Some Ideas & Some Thoughts...


Medicine: They should mixed green tea with regular hot tea...
Medicine: high cholesterol could cause inability to fight infections, a theory...You see lower blood flow causing less blood & medicine to reach different areas of the body....
Medicine: Lots of people get sick from germs because the alcohol gel is too expensive....

Clothes Zippers: They should be made out of aluminum, they are easier to fix if they are made out of aluminum/tin....Many clothes get dumped because the zipper messed up....Why not make zipers have at the tip have a question mark shape and have at the end of the zipper a whole where you can place the question mark but have the lose handle of the zipper made out of plastic and the zip part have it out of aluminum and you hook the question mark plastic handle to the hole....Or do you see how some gold bracelets have their hooks with something one presses down and the hook is opened and then hooked to the hole, the same way with the zipper....

Medicine: I´ve heard that taller people [6.0 and up] live shorter lives than the rest of people...I think one of the answer for that might be, the pull of gravity...The farther away from the ground that you are, the stronger is the pull, think about it as houses and its foundations...Imagine there is 5 houses normally but there is one (the tallest person) who has a HEAVY ROCK/STONE in its roof, that will put pressure in the foundations of that house and you will begin to see cracks in that house, more than any of the 5 houses...That height is putting stress on the cells...

Entry #1,077


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