Some Thoughts...



GrapeFruitJuice: Shouldnt they sell grapefruit juice in the States, UK, France, Russia & Canada in big quantities...I know is a rare fruit, i reckon you could probably start a bussiness selling grapefruit juice and you could make some decent or better than expected profit...

Look at Russia for Example...Is cold all the time which makes people want to stay at home and if they consume food high in sodium since a person is not moving the sodium stacks up it accumulates, causing eventually high rise in blood pressure...

I also bet that more people eat watermelon than they drink grapefruit juice...And grapefruit juice i think is more healthy for you than watermelon...More people eat grapes with seeds than they drink grapefruit juice...I dont know about medicine i wanted to study it, but what if grapefruit juice lowers blood pressure...So much high blood pressure out there...

BellyBotton related to Fat Experiment: Nobody has experimented or check if how deep your belly botton is tied if is proportional/relative to how big of belly mass you will get in the future...It will be a good experiment, just shows that there is a TON of stuff they haven´t experimented with or studied...

Something else too, i got that idea from a reporter in Chanel 13 of Panama whose name was: Amigdalia she gave me this idea...What if there is a relation between the pituitary gland or the tiroid gland and how much weight you put on...Again another experiment/study that has not been done...

Trigonometry & algebra: has anyone studied you know the exponential function and see if the

y coordinate is a mirror of the cosine/sine function x coordinate...for instance: if a y axis shows the y coordinates of 84 using the exponential function and you use the sine/cosine function and it shows 84 but in an x-axis but with a different x coordinate then there is something there...nobody has experimented with it..

Science of Fingerprints: You know there are guys who study fingerprints but none of them do this...the location how many distances is from a particular area in relation to the height of the person, nobody studies those stuff...Like if a grab a book because i am 5´8 who knows if i hold the book and my thumb appears 10 centimers away from the bottom of the book and someone who is: 6´0 will hold the same book and they might start at: 12 centimers or 8 centimers from the bottom of the book, in relation to height, eyesight, physical appearance (race, etc), body mass, etc...Nobody has done that...Also there is not a team in forensics who after cases are closed continue studying evidence to learn stuff...Not even CSI does this....

My Paranoia Thoughts: Diabetes: You know i believe that diabetes was PURPOSELY created by who i dont know but someone created it because they noticed that certain people prefer food over a women or over their breathen...Again all you had to do to contaminate so many people is throw it in the water or food supply that everybody drink, someone will get it like a virus...I tell you: ENVY is one of the roots of all evil of this planet...

Fractal & Exponential Function & Exponential function with numeric series as exponent to come up with a fractal: Instead of the equation of a fractal can you use an equation with an exponential function?Again there are so many things not experimented with in math...

LIFTING WEIGHTS: I am starting to think that lifting weights doesnt pay...Cardiovascular exercises does...Who needs to lift weights are women and the elderly because they gain weight quicker and they are less strong...Men in their prime are strong already....LA ESTUPIDESES QUE EL HOMBRE HACE FOR TRADICION including me...But you know whose fault it is? Women because men lift weights to impress & hopefully get a chance to sleep with women, ALL MEN DO...You think men lift weights because they are trying to mantain ¨THEIR WEIGHT¨...Women dont lift weights to impress men, do they...Why you think is important to push women forward...So they too work and stop dropping the weight on men all the time among the many reasons...I mean men need to lift weights but only if they are doing it globally and they should but not yet, we only have: 5,000 years as a civilization....

Rice with Olives: is Olive a fruit? i got this idea from i think is a Tunisian person that sells olive oil in the middle east i saw it on a cnn show...They usually make olives without the seed, but they usually make yellow rice with olives but i say it can go with white rice...It tastes very nice...Can you eat fruit mixed with rice when you are eating it...I heard you should not eat fruit with a plate of food yet i think you are getting the fruit right there if you mix olive with rice...Anyway is olive a fruit what are the benefits of olives...Anyway mixed with rice it tastes supernice just the same way you can mix oat meal with raisins it tastes awesome it tastes better than regular oatmeal...

Simulating the Human Body on Mini-Supercomputer and having a website that only medical students access with different conditions scenarios (you know the REAL MEDICAL DICTIONARY IS HUGE IN THICKNESS, and Video Games with medical tests, for medical students only...YOu know nowadays they got music video games that you can play music and practice music, so why not medicine...

Listening To all news around the world, translated and send to you cell phone the interesting ones and condensed: What if there was a company with large amount of people who read and watch news all over the world, a lot of countries and only selected interesting news, translated it for you and condensed them and send it to you to your cell phone and you listen to it...And you pay a small fee a month...The only problem is that a cell phone the batteries run out very quickly...Or you could read it on your cell phone but cell phones are quite small...Is a nice bussiness you could start...You just mention what is it that you want to get whether is: fashion, entertainment, bussiness, world, medicine, sports, politics, environment, the sea, etc, etc...It will had been nice if you could hear: Comedy shows translated...i was thinking you get your airplugs connect them to your cell phone and listen...

Jurasic Park of dogs: To Animal lovers why not create a land huge enough, just like the movie Jurasic park in different countries and have dogs in them, could do the same thing with cats...As a: Interesting place to visit for tourists...No not dangerouns animal just ones that dont present a danger....But i am talking a huge area and visitors pay for the feeding of those animals...I was talking about a place enclosed and fenced with walkways and fence surrounding the walkways so people can walk enjoy and enjoy the view...Something like a HUGE PARK...I mean: HUGE...With cement canals and you see those electric stairs well a huge electric mill that takes food to the animals or dumps them in the ground...And have you seen those arms cushions that police officers wear not to get bitten by their German Shepards well how about a suit something like a space suit but with cushions on it to shock absorbe bites from the dogs and they pick up the left over food or sweep poop on the ground, with trees and everything...Like a park...Except that the animals dont come in contact with the people visiting...Again only animals that dont present danger...I am talking a huge park where you can even play beisbal or take a nap in the open sun and you look through the fence and you see people...

Sausage Pattie and make a Sausage Hamburger: I´ve seen a hamburger patty been sold as hamburger but i´ve never heard of a saussage/winnier/frank patty been done as a hamburger...i think that a hamburger patty comes from a different area than the saussage and saussages normally take the form of a tubular stick/rod, so why not give sassauges the form of a hamburger patty and make a morning sandwich out of it...I got this idea after looking at: Macdonalds in Italy on CNN...And just so you know they got chicken sassages so you can make a chiken sassauge hamburger patty you know for like breakfast...Dude i dont know if i am correct but if i happen to be correct the sassage has been sitting there for 2 centuries since the invention of the hamburger and it has NEVER OCCURED TO YOU...SITTING THERE INFRONT OF YOUR EYES...

Inventions: Something that could occur to you: Computer Keyboard Typing Bank: You know you could come up with an idea, think of something and maybe you are the first person to think about it and then you type it in the computer for you are in the work phase still and people could look at the computer keyboard bank follow you every move, follow you and come up with your invention get a pattent for it before you did and they get all the money...I got this idea after i saw a singer who has been singing for 60 years named: Sam something or something Sam he came up on Fox News...Not just that they could do it in a group or 2 or 3 people could be involved and since you go to sleep while they are working at night they finish 3 or 4 years before you do, they get residence in a foreign country or sell it to someone in a foreign country and they got an alibi...

Your Own Car Insurance: If you are going to buy yourself a: $60,000 car you could do 2 things...Buy yourself a: $30,000 car, place the other $30,000 in the bank at: 4%, 5% or 6%...It will be: $150 dollars a month that you can use for fixing the car every month...Or you can do choice B..Instead of buying yourself a $30,000 2010 new car buy yourself a: 2009 or 2008 it will be like: $9,000 less...So $30,000 + $9,000 = $39,000, placed in the bank it will be: $200 a month towards maintenance...You know the $200 could go towards Gas too...This is just another way to do it....I thought about this idea after i saw a guy with flashy wheels and then i saw a CSI show where a guy had spent: $20,000 a his car wheels...And i thought, jee in this recession why not take the $20,000 and place it in the bank and use it to MAINTAIN your car clean and in perfect shape because after all which one do you prefer, do you prefer to had spend $20,000 on car wheels to look nice at the moment and not been able to fix and mantain your car in perfect shape or take those $20,000 and mantain your car always perfect...That´s how the idea came about...

BRITAIN UFO DECLASSIFIED FILES (Got to be smarter): i was watch tonight on the news that Britain declassified all its UFO files and left many of those documents with a black marker because there are other things that are still classified...Well i am not telling the government what to do with it is not my bussiness...But i will say, did you know that if you had a document and there was markers over certain words and left other others normal that there are supercomputer that can figure out what words where going in the areas with black markers...DID YOU KNOW THAT...You see writing/literature has a particular code or rules that it uses/abides by that it uses to write it has a particular structure that it abides by to write...So you will ¨TECHNICALLY¨ know what was written on the omitted lines in black markers kind of like a: CROSSWORD PUZZLE OR DOMINOES, IS SIMILAR TO PLAYING DOMINOES (Please dont ask me i dont know how but i know it can be done) Even if paragraphs or groups of paragraphs have been omitted...I JUST HOPE THE GOVERNMENT KNOWS WHAT IT IS DOING...Not just that you could tell if a word was purpusedly put there to lie if is out of place, it got its science but it can be figured out specially if you guide yourself by how many letters a word has and take how long words are as a code...AGAIN TO THE GOVERNMENT OF ENGLAND: I HOPE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING...And if for some reason they can not which i doubt are you thinking about the future, because most stuff get cracked in the future...Stuff that where hard in ages past have been cracked, decodified/done in the future....AGAIN TO THE GOVERNMENT I HOPE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING...

But i am going to give some advice to the government...I dont know if UFO´S ARE REAL of if the government is trying to hide something but i will say...For now you are lucky because UFO´s have 40 or 50 years in the culture of America...It hasnt reach the entire world even if it reached the entire world is not like a legend told hundreds or thousands of years in the past i say give this secret: 600 years or 1,000 and it will come out, how...Because then the secret will be very old and it will be told from generations to generations and it will be in history books and once that happen beside that everyone will know if any ONE OF THEM gets a chance in your secret facility he/she is going to spill the beans...Why because it has become a urban legend a folk story from centuries if not milenias ago also you are lucky that SETTI only has 20 or 15 years of existence but THEN 600 years from now or 1,000 from now it will become more like, a common thing to talk about it...Want me to give you an example? the Death of Christ...You could NOT keep a secret that you have his remained you could not keep a secret like that in modern days...Why? Because milenia has passed and He is so popular because WHOEVER WHOEVER NO MATTER WHO YOU PICK IN THE WORLD OR WHO you hire 600 years from now will betrayed you because there is that deep thirst worldwide to know if the UFOs are real thirst that developed and got bigger over centuries and centuries...So to the government, you are lucky FOR NOW...And specially more that UFO´s are more advanced than US HUMANS...And specially more that: 600 years from now the world is going to be more interconnected than now...Want to know something else that it is the downfall of the entire world speaking 1 language? That when the planet speaks 1 language it will be heard to keep a secret...This is a little bit of psychology...

But you know what´s more dangerous than the public knowing about: UFOs...If the public finds out about the UFOs from another planet that´s fine...But i will tell you something that SHOULD NEVER, NEVER HAPPEN EVER...If the USA has a UFO plane (whether they reverse ingeneer it or they got it from aliens...NO OTHER COUNTRY SHOULD HAVE THAT UFO plane no country ONLY THE USA...ONLY THE USA...ONLY ONE COUNTRY SHOULD HAVE IT AND is the country incharge of putting ORDER in this planet the only one that should have such a plane, now and 400 million years in the future...Now if the USA has a plane that is fast but is not like the UFO meaning it cant go that fast, dissappear in camouflage and dissabled other planes around it...If the USA has such a plane that doesnt go that fast and other countries get that plane thats fine...What i am trying to tell you is that if a plane travels almost at the speed of light then ONLY THE USA SHOULD HAVE THAT PLANE THE COUNTRY THAT PUTS ORDER IN THIS PLANET...But if is a regular plane with stealth capabilities and is just 2,000 miles per second faster than the black bird XR-71 then if other countries get such a plane is fine....That and the proliferation of Nuclear Bombs and Nuclear Chemical Bombs...Why i say this...Because can you imagine if 20 countries got a hold of a plane that travels 30,000 miles faster than the fastest missile...Just loaded up with Nuclear Bombs cruise through all of Brazil in 5 minutes and just drop nuclear bombs in every city...You just eliminated Brazil...And since every country got a hold of such plane the USA can not correct other countries nor any country can be correct it, they all do what they feel like and if they all decide to gang up on the USA and become the German Empire during world war2, the whole world is doomed...Let me give you another example...Let´s suppose the USA was trying to hide the Stealth bomber if other countries got hold of it is unfortunate but if all countries got a hold of the UFOs plane or something supersuper fast that went: 70,000 miles per second or 70,000 miles per hour faster than the fastests missile on the planet then you should worry...And i dont know what the USA got another faster version of the Stealth Bomber or a UFO plane...

Entry #691


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This is a little psychology...In order for a person to have ideas you to go know what colors they like most, you got to give them a long spectrum of colors and see which one they like the most ranging in scale to the least likely...Because when i person goes into a room or on the outdoors the first thing he is going to noticed about a scene is that that has his favorite color, there light/shade difference and there is the perception of depth also and how much things weigh and how important are things to the person, there is also the size of things...All this factors affect how a person learns, how quick or slow a person learns and how much a person remembers something you see as soon as a person walks he is counting he is constantly counting in decending order from greatest to least..I will think that women think the same way but there are differences because what´s important to him is not as important to her...Again is based on the color that you like...It influences a lot how we learn, remember and respond, also the height also influences...A little psychology...
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not just that, no matter how equal things were, a brown skin person see and remember things differently than a yellow skin person (there is 2 kind of skin tones in this world, brown and yellow), also a blond person will remember things differently than a caucasian person with black hair...Also something that will influence how you remember and how you learn is your eyesight, but still will like to point out that there is glasses but still we will still experience and remember things differently...And you can say that every human on this world is unique because every human in this world has a unique signature of learning based on the colors they like the most and least...Even animal...
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i mean to say even animals...
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on another note:
talking about coincidences...i got this from a newspaper...The word: Jesus if you break it down in spanish it will say Je-sus what is sus in spanish is: their...What if Je...Je is half the word: Jefe which means boss but missing the fe and what is fe in spanish: Fe is Faith...which will say: sus jefe...In english it will say: Their

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