The wicked flea





It's evident a lot of people besides me don't understand the Lottery Bible, are skeptical of its worth.

To summarize my own failure to understand, I'll use a piece of text... I don't recall chapter and verse.  But it's a microcosm of what's getting past me with the Lottery Bible discussions:

"The wicked flea when no man pursueth."

Now that's certainly a catchy phrase, but what does it communicate?  It's obviously missing something.  Okay.  a word or two could clear it up. 

"The wicked flea (feasts) when no man pursueth."  Perfectly understandable.

"The wicked flea(comma) when no man pursueth (comma) (deficates the plague organism into bloodstream of the host).

"(Fear the) wicked flea when no man pursueth."

"(Squash the) wicked flea when no man pursueth."

Bibles are supposed to be cryptic, in a limited sense.  But there's a limit.  It's one thing for a person to quietly use it to enrich the life.  But if it runs to evangalism, if it's intended for other people to use it to enrich theirs, they have to be able to make enough sense of it to find a subject and verb, or a modifier that brings it into the realm of comprehensibility.

Rick G. makes a good point on the earlier entry.  The history of systems offered up at LP haven't shown themselves to produce profits over the long haul.  They haven't been demonstrated on the predictions that they're able to do what they are intended to do.

Hopefully, Lottery Bible  will be the exception.  Hopefully one of the people who understand it will post enough predictions to provide substance for the "I take it to the bank" claims.

If I ever get enough of a grasp of the system to be able to try it out, and if I care enough whether anyone else understands it to call it a winner in public, I'll take a shot at that method of demonstration.




Entry #340


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