God Bless Randy Weaver


When I think of August I think of Randy Weaver, a good American, a Green Beret Vet who loved this country.

I think of him more now with this authoritarian government we have.

I think of his 14 year old son Sam, being shot in the back and killed by government agents.

I think of his wife Vicki being shot to death while holding their baby in the doorway of their home.

I think of the horrors perpetrated on American citizens in a remote area called Ruby Ridge, Idaho  by a government out of control.

His 14 year old son was shot in the back as he ran from them on August 21st 1992.

His wife Vicki was shot and killed by FBI Sniper Lon Horiuchi on August 22nd, 1992 as she stood in their front doorway holding their baby.

Randy's son Sam would have been a good man. He was out in the woods with his dog when a government agent hiding in the woods shot and killed his dog. What did little Sam do? He shot and killed the son of a bitch that killed his dog just like he should have. The other agents then opened fire on little Sam as he ran for home. They shot him in the back and killed him. A 14 year old boy. May God Dam them sons of bitches.

Here's more of the story:

National Geographic:
The Final Report (Another B.S. Report)
Standoff at Ruby Ridge [N/A]
Tuesday, March 13, 2007,


Officials at FBI probed, rewarded
November 16, 2002

Senior FBI executives received cash bonuses and promotions while under investigation for suspected misconduct during an internal bureau review of the August 1992 standoff at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, that claimed three lives.

The Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General yesterday said in a report the bonuses and promotions went to former FBI Deputy Director Larry A. Potts, later demoted and suspended for improper oversight of the deadly siege; and E. Michael Kahoe, a senior FBI executive sentenced to prison for destroying a critical Ruby Ridge document.

Other cash awards and promotions, the report said, went to Danny O. Coulson, former deputy assistant director who worked for Mr. Potts; and three senior FBI executives, Charles Mathews, Robert E. Walsh and Van A. Harp, accused of not conducting proper after-the-fact investigations to determine what happened at Ruby Ridge.

"While a presumption of innocence is usually appropriate while a subject is under investigation, rewarding a subject who is later found to have committed misconduct can result in adverse consequences," the report said. "The FBI should be mindful of the message it sends to both the investigators in a particular case and the rest of the FBI when subjects of an investigation are promoted or receive bonuses or awards while under investigation.

"This is especially true where high-level officials are under investigation, because investigators may interpret the giving of an award as an indication that senior management has already judged the merits of the investigation," it said.

The inspector general's report is the result of an investigation to determine whether the FBI's system of discipline is unfair because senior bureau executives are treated more leniently than rank-and-file agents. Investigators used the Ruby Ridge incident as an example.

The report concluded there was insufficient evidence to prove a double-standard of discipline, in part, because of the low number of cases involving senior executives, but that the FBI "suffered and still suffers from a strong, and not unreasonable, perception among employees that a double standard exists."

In the Ruby Ridge case, Vicki Weaver was killed Aug. 22, 1992, by FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi. He was acting on shoot-on-sight orders, although it has never been determined who authorized a change in the bureau's rules of engagement that allowed the shooting. Her son, Samuel, 14, and Deputy U.S. Marshal William F. Degan, died in a separate shootout a day earlier.

Mrs. Weaver's husband, Randy, had been sought on weapons violations. He and a family friend, Kevin Harris, also were wounded. They were charged in Mr. Degan's death, but acquitted by an Idaho jury.

Mr. Potts and Mr. Coulson, who directed the siege from Washington, denied ordering changes in the bureau's deadly-force policy. But Eugene F. Glenn, who headed the Salt Lake City office and was the on-site commander at Ruby Ridge, and Richard Rogers, head of the FBI's hostage-rescue team, have disputed the claims of Mr. Potts and Mr. Coulson.

Among the FBI executives named in the report, only Mr. Kahoe was found guilty of any wrongdoing. Several were recommended for suspension or demotion, but only letters of censure were ever issued.

The inspector general's report said Mr. Potts was named acting deputy director in 1994, prior to the completion of an internal FBI investigation into government conduct during the Ruby Ridge siege. The report said despite Mr. Potts' receipt in January 1995 of a letter of censure in the Ruby Ridge matter, he was named deputy director in May 1995.

According to the report, Mr. Coulson was promoted to agent-in-charge in Baltimore in April 1993 while still a focus of the FBI's internal Ruby Ridge investigation. It said he was given a cash award of $5,590 in November 1993, although the investigation remained active.

Mr. Coulson was named to lead the FBI's Dallas office in September 1994, the report said, before recommendations regarding discipline in Ruby Ridge had been completed. He later received a letter of censure for his role in the standoff.

Mr. Walsh received a cash award of 5 percent of his salary while under investigation by the Justice Department's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) in the Ruby Ridge matter, the report said. It said he was named agent-in-charge of the FBI's San Francisco field office in December 1996 while he was the focus of a separate criminal probe of Ruby Ridge by U.S. Attorney Michael Stiles in Philadelphia.

According to the report, FBI Director Louis J. Freeh asked the OPR and Mr. Stiles about the promotion, and the OPR did not object, Mr. Stiles declined comment. The report said a memo to Attorney General Janet Reno requesting approval for Mr. Walsh's move to San Francisco did not mention the investigation.

Mr. Harp, now head of the Washington field office, was named agent-in-charge in Cleveland after OPR began an investigation into the inadequacy of his after-the-fact Ruby Ridge probe, the report said. It said a memo to Mr. Freeh presenting Mr. Harp's qualifications did not mention the ongoing probe, although the inspector general's report said Mr. Freeh was aware of the investigation and its scope.

In addition, the report said, Mr. Harp was given a cash bonus of $8,099 in November 1997 while under investigation in the Ruby Ridge matter and a $14,208 bonus in October 1998 while that inquiry continued and a separate probe began into his role in the receipt of travel reimbursements by FBI senior executives to attend a 1997 retirement party for Mr. Potts.

Mr. Walsh and Mr. Harp had been assigned to investigate accusations of misconduct by the government in the Ruby Ridge matter. The OPR later said they did not take sufficiently aggressive steps in the probe and avoided uncovering the full truth to protect Mr. Potts and Mr. Coulson.

The report said Mr. Mathews was promoted to the FBI's Senior Executive Service (SES) in July 1995 after the OPR had begun its investigation into accusations that a separate internal Ruby Ridge inquiry he headed was inadequate. It said Mr. Mathews, who served as a top assistant to Mr. Coulson in Portland, Ore., from 1988 to 1990, was promoted to agent-in-charge in New Orleans in June 1997 while the OPR investigation continued.

Mr. Mathews was assigned to find out what, if any, disciplinary action should be taken against FBI personnel involved in the Ruby Ridge incident. His report recommended discipline for several agents at the scene, but did not contain any recommendations for discipline for Mr. Potts or Mr. Coulson.

The inspector general's report said Mr. Kahoe got a cash award of $7,126 in November 1993 during the initial Ruby Ridge investigation and was named agent-in-charge in Jacksonville, Fla., in June 1994 while still under investigation. He pleaded guilty in October 1996 to obstruction of justice and was sentenced to 18 months in prison.

Mr. Kahoe destroyed a November 1992 after-action report that referred to "problems" in the FBI's conduct during the Weaver siege. The document had been sought by federal prosecutors in Idaho, but was never made available.


(This is an excerpt from a remarkable book by Gerry Spence called "From Freedom To Slavery, The Rebirth Of Tyranny In America.") First They Came For The Fascists....                     by Gerry Spence Randy Weaver's wife was dead, shot through the head while she clutched her child to her breast. His son was shot, twice. First they shot the child's arm, probably destroyed the arm. The child cried out. Then, as the child was running they shot him in the back. Randy Weaver himself had been shot and wounded and Kevin Harris, a kid the Weavers had all but adopted was dying of a chest wound. The blood hadn't cooled on Ruby Hill before the national media announced that I had taken the defense of Randy Weaver. Then all hell broke loose. My sister wrote me decrying my defense of this "racist". There were letters to the editors in several papers that expressed their disappointment that I would lend my services to a person with Weaver's beliefs. And I received a letter from my close friend Alan Hirschfield, the former chairman of chief executive officer of Columbia Pictures and Twentieth Century Fox, Imploring me to withdraw. He Wrote: "After much thought I decided to write this letter to you. It represents a very profound concern on my part regarding your decision to represent Randy Weaver. While I applaud and fully understand your motives in taking such a case, I nonetheless find this individual defense troubling. It is so because of the respectability and credibility your involvement imparts to a cause which I find despicable. .(....remainder of letter deleted for brevity, but wanted Gerry to not  defend Weaver, as it would support the militant groups......) The next morning I delivered the following letter by carrier to Mr Hirschfield "I cherish your letter. It reminds me once again of our friendship, for only friends can speak and hear each other in matters so deeply a part of the soul. And your letter reminds me as well, as we must all be reminded, of the unspeakable pain every Jew has suffered from the horrors of the Holocaust. No better evidence of our friendship could be shown than your intense caring concerning what I do and what I stand for. I met Randy Weaver in jail on the evening of his surrender. His eyes had no light in them. He was unshaven and dirty. He was naked except for yellow plastic prison coveralls, and he was cold. His small feet were clad in rubber prison sandals. In the stark setting of the prison conference room he seemed diminutive and fragile. He had spent 11 days and nights in a standoff against the government and he had lost. His wife was dead. His son was dead. His friend was near death. Weaver himself had been wounded. He had lost his freedom. He had lost it all. And now he stood face to face with a stranger who towered over him and whose words were not words of comfort. When I spoke, you, Alan, were on my mind. "My name is Gerry Spence" I began. "I'm the lawyer you've been told about. Before we begin to talk I want you to understand that I do not share any of your political or religious beliefs. Many of my dearest friends are Jews. My daughter is married to a Jew. My sister is married to a black man. She has adopted a black child. I deplore what the Nazis stand for. If I defend you I will not defend your political beliefs or your religious beliefs, but your right as an American citizen to a fair trial." His quiet answer was, "That is all I ask." Then I motioned him to a red plastic chair and I took a similar one. And as the guards marched by and from time to time peered in, he told his story. Alan, you are a good and fair man. That I know. Were it otherwise we would not be such friends. Yet it is your pain I hear most clearly--exacerbated, I know, by the fact that your friend should represent your enemy. Yet what drew me to this case was my own pain. Let me tell you the facts. Randy Weaver's principal crime against the government had been his failure to appear in court on a charge of possessing illegal firearms. The first crime was not his. He had been entrapped--intentionally, systematically, patiently, purposefully entrapped--by a federal agent who solicited him to cut off, contrary to Federal law, the barrels of a couple of shotguns. Randy Weaver never owned an illegal weapon in his life. He was not engaged in the manufacture of illegal weapons. The idea of selling an illegal firearm had never entered his mind until the government agent suggested it and encouraged him to act illegally. The government knew he needed the money. He is as poor as an empty cupboard. He had three daughters, a son and a wife to support. He lived in a small house in the woods without electricity or running water. Although he is a small, frail man, with tiny, delicate hands who probably weighs no more than a hundred and twenty pounds, he made an honest living by chopping firewood and by seasonal work as a logger. This man is wrong, his beliefs are wrong. His relationship to mankind is wrong. He was perhaps legally wrong when he failed to appear and defend himself in court. But the first wrong was not his. Nor was the first wrong the government's. The first wrong was ours. In this country we embrace the myth that we are still a democracy when we know that we are not a democracy, that we are not free, that the government does not serve us but subjugates us. Although we give lip service to the notion of freedom, we know the government is no longer the servant of the people but, at last has become the people's master. We have stood by like timid sheep while the wolf killed, first the weak, then the strays, then those on the outer edges of the flock, until at last the entire flock belonged to the wolf. We did not care about the weak or about the strays. they were not a part of the flock. We did not care about those on the outer edges. They had chosen to be there. But as the wolf worked its way towards the center of the flock we discovered that we were now on the outer edges. Now we must look the wolf squarely in the eye. That we did not do so when the first of us was ripped and torn and eaten was the first wrong. It was our wrong. That none of us felt responsible for having lost our freedom has been a part of an insidious progression. In the beginning the attention of the flock was directed not to the marauding wolf but to our own deviant members within the flock. We rejoiced as the wolf destroyed them for they were our enemies. We were told that the weak lay under the rocks while we faced the blizzards to rustle our food, and we did not care when the wolf took them. We argued that they deserved it. When one of our flock faced the wolf alone it was always eaten. Each of us was afraid of the wolf, but as a flock we were not afraid. Indeed the wolf cleansed the herd by destroying the weak and dismembering the aberrant element within. As time went by, strangely, the herd felt more secure under the rule of the wolf. It believed that by belonging to this wolf it would remain safe from all the other wolves. But we were eaten just the same. No one knows better than children of the Holocaust how the lessons of history must never be forgotten. Yet Americans, whose battle cry was once, "Give me liberty or give me death", have sat placidly by as a new king was crowned. In America a new king was crowned by the shrug of our shoulders when our neighbors were wrongfully seized. A new king was crowned when we capitulated to a regime that is no longer sensitive to people, but to non people--to corporations, to money and to power. The new king was crowned when we turned our heads as the new king was crowned as we turned our heads as the poor and the forgotten and the <snip>ed were rendered mute and defenseless, not because they were evil but because, in the scheme of our lives, they seemed unimportant, not because they were essentially dangerous but because they were essentially powerless. The new king was crowned when we cheered the government on as it prosecuted the progeny of our ghettos and filled our prisons with black men whose first crime was that they were born in the ghettos. We cheered the new king on as it diluted our right to be secure in our homes against unlawful searches and to be secure in the courts against unlawful evidence. We cheered the new king on because we were told that our sacred rights were but "loopholes" but which our enemies: the murderers and rapists and thieves and drug dealers, escaped. We were told that those who fought for our rights, the lawyers, were worse than the thieves who stole from us in the night, that our juries were irresponsible and ignorant and ought not to be trusted. We watched with barely more than a mumble as the legal system that once protected us became populated with judges who were appointed by the new king. At last the new king was crowned when we forgot the lessons of history, that:when the rights of our enemies have been wrested from them, we have lost our own rights as well, for the same rights serve both citizen and criminal. When Randy Weaver failed to appear in court because he had lost his trust in the government we witnessed the fruit of our crime. The government indeed had no intent to protect his rights. The government had but one purpose, as it remains today, the disengagement of this citizen from society. Those who suffered and died in the Holocaust must have exquisitely understood such illicit motivations of power. I have said that I was attracted to the case out of my own pain. Let me tell you the facts: a crack team of trained government marksmen sneaked on to Randy Weaver's small isolated acreage on a reconnaissance mission preparatory to a contemplated arrest. They wore camouflage suits and were heavily armed. They gave Randy no warning of their coming. They came without a warrant. They never identified themselves. The Weavers owned 3 dogs, 2 small crossbred collie mutts and a yellow lab, a big pup a little over a year old whose most potent weapon was his tail with which he could beat a full grown man to death. The dog, Striker, was a close member of the Weaver family. Not only was he the companion of the children, but in winter he pulled the family sled to haul their water supply from the spring below. When the dogs discovered the intruders they raised a ruckus, and Randy his friend Kevin, and Randy's 14 year old son Sam, grabbed their guns and followed the dogs to investigate. When the government agents were confronted with the barking dog, they did what men who have been taught to kill do. They shot Striker. The boy, barely larger than a 10 year old child, heard the dog's yelp, saw the dog fall dead. and as a 14 year old might, he returned the fire. Then the government agents shot the child in the arm. He turned and ran. the arm flopping, and when he did, the officers, still unidentified as such, shot the child in the back and killed him. Kevin Harris witnessed the shooting of the dog. Then he saw Sam being shot as the boy turned and ran. To Kevin there was no alternative. He knew if he ran these intruders, whoever they were, would kill him as well. In defense of himself he raised his rifle and shot in the direction of the officer who had shot and killed the boy. Then while the agents were in disarray, Kevin retreated to the Weaver cabin. In the meantime Randy Weaver had been off in another direction and had only heard the shooting, the dog's yelp and the gunfire that followed. Randy hollered for his son and shot his shotgun into the air to attract the boy. "Come on home Sam, Come home." Over and over he called. Finally he heard the boy call back "I'm comin' Dad". Those were the last words he ever heard from his son. Later that same day, Randy, Kevin, and Vicki Weaver, Randy's wife went down to where the boy lay and carried his body back to an outbuilding near the cabin. There they removed the child's clothing and bathed his wounds and prepared the body. The next evening Weaver's oldest daughter, Sarah, sixteen, Kevin, and Randy went back to the shed to have a last look at Sam. When they did, government snipers opened fire. Randy was hit in the shoulder. The three turned and ran for the house where Vicki, with her 10 month old baby in her arms stood holding the door open. As the 3 entered the house Vicki was shot and slowly fell to her knees, her head resting on the floor like one kneeling in prayer. Randy ran up and took the baby that she clutched, and then he lifted his wife's head. Half her face was blown away. Kevin was also hit. Huge areas of muscle in his arm were blown out, and his lung was punctured in several places. Randy and his 16 year old daughter stretched the dead mother on the floor of the cabin and covered he with a blanket where she remained for over 8 days as the siege progressed. By this time there were officers by the score, troops, armored personnel carriers, helicopters, radios, televisions, robots, and untold armaments surrounding the little house. I will not burden you with the misery and horror the family suffered in this stand-off. I will tell you that finally Bo Gritz, Randy's former commander in the special forces, came to help in the negotiations. Gritz told Randy that if he would surrender, Gritz would guarantee him a fair trial, and before the negotiations were ended, Randy came to the belief that I would represent him. Although Gritz had contacted me before I had spoke to Randy, I had only agreed to talk to Randy. But the accuracy of what was said between Gritz and me and what was hard by Randy somehow got lost in the horror, and Randy's belief that I would represent him if he surrendered was in part, his motivation for finally submitting to arrest. And so my friend Allan, you can now understand the pain I feel in this case. It is pain that comes from the realization that we have permitted a government to act in our name and in our behalf in a criminal fashion. It is the pain of watching the government as it now attempts to lie about its criminal complicity in this affair and to cover its crimes by charging Randy with crimes he did not commit, including murder. It is the pain of seeing an innocent woman with a child in her arms murdered and innocent children subjected to these atrocities. Indeed, as a human being I feel Randy's irrepressible pain and horror and grief. I also feel your pain, my friend. Yet I know that in the end, if you were the judge at the trial of Adolph Eichmann, you would have insisted that he not have ordinary council, but the best council. In the same way, if you were the judge in Randy's case, and you had a choice, I have no doubt that despite your own pain you might well have appointed me to defend him. In the end you must know that the Holocaust must never stand for part justice,or average justice but for the most noble of ideals--that even the enemies of the Jews themselves must receive the best justice the system can provide. If it were otherwise the meaning of the Holocaust would be accordingly besmirched. Alan, I agree with your arguments. They are proper and they are true. I agree that my defense of Randy Weaver may attach a legitimacy and dignity to his politics and religion. But it may, as well, stand for the proposition that there are those who don't condone this kind of criminal action by our government. I view the defense of Randy Waver's case as an opportunity to address a more vital issue, one that transcends a white separatist movement  or notions of the supremacy of one race over another, for the ultimate enemy of any people is not the angry hate groups that fester within, but a government itself that has lost its respect for the individual. The ultimate enemy of democracy is not the drug dealer or the crooked politician or the crazed skinhead. The ultimate enemy is the new king that has become so powerful it can murder its own citizens with impunity. To the same extent that Randy Weaver cannot find justice in this country, we too will be deprived of justice. At last, my defense of Randy Weaver is a defense of every Jew and every Gentile, for every black and every gay who loves freedom and deplores tyranny. Although I understand that it will be easy for my defense of Randy Weaver to be confused with an endorsement of the politics of the Aryan Nation, my challenge will be to demonstrate that we can still be a nation where the rights of the individual, despite his race, color, religion, remain supreme. If this be not so, then we are all lost. If this is not so, it is because we have forgotten the lessons of our histories--the history of the American Revolution as well as the history of the Holocaust. And so my friend Allan, If I were to withdraw from the defense of Randy Weaver as you request, I would be required to abandon my belief that this system has any remaining virtue. I would be more at fault than the federal government that has murdered these people, for I have not been trained to murder but to defend. I would be less of a man than my client who had the courage of his convictions. I would lose all respect for myself. I would be unable to any longer be your friend, for friendship must always have its foundation in respect. Therefore as my friend, I ask that you not require this of me. I ask instead for your prayers, your understanding and your continued love.                                    As ever,                                    Gerry Spence                                    Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Entry #13


Avatar hoping2winbig -
Rdgrnr , thanks for posting this . I remember seeing this in the news & being shocked ( I was bizzy at the time workin 2 jobs & raising my son alone so really didn't understand exactly what happened ) . I appreciate the articles you & a few others here on LP post regarding the runaway authoritarian government . It's sickening to see that these fbi people were "rewarded" monitarily for killing innocent people .
Avatar sully16 -
Avatar Rick G -
A reminder that govts only survive through the use of force. Any idea that needs to backed by force is not a good idea. We'd all be much safer without a govt. that has to murder people to get their way. This is not a constitutional republic, nor is it even a democracy anymore. It's an organized crime syndicate.

Avatar tiggs95 -
I hear you ridge loud and clear!!!!!...........
Avatar CarHauler -
Randy Weaver is a good guy, and he never deserved the type of abuse that our government put him through. No one should have to suffer through what he did. Anyone that shoots someone in the back who is running away should be eligible for the death penalty, not a promotion. It is a shame the little boy didn't get him too. Ruby Ridge will NEVER be forgotten. Those snipers should be serving life in prison, or awaiting a date with the electric chair, especially the fellow that shot Randy's wife in the head while she was holding their youngest child. Watch this video with Randy.
WATCH THIS VIDEO!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTOqQ7RoxjA .
WATCH THIS VIDEO!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs6QcPjpEbk&feature=related He is speaking out against unfair taxation, and about his ordeal with the government.
Here is the blond girl that is not stupid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKFKAIT1auI&feature=fvw

The government is completely out of control and anyone that is afraid of the government needs to research the Hollywood Bank of America Shootout, and see what a couple of determined and well armed individuals can do. Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm1PEY8F4xE Not saying what they did was right, I am just saying.

I think that it is time to replace our government, and it has never been more serious. Today I have received the news that to me and many others is the straw that broke the camel's back. We have had an absurd law on the books for quite some time now that requires that firearms dealers must report multiple handgun purchases within 5 days to the ATF. Now read this:

ATF to Require Multiple Sales Reports for Long Guns
December 17, 2010 By Larry Keane View Comments
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) is moving to require federally licensed firearms retailers to report multiple sales of modern sporting rifles beginning January 5, 2011. Specifically, the ATF requirement calls for firearms retailers to report multiple sales, or other dispositions, of two or more .22 caliber or larger semi-automatic rifles that are capable of accepting a detachable magazine and are purchased by the same individual within five consecutive business days.

Today’s Washington Post suggests that the reporting mandate would be limited to retailers along the Southwest border; however, the Federal Register Notice does not limit the geographic scope of the reporting requirement.

This ATF “emergency” mandate was originally pushed by the anti-gun Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG) coalition, headed by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, more than a year and a half ago. And the Post reports that the Department of Justice has “languished” over this plan for several months. Given this timetable, it’s hard to see exactly where the “emergency” is.

Read more here: http://www.nssfblog.com/atf-to-require-multiple-sales-reports-for-long-guns/

Almost all rifles are .22 caliber or larger, 99% of them, so now when you want to buy a couple of rifles, you will get put on the Fed's watch list. I have watched all of this that I can stand. I say that every American needs to spend every bit of disposable income that they possibly can on firearms, ammunition, and reloading equipment. You better do it soon. Just about 235 years ago, we were at the same point that we are now. I think the federal government has grown as large as we should let it.

Keep in mind that there are over 90,000,000 gun owners in the US, and there are enough privately held firearms for every man, woman and child in America to have one. Now contrast this with the number of combined military and federal and local law enforcement: There are less than 3,000,000 combined. That means that armed citizens outnumber armed police and military at least 30 to 1. Now keep in mind that of those, many think just like the rest of us. They have families, they are not going to turn on their own people, and even if they do, it will be very bad for them.

Remember that of the civilians, there are many veterans of the military and law enforcement. I will talk about the FEMA death camps soon, as well as the contingency plans the government has for this. Haven't you wondered why Obama is bringing home all of the troops so quickly? It is to quell the rebellion of the American people. I hope that I don't end up missing by bringing you this information. Look up "Operation Garden Plot" . You might also want to check out some of these:
Operation Urban Warrior - Marine Corps assistance to civil authorities.
Rex 84
National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive
Posse Comitatus Act

Obama recently said in a speech that even though most Americans didn't want health care or the bailouts, or tarp, or cap and trade or any of his other socialist nonsense that he, the great one, the chosen one knows what is best for the American people, not us. The nerve of this egomaniac, this stark raving mad communist lunatic. We spoke on election day, and they did not listen. That leaves us with an authoritarian dictatorship, and a government that is truly out of control. We are running out of options, and I see very few. There is hope, after all. Just remember that freedom is not free, and it has always come at a very steep price. Just when you thought you had to be scared of your government, now you realize that you do not. When the government fears its people, you have freedom. When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. I believe that unlike any time in American History that we are facing a crossroad, one that if we do not act soon, there will be no recovery.

Sorry, didn't mean to take over your post, just thought I would add a little to it.

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