UFO caught on Google earth street view


I was watching UFO videos on Youtube as usual, when I stumbled upon a video showing a UFO caught on Google street view. I love that feature, and In fact, for the first time today I was looking at my old neighborhoods with it. Anyways, in the comment section of the video, someone wrote that If no one believes this is true, then go to the coordinants and see for yourself. It was in Cape of good hop in South Africa. So I decided to go there in Google street view. Lo and behold, sure enough, the UFO was there. I was amazed at what I saw.

Below is the video on Youtube, and below the video is two snapshots of the UFO from my Google earth street view.





Entry #502


Avatar jackpotismine -
I believe in UFO's too and I'm so sick that for so many years the governments have covered this up saying that it's either this or that. It can't be from another world. I'm liking that more and more governments are releasing UFO files. The face on mars and the other things found there is so interesting yet NASA thinks it not that interesting to investigate. That's because they already know what's there. There is supposedly bases on the Moon too. The Chinese have been taking pictures of the moon to map out where they want to land in the future. You would think that they took pictures of these bases and I guess we will never know from them if they did. So sick of it. Can't wait for disclosure. Another I hate is when people take grainy videos and pictures of UFO. Come on, we have HD video cameras, use them! Anyway, good to know we common interests.
Avatar joker17 -
You make great point Jack. The govt. is in cahoots with the Aliens. The Aliens have been around long before America. If you look in my past blogs you'll see where I uploaded not only a video but pictures of ancient UFO pics in Religious paintings and many other drawings. On of the reasons the govt. is silent is because they are also in cahoots with the religious right. If proof was ever disclosed, Christians would have a hard time explaining to everyone that God, If he exists, didn't make Humans as the only entity in the universe, as the Bible states.

As far as the grainy videos goes, I believe that most of the time folks aren't ready for sightings, so they're scrambling to get the shot. They're so shaken by the event, whether real or not, that they don't calm down enough to have a steady hand, or use recorders that are sub-par. But the problem with clear videos is that in many cases, folks attribute it to CGI, so you can't win either way. If it's grainy, then we blame the idiots using the camera, If it's too clear, we blame it on computer imaging capability editing.

If someone tryly does their homework like I've done over the many hundreds of hours in the past 10 years, they'd know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they exist. Even if someone didn't do their homework, common sense says that we can't be the only ones in a universe that has at least 400 billion galaxies, probably much much more. Who are we to think that we're so special? Wouldn't you think that it's such a waste of space for just one planet to have life, in a universe that has trillions and trillions of planets?

To give you a prespective of the vastness and multitudes of galaxies, stars and planets out there, for every grain of sand on every beach on Earth, there are a million stars. Think about that one. Each grain of sand represents a million stars....WOW!!!! Would anyone with a sane mind think we are the only ones?
Avatar jackpotismine -
Good points and right you are! Yes I've seen the painting and caving with marking and all that stuff. Chariots of the gods is an excellent book that talks about this. When I mention about the grainy pictures or videos like me explain a little bit more. I know you have seen the spheres in Mexico and the U.S. and all around the world, right? They stay up there for 30 minutes to a few fours. I've seen a few by Jaime Maussen. My question is why while they are there for that long of a time period, doesn't the scientific community or even ufologist take a high powered telescope not a camera a take a really close-up video. Put it on a   tripod! Come on now! We can see the moon we a common telescope and you tell me we can't get up-close pictures or videos of these spheres? Not only sphere but other UFO that stay for a long period of time. Take the Phoenix lights. They were there for a period of time. So frustrating to see these videos. I know that the government puts out misinformation and hoaxes to say "see, we told you it's only a _________". Yes, Joker, the religious mafia(Catholics-Protestant-Muslims, etc.) would fold if it was revealed that there is no 'God' as we know it but 'gods' and that we are in fact 'gods' ourselves on a smaller level because we are physical. Gods none the less. People will have an awaking soon. I just hope it's in my lifetime. I would love to see it when it is all exposed.
Avatar jackpotismine -
Good points and right you are! Yes I've seen the painting and caving with marking and all that stuff. Chariots of the gods is an excellent book that talks about this. When I mention about the grainy pictures or videos like me explain a little bit more. I know you have seen the spheres in Mexico and the U.S. and all around the world, right? They stay up there for 30 minutes to a few fours. I've seen a few by Jaime Maussen. My question is why while they are there for that long of a time period, doesn't the scientific community or even ufologist take a high powered telescope not a camera a take a really close-up video. Put it on a   tripod! Come on now! We can see the moon we a common telescope and you tell me we can't get up-close pictures or videos of these spheres? Not only sphere but other UFO that stay for a long period of time. Take the Phoenix lights. They were there for a period of time. So frustrating to see these videos. I know that the government puts out misinformation and hoaxes to say "see, we told you it's only a _________". Yes, Joker, the religious mafia(Catholics-Protestant-Muslims, etc.) would fold if it was revealed that there is no 'God' as we know it but 'gods' and that we are in fact 'gods' ourselves on a smaller level because we are physical. Gods none the less. People will have an awaking soon. I just hope it's in my lifetime. I would love to see it when it is all exposed. By the way, that's a good UFO picture. Pretty clear. Would be nice if it was up-close.
Avatar Rick G -
I still maintain that this is earthly technology and the pilots of these are human. I'm sure there is abundant life in the universe and there's a possibility they're visiting earth, but the control agenda of the PTB includes a phony alien threat to a) destroy religion/God and replace with Man-as-God, b) unite humanity (NWO) against a common "enemy", and c) provide another black hole for our money to be sucked into. Having studied the tactics of the puppet masters, this would be the most plausible explanation to the UFO's we're seeing. (Notice how they are increasing and our media is pushing it? That should be a red flag.)

The Nazi's had a rudimentary knowledge of this Tesla technology 70 years ago and the Nazi scientists came to the US after WW2 under Operation Paperclip. Does anyone think this technology just "disappeared"?

Regarding the religion issue, I don't follow a religion either. However, and this is crucial to understand, Common Law is based on a hierarchy of authority: Creator ---> Man ---> Man's institutions. The PTB would like to invert that hierarchy which would make man's institutions the top authority and any rights we have would have to be GRANTED by these institutions. This may seem obscure to some but it would put us back into the pre- Magna Carta Dark Ages where kings ruled, tortured, stole and murdered at will. In other words, it would strip us of all inherent rights as a human being.

Therefore it behooves us to protect religion and the concept of Creator at all costs whether we agree with it or not.

Avatar jackpotismine -
Rick G, Ah but you are not looking at the whole picture in terms of before the governments even had this technologies. All throughout civilization from the Aztec to the Chinese to the Egyptians and so on is evidence that we have and continue to be visited from other places. Yes it's true that there are black projects and things that the government is experimenting with and have been for the last 70 to 100 years, but look at the time period before that. Anyway, you have your believes and ideas which differs from mine to a certain point. My thinking is more in line with how Joker thinks. I don't think we need to protect religion rather we need to expose it to the sunlight to show its true colors (Truth & Light will set you free) so that the world can shine once again. Look at all the conflicts in the name of Allah, God, etc. Just think if there were none of that. Wow! As Louis Armstrong would sing: "What a wonderful world". I think the awakening has begun and we are sick and tired of being told what we should know and shouldn't know. Let "We the People" decide. Peace!
Avatar joker17 -
@ Rick, I have to agree with some of what you say, but agree with jack on the black ops ordeal. Aliens have been coming here in my opinion and research a long time before civilization. I know the shadow govt. has been, and is using Alien technology, but that doesn't mean the Aliens themselves aren't what people see in the sky either. I believe there's been an agreement between the shadow govt. and the aliens for a while now, but I've also read that some of the aliens aren't exactly looking out for our best interest. The shadow govt. is allowing humans to be abducted by the aliens for experiments and other reasons as a trade off to whatever agreements they have with each other.

As far as religion, it's a cancer on society. There's nothing wrong with being spiritual in a generic way, like finding harmony with the universe, but when you have all sorts of religions competing with each other with their outdated ritualistc laws, then bloodshed, turmoil, and whole host of other problems impedes the advancement of society. Surely, most of the members of religions are peace loving and don't have any agendas, but they're cluless to what the upper crust is doing in the backround. A good example of this would be the Masons even though it's not a religion per se. My father's friend who recently passed on was a member of the Masonic society. He lived his life along with most of the lower tier members as passive individuals who only wanted to do good for their fellow humans. The lower tier members are actually involved with a lot of charity work and the such, but these people have absolutley no clue about what is going on behind closed doors. I've read so much from so many sources showing how the top end of the pyramid has a much more evil agenda.

Rick, you're right about the money being sucked in, all in the name of the evil agend from the NWO. A trillion bucks is still unaccounted for, and since the media is controlled by the NWO, you'll never hear about it on the 6 O'clock news.

@Jack, to respond to your earlier post regarding grainy images like the ones in Mexico, well...I believe some of those are fakes, for the exact reasons you wrote. If they were real, there would be some folks or even the media who would've had ample time to get their more advanced recording gear out there. Unfortunately, there are a lot of idiots out there who have nothing better to do than waste our time with fake videos.

The case with the Pheonix lights. I believe because the lights were so far off, it was hard to get a good guage on the distance. I've seen many videos of those lights, and even with good cameras, it's hard to see what's actually up there. I'm a firm believer that it was NOT flares during a military training event based on how flares behave. Flares don't stay in one place for 30 minutes or more. Flares don't move in formation with the shape of a triangle....lol

But i do agree that in this day an age, it blows my mind how we can't get UFO enthusiasts who spend hours looking up waiting with camera in hand to get clear shots. But again, I must reiterate, the clear ones can be real or CGI. So until one actually lands in front of the person recording, and the alien walks up to them, talks to them, leaves and takes off, we'll have problems in convincing the rest of the humans who haven't done their homework, that the aliens are real. But the day when final disclosure occurs will be here soon in my opinion.

Avatar Rick G -
@jackpot, I'm not disagreeing about the existence of aliens or their possible visits here. I agree that ancient history has evidence of aliens and alien technology, but who wrote the history? Who has had control of the history we are fed? -- governments and religions. The control system I refer to is thousands of years old and the intelligence and planning of the control matrix is uncanny. The lineages of the world's current aristocracies can be traced back to ancient Egypt. They have remained in control for 3000 years. How could that be unless they were calling the shots?

I totally agree about the control aspect of religion. That's why it was invented. Religion (and government) is a scourge on humanity as can be seen by the violence and death cult it creates. No arguments there. However, most of the religious followers are good people and not responsible for the actions of their controllers. If religion helps them in their spiritual journey, then it's not for you or I to take that away as all personal beliefs are sacrosanct to each individual.

The premise of my argument resides in keeping the hierarchy of the Magna Carta intact. The Constitution is being trashed and the Magna Carta is a small step behind. Law is based on precedence and therefore we can use that to our advantage, using their own tricks against them so to speak.

I have taken the path to claim my sovereignty. If/when I have to defend myself in court, the precedent of 'God-given' rights (a.k.a., human rights) is the whole basis of my defense. I will defend that position to the death if it empowers me to be a Freeman, outside of their unlawful control.
Avatar time*treat -
The irony is that while you can see this on goog earth, goog sky is (so I hear) blocking things out. :-*
Avatar CashWinner$ -
That's Awesome - & The end of the vid, the pan, that's outstanding!
Avatar jackpotismine -
Many good points on this blog.

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