An Advice To The USA, Europe & Russia...



You can make the WHOLE WORLD rich, make money overflow of every citizen on the planet evil or the DEVIL will continue to reap havoc, you can make every chick on earth be a celestial beauty the DEVIL will continue to reap havoc, you can round every criminal in prisons and dont let them out forever, including you could whip them everyday of their lives, the DEVIL will continue to reap havoc....You can bring PEACE TO THE WORLD forever, THE DEVIL will continue to reap havoc...The Devil is not 1 person or an organization or a country [i think is a force]...The Devil/Satan is as BIG as sex, BIGGER THAN THE USA MILITARY OR NATO, BIGGER THAN BULLETS, BIGGER THAN THE FOREX, AS BIG AS THE SUN PROBABLY, ECT....Satan doesnt find HUMANS I DONT CARE WHO YOU ARRRREE OR Which country you AAARRRE Satan does not find you ATTRACCCTIVVVE, never have, NNNEEEVVER WIILLLL....All i got to do is look at animals and see that they are not aesthetically cute, they are like from a horror movie, so if animals are like that, there must be a force or spiritual force that is like from a horror movie...More money and movies have been done about WAREWHOLES AND VAMPIRES and anesthesia and the 7 dwarfs than the Devil/Satan yet they dont exists YYYYEEEETTT you see SATAN´S WORK EEEEVVVERRRY DAY and has been done so since the begining of mankind is even older than vampire or Anesthesia......Again the fairytale world you THINK YOU LIVE ON...You can make that there is more Robots/Androids than humans on EAARRTHH, SATTTTANNN WILL CONTINNUEE REAP HAVOC...Analyze people blood i dont know...Because otherwise you are treating the disease/sympton NOT THE CAUSE/ROOT...

The Bible says what???THAT IN THE BIGGINING THERE WAS DARKNESS AND A VOID, GOD IS A GOD OF LIGHT NOT DARKNESS...So if in the biggining there was DARKNESS IT MEANS EVIL IS A FORCE OR SOMETHING VERY OLD...EXPLAIN TO ME what does the Bible mean when is says that in the begining there was: DARKNESS AND A VOID...Let me translate it...The Bible says that IN THE BEGINING: There were: TINIEBLAS Y UN GRAN VACIO, yet the Bible also says that: SATAN IS THE ¨PRINCE¨ DE LAS TINIEBLAS...However Las Tinieblas existed since the begining is what Genesis says...

Nobody gets up and say: today i am going to shoot someone, kill someone, rob someone, scam someone, stuff like that dont occur to anyone...NOBODY NOT EVEN ANIMALS...Evil is like magic because is something from like another UNIVERSE...Animals kill when they are hungry is is alway a smaller animal...When animals fight other animals of their size is not to the death and after animals kill their meal they dont go hunting for the next pray...Only humans do that crap...Reminds me that Only humans have sex for pleasure animals dont...It must be something in the blood or a force...There is a lot of CRAP that animals dont do that humans do which is like witnessing a REAL UNICORN WITH WINGS...I sometimes think is a different HEART BEAT or blood pressure, or type of blood or extra testosterone, or the blood doesnt coagulate that fast, or too much electricity in the brain, i dont know.....thing is puzzling is like try to find where this planet came from...Is not just why someone kills or scam is, SIN WHY PEOPLE SIN...Why people lie, cheat, and the innumerable number of sins people do...Is not just that is WHY KIDS BEHAVE BAD WHY THEY CANT SIT STILL...Which makes me think is something in the blood or the body....

Want to hear a joke that is true...Cant stand this...There are people who win: $100 Million dollars and they day they are going to collect they will fight over: $10 dollars extra...That is NOT HUMAN, that is not from the animal kingdom, that´s something else animals dont do that humans do...I have WITNESS THAT OVER AND OVER, TIME AND TIME AGAIN....An animal after he/she ate and fulls his stomach dont fight over 2 centimeter piece of bone/meat...Only humans do that...

you know something else monkeys dont do that humans do....Monkeys when they are not doing anything, they stand still, they relax and stand still yet kids dont 24/7 in fact most if not all animals normally stand still.....I sometimes wonder if during the evolutionary process in one of the missing link, there was intervention by aliens, if they came and inject humans-animals something...

You know something else that humans have that animals dont have??? Humans solid waste is more toxic than animals and it has a stronger odor than animals, which makes me think that is something internal like in the blood or the body...

Did you know that women taste buds is different than mens´, yeah their taste buds is more particular/ choosy, very picky than mens so dont tell me it cant be something in the blood/internal...Their eyesight is very particular, also than mens´ they eyesight pays more attention to small details than mens´...So i repeat so dont tell me it cant be something in the blood/internal....

Did you know men eat more/get more hungrier than women, why because they weigh more and i think is also because they burn more calories...So i repeat so dont tell me it cant be something in the blood/internal....

Entry #1,788


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