Something You Might Not Know: Lottery Systems On the Net...


I dont know how they function but it is known that many of them are schemes...Well i´ll tell you a scenario that could happen, a scheme that could happen...

All someone has to do is get a mediocre system or cook up something make it look decent post it on the Net about the lottery charge: $10 and since to most people: $10 is nothing they buy it they can get: 250,000 clients/subscribers in the course of a year...How? Have you look at: Internet Searches on search engines have you ever wonder HOW MANY PEOPLE PER DAY SEARCH FOR THE WORD: LOTTERY just in the USA alone...The number is a lot...A LOT, PER DAY...

So they open a website with their cooked up system/story on the USA...With 250,000 clients in 1 year or less they charge them: $20...That´s $5 million...But they didnt do the same thing in the USA alone they did it in 4 other countries...So now that´s $5 million x 4 = 20 million...In 1 year...They take those $20 millions place it in a foreign stock market, USA STOCK MARKET, bank whatever...The interest is: $1 million a year...All they need to do is take: $100,000 for themselves and take the: $900,000 and use it to win a Pick5, and Pick5/39 + 1/30 Jackpots, like Hot lotto, Florida MegaMoney, Texas 2 Steps, etc...

With like: $200,000 or $300,000 they can win Hot Lotto, same thing with Florida MegaMoney...What happens, they win it...They now have 2 jackpots under they belt...They can even video tape it...With the other $400,000 they divide it into: $50,000 and they can win: Pick5´s Jackpots...Again NOT JUST IN THE USA...What happens...They win 8 Pick5/39 jackpots around the world...They video tape it...Post it on their websites with the systems even post cell phone numbers for you to call them and see that is true, they might even ask you to call the state lottery to check that they have won...Again all looks legitimate...They might even give it away who knows (the jackpot)...

So now for the following year since they got like 10 jackpots under their belt the number of traffic to their 4 website is going to double...Now they dont make: $20 million but instead: $40 million...That´s a total of: $60 million dollars...They take: 40 million for themselves with the other 20 million they repeat the process leave it in the Stock Market, Banks, foreign stock markets...And 1 million is going towards: to win a Pick5, and Pick5/39 + 1/30 Jackpots, like Hot lotto, Florida MegaMoney, Texas 2 Steps, etc...

Now that website has: 20 Jackpots under its belt...Again people see the jackpots, they see photos of the checks, phone numbers, they call the state lottery and hear confirmations that it is true...And they start believing....

On the 3rd year they now have: not 40 million but 120 million and an extra 20 millions in the bank with 34 jackpots won and photos to prove it...And it looks so legitimate...And they can pull the plug any time they want, bribe whoever...

If they want...JUST IF THEY WANT....They take: 50 million out of the 120 place it in the bank for 1 year: is: 3 or 2.5 million dollars from interest in 1 year but is only for 1 year...3 million divided by: $50,000 =  60 Pick5/39 JACKPOTS...So now they got: 94 jackpots...They pull out their: $50 million and they are still with their: 120 million...And now they got: 94 jackpots under their belts...It doesnt necessarily has to go in this order....They take the money start investing become geniuses at it and soon in 2 years their are on their way to: $240 million dollars...While making 40 million extra on the side if they so choose if they have pull out the plug out of that already....They now dont know what to do with the $40 million coming from an outside, so they add it with the 20 million and is now: 60 million dollars...placed in the bank is: 3.6 million, so with like: $100,000 you can win Texas 2 Steps or Kentucky 3.6 million a year they win: 10 Texas 2 Steps, 10 Kentucky Cashball and 10 Florida MegaMoney...That´s now: 120 something jackpots....or 166 Pick5/39 jackpots...They pull the plug and now they dedicate themselves to the Stock Market...

Entry #688


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