Intelligence Research Fund...



The purpose of this Intelligence Research Fund is to promote intelligence and help this world get better...Unfortunately there is not enough money to go around to take care of the extremely smart people in the world but is a start...I dont know how come i didnt think of this...A very large man with mustache a commentator on Fox News gave me this idea...For you to see that i can't think of everything...And please stop thinking that smartest is just school or very intelligent people...There are branches of intelligence...

The USA thinks it should only give visas to very smart people the world's most intelligent people yet i disagree with this...Yeah you gather them they go to the USA to do what? to work at Mc Donald's or to have restraints by features that occur in the USA plus what happens if the brightest people go to the USA to live and a war breaks out between the USA and the world? Who wins? Plus the USA "can't see itself in a mirror" yet they dont see what kind of society they little by little become...

A better idea is to reward geniuses or extremely smart people so they got time to developed their extreme intelligence...

Also something that you must learn: Intelligence itself is not everything, there is Cunning, also those 2 are not everything...WILL POWER is another indicator...Will power accounts for a lot of things...When i say will power i mean never giving up...Not only will power but "CONSISTENCY" also is another indicator and there is another word i can't remember right now and "WISENESS" and paying attention to detail & beeen having enough discipline, lots of memory, also there is 1 kind of intelligence also and that is: "Invention, been able to invent things which is something that is very needed", retention or been able to pay attention...For instance you can bring: 100 on every single one of your classes since kindergarden and end up studying bussiness and we just flushed down a genius out of this planet, still this research fund is going to take care of them but is going to focus more on science for you never know what someone studying bussiness "MIGHT JUST DO" life is full of surprises and remember WE CAN'T TAKE CARE OF ALL THE GENIUSES OUT THERE....

You know what would had made me really happy? If we could reward with 100 million dollars to the teenager/kid/person with the highest I.Q, unfortunately we don't have that much money [to show you that money is scarce], and the market for it i dont think is going to be that big...Remember this planet needs all those extremely smart persons...

Anyways you gather 35 million people worldwide each wanting to see this happened...They each chip in $10 per paycheck for 6 years...It will be: 50 BILLION DOLLARS...Placed in the bank at: 7% it will be: 3.5 billion coming your way every single year...

You are going to take 50 million out of those 3.5 billion and you are going to create a: "OVUM-SPERM"FREEZING VAULT BANK, KIND OF LIKE CRYOGENICS...Then you are going to take: 100 million per year out of those 3.5 billion and is going towards researching ways to preserve sperm forever for i dont think they can do it yet...Now you are going to take 100 million or 200 million from those 3.5 billion and is going to go towards "PAYING" extremely smart people to donate their sperm, as many sperm/ovum as they can and to donate their blood once a year, actually they will get paid for it....This bank is going to be ONE INCREDIBLE HUGE BANK".....

the 35 million people are going to do this every 25 years...So every 25 years you are going to receive 50 billion dollars ontop of the 50 billion that you already got...

Also i am telling you stuff from now, you will have to change the grading scale make it 100 and 50 the passing grade and make 100 something people rarely get...Also the I.Q test supersmart kids from small will need to be tested 4 or 5 times during their lives those that pass all 4 or 5 test are incredible...And you are going to collect ovum-sperm from adults/teens who display "EXTREMELY" the following characteristic i mentioned aboved...The keyword is: "DISPLAY EXTREMELY"....You care going to collect it from all over the world...And you are going to keep them in this "BANK" for future generations for whoever wants to have an extremely smart kid...You are going to collect from them and their parents...

Also listen you might have a kid who is projected to have a gifted quality, and the kid might have the wrong features or the wrong height, the difference in inches of height might be the difference or the wrong hair this just show how delicate this issue is...Remember intelligence is also how the kid evolves in the environment & some upbringing...Remember this PLANET needs it...Also some of the money will go toward rewarding parents into adopting extra or should i say having extra this particular kid...

the rest of the money will go towards a TOWER BUILDING CONSTRUCTION that is going to be la sede of this "ORGANIZATION" and there they are going to do all the planning, they will have supercomputers to have the names of this geniuses or extremely smart people and there will be several of this towers buildings around the world they are going to do counceling psychological analysis, and this towers are going to be the "link/tramite" between this organization and this kids/teengers/adults...Something like a religion but a little bit different...And even if they dont EVER succeed they will continue for YOU NEVER KNOW...

And the rest of the money is going towards awarding extremely smart kids/teens/adults/geniuses to see what happens....

Remember this PLANET NEEDS THEM...

I'll like to note 2 things...Remember when i said: "WILL POWER" well this kids/teenagers will have to have "A LOT OF IT" A LOT...AGAIN A LOT OF IT...Also is going to be divided into "MALES & FEMALES"....Also i dont know how true this is, but women are more disciplined than men because if you was loged sexually to the point that sex becomes like cocaine i wonder if you would had been the same...You have to think, if a woman had a male body would she be better than you???

Also i got this idea from a cab that had the name of a casino...another cab had given me the idea years ago but i didnt retain it...Believe it or not, a CASINO is the perfect trap to trap "Cunning people", clever/cunning people another area of intelligence...Thanks to that cab driver...

Also sport is a good way to trap clever people "BUT" in sport you end up doing the same thing, so if you can invent a sport or something like a video game mixed with casino you would have made progress...I am talking about a game that constantly changes and constantly challenges you...

Also there is a problem with Casinos, they dont have enough "traps/trickery", they dont have enough games [something i said years ago here] also if you are going to start a casino, just remember, a casino is a very expensive enterprise...Also something you "MIGHT DO" is you will find out which animal is the most shrewd/clever/cunning and check out his brain/nerve and somehow manipulate whatever that animal or animals got in their brains and see if you can inject it in a human, see if you can take "cleverness" to the next level...Remember we are not saying this will work but we are going to do them just if in case forever for we never know....

Also talking about the Casino with plenty of games, not only is it a very expensive enterprise but remember that you need to have this all around the world and is not going to be enough money...What you can do is set money aside into creating this video game with multiple games and traps like a casino and that pays for whoever finish the most of the levels, a game that is never ending [like pick3 is never ending it plays everyday a new combination] a video game that requires ingenuity, cleverness you name it, that it requires you to think kind of like a riddle except that we are not concerned with words but with thinking a video games that makes the players have sleepless nights thinking how to beat it...such a game it has not been invented...Also when i say inginuity people think i say genius but ingeniuty is used in the context of clever intelligence which is not geniusness and it is not cleverness alone...

Also when i said an extremely smart person not having the right human feature or hair i meant to say that if an extremely person had brown hair and dont perform maybe he needs to be born with a curly hair, or wavy hair or black hair or who knows what kind of hair the same thing with the human features not saying that 1 feature is smarter than the other, just saying that the extremely smartness incubated in the wrong body that's it...Nobody is saying this will work we are just using it as an insurance plan, think about it as: "

also this poses some challenges, you have yet to see if people will play the game...Think of this video game as the "cleverness" equivalent of an I.Q test...Also something you should know...How intelligent you are is related to how you handle emotions which you could say is part of: "wiseness"...However i see a problem with clever people..They tend to be too cold and you dont want that which i dont know if they notice...Just remember been too cold might just land you in prison or get shot, or killed...

Also i want to show you an example of how "LIFE IS" a cunning/shrewd person might outsmart an extremely smart person yet if that extremely smart person has theoreticallyh speaking a photographic memory it will outshine a shrewd/cunning person specially like in a game...And always keep your pride/coolness and be humble because the unthinkable can happened you see displaying smartness characteristics can be like money you can be born with money you can make a lot of money and it can be blown away from not something you have and is not inherently yours also remember we are trying to use those characteristics against the universe and everything that oppresses us not against other humans...

Also something else that is Powerful and influences in intelligence is: the beauty of women...I am going to show you an example...Have you all seen that women posting as a prostitute in the acorn scandal? Dude Einstein might have been Eisntein but had i introduced him that women from acorn and ask that women to tell Einsten to come and live with her to another area or sleep with Albert Einstein repeatedly over and over, forget about the Theory of Relativity or it might just not get finished...Dude Brian Greene can be writing on the latest theory and you was to drain his wife out of her vaginal fluids from too much sex, FORGET THAT THEORY WILL EVER GET FINISH...Dude is a tricky part...The only way you can make some progress is if you keep Brian Greene "OIL CHANGE" if you know what i mean in check...Dont forget this world runs on vagina & beauty...Example Brian Greene could be finishing the theory that proves that heaven exist all you got to do is send him a tape with his wife/girlfriend getting bang by 300 men forming line all naked and forget that theory will ever get finished and if it ever gets finished missed by 3 billion light years miles...

Also another problem, let's say we got to raise Einstein again through the egg-sperm bank and this Einstein is in the "med school" or who knows what and he bumps with the girl in celeste shorts in a mall you just made him mentally pregnant and if he finds out that the girl in celeste shorts like well built guys, he might just leave everything he is doing quit and try to be a bodybuilder and you just lost your star player...Or let's assume Brian Greene is in 10th grade and he found himself a little girlfriend...And out of nowhere that women from acorn let's say she is 37 years old approaches brian green at age 15 or 16, sleeps with him and tell him to change his course studies in exchange to have her for years...Dude you just lost Lucifer out of Heaven if you know the story....They can do it to a male teenager and they can do it to a female teenager...A female might be bringing "Straight 100's since she is been in kindergarden and she is 15 years old and to her a "bodybuilder in all his glory looking smokingly attractive approaches your geek female teenager who is 15 gets himself a a viagra and those penis enlarging pills, forget your start female player...Dude it doesnt have to be 1 bodybuilder they could be 3 of them AGAIN WITH VIAGRA, forget her little teenager boyfriend WHO DONT HAVE A JOB...Want to know something i am not saying i am exceptionally intelligent person but you know the story about Brian Green i told you about when he is a teenager and a 35 year old acorn women approach him, that story could had happened to me it never happened to me but it could had happened and i will have never been able to bring you this...I would had been somewhere else...

Dude this could had happened to Einstein and we would have never had the theory of relativity and it could had happened to Isaac Newton....

just remember those extremely smart people [geniuses] of the 16 to 18 century didn't got to school with women, remember males went to school separately....

Also i got this from the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" thanks to God that movie was showing...We are also going to collect the sperm-ovum of bodybuilders and only bodybuilders who train in the Northern Hemisphere...I am talking up north of the USA, CAnada, England, Russia, Finland, Norway, Sweeden, Alaska, Greenland they are the top of the top of the top you can get more ontop of this but they got to displayed and steel will...And we are going to collect their blood, semen/ovum...Actually there are 3 kinds of top of the top of the top in human will one is bodybuilders who practice in the regions i mentioned another is people who have "LOST INCREDIBLE" amount of weight in the colder regions i mentioned and people who have survive cocaine addiction, a fourth is a couple of fractions less weaker is people who have gone years without eating meat, drinking beer, having sex, eating very little food just fluids, are introvert, are concientious and religious and live in the areas i mentioned and if they exercise it adds up....And you are probably going to those countries i mentioned and build gymns where the temperature is going to be a little bit cold, like in an office, for body building and you are going to create a weight lifting lotto and take care of people who join...This is about whether you can survive in the cosmos...You know what the movie Red Planet with Val Kilmer was missing? It wasn't in a cold region...Again this is about wheather you can survive in the cosmos...And the people that make it, their sperm-ovum and blood will be collected for generations in the future...

This just "PROVES" that speaking very good English very fast against a person with an accent is worthless, that sense of superiority that people got when they say they speak very fast english and very good over someone that doesn't is worthless...Is good to speak English though...

Also "Psychics" people who display the characteristic/quality, their sperm/ovum will be preserve, theirs and their parents...

Also there is one type of branch of intelligence that i forgot to mention it...And that one has to do with been meticulously, meticulously, meticulously careful with what they do, very, very discipline, very constientious, having a long memory and possibly introvert, they listen a lot, have retention meaning they pay attention and are very wize and are very, very methodical...This people carefully chose their words when they are talking, etc...You RARELY, RARELY see this in a human been, you might see more geniuses than you might see someone like this....This is the type of characteristic necessary to deal/handle microorganisms and do surgery....

Also i want you to know the following...Is not that i dont want the USA to have all the smartest people in the world in 1 country is that the USA is first of all: The richest country in the world, have the second number of nuclear weapons and it has too much freedom sorry to say this but with too much freedom people become like savages there is all kind of sexual abberration...So you can't have them in the USA...Just dont forget as smart as you might be you still have a chip in your head that is evil that you must keep at bay constantly monitor it and i noticed that bright people do 10 step forward and 2 or 3 backwards and is those 2 or 3 backwards that you got to be careful, they are sort of proportional to you....For instance you might invent the fountain of youth, yet your step backwards you might invent a nuclear bomb which just errase most of your progress....Also remember what i said about English, well is important knowing it specially if you listen i was just saying that for will it is not important...Also something i forgot to say if you keep most of the smartest people in the world in the USA remember that the USA is the most threatened and constantly threatened nation on the planet...Take them away and what do you got...back to square one....

Also remember that branch of intelligence that i told you about been meticulously, meticulously careful with what they do? Well that type of intelligence as rare as it is is the one most needed,[why are the things most needed are the rare ones], anyways this particular type of intelligence is more precious than cleverness not saying that cleverness is not important but this particular type of intelligence is very very precious and that's the one we must isolate the most....first comes psychic, then comes meticulously careful type of intelligence, then comes geniusness, invention, cleverness, etc, etc...

Also you know what is precious? very, very precious???psychics is very, very precious..That's why we must isolate it....Remember this might not work but think about it as insurance...

Entry #454


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something else you can do with that money is take a couple of it and research how kids: "LISTEN"/pay attention...The literature i found out there about how kids listen is so confusing...
and if you could only buy out rappers because all that rap and style is a cancer...make kids get smarter...
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and again you "CAN'T" tell black people that because you are playing with their mothers...And there is something i am going to say which i dont want to say but just to make you "SEE" something...You can visit 1 million NAACP or Ebony gatherings or BET awards and show that you are "blacker" than me or i dont know what the hell, YET if i eliminate rappers i "PROVE" that i am "blacker" than you...JUst so you know...But again you can't tell them that because you just messed with their self identity...And you are not even black because you are just african american you are not "brown skinned" there are people out there who have brown skin and different kind of hair and they dont share your views...
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You know how many times i've seen Latin Channels make fun of black people in the USA and stomped rappers on the ground to the point of seeing their mother's cry on tv saying stop, please stop...You know how many times i've seen that...yet you live in a addicted world stoned with cocaine thinking i dont know what the hell, thinking you are the king of the world...continue because you are only deceiving yourself...
Dude you are going to tell me that no rapper has reached the 500 million mark or 800 million dollars mark...So why has anyone of them or even the NAACP take that money and build universities or even worse yet build black female universities...Exactly...because the guy is so busy thinking he is the king of the world trying to influence the world...
Dude and the "Only" reason why i am doing this is because the USA is the USA is the richest country in the world is kind of like an empire and it has to show an image and because you should had seen how sad it is to see other people pee in the pants of black people visiting other countries, but God knows that if you was another country been the way you are i would had let you rot in hell...and i can't even have a dialogue take it like a man with you before you begin using contrameasures...And you know another reason why i am doing this? because you are a large population and lots of money can be generated from a large population other wise you know what's the answer...
Dude if you really say you are black, ebony whatever the hell, you would had used the rap money to build black female universities or other important things...
then you complain about a caucasian system which i am not saying it doesnt exist but you should look at yourself first...
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and tell obama a guy of YOUR OWN SKIN to look out for black people because he is too busy trying to look so "caucasian"....
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you know another reason why i am doing this? because my sister's boyfriend is worth more than a lot of crap i see que se la tiran de gran vaina...that's why
and my neighboor is worth more than a lot of crap i see...
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they want to have the smartest people in the USA and people got to "WIN THE LOTTO FIRST" to try and make any progress for themselves and the work they do, because there is no Fund for them, they speak with an accent and people see them as ants, little details like that....

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