or perfecting the pill that will neutralize hornyness, i am talking neutralizing hornyness maybe for an entire day...

With the 1 billion 600 million it will go towards, creating some kind of incentive experiment so that men get the vasectomy forever...It will be an EXPERIMENT, to see how they do in life...Particularly teenagers boys, some families, some sexual predators, for instance there could be a law that says that whoever is caught having sex with a female teenager, will undergo a vasectomy and this will pay for it...This will not cure the problem but it will prevent female teenagers from having kids if they got in contact with an adult men and i was just thinking this could prevent abortions or lower the number of abortions...

Look as crude as this may sound? Which one you rather a 15 year old female having sex with a repeater sexual predator age 30 or a baby aborted by a 15 year old teenager you take your pick....And is funny because i believe in abortions...Dude this is an "EXPERIMENT" see how it results...If the experiment results good then more money, way more money will be allocated towards it....Like this could be done in a couple of small countries and see how it works....

Even if this is successful it has me worry because if every man in the world got himself a vasectomy there will be a sex frenzy...Dude people will be at work daydreaming about sex which will cause the company not to be productive and the economy will collapse...That's why i didn't allocate a lot of money towards it...

It also comes down to which one you rather: Teenagers having babies or teenagers having sex with vasectomies or teenagers aborting the baby after they have sex....just remember nowadays teenagers do 3 somes and 4 somes...take your pick...it should be a question/poll that should be asked...I dont care which one you rather i am trying to tackle a problem here...

Also i am thinking if a good chunk of the population got vasectomies, they will try and adopt their kids which will cause a lot of people to choose a kid different from their features or outside their race which if you think about it, we could mixed the world it will take some centuries not to mention that it could prevent world war4 or 10 or whatever, but the problem is that it will be a slow secret abortion because you are abstaining a person from having kids, but at the same time you could argue that the human male scrotum holds perhaps billions of sperms that do not come to fruition...YOu could argue that...but at the same time it worries me because the entire world might want to adopt a white children and you are looking at potentially looking at a planet full of blonds, talking about the planet of the apes or should i say the planet of the blonds and you know what that will cause not to mention the collapse or slow down of economies...Again it should be question/poll that should be asked...That's why it should be done as an experiment first....

If you look at it will be like the cousin of cloning...Also you could call it the planet of the apes because what's the name of that monkey that have sex like 20 times a day...Something to think about...

You know what will happened to Africa, since there is going to be a big number of blond people in Africa you are slowly going to see and increase in the number of mixed kids and kids that look like those kids that are from a mixture between a blond person and a black person, hypothetically don't know if it will happened that way, and then Africa will look mixed but it will slowly by slowly turn all blond...Again it will be the planet of the blonds or the planet of the apes i should say...Also there is something i don't know can AIDS be still spread if you have a vasectomy....So this might cause an increase of AIDS and sexually trasmitted diseases around the world...And because Africa is going to look mixed there is going to be an increase in tourism towards Africa...Dude dont think is going to be all good, because dont forget that  women will not concentrate and sex is going to be rampant...

I know you are saying No it can't be, but think about something, had Africa been reached earlier in past history it will not look the way it looks now...Just remember that...Also you think that is only Africa that is going to turn like that? IS THE WHOLE WORLD...THE WHOLE WORLD WILL TURN BLOND...

But dude i for instance dont want to turn blond, i dont want to be inloved with myself and is not that but the fact that i am not going to live forever....The only body if i ever have to switch will be that that Jesus promised which i dont know what kind of body is going to be, if he trully is the Son of God...

But dude dont be so excite because is not going to be long lived, because once this planet begins to get older mankind will have to find a way to switch to a new body an animal body that will be able to breath other kind of gases and have a different breathing or pressure or genetic composition...Dude been too inloved with yourself is like a sin...

Dude and i just realized something, which explains many things...The more inloved with yourself that you are the more pride you carry which means that the more ira or anger you carry as potential energy with you if disturbed or being pushed to the limit....Is not just based on your features but your height too...

Entry #423


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This just "PROVES" that Hollywood movies tell a secret message maybe encrypted...Remember Mark Wallberg? or something like that...He did the movie "PLANETS OF THE APES"....And he later went and did the movie i think it was "brothers" where he appears with 3 black guys where they were brothers from small that it was adopted...Dude see what i am saying...DUDE A VERY CLEAR EXAMPLE...CAN'T FAKE IT THIS TIME....
Right in your noses...
he probably didn't know what he was doing but is a clear example...
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Dude what i want to ask myself is: As "GENIUS"as Isaac Newton was, could he had figure this out...Could he had seen it...See what i am saying...
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Dude of "ALL" the movies done you picked this on, and of all the second movies you could make out of the year you picked this one...Dude what are the odds that you will win powerball twice? dude of all the possible scenarios, of all of them and your face was in both of them...Dude i "STILL" ask myself what are the odds...Dude Denzel Washington abuebao, "AGAIN" dude what are the odds that you will win Powerball 4 TIMES...Dude if this is not true i dont know tell me i am not going through the time machine or a worm hole....But i still ask myself: "WHAT ARE THE ODDS THAT YOU WILL WIN POWERBALL 4 TIMES" 4 TIMES dude...Dude with Denzel Washington it happened 3 times...So that's winning powerball 5 times...What the....
Dude as GENIUS as Isaac Newton was, could he had figure it out could he had seen it....Dude i still ask myself, why didn't Mark Walhberg did 1 of Denzel Washington's movie and Denzel Washington do one of Mark Walhberg movies and throw everyone off...Dude you have got to be kidding me...
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Dude is like 5 people claiming 5 different powerballs and on all 5 tickets there is the same fingerprints...
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Dude Superman he made a movie about living in a land where all the kids where blonds and had special powers...And he died dude i always felt that his death was bunch of bull...Dude and why will you make a movie like that in the first place...Dude of all the   actors in the world he had to die and why did he died and his wife died, coincidence? why he had to die...See what i am saying....Not only did "SUPERMAN" died which the odds of that happening are big, but his "WIFE" died...whatever...
dude you know the part that i still can't get? is Denzel washington about seeing the future in that movie...I still can't get that one...
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What about the movie Swat...Dude want to know something that i didn't want to say..Not only does the ending people's last name changes but some of the wordings of the actors when they say something changes also it might be 2 words or 1 word is like 1 or 2 words of the script changes...
Dude want to know something that i can't figure out...The movie Saving private ryan...in the movie when they come with the letter that 2 brothers had died, in there they show a guy "manco" without 1 arm...Dude i had that movie and there is no guy without 1 arm....but i still can't figure out what it means...
dude what are the odds that the movie "Swat" will have the last names that i told you...dude coincidence...dude most people dont pay attention to that...
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you know why taking the pill/drug that will cause you not to get horny how it will help? It could help geniuses/mathematicians to not get so horny and expand in their fields...

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