Could Powerball had been invented to attract Code Breakers or Study in Higher Mathematics...



                                                       I was looking at Powerball last night and i kept thinking...WHO in the world will come up with such a game....Only Satan would had thought of creating a game like that...Encryption is similar to the lotto...The USA has MANY secrets it wants hidden, when lottery began operating 1984 or 1970 i think the cold war was still going on...Even if it was in 1970 the USA faced so many wars and potential enemies it will not surprise me if Powerball was created with that purpose...They probably knew that whoever crack Powerball with 1 ticket could crack a: Pick10/60 + 2/40 which has: how many is it: 50 trillion combinations which is the RNG of many cryptographic keys back then now they have more but back them it will had been like a big quantity...The world was unstable in those times they just finished defeating Germany in world war2 and finish the Korean WAr...Yesterday i was looking at something about algorithmic information theory, algorithmic random sequence and it has to do with higher mathematics related to random phenomena with stochaic processes it also has to do with computers breaking encrypted computer information...Also something tells me that if has to do with the programs that fighter planes carry in their cabin...what if a particular missile carries some kind of digital security code not to be broke into....

 Could it be...The Military pays the inventor of powerball to come up with a game like that back in those times and problem solve...

 Could it BE...And whoever wins they recruit them...

after all if you was expert in higher mathematics you could win the lottery...Maybe the military had a task for such geniuses...Randomness is use in the weather what if you was planning to create some kind of worm hole with the help of the weather, if you´ve heard of the bermuda triangle and many people attribute the Bermuda triangle to experiments done by the USA far fetch not to say it could not be possible...

you know why i believe it could be true?? Because encryptions as well as studying stochaic processes and related fields are fields, RARELY STUDIED...RARELY, RARELY, RARELY studied/taken in college, suffice to say that you can not have a second job and study these fields, nor can you be of the lower class either and study these fields....The odds that you have to overcome to get to those 4th and 5th sometimes 8th level higher mathematics to understand these 2 fields....Again it will not surprise me....Not just that the odds that you took and understood and are majoring in higher mathematics and the odds that you decided to go into these fields...Again is VERY RARE TO SEE SOMEONE STUDYING THOSE FIELDS...Most people CANT PASS CALCULUS OR TRIGONOMETRY...

i heard that lotteries began to appear in 1960 back then later on Kennedy was assassinated, there was Cuba, there was the Korea conflict, HALF OF Europe belong to Russia, HALF OF IT...THAT CAN NOT HAPPEN...The world must have felt very insecured to the USA...And then there was the weather balloon in Rosswell and UFO sighting they must had thought it was Russian...Again the USA must had felt very insecured as though the world was going to end...So we had to know what the enemy was thinking...Back then the supercomputer wasnt invented, there was no internet there was no computer so if you wanted to win the lotto you had to do it by hand which involved mathematics...

And there was China in the horizon....WE can not let that happened...and if it wasnt in 1960 it could had still happen in 1980´s for the USA a mighty Gigiant got beaten by david: Vietnam which must had scared the hell out of the USA...And it was the USA ALONE against the world....

i dont know if it happened because of that but is a possibility....

i know about the enigma but the enigma was rudimentary and it was a machine not a computer by then foreign governments will had expanded the possible encrypted combinations....and there was spy a lot during those times and the guys that understood the math of the game who knows is under the assumption that none of them got diseases, died of old ages or werent killed...

what i meant to say is that:

And there was spy a lot during those times and the guys that understood higher mathematics who knows is under the assumption that none of them got diseases, died of old ages or werent killed...

Dude, to study stochaic process and apply it to weather phenomenon you have to be a HECK of a mathematician...Not just that since those fields are rare no 2 mathematicians are alike in personality, gift or knowledge how do you know those that were working for the government didnt encounter problems they couldnt solve...


these is also a wild theory, suppose the weather balloon story of UFO´s was true and they discovered that alliens possess some kind of superpower over matter or to see the future or a speciall type of math or machine most scientist working for the government could not solve (kind of like the movie: Dreamcatcher), you will need people who studied in these fields also or simply you will need someone who knows higher mathematics...time traveling or the time machine does involve a little knowledge of stochaic processes...

sorry made a mistake i was bussy doing something else...i want to correct something...Time traveling or time machine does involve a LOT of knowledge about stochaic processes and random phenomena A LOT...A LOT...WHEN I MEAN A LOT I MEAN A LOT...

Unless traveling in time was like the movie the matrix (13th Floor) because then you will need to know math and mathematical programming codes which are mathematical in nature and not too much about stochaic process, just a little bit about stochaic processes, what if is electrical in nature or musical in nature where your actions affects the mind of someone else...Then you will need to know higher mathematics...and it has been said before by top theoretical physicist that the universe is like a giant computer...Which ever one is i dont know...

i feel bad but i am going to say this...Studying such fields is very, very rare, very rare to see it..First of all, few people go into math, just a handful, you have to pass trigonometry which many dont understand, THEN take calculus, THEN, take like 4 more math classes THEN go into the field of your choice...Dude just a handful of people know or understand what an algorithm is...Like how i said before is not the end of the world, there are still more important things like chemistry, economists, weather, fountain of youth, keeping evil at bay, finding the stargate to carry us to another universe, microorganism, studying the SUN, etc, etc, etc, etc...Also math ONLY has 3,000 years old not more than: 6,000 is still young....When civilization has: 200 million years old, then you can start talking...

However such fields should be encouraged because NOBODY wants to study such fields...NOBODY...And at that rate where just 6 people in the ENTIRE USA are heck of mathematicians in those fields and each one is unique and different at that pace math will not advance...What they dont see is that 2 billion people will be looking at the same thing for 2 million years and not see anything, then comes 1 person and makes a breakthrough...So at 6 people a pace whose those 6 people will last 60 or 70 years or 100 years at that pace to reach 2 million people it will take them: 20,000 years to make 1 breakthrough...Dude and knowing the huge odds you have to overcome to be in those fields and get enlightened and understand it, THEN make a discovery plus i dont know if the world will get colder, there might be drug resistant bacteria, the odds that the star discoverer nothing will happen to him, that it didnt rain asteroids, not just that, there are levels in mathematics that no matter how much you teach a person that person might not get it unless something drastic happens, the idea that a previous mathematician will be like his predecesor is another thing, ....

What i am saying is such fields with Powerball should be encouraged...Also i realized that randomness only serves purpose if you want to travel back in time or to another universe or the weather other than that is on the way...You can study encryption but encryption serves no purpose i mean who wants to wipe out all of the banks of the world...i dont...It could help SEE the future but other than that it serves no purpose...You could study randomness and go back in time back to the time of Jesus and find out what happened to him...But will you want to, dude and the amount of COMPUTATION INVOLVED, i am talking 2 million quadrillion are better off studying chemistry or biochemistry or cellular biology and see a breakthrough, or you are better off studying the fountain of youth (Which is needed)...

Sorry to say this but the only reason to go back in time is to save the people of the past, because what does that say about us...Again you are better of studying the Fountain of Youth...What i am trying to say is that, there is few people studying HIGHER MATHEMATICS...The ONLY reason why you will want to know the future is to prevent disasters or stuff that can wipe this planet off the map, for bad stuff and to see who will die before it happens and to prevent wars, but other than that like to know who you are going to marry is not important or unless you are looking at the correlation between evil and this universe, like what if for every good action that you do it causes a bad evil reaction on someone else in another part of the world in the present or in the future...For that reason yes...And to see patterns in human behavior....If you go back to the past you are going to change the future...You are better off studying the STARGATE both to a different location in the universe and to another universe....Seeing the future or going into the past...Not important....Studying the weather is more important than wanting to travel into the past...Traveling into the past should be left for last the very last or let private enterprise take it over...You see first you need TIME PLENTY OF TIME to study how to go into the past once you got it then you can enjoy it...This planet has to do its homework first, after they have done most of their homework and got time, THEN they can treat themselves into wanting to go into the past....If aliens are visiting us from the future, THEY MUST HAVE PLENTY OF TIME IN THEIR HANDS...


however after listening to Guru 101 post something on the discussion forum i thought about something...If you wanted to create a Stargate to transport you to the next universe you will play with the movement of time continuum or with space...And the past and the present are part of space and space is part of the movement of time continuum so there is a possibility that you will need to play around with the past, present or future...And i am glad he wrote that because we can not discard anything, not on this universe, maybe in heaven but not on this universe....We cant descard anything and everyone is important....

What Guru said made me think of something...Suppose our math had 10 million years but Archimedes or Pithagoras never existed, they were never born...What will it mean??? That our math would had been flawed and space exploration might had not been possible or we will not have the right calculations to destroy an incoming asteroid/comet headed for Earth....So how do we know math is not missing something, something that could lead us to transport to another universe....Not just that because our math was missing something (pithagoras/archimedes), the wrong theries would had been formulated, which in turn catapult other wrong theories heading us straight to who knows where...

Reading Guru post also made me think of another thing...How do we know our math is not missing 1 or a thousand things...So it is important to keep several MATH COPIES BOOKS with different erroneous contribuition theories logged in each one of them, because you never know...Every math contribution is valuable/important because you never know...Even if it means that the truth math book be kept in the surface and the rest of math books with erroneous theories be keept secret or hidden....Is not actually erroenous theories they are simply contributions...

it remind me of flight, flight almost never happened...

New information has come to me, that made me realize something you see i am constantly an optimist though many will considered me a pessimist...Something happened that made me realized something...I realized that Powerball has to go...It has to go...What needs to replace it is a: Pick3 Stock Exchange...You see this is what happens...Anyone looking at a human or certain humans will think that that human is a creation of God just by looking at it and we still forget that man is a walking animal it has achieve great things but he is still a WALKING ANIMAL A WALKING MONKEY WITH A TAIL....Yeah 1 guy became or was born a genius and perhaps did great things but between that genius and the rest of society THERE IS AN ABYSS...And this is not a 1 GUY team....You know what happens...1 guy reaches elite scores and does incredible things what happens if he makes a mistake specially if we are dealing with equation or higher mathematics...Because the rest of the population is: WAY DOWN THERE IN THE ABYSS the rest of the population believes him he makes several mistakes but nobody understands higher mathematics or is not a genius and what he says cast a shadow over the entire world for many centuries until another genius comes along and fixes the problem...Such a tactic subtracts time from earth...Also people forget that man is a walking animal with a tail, yeah there is 2 star quarterbacks or star players IN THE ENTIRE WORLD and everyone of the Global population is in the abyss, and evil exists on all of us, increasing the potential to eliminate the star quarterback/player.....This is not AN ARMY OF 1, THIS IS NOT A TEAM OF 1, there is no I IN TEAM...However there is a use for Powerball and that is to fund global projects, help out, or help scientist after all we need all the help we can get but there needs to be a Pick3 Stock Exchange...Like for instance, Powerball could fund a Math Lotto or a Chemistry lotto or other kinds of lottos so we cant get rid of it...But there needs to be a Pick3 Stock Exchange and a Global Pick3 Stock Exchange....It needs to be done plus there is something i´ve been saying for long...People should have CHOICES dont RAM THINGS ON PEOPLE AND IMPOSSE SORT OF SPEAK YOUR RELIGION and dont give options specially when YOUR RELIGION INVOLVES A: 400 or 600 MILLION + COMBINATIONS PER DRAWING....In the human kingdom there is a GREAT ABBYSS from an insect or ameba to a dynossaur you STILL CANT SEE IT...You are not giving the masses options yet is they who fund your projects is they who manufacture things, is they who bring food to your table, is they who support the economy so they too have a saying, is they will will save your life...You might be Einstein in a particular field and you could be dead tomorrow it has nothing to do with you, you will not have the fault, why did it happened?? Because more attention was paid on the star quarterback or star player yet resistant bacteria ran rampant is all intertwined or there was a plant pest unchecked ate all the plants....There is no I in team...

You are not thinking about the masses and as genius as you might be in math, is THEY THE MASSES THE MOB who will replace you once you step down....Also, you go oblivious dude there are so many things that can go wrong with the human body, oncology, hematology, surgery...And you are the star quarterback or star captain scientist or whoever and yet in the other side of the world there is a biochemist who couldnt get funding for his research and would had discovered the fountain of youth that will had helped you, and couldnt get funding for his research because there was no: Pick3 Stock Exchange, tell me you think HE is going to overcome the 600 million + Powerball combination of his country...Or there was an earthquake where he was and he died...Now there is a chain reaction....And the world just got engulfed in darkness for another 200 million years or whatever amount of years...Plus Powerball only has 1 winner which i´ve been saying...There is only 1 winner....And there is only 5 or 6 Powerballs around the world...The only problem with a team is that it runs slower taking more time...Plus a Pick3 Stock Exchange allows rarity a chance and equal chance just like the rest of people...If someone is SO rare so rare that he is: 3 among 39 million that person has an equal chance and can defend himself/herself...Even the elderly can defend himself/herself...

I will tell you this...No matter where i go, if i turn east, west, north, south on this planet i am going to see people sick, mentally sick, people with an animal tail...Half human half animal, ANYWHERE ON THIS PLANET, ANYWHERE, ANYWHERE, I MYSELF INCLUDED....Not just that, knowledge like for scientists is divided every country plants its flag around knowledge, every language does the same, every race does the same, suppose country A came up with its Albert Einstein of protein folding research, but then country B came and disprove the albert Einstein of Country A, which can happen and it is to be expected in science, tell me what do you think will happen??War, or death, tensions high, or some agreements between the countries broken, loss of revenue by each country because the countries just lost a partner, DUDE IS UGLY...Is the same thing with music...Again the challenges you have to overcome...

not just that, a wife to have kids and marry makes an integral part of a scientist or soldier or teammate or whatever that person is, but guess what everytime you want to marry someone think get a map and trace a line that devides your country in 2 because half of the population you will not be able to mate or marry because of compatability problems....then there is what you like or what she doesnt like and it narrows down the field, not just with husband and wife but with friends....Dude WHAT are you telling me...I can go on you know, half the country is republican half are democrats, half like sport A the other half like sport B, half want blondes the other half want brunette....Dude is like a grim picture....And you have to REALLY make sure who you marry because nowadays there is child support and half the house is hers half is yours...30% or 40% or whatever number of your kids that you raise will not do good in school the other half will, how many of your kids will turn evil doers....How many of your kids will go and become a doctor or biochemist like you how many will study science or math....Something i wasnt thinking is that, once you marry and you have your job having sex can be like a landmine wrong step and is another baby on the way which means more money out of your paycheck for 18 or 30 years...dude and the landmine doesnt go away is if you make 2 errors in 1 year and a 3rd one on the following year with 4 kids already...Dude some CREEPY STUFF...And 15 years later the landmine is still there...Y con ese magnetoscopio/magnet que llevas puesto ese cascaron is like 2 chocolate bars or 2 ice creams looking at each other...

And let me guess you have to overcome all this and then overcome what: 600 + million odds of Powerball to help you...Is as we lived in the movie Alien1,2,3...And that´s not even mentioning your family like cousins, aunts, uncles, niece, nephew, brothers, etc, etc, etc....I am telling you is cruel...Do you see what this does to the middle class and upper class...

Entry #817


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